package org.openrosa.client.xforms; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import org.openrosa.client.model.FormDef; import org.openrosa.client.model.IFormElement; import org.openrosa.client.model.QuestionDef; import org.openrosa.client.model.ModelConstants; import org.openrosa.client.xforms.XformConstants; import; /** * Utility methods used during the parsing of xforms documents. * * @author daniel * */ public class XformParserUtil { /** * All methods in this class are static and hence we expect no external * Instantiation of this class. */ private XformParserUtil(){ } /** * Converts an xpath operator in a relevant or constraint expression to its * corresponding constant in our object model. * * @param expression the xpath expression. * @param action the skip or validation rule action to the target questions. * @return the operator constant. */ //TODO Add the other xpath operators public static int getOperator(String expression, int action){ //We return the operator which is the opposite of the expression if(expression.indexOf(">=") > 0 || expression.indexOf(">=") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS; } else if(expression.indexOf('>') > 0 || expression.indexOf(">") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL; } else if(expression.indexOf("<=") > 0 || expression.indexOf("<=") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER; } else if(expression.indexOf('<') > 0 || expression.indexOf("<") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL; } else if(expression.indexOf("!=") > 0 || expression.indexOf("!=") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_EQUAL; } else if(expression.indexOf('=') > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_EQUAL; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL; } else if(expression.indexOf("not(starts-with") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_START_WITH; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_STARTS_WITH; } else if(expression.indexOf("starts-with") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_STARTS_WITH; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_START_WITH; } else if(expression.indexOf("not(contains") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAIN; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_CONTAINS; } else if(expression.indexOf("contains") > 0){ if(XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action)) return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_CONTAINS; return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_CONTAIN; } return ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NULL; } /** * Gets the xpath operator size of an operator constant. * * @param operator the operator constant. * @param action the skip or validation rule target action. * @return the xpath operator size. */ public static int getOperatorSize(int operator, int action){ if(operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER_EQUAL || operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS_EQUAL || operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_NOT_EQUAL) return XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action) ? 2 : 1; else if(operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_LESS || operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_GREATER || operator == ModelConstants.OPERATOR_EQUAL) return XformBuilderUtil.isPositiveAction(action) ? 1 : 2; return 0; } /** * Gets the position of an operator in an xpath expression. * * @param expression the xpath expression. * @return the operator start position or index. */ public static int getOperatorPos(String expression){ //Using lastindexof because of expressions like: //relevant="/ClinicalData/SubjectData/StudyEventData/FormData/ItemGroupData/ItemData[@ItemOID='I_REVI_IMPROVEMENT']/@Value = '1'" int pos = expression.lastIndexOf("!="); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf(">="); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf("<="); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf('>'); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf('<'); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf('='); if(pos > 0) return pos; //the order of the code below should not be changed as for example 'starts with' can be taken //even when condition is 'not(starts-with' pos = expression.lastIndexOf("not(starts-with"); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf("starts-with"); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf("not(contains"); if(pos > 0) return pos; pos = expression.lastIndexOf("contains"); if(pos > 0) return pos; return pos; } /** * Gets the question variable name without the form prefix (/newform1/) * * @param bindNode the xforms bind node. * @param formDef the form to which the question belongs. * @return the question variable name. */ public static String getQuestionVariableName(Element bindNode, FormDef formDef){ String name = bindNode.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NODESET); // if(name.startsWith("/"+formDef.getVariableName()+"/")) // name = name.replace("/"+formDef.getVariableName()+"/", ""); String[] tokens = name.split("/"); name = tokens[tokens.length-1]; return name; } /** * Gets the IFormElement variable name (i.e. question ID) without any prefixes ("/data/group1/otherGroup/") * * checks for both 'nodeset' and 'ref' attributes. If neither exists, returns null. * * @param bindNode the xforms bind node. * @param formDef the form to which the question belongs. * @return the question variable name or null if neither nodeset, nor ref exists */ public static String getQuestionIDFromRefOrNodeset(Element Node, FormDef formDef){ String name = Node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NODESET); if(name == null){ name = Node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REF); } if(name == null){ return null; } name = name.replace(" ", ""); String[] tokens = name.split("/"); name = tokens[tokens.length-1]; return name; } /** * Sets the question definition object data type based on an xml xsd type. * * @param def the question definition object. * @param type the xml xsd type. * @param node the xforms node having the type attribute. */ public static void setQuestionType(IFormElement def, String type, Element node){ if(type != null){ if(type.equals(XformConstants.DATA_TYPE_TEXT) || type.indexOf("string") != -1 ){ String format = node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FORMAT); if(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_GPS.equals(format)) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_GPS); else def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_TEXT); } else if((type.equals("xsd:integer") || type.equals(XformConstants.DATA_TYPE_INT)) || (type.indexOf("integer") != -1 || (type.indexOf("int") != -1) && !type.equals("geopoint") )) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_NUMERIC); else if(type.equals("xsd:decimal") || type.indexOf("decimal") != -1 ) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_DECIMAL); else if(type.equals("xsd:long") || type.indexOf("long") != -1){ def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_LONG); }else if(type.equals("xsd:dateTime") || type.indexOf("dateTime") != -1 ) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_DATE_TIME); else if(type.equals("xsd:time") || type.indexOf("time") != -1 ) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_TIME); else if(type.equals(XformConstants.DATA_TYPE_DATE) || type.indexOf("date") != -1 ) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_DATE); else if(type.equals(XformConstants.DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN) || type.indexOf("boolean") != -1 ) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_BOOLEAN); else if(type.equals(XformConstants.DATA_TYPE_BINARY) || type.indexOf("base64Binary") != -1 ){ String format = node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FORMAT); if(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_VIDEO.equals(format)) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_VIDEO); else if(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_AUDIO.equals(format)) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_AUDIO); else def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_IMAGE); } //TODO These two are used by ODK else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("binary")){ def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_IMAGE); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("geopoint")){ def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_GPS); } else if(type.equalsIgnoreCase("barcode")) def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_BARCODE); else if(type.toLowerCase().contains("1select")){ def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_LIST_EXCLUSIVE); }else if(type.toLowerCase().contains("select")){ def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_LIST_MULTIPLE); } } else def.setDataType(QuestionDef.QTN_TYPE_TEXT); //QTN_TYPE_REPEAT } /** * Goes through a given map of constraints attribute vaues and replaces the question * whose variable name matches with a given question. * * @param constraints a map of contraints attribute values keyed by their question * definition objects. * @param questionDef the question definition object to replace that in the constraint map. */ public static void replaceConstraintQtn(HashMap constraints, QuestionDef questionDef){ Iterator keys = constraints.keySet().iterator(); while(keys.hasNext()){ QuestionDef qtn = (QuestionDef); if(qtn.getQuestionID().equals(questionDef.getQuestionID())){ String constraint = (String)constraints.get(qtn); if(constraint != null){ constraints.remove(qtn); constraints.put(questionDef, constraint); } return; } } } /** * Gets the skip rule action for a question. * * @param qtn the question definition object. * @return the skip rule action which can be (ModelConstants.ACTION_DISABLE, * ModelConstants.ACTION_HIDE,ModelConstants.ACTION_SHOW or ModelConstants.ACTION_ENABLE) */ public static int getAction(QuestionDef qtn){ Element node = qtn.getBindNode(); if(node == null) return ModelConstants.ACTION_ENABLE; String value = node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ACTION); if(value == null) return ModelConstants.ACTION_ENABLE; int action = 0; if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ENABLE)) action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_ENABLE; else if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DISABLE)) action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_DISABLE; else if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SHOW)) action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_SHOW; else if(value.equalsIgnoreCase(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_HIDE)) action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_HIDE; value = node.getAttribute(XformConstants.ATTRIBUTE_NAME_REQUIRED); if(XformConstants.XPATH_VALUE_TRUE.equalsIgnoreCase(value)) action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_MAKE_MANDATORY; else action |= ModelConstants.ACTION_MAKE_OPTIONAL; return action; } /** * Gets the operator constant used to combine conditions in an expath expression. * This will either be and AND or OR * For now, we do not allow a mixture of these operators in the same expression. * But we allow more than one as long as it is of the same type, either AND or OR. * * @param expression the xpath expression. * @return the operator constant. */ public static int getConditionsOperator(String expression){ if(expression.toLowerCase().indexOf(XformConstants.CONDITIONS_OPERATOR_TEXT_AND) > 0) return ModelConstants.CONDITIONS_OPERATOR_AND; else if(expression.toLowerCase().indexOf(XformConstants.CONDITIONS_OPERATOR_TEXT_OR) > 0) return ModelConstants.CONDITIONS_OPERATOR_OR; return ModelConstants.CONDITIONS_OPERATOR_NULL; } }