package org.openrosa.client.xforms; import org.openrosa.client.model.OptionDef; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility methods used when manipulating xforms xml documents. * This class is different from XmlUtil by handling xforms * specifics in the xml document. This class does not have any * xforms object model classes like FormDef, PageDef, QuestionDef, etc. * * @author daniel * */ public class XformUtil { /** * All methods in this class are static and hence we expect no external * Instantiation of this class. */ private XformUtil(){ } /** * Removes extraneous whitespace between words * (ie " mary had a little lamb " * becomes "mary had a little lamb") * @param s * @return cleansed String */ public static String ripOutWhitespace(String s){ String[] arr = s.split(" "); String newS = ""; for(int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){ if(!arr[i].isEmpty()){ newS+=" "+arr[i]; } } newS = newS.trim(); return newS; } /** * Creates a node from an xml fragment. * * @param xml the xml fragment. * @return the node. */ public static Element getNode(String xml){ xml = "<xf:xforms xmlns:xf=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\" xmlns:h=\"\">" + xml; xml = xml + "</xf:xforms>"; Document doc = XMLParser.parse(xml); Element node = (Element)doc.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes().item(0); if(node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_XMLNS) != null) node.removeAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_XMLNS); return node; } /** * Renames a node. * * @param node the node to rename. * @param newName the new node name. * @return the new renamed node. */ public static Element renameNode(Element node, String newName){ String xml = node.toString(); xml = xml.replace(node.getNodeName(), newName); Element child = getNode(xml); Element parent = (Element)node.getParentNode(); parent.replaceChild(child, node); return child; } /** * Gets an xforms instance node with a given id. * * @param modelNode the xforms model node. * @param instanceId the instance id. * @return the instance node. */ public static Element getInstanceNode(Element modelNode, String instanceId){ NodeList nodes = modelNode.getElementsByTagName(XformConstants.NODE_NAME_INSTANCE); //TODO What if we have a different prefix from xf? if(nodes.getLength() == 0) nodes = modelNode.getElementsByTagName(XformConstants.NODE_NAME_INSTANCE_MINUS_PREFIX); if(nodes == null) return null; for(int index = 0; index < nodes.getLength(); index++){ Element node = (Element)nodes.item(index); if(instanceId.equalsIgnoreCase(node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID))) return node; } return null; } /** * Gets the model node of an xforms document with a given root node. * * @param element the xforms document root node. * @return the mode node. */ public static Element getModelNode(Element element){ int numOfEntries = element.getChildNodes().getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { if (element.getChildNodes().item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element child = (Element)element.getChildNodes().item(i); //String tagname = getNodeName(child); String tagname = child.getNodeName(); //NODE_NAME_INSTANCE has prefix //if (tagname.equals(NODE_NAME_MODEL)||tagname.equals(NODE_NAME_MODEL_MINUS_PREFIX)) if(XmlUtil.nodeNameEquals(tagname,XformConstants.NODE_NAME_MODEL_MINUS_PREFIX)) return child; else{ child = getModelNode(child); if(child != null) return child; } } } return null; } /** * Copies the xforms model instance from one document to another. * * @param srcDoc the xforms document with the model instance to copy. * @param destDoc the xforms document whose model instance we are to replace with the copied one. */ public static void copyModel(Document srcDoc, Document destDoc){ if(srcDoc != null){ Element oldModel = getModelNode(srcDoc.getDocumentElement()); Element newModel = getModelNode(destDoc.getDocumentElement()); if(oldModel != null && newModel != null){ oldModel = (Element)oldModel.cloneNode(true); destDoc.importNode(oldModel, true); newModel.getParentNode().appendChild(oldModel); newModel.getParentNode().removeChild(newModel); } } } /** * Gets a meaningful label to display to the user to identify this option * @param od * @return */ public static String getOptionDefIdentifierString(OptionDef od){ return od.getQuestionID().isEmpty() ? od.getItextId() : od.getQuestionID(); } /** * Gets the node that has the text value which is the answer, in a given * binding or variable name (e.g obs/weight/value) * * @param dataNode the xforms instance data node. * @param variableName te binding or variable name. * @return the value node. */ public static Element getValueNode(Element dataNode,String variableName){ Element node = dataNode; int startPos = 0; int endPos = variableName.indexOf('/'); if(endPos < 0) return null; while(endPos >= 0){ String name = variableName.substring(startPos, endPos); node = XmlUtil.getNode(node,name); if(node == null) return null; startPos = endPos + 1; endPos = variableName.indexOf('/', startPos); } String name = variableName.substring(startPos); node = XmlUtil.getNode(node,name); return node; } /** * Changes our namespace prefix to the one used in the original document. * * @param doc the document. * @param xml the document xml. * @return the new document xml with all namespace prefixes equal to the ones in the original document. */ public static String normalizeNameSpace(Document doc, String xml){ //We use xf prefix. So if the loaded xform //did not use the same prefix, then replace our prefix with that //which came with the xform. String prefix = doc.getDocumentElement().getPrefix(); if(!"xf".equals(prefix)){ if(prefix == null || prefix.trim().length() == 0) prefix = ""; else prefix += ":"; xml = xml.replace("xf:", prefix); } return xml; } /** * Gets the instance node of an xforms document. * * @param doc the xforms document. * @return the instance node. */ public static Element getInstanceNode(Document doc){ return getInstanceNode(doc.getDocumentElement()); } /** * Gets the instance data node of an xforms document. * * @param doc the xforms document. * @return the instance data node. */ public static Element getInstanceDataNode(Document doc){ return getInstanceDataNode(getInstanceNode(doc)); } /** * Gets the instance data node of an xforms document as a new document. * * @param doc the xforms document. * @return the new document having the instance data node as its root node. */ public static Document getInstanceDataDoc(Document doc){ Element data = getInstanceDataNode(getInstanceNode(doc)); Document dataDoc = XMLParser.createDocument(); dataDoc.appendChild(dataDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")); dataDoc.appendChild(data.cloneNode(true)); Element root = dataDoc.getDocumentElement(); NamedNodeMap attributes = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttributes(); for(int index = 0; index < attributes.getLength(); index++){ Node attribute = attributes.item(index); String name = attribute.getNodeName(); if(name.startsWith("xmlns:")){ try{ root.setAttribute(name, attribute.getNodeValue()); } catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } } return dataDoc; } /** * Gets the instance node of an xforms document with a given root node. * * @param element the root node of the xforms document. * @return the instance node. */ public static Element getInstanceNode(Element element){ int numOfEntries = element.getChildNodes().getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { if (element.getChildNodes().item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element child = (Element)element.getChildNodes().item(i); //String tagname = getNodeName(child); String tagname = child.getNodeName(); //NODE_NAME_INSTANCE has prefix //if(tagname.equals(NODE_NAME_INSTANCE)||tagname.equals(NODE_NAME_INSTANCE_MINUS_PREFIX)) if(XmlUtil.nodeNameEquals(tagname,XformConstants.NODE_NAME_INSTANCE_MINUS_PREFIX)) return child; else{ child = getInstanceNode(child); if(child != null) return child; } } } return null; } /** * Gets the instance data node of an xforms document with a given root node. * * @param element the xforms document root node. * @return the instance data node. */ public static Element getInstanceDataNode(Element element){ int numOfEntries = element.getChildNodes().getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < numOfEntries; i++) { if (element.getChildNodes().item(i).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) return (Element)element.getChildNodes().item(i); } return null; } /** * Hardcoded here for now. Returns the xmlns:jrm attribute value for the data node in instance node. * @return */ public static String getDataXMLNSjrm(){ return ""; } }