package it.michelelacorte.androidshortcuts; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.ScaleAnimation; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.GridView; import android.widget.RelativeLayout; import java.util.List; import it.michelelacorte.androidshortcuts.util.GridSize; import it.michelelacorte.androidshortcuts.util.Utils; /** * Created by Michele on 24/11/2016. */ public class ShortcutsCreation { private final String TAG = "ShorctusCreation"; public static final int MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS = 5; private static final int PADDING = 20; public static boolean USE_SHORTCUTS_FOR_LAUNCHER_3 = false; private static RelativeLayout[] layout = new RelativeLayout[MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS]; private static RelativeLayout triangle; private int maxXScreen; private int maxYScreen; private float displayDensity; private int displayDensityDpi; private int toolbarHeight; private int DIM_WIDTH = 840; private int DIM_HEIGHT = 200; private ShortcutsBuilder shortcutsBuilder; public ShortcutsCreation(ShortcutsBuilder shortcutsBuilder) { this.shortcutsBuilder = shortcutsBuilder; } public void init() throws NullPointerException{ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.N_MR1) { if (shortcutsBuilder.isNormal() && shortcutsBuilder.getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { initNormalShortcuts(); } else if (shortcutsBuilder.isLauncher3() && shortcutsBuilder.getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { initLauncher3Shortcuts(); } else if (shortcutsBuilder.getActivity().getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { Log.e(TAG, "Shortcuts not working in LANDSCAPE mode!"); } else { throw new NullPointerException(TAG + "No normal shortcuts/laucher3 shortcuts defined!"); } } } private void initNormalShortcuts(){ if(shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsArray() != null){ createShortcuts(shortcutsBuilder.getActivity(), shortcutsBuilder.getPackageImage(), shortcutsBuilder.getMasterLayout(), shortcutsBuilder.getCurrentXPosition(), shortcutsBuilder.getCurrentYPosition(), shortcutsBuilder.getRowHeight(), shortcutsBuilder.getGridView(), shortcutsBuilder.getOptionLayoutStyle(), shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsArray()); }else if(shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsList() != null){ createShortcuts(shortcutsBuilder.getActivity(), shortcutsBuilder.getPackageImage(), shortcutsBuilder.getMasterLayout(), shortcutsBuilder.getCurrentXPosition(), shortcutsBuilder.getCurrentYPosition(), shortcutsBuilder.getRowHeight(), shortcutsBuilder.getGridView(), shortcutsBuilder.getOptionLayoutStyle(), shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsList()); } } private void initLauncher3Shortcuts(){ if(shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsArray() != null){ createShortcutsForLauncher3(shortcutsBuilder.getActivity(), shortcutsBuilder.getPackageImage(), shortcutsBuilder.getMasterLayout(), shortcutsBuilder.getPositionInGrid(), shortcutsBuilder.getRowHeight(), shortcutsBuilder.getBottomSpace(), shortcutsBuilder.isHotseatTouched(), shortcutsBuilder.getGridSize(), shortcutsBuilder.getOptionLayoutStyle(), shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsArray()); }else if(shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsList() != null){ createShortcutsForLauncher3(shortcutsBuilder.getActivity(), shortcutsBuilder.getPackageImage(), shortcutsBuilder.getMasterLayout(), shortcutsBuilder.getPositionInGrid(), shortcutsBuilder.getRowHeight(), shortcutsBuilder.getBottomSpace(), shortcutsBuilder.isHotseatTouched(), shortcutsBuilder.getGridSize(), shortcutsBuilder.getOptionLayoutStyle(), shortcutsBuilder.getDockItem(), shortcutsBuilder.getShortcutsList()); } } private void createShortcutsForLauncher3(Activity activity, Drawable packageImage, ViewGroup masterLayout, int positionInGrid, int rowHeight, int bottomSpace, boolean isHotseatTouched, GridSize gridSize, int optionLayoutStyle, int dockItem, List<Shortcuts> shortcuts) { if(shortcuts.size() > MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); return; } if(rowHeight < 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Row Height, it must be greater than 0"); return; } if(shortcuts.size() == 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Shortcuts must be at least one!"); return; } USE_SHORTCUTS_FOR_LAUNCHER_3 = true; getScreenDimension(activity); if (layout != null || triangle != null) clearAllLayout(); switch (maxXScreen) { case 480: DIM_WIDTH = 260; DIM_HEIGHT = 75; break; case 720: DIM_WIDTH = 360; DIM_HEIGHT = 100; break; case 1080: DIM_WIDTH = 580; DIM_HEIGHT = 150; break; case 1440: if(displayDensityDpi == 560){ DIM_WIDTH = 780; DIM_HEIGHT = 190; }else { DIM_WIDTH = 780; DIM_HEIGHT = 200; } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity.getApplicationContext()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(DIM_WIDTH, DIM_HEIGHT); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsTriangle = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); int mIconWidth = maxXScreen / gridSize.getColumnCount(); int mIconWidthHotseat = maxXScreen/dockItem; int dimHotseat = (positionInGrid) * mIconWidthHotseat; int dim = (positionInGrid) * mIconWidth; int layoutHeightTotal = DIM_HEIGHT * shortcuts.size() + PADDING; triangle = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts_triangle, null, false); //Scale animation right to left ScaleAnimation animationRightToLeft = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationRightToLeft.setDuration(200); //Scale animation left to right ScaleAnimation animationLeftToRight = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationLeftToRight.setDuration(200); for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.size(); i++) { layout[i] = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts, null, false); shortcuts.get(i).init(layout[i], optionLayoutStyle, activity, packageImage, this); if ((dim + DIM_WIDTH) >= maxXScreen) { //Destra if(isHotseatTouched){ layout[i].setX(dimHotseat - DIM_WIDTH + (mIconWidthHotseat) - mIconWidthHotseat / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dimHotseat + mIconWidthHotseat - mIconWidthHotseat / 1.5)); }else{ layout[i].setX(dim - DIM_WIDTH + (mIconWidth) - mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth - mIconWidth / 1.5)); } triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation //layout[i].startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); //triangle.startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); } else { //Sinistra if(isHotseatTouched){ layout[i].setX(dimHotseat + mIconWidthHotseat / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dimHotseat + mIconWidthHotseat / 2)); }else{ layout[i].setX(dim + mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth / 2)); } triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation //layout[i].startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); //triangle.startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); } if ((toolbarHeight = Utils.getToolbarHeight(activity)) >= 0) { int maxYScreenWithToolbar = maxYScreen - toolbarHeight * 2; if (rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal > maxYScreenWithToolbar-bottomSpace+PADDING && !isHotseatTouched) { //Alto switch (maxXScreen) { case 480: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.56)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.9 + 93)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.32 - 80 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.55 + 100 * i)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.22 - 80 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.42 + 55 * i)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.18 - 80 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.38 + 42 * i)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.12 - 80 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.31 + 34 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 720: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.56)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.64 + 93)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.32 - 110 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.4 + 100 * i)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.22 - 110 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.3 + 55 * i)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.18 - 110 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.28 + 42 * i)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.12 - 110 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.22 + 34 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.56)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.64 + 137)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.32 - 160 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.4 + 157 * i)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.22 - 160 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.3 + 83 * i)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.18 - 160 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.28 + 62 * i)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.12 - 160 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.22 + 50 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.8)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.92 + 187)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.4 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.5 + 203 * i)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.3 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.4 + 113 * i)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.2 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.31 + 83 * i)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * +0.12 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.22 + 65 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } else if (!isHotseatTouched){ //Basso switch (maxXScreen) { case 480: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3)); triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal + 14); break; case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 80 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 95 * i)); break; case 3: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 80 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 87 * i)); break; case 4: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 80 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 85 * i)); break; case 5: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 80 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.1 - 86 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; case 720: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.6)); triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal + 52); break; case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3 - 110 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3 - 130 * i)); break; case 3: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 110 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 120 * i)); break; case 4: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 110 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 117 * i)); break; case 5: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 110 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 115 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.6)); triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal + 75); break; case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3- 160 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3 - 185 * i)); break; case 3: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 160 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 175 * i)); break; case 4: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 160 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.21 - 160 * i)); break; case 5: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 160 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.21 - 160 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.6)); triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal + 100); break; case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 250 * i)); break; case 3: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 240 * i)); break; case 4: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.3)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.2 - 205 * i)); break; case 5: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.25)); } triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.2 - 217 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } }else if(isHotseatTouched){ //Alto switch (maxXScreen) { case 480: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + 61 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 + 60 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 - 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 + 30 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 - 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 + 20 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 - 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 + 15 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 720: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + 83 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 110 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 + 82 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 - 110 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 + 42 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 - 110 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 + 28 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 - 110 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 + 20 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + 125 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 160 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 + 125 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 - 160 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 + 62 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 - 160 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 + 42 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 - 160 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 + 30 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.size()) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + 162 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 + 155 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 + 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 + 53 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 + 40 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } } masterLayout.addView(layout[i], params); /*ResizeWidthAnimation anim = new ResizeWidthAnimation(layout[i], DIM_WIDTH); anim.setDuration(250*i); layout[i].startAnimation(anim); */ if ((dim + DIM_WIDTH) >= maxXScreen) { final int j = i; ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(layout[j].getMeasuredWidth(), DIM_WIDTH); anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { int val = (Integer) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = layout[j].getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = val; layout[j].setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } }); if(j == 0){ anim.setDuration(75); }else { anim.setDuration(75 * j); } anim.start(); }else { final int j = i; ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(layout[j].getMeasuredWidth(), DIM_WIDTH); anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { int val = (Integer) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = layout[j].getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.width = val; layout[j].setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } }); if(j == 0){ anim.setDuration(75); }else { anim.setDuration(75 * j); } anim.start(); } } masterLayout.addView(triangle, paramsTriangle); Log.d(TAG, "Shortcuts Created!"); } class ReverseInterpolator implements Interpolator { private final Interpolator mInterpolator; public ReverseInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator){ mInterpolator = interpolator; } @Override public float getInterpolation(float input) { return mInterpolator.getInterpolation(reverseInput(input)); } /** * Map value so 0-0.5 = 0-1 and 0.5-1 = 1-0 */ private float reverseInput(float input){ if(input <= 0.5) return input*2; else return Math.abs(input-1)*2; } } private void createShortcutsForLauncher3(Activity activity, Drawable packageImage, ViewGroup masterLayout, int positionInGrid, int rowHeight, int bottomSpace, boolean isHotseatTouched, GridSize gridSize, int optionLayoutStyle, Shortcuts... shortcuts) { if(shortcuts.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); return; } if(rowHeight < 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Row Height, it must be greater than 0"); return; } if(shortcuts.length == 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Shortcuts must be at least one!"); return; } USE_SHORTCUTS_FOR_LAUNCHER_3 = true; getScreenDimension(activity); int positionInGridDefault = positionInGrid; if (layout != null || triangle != null) clearAllLayout(); switch (maxXScreen) { case 720: DIM_WIDTH = 360; DIM_HEIGHT = 90; break; case 1080: DIM_WIDTH = 640; DIM_HEIGHT = 150; break; case 1440: DIM_WIDTH = 780; DIM_HEIGHT = 200; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity.getApplicationContext()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(DIM_WIDTH, DIM_HEIGHT); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsTriangle = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); //int mIconHeight = ((GridView) gridView).getColumnWidth(); int mIconHeight; int mIconWidth = maxXScreen / gridSize.getColumnCount(); int dim = (positionInGrid) * mIconWidth; int layoutHeightTotal = DIM_HEIGHT * shortcuts.length + PADDING; triangle = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts_triangle, null, false); //Scale animation right to left ScaleAnimation animationRightToLeft = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationRightToLeft.setDuration(200); //Scale animation left to right ScaleAnimation animationLeftToRight = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationLeftToRight.setDuration(200); for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { layout[i] = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts, null, false); shortcuts[i].init(layout[i], optionLayoutStyle, activity, packageImage, this); if ((dim + DIM_WIDTH) >= maxXScreen) { //Destra layout[i].setX(dim - DIM_WIDTH + (mIconWidth) - mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth - mIconWidth / 1.5)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); triangle.startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); } else { //Sinistra layout[i].setX(dim + mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth / 2)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); triangle.startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); } if ((toolbarHeight = Utils.getToolbarHeight(activity)) >= 0) { int maxYScreenWithToolbar = maxYScreen - toolbarHeight * 2; positionInGrid = positionInGridDefault; //positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = rowHeight * (positionInGrid + 1); if (rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal > maxYScreenWithToolbar-bottomSpace+PADDING && !isHotseatTouched) { //Alto switch (maxXScreen) { case 720: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 - 75); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 20); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 94); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 95); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 23); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 275); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 200); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 475); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 400); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 120); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 180 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 140 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 177 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 337 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * -0.05)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 + 187)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 + 203 * i)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 + 113 * i)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 + 83 * i)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 - 220 * i)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight +layoutHeightTotal * -0.05 + 65 * i)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } else if (!isHotseatTouched){ //Basso positionInGrid = positionInGridDefault; //positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = rowHeight * (positionInGrid + 1); switch (maxXScreen) { case 720: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 100 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } switch (shortcuts.length) { case 1: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 36)); break; case 2: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 46)); break; case 3: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 56)); break; case 4: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 68)); break; case 5: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 80)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; case 1080: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 160 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 50 + 10 * i)); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 2.3)); triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal + 255); break; case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.9 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.9)); } triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * i + 120 * i); break; case 3: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.6 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.6)); } triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * i - 363 * i); break; case 4: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.5 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.5)); } triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * i - 643 * i); break; case 5: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 220 * i)); } else { layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * 1.4)); } triangle.setY(rowHeight + layoutHeightTotal * i - 893 * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } }else if(isHotseatTouched){ //Alto switch (maxXScreen) { case 720: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 - 75); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 20); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 94); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 95); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 23); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 275); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 200); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 475); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 400); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 120); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 180 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 140 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 177 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 337 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.length) { case 1: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 2.6 + 162 + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 2: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 1.4 + 155 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 3: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.95 + 80 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 4: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.7 + 53 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; case 5: layout[i].setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 - 220 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); triangle.setY((float)(rowHeight -layoutHeightTotal * 0.6 + 40 * i + maxYScreenWithToolbar)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } } masterLayout.addView(layout[i], params); } masterLayout.addView(triangle, paramsTriangle); Log.d(TAG, "Shortcuts Created!"); } private void createShortcuts(Activity activity, Drawable packageImage, ViewGroup masterLayout, int currentXPosition, int currentYPosition, int rowHeight, AdapterView gridView, int optionLayoutStyle, List<Shortcuts> shortcuts){ if(shortcuts.size() > MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); return; } if(rowHeight < 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Row Height, it must be greater than 0"); return; } if(shortcuts.size() == 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Shortcuts must be at least one!"); return; } getScreenDimension(activity); int positionInGrid = getPositionInGrid(currentXPosition, currentYPosition, gridView); GridSize gridSize = Utils.getGridSize(gridView); if(layout != null || triangle != null) clearAllLayout(); switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: DIM_WIDTH = 360; DIM_HEIGHT = 100; break; case 1080: DIM_WIDTH = 640; DIM_HEIGHT = 150; break; case 1440: DIM_WIDTH = 840; DIM_HEIGHT = 200; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } if (isClickOnItem(currentXPosition, currentYPosition, gridSize, gridView)) { LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity.getApplicationContext()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(DIM_WIDTH, DIM_HEIGHT); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsTriangle = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); //int mIconHeight = ((GridView) gridView).getColumnWidth(); int mIconHeight; int mIconWidth = maxXScreen / ((GridView) gridView).getNumColumns(); int dim = (positionInGrid) * mIconWidth; int layoutHeightTotal = DIM_HEIGHT * shortcuts.size() + 20; triangle = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts_triangle, null, false); //Scale animation right to left ScaleAnimation animationRightToLeft = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationRightToLeft.setDuration(200); //Scale animation left to right ScaleAnimation animationLeftToRight = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationLeftToRight.setDuration(200); for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.size(); i++) { layout[i] = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts, null, false); shortcuts.get(i).init(layout[i], optionLayoutStyle, activity, packageImage, this); if ((dim + DIM_WIDTH) >= maxXScreen) { //Destra layout[i].setX(dim - DIM_WIDTH + (mIconWidth) - mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth - mIconWidth / 1.5)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); triangle.startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); } else { //Sinistra layout[i].setX(dim + mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth / 2)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); triangle.startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); } if ((toolbarHeight = Utils.getToolbarHeight(activity)) > 0) { int maxYScreenWithToolbar = maxYScreen - toolbarHeight * 2; positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition((int) currentXPosition, (int) currentYPosition); positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = Math.round(displayDensity * rowHeight) * positionInGrid + 1; if (mIconHeight + layoutHeightTotal > maxYScreenWithToolbar) { //Alto switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: switch (shortcuts.size()){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 - 75); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 20); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 94); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 95); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 23); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 275); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 200); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 475); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 400); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.size()){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 120); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 180 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 140 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 177 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 337 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.size()){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 160); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 195 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 250 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 470 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } else { //Basso positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition((int) currentXPosition, (int) currentYPosition); positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = Math.round(displayDensity * rowHeight) * positionInGrid + 1; switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 100 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } switch (shortcuts.size()){ case 1: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 36)); break; case 2: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 46)); break; case 3: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 56)); break; case 4: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 68)); break; case 5: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 80)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); break; } break; case 1080: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 160 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 50 + 10*i)); break; case 1440: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 220 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 80)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } } masterLayout.addView(layout[i], params); } masterLayout.addView(triangle, paramsTriangle); } Log.d(TAG, "Shortcuts Created!"); } private void createShortcuts(Activity activity, Drawable packageImage, ViewGroup masterLayout, int currentXPosition, int currentYPosition, int rowHeight, AdapterView gridView, int optionLayoutStyle, final Shortcuts... shortcuts){ if(shortcuts.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Shortcuts number, max value is " + String.valueOf(MAX_NUMBER_OF_SHORTCUTS) + "!"); return; } if(rowHeight < 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Invalid Row Height, it must be greater than 0"); return; } if(shortcuts.length == 0){ Log.e(TAG, "Shortcuts must be at least one!"); return; } getScreenDimension(activity); int positionInGrid = getPositionInGrid(currentXPosition, currentYPosition, gridView); GridSize gridSize = Utils.getGridSize(gridView); if(layout != null || triangle != null) clearAllLayout(); switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: DIM_WIDTH = 360; DIM_HEIGHT = 100; break; case 1080: DIM_WIDTH = 640; DIM_HEIGHT = 150; break; case 1440: DIM_WIDTH = 840; DIM_HEIGHT = 200; break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } if (isClickOnItem(currentXPosition, currentYPosition, gridSize, gridView)) { LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(activity.getApplicationContext()); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(DIM_WIDTH, DIM_HEIGHT); RelativeLayout.LayoutParams paramsTriangle = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT); //int mIconHeight = ((GridView) gridView).getColumnWidth(); int mIconHeight; int mIconWidth = maxXScreen / ((GridView) gridView).getNumColumns(); int dim = (positionInGrid) * mIconWidth; int layoutHeightTotal = DIM_HEIGHT * shortcuts.length + 20; triangle = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts_triangle, null, false); //Scale animation right to left ScaleAnimation animationRightToLeft = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationRightToLeft.setDuration(200); //Scale animation left to right ScaleAnimation animationLeftToRight = new ScaleAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f, Animation.RELATIVE_TO_SELF, 0.5f); animationLeftToRight.setDuration(200); for (int i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) { layout[i] = (RelativeLayout) inflater.inflate(R.layout.shortcuts, null, false); shortcuts[i].init(layout[i], optionLayoutStyle, activity, packageImage, this); if ((dim + DIM_WIDTH) >= maxXScreen) { //Destra layout[i].setX(dim - DIM_WIDTH + (mIconWidth) - mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth - mIconWidth / 1.5)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); triangle.startAnimation(animationRightToLeft); } else { //Sinistra layout[i].setX(dim + mIconWidth / 4); triangle.setX((float) (dim + mIconWidth / 2)); triangle.setRotation(180); //Start Animation layout[i].startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); triangle.startAnimation(animationLeftToRight); } if ((toolbarHeight = Utils.getToolbarHeight(activity)) > 0) { int maxYScreenWithToolbar = maxYScreen - toolbarHeight * 2; positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition((int) currentXPosition, (int) currentYPosition); positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = Math.round(displayDensity * rowHeight) * positionInGrid + 1; if (mIconHeight + layoutHeightTotal > maxYScreenWithToolbar) { //Alto switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: switch (shortcuts.length){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 - 75); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 20); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 94); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 95); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 23); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 275); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 200); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 475); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * i - 400); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid numbers of shortcuts! Max is 5"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1080: switch (shortcuts.length){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 120); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 180 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 140 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 177 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 160 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 337 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid numbers of shortcuts! Max is 5"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; case 1440: switch (shortcuts.length){ case 2: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 + toolbarHeight * 2); } else { layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2); } triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + toolbarHeight * 2 + 160); break; case 3: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 + 195 * i); break; case 4: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 * 3 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 250 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; case 5: layout[i].setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 220 * 5 + toolbarHeight * i); triangle.setY(+layoutHeightTotal + mIconHeight / 5 - 470 * 2 + toolbarHeight * i); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid numbers of shortcuts! Max is 5"); break; } triangle.setRotation(0); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } else { //Basso positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition((int) currentXPosition, (int) currentYPosition); positionInGrid /= gridSize.getColumnCount(); mIconHeight = Math.round(displayDensity * rowHeight) * positionInGrid + 1; switch (maxXScreen){ case 720: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 100 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } switch (shortcuts.length){ case 1: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 36)); break; case 2: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 46)); break; case 3: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 56)); break; case 4: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 68)); break; case 5: triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 80)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Invalid numbers of shortcuts! Max is 5"); break; } break; case 1080: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 160 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 50 + 10*i)); break; case 1440: if (i >= 1) { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2 - 220 * i); } else { layout[i].setY(+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal + toolbarHeight / 2); } triangle.setY((float) (+mIconHeight * 3 / 4 + layoutHeightTotal - toolbarHeight * i + 80)); break; default: Log.e(TAG, "Resolution of screen not supported!"); break; } } } masterLayout.addView(layout[i], params); } masterLayout.addView(triangle, paramsTriangle); } Log.d(TAG, "Shortcuts Created!"); } /** * Check if click is on Item * @param currentXPosition int * @param currentYPosition int * @param gridSize GridSize * @return boolean */ private boolean isClickOnItem(int currentXPosition, int currentYPosition, GridSize gridSize, AdapterView gridView){ int positionPointed = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition(currentXPosition, currentYPosition); return positionPointed < gridSize.getColumnCount()*gridSize.getRowCount(); } /** * Clear all shortcuts layout */ public void clearAllLayout() { if(layout != null) { for (int i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) { if (layout[i] != null && ((ViewGroup) layout[i].getParent()) != null) { ((ViewGroup) layout[i].getParent()).removeView(layout[i]); } } Log.d(TAG, "Layout clear!"); } if(triangle != null && ((ViewGroup) triangle.getParent()) != null) { ((ViewGroup) triangle.getParent()).removeView(triangle); Log.d(TAG, "Layout clear!"); } } /** * Get screen dimension */ private void getScreenDimension(Activity activity){ Display mdisp = activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = activity.getApplicationContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); displayDensity = displayMetrics.density; displayDensityDpi = displayMetrics.densityDpi; Point mdispSize = new Point(); mdisp.getSize(mdispSize); maxXScreen = mdispSize.x; maxYScreen = mdispSize.y; Log.d(TAG, "Dimension acquired X:" + String.valueOf(maxXScreen) + " Y: " + String.valueOf(maxYScreen)); } /** * Get position in grid * @param currentXPosition int * @param currentYPosition int * @param gridView AdapterView * @return int */ private int getPositionInGrid(int currentXPosition, int currentYPosition, AdapterView gridView){ int positionInGrid = 0; if(gridView != null) { positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition(currentXPosition, currentYPosition); positionInGrid -= ((GridView) gridView).getNumColumns(); positionInGrid %= ((GridView) gridView).getNumColumns(); Log.d(TAG, "Position In Grid: " + String.valueOf(positionInGrid)); if(positionInGrid < 0){ positionInGrid = ((GridView) gridView).pointToPosition(currentXPosition, currentYPosition); Log.w(TAG, "Position In Grid lower than 0, trying again, positionInGrid: " + String.valueOf(positionInGrid)); } } return positionInGrid; } }