/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.fastergallery.app; import com.android.fastergallery.data.MediaObject; import com.android.fastergallery.data.PanoramaMetadataJob; import com.android.fastergallery.data.MediaObject.PanoramaSupportCallback; import com.android.fastergallery.util.Future; import com.android.fastergallery.util.FutureListener; import com.android.fastergallery.util.LightCycleHelper; import com.android.fastergallery.util.LightCycleHelper.PanoramaMetadata; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class breaks out the off-thread panorama support checks so that the * complexity can be shared between UriImage and LocalImage, which need to * support panoramas. */ public class PanoramaMetadataSupport implements FutureListener<PanoramaMetadata> { private Object mLock = new Object(); private Future<PanoramaMetadata> mGetPanoMetadataTask; private PanoramaMetadata mPanoramaMetadata; private ArrayList<PanoramaSupportCallback> mCallbacksWaiting; private MediaObject mMediaObject; public PanoramaMetadataSupport(MediaObject mediaObject) { mMediaObject = mediaObject; } public void getPanoramaSupport(GalleryApp app, PanoramaSupportCallback callback) { synchronized (mLock) { if (mPanoramaMetadata != null) { callback.panoramaInfoAvailable(mMediaObject, mPanoramaMetadata.mUsePanoramaViewer, mPanoramaMetadata.mIsPanorama360); } else { if (mCallbacksWaiting == null) { mCallbacksWaiting = new ArrayList<PanoramaSupportCallback>(); mGetPanoMetadataTask = app.getThreadPool().submit( new PanoramaMetadataJob(app.getAndroidContext(), mMediaObject.getContentUri()), this); } mCallbacksWaiting.add(callback); } } } public void clearCachedValues() { synchronized (mLock) { if (mPanoramaMetadata != null) { mPanoramaMetadata = null; } else if (mGetPanoMetadataTask != null) { mGetPanoMetadataTask.cancel(); for (PanoramaSupportCallback cb : mCallbacksWaiting) { cb.panoramaInfoAvailable(mMediaObject, false, false); } mGetPanoMetadataTask = null; mCallbacksWaiting = null; } } } @Override public void onFutureDone(Future<PanoramaMetadata> future) { synchronized (mLock) { mPanoramaMetadata = future.get(); if (mPanoramaMetadata == null) { // Error getting panorama data from file. Treat as not panorama. mPanoramaMetadata = LightCycleHelper.NOT_PANORAMA; } for (PanoramaSupportCallback cb : mCallbacksWaiting) { cb.panoramaInfoAvailable(mMediaObject, mPanoramaMetadata.mUsePanoramaViewer, mPanoramaMetadata.mIsPanorama360); } mGetPanoMetadataTask = null; mCallbacksWaiting = null; } } }