package; import; import; public class CompositeBitmapGlyph extends BitmapGlyph { private int numComponentsOffset; private int componentArrayOffset; protected CompositeBitmapGlyph(ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData, int paramInt) { super(paramReadableFontData, paramInt); initialize(paramInt); } private void initialize(int paramInt) { if (paramInt == 8) { this.numComponentsOffset = BitmapGlyph.Offset.glyphFormat8_numComponents.offset; this.componentArrayOffset = BitmapGlyph.Offset.glyphFormat8_componentArray.offset; } else if (paramInt == 9) { this.numComponentsOffset = BitmapGlyph.Offset.glyphFormat9_numComponents.offset; this.componentArrayOffset = BitmapGlyph.Offset.glyphFormat9_componentArray.offset; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Attempt to create a Composite Bitmap Glyph with a non-composite format."); } } public int numComponents() { return; } public Component component(int paramInt) { int i = this.componentArrayOffset + paramInt * BitmapGlyph.Offset.ebdtComponentLength.offset; return new Component( + BitmapGlyph.Offset.ebdtComponent_glyphCode.offset), + BitmapGlyph.Offset.ebdtComponent_xOffset.offset), + BitmapGlyph.Offset.ebdtComponent_yOffset.offset)); } public static class Builder extends BitmapGlyph.Builder<CompositeBitmapGlyph> { protected Builder(WritableFontData paramWritableFontData, int paramInt) { super(paramInt); } protected Builder(ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData, int paramInt) { super(paramInt); } protected CompositeBitmapGlyph subBuildTable(ReadableFontData paramReadableFontData) { return new CompositeBitmapGlyph(paramReadableFontData, format()); } } public static final class Component { private final int glyphCode; private int xOffset; private int yOffset; protected Component(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3) { this.glyphCode = paramInt1; this.xOffset = paramInt2; this.yOffset = paramInt3; } public int glyphCode() { return this.glyphCode; } public int xOffset() { return this.xOffset; } public int yOffset() { return this.yOffset; } public int hashCode() { int i = 1; i = 31 * i + this.glyphCode; return i; } public boolean equals(Object paramObject) { if (this == paramObject) { return true; } if (paramObject == null) { return false; } if (!(paramObject instanceof Component)) { return false; } Component localComponent = (Component)paramObject; return this.glyphCode == localComponent.glyphCode; } } } /* Location: C:\Users\Ethan\Desktop\FontZip\FontTool\sfnttool.jar!\com\google\typography\font\sfntly\table\bitmap\CompositeBitmapGlyph.class * Java compiler version: 6 (50.0) * JD-Core Version: 0.7.1 */