package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; public final class LocaTable extends Table { private FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat version; private int numGlyphs; private LocaTable(Header paramHeader, ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData, FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat paramIndexToLocFormat, int paramInt) { super(paramHeader, paramReadableFontData); this.version = paramIndexToLocFormat; this.numGlyphs = paramInt; } public FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat formatVersion() { return this.version; } public int numGlyphs() { return this.numGlyphs; } public int glyphOffset(int paramInt) { if ((paramInt < 0) || (paramInt >= this.numGlyphs)) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Glyph ID is out of bounds."); } return loca(paramInt); } public int glyphLength(int paramInt) { if ((paramInt < 0) || (paramInt >= this.numGlyphs)) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Glyph ID is out of bounds."); } return loca(paramInt + 1) - loca(paramInt); } public int numLocas() { return this.numGlyphs + 1; } public int loca(int paramInt) { if (paramInt > this.numGlyphs) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } if (this.version == FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat.shortOffset) { return 2 * * FontData.DataSize.USHORT.size()); } return * FontData.DataSize.ULONG.size()); } Iterator<Integer> iterator() { return new LocaIterator(null); } public static class Builder extends Table.Builder<LocaTable> { private FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat formatVersion = FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat.longOffset; private int numGlyphs = -1; private List<Integer> loca; public static Builder createBuilder(Header paramHeader, WritableFontData paramWritableFontData) { return new Builder(paramHeader, paramWritableFontData); } private Builder(Header paramHeader, WritableFontData paramWritableFontData) { super(paramWritableFontData); } private Builder(Header paramHeader, ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData) { super(paramReadableFontData); } private void initialize(ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData) { clearLoca(false); if (this.loca == null) { this.loca = new ArrayList(); } if (paramReadableFontData != null) { if (this.numGlyphs < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("numglyphs not set on LocaTable Builder."); } LocaTable localLocaTable = new LocaTable(header(), paramReadableFontData, this.formatVersion, this.numGlyphs, null); Iterator localIterator = localLocaTable.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { this.loca.add(; } } } private int checkGlyphRange(int paramInt) { if ((paramInt < 0) || (paramInt > lastGlyphIndex())) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Glyph ID is outside of the allowed range."); } return paramInt; } private int lastGlyphIndex() { return this.loca != null ? this.loca.size() - 2 : this.numGlyphs - 1; } private List<Integer> getLocaList() { if (this.loca == null) { initialize(internalReadData()); setModelChanged(); } return this.loca; } private void clearLoca(boolean paramBoolean) { if (this.loca != null) { this.loca.clear(); } if (paramBoolean) { this.loca = null; } setModelChanged(false); } public FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat formatVersion() { return this.formatVersion; } public void setFormatVersion(FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat paramIndexToLocFormat) { this.formatVersion = paramIndexToLocFormat; } public List<Integer> locaList() { return getLocaList(); } public void setLocaList(List<Integer> paramList) { this.loca = paramList; setModelChanged(); } public int glyphOffset(int paramInt) { checkGlyphRange(paramInt); return ((Integer)getLocaList().get(paramInt)).intValue(); } public int glyphLength(int paramInt) { checkGlyphRange(paramInt); return ((Integer)getLocaList().get(paramInt + 1)).intValue() - ((Integer)getLocaList().get(paramInt)).intValue(); } public void setNumGlyphs(int paramInt) { this.numGlyphs = paramInt; } public int numGlyphs() { return lastGlyphIndex() + 1; } public void revert() { this.loca = null; setModelChanged(false); } public int numLocas() { return getLocaList().size(); } public int loca(int paramInt) { return ((Integer)getLocaList().get(paramInt)).intValue(); } protected LocaTable subBuildTable(ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData) { return new LocaTable(header(), paramReadableFontData, this.formatVersion, this.numGlyphs, null); } protected void subDataSet() { initialize(internalReadData()); } protected int subDataSizeToSerialize() { if (this.loca == null) { return 0; } if (this.formatVersion == FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat.longOffset) { return this.loca.size() * FontData.DataSize.ULONG.size(); } return this.loca.size() * FontData.DataSize.USHORT.size(); } protected boolean subReadyToSerialize() { return this.loca != null; } protected int subSerialize(WritableFontData paramWritableFontData) { int i = 0; Iterator localIterator = this.loca.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { int j = ((Integer); if (this.formatVersion == FontHeaderTable.IndexToLocFormat.longOffset) { i += paramWritableFontData.writeULong(i, j); } else { i += paramWritableFontData.writeUShort(i, j / 2); } } this.numGlyphs = (this.loca.size() - 1); return i; } } private final class LocaIterator implements Iterator<Integer> { int index; private LocaIterator() {} public boolean hasNext() { return this.index <= LocaTable.this.numGlyphs; } public Integer next() { return Integer.valueOf(LocaTable.this.loca(this.index++)); } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } } /* Location: C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\FontZip\FontTool\sfnttool.jar!\com\google\typography\font\sfntly\table\truetype\LocaTable.class * Java compiler version: 6 (50.0) * JD-Core Version: 0.7.1 */