package controller.merge.xmi.xclass; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Queue; public class NotationData { // Notations to process to genereate .notation file private Queue<XmiNotationElement> elements; // If Class1 exists, we want to use Class2 Id with Class1 private HashMap<String, String> replaceClass2Id; // Maps the parent Id to the Source Id private HashMap<String, String> mapParentToSource; // File name private String fileName; // ID used to identify the UML file from the notation file private String umlId; // Name for notation file private String notationName; // ID for notation file private String notationId; public NotationData(Queue<XmiNotationElement> elements, HashMap<String, String> replaceClass2Id, HashMap<String, String> mapParentToSource, String fileName, String umlId, String notationName, String notationId) { this.elements = elements; this.umlId = umlId; this.fileName = fileName; this.notationName = notationName; this.notationId = notationId; this.replaceClass2Id = replaceClass2Id; this.mapParentToSource = mapParentToSource; } /** * @return the elements */ public Queue<XmiNotationElement> getElements() { return elements; } /** * @return the replaceClass2Id */ public HashMap<String, String> getReplaceClass2Id() { return replaceClass2Id; } /** * @return the mapParentToSource */ public HashMap<String, String> getMapParentToSource() { return mapParentToSource; } /** * @return the fileName */ public String getFileName() { return fileName; } /** * @return the umlId */ public String getUmlId() { return umlId; } /** * @return the notationName */ public String getNotationName() { return notationName; } /** * @return the notationId */ public String getNotationId() { return notationId; } }