package org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.excerpt; import static org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.util.StaticExcerpt.Type.TYPE; import static org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.util.feature.FunctionPackage.FUNCTION_PACKAGE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.util.ParameterizedType; import org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.util.SourceBuilder; import org.inferred.freebuilder.processor.util.StaticExcerpt; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Excerpts defining a multimap implementation that delegates to a provided put method to perform * entry validation and insertion into a backing multimap. */ public class CheckedSetMultimap { public static Set<StaticExcerpt> excerpts() { return ImmutableSet.<StaticExcerpt>builder() .addAll(CheckedSet.excerpts()) .add(CHECKED_SET_MULTIMAP) .build(); } private static final StaticExcerpt CHECKED_SET_MULTIMAP = new StaticExcerpt(TYPE, "CheckedSetMultimap") { @Override public void addTo(SourceBuilder code) { ParameterizedType biConsumer = code.feature(FUNCTION_PACKAGE).biConsumer().orNull(); if (biConsumer == null) { return; } code.addLine("") .addLine("/**") .addLine(" * A multimap implementation that delegates to a provided put method") .addLine(" * to perform entry validation and insertion into a backing multimap.") .addLine(" */") .addLine("private static class CheckedSetMultimap<K, V> extends %s<K, V> {", ForwardingSetMultimap.class) .addLine("") .addLine(" private final %s<K, V> multimap;", SetMultimap.class) .addLine(" private final %s<K, V> put;", biConsumer.getQualifiedName()) .addLine("") .addLine(" CheckedSetMultimap(%s<K, V> multimap, %s<K, V> put) {", SetMultimap.class, biConsumer.getQualifiedName()) .addLine(" this.multimap = multimap;") .addLine(" this.put = put;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override protected %s<K, V> delegate() {", SetMultimap.class) .addLine(" return multimap;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override public boolean put(@%1$s K key, @%1$s V value) {", Nullable.class) .addLine(" put.accept(key, value);") .addLine(" return true;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override public boolean putAll(@%s K key, %s<? extends V> values) {", Nullable.class, Iterable.class) .addLine(" boolean anyModified = false;") .addLine(" for (V value : values) {") .addLine(" put.accept(key, value);") .addLine(" anyModified = true;") .addLine(" }") .addLine(" return anyModified;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override public boolean putAll(%s<? extends K, ? extends V> multimap) {", Multimap.class) .addLine(" boolean anyModified = false;") .addLine(" for (%s<? extends K, ? extends V> entry : multimap.entries()) {", Map.Entry.class) .addLine(" put.accept(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());") .addLine(" anyModified = true;") .addLine(" }") .addLine(" return anyModified;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override") .addLine(" public %s<V> replaceValues(@%s K key, %s<? extends V> values) {", Set.class, Nullable.class, Iterable.class) .addLine(" %s.checkNotNull(values);", Preconditions.class) .addLine(" %s<V> result = removeAll(key);", Set.class) .addLine(" putAll(key, values);") .addLine(" return result;") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override public %s<V> get(@%s K key) {", Set.class, Nullable.class) .addLine(" return new CheckedSet<>(") .addLine(" multimap.get(key), value -> put.accept(key, value));") .addLine(" }") .addLine("") .addLine(" @Override public %s<K, %s<V>> asMap() {", Map.class, Collection.class) .addLine(" return %s.transformEntries(%s.asMap(multimap), (key, values) -> ", Maps.class, Multimaps.class) .addLine(" (%s<V>) new CheckedSet<>(", Collection.class) .addLine(" values, value -> put.accept(key, value)));") .addLine(" }") .addLine("}"); } }; }