package controller.upload; import uml2parser.*; import logging.Log; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; /** * * @author shuklp * */ public class UmlUploadProcessor extends ClassUploadProcessor { List <FileInfo> fileList; private final static String PAPYRUS_CLASS_DIAG = "PapyrusUMLClassDiagram"; private final static String PAPYRUS_NOTATION_ELEM = "notation:Diagram"; private final static String PAPYRUS_PACKAGED_ELEM = "packagedElement"; private boolean isClassDiag = false; private boolean isSeqDiag = false; private List<String> activeIdList; private XmiElement classXmiDiag; ModelFileInfo modelUmlInfo; private String Umlfilename; public UmlUploadProcessor(List <FileInfo> list) { fileList = list; activeIdList = new ArrayList<String>(); } @Override public void process() { // first process the .notation file FileInfo info = getFile(UploadProcessorFactory.NOTATION_EXTENSION); ModelFileInfo notationmodelInfo = new ModelFileInfo(info.getDestFilePath() + info.getFileName()); ParseXmi notationXmi = new ParseXmi(notationmodelInfo); notationXmi.parseDoc(); // Parse the UML File FileInfo umlInfo = getFile(UploadProcessorFactory.UML_EXTENSION); modelUmlInfo = new ModelFileInfo(umlInfo.getDestFilePath() + umlInfo.getFileName()); ParseXmi umlXmi = new ParseXmi(modelUmlInfo); Umlfilename = umlInfo.getFileName(); umlXmi.parseDoc(); // Does the diagram support Class diagrams & sequence diagrams List<XmiElement> elemList = notationmodelInfo.findElementsByName(PAPYRUS_NOTATION_ELEM); //Log.LogCreate().Info("found element " + String.valueOf(elemList.size()) ); if (elemList.size() > 0 ) { for (int i = 0 ; i < elemList.size(); i++) { XmiElement xmi = elemList.get(i); List<Attribute> attriblist = xmi.getAttrib(); for (int j= 0; j < attriblist.size(); j++) { Attribute attr = attriblist.get(j); if (attr.getName().equals("type")){ switch(attr.getValue()){ case PAPYRUS_CLASS_DIAG: { // TODO: We are currently only supporting one class diagram per // Notation file. We can enhance this in future. classXmiDiag =xmi; isClassDiag = true; } break; // Add other Diagrams default: { break; } } } } } } // need to find the active elements in the class diagram if (isClassDiag) { ElementIterator(classXmiDiag); boolean foundError = false; // now find the elements in the class for (int i = 0 ; i < activeIdList.size(); i++) { if (modelUmlInfo.findElementsById(activeIdList.get(i)) == false) { foundError = true; break; } } if (foundError == false) { // Convert this into a java file. // Build a list of Class. List <XmiElement> classList = new ArrayList<XmiElement> (); List<XmiElement> packagedElemList = modelUmlInfo.findElementsByName(PAPYRUS_PACKAGED_ELEM); for (int i = 0 ; i < packagedElemList.size(); i++) { if (packagedElemList.get(i).getFoundMatch()) { List <Attribute> attrlist = packagedElemList.get(i).getAttrib(); for (int k = 0; k < attrlist.size(); k++) { if (attrlist.get(k).getName().equals("xmi:type") && attrlist.get(k).getValue().equals("uml:Class")) { //Log.LogCreate().Info("Valid class name = " + packagedElemList.get(i).getAttributeValue("name")); classList.add(packagedElemList.get(i)); } } } } //Log.LogCreate().Info("Calling CreateJava file"); CreateJavaFile(classList); createPngFile(Umlfilename, Umlfilename + ".java", umlInfo.getDestFilePath(), umlInfo.getLibPath()); } } } private void CreateJavaFile(List <XmiElement> classList ) { // Create Stream Writer BufferedWriter out; try { // for each package File javaFile = new File(fileList.get(0).getDestFilePath() + Umlfilename + ".java"); FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter(javaFile); out = new BufferedWriter(fstream); out.write("import java.util.Date;\n"); out.write("import java.util.*; \n"); out.write("import*; \n"); // iterate thru an array list of classes for (int i = 0; i < classList.size(); i++) { XmiElement cls = classList.get(i); List <XmiElement> childlist = cls.getChildElemList(); String className =""; className = cls.getAttributeValue("name"); //To determine if we have any generalizaton for (int j = 0 ; j < childlist.size(); j++ ) { // Check if there is any element named "generalizaion XmiElement childElem = childlist.get(j); if (childElem.getElementName().equals("generalization")){ // Parent element xmiElement String id = childElem.getAttributeValue("general"); XmiElement parentElement = modelUmlInfo.getXmiElementFromId(id); className += " extends " + parentElement.getAttributeValue("name"); } } out.write("public class " + className + "{\n"); out.write("\n"); //out.write("/**\n"); for (int j = 0 ; j < childlist.size(); j++ ) { XmiElement childElem = childlist.get(j); if (childElem.getFoundMatch() ) { // Operations if (childElem.getElementName().equals("ownedOperation")) { List <Attribute>attriblistchild = childElem.getAttrib(); for (int idx = 0;idx < attriblistchild.size(); idx++) { if (attriblistchild.get(idx).getName().equals("name")) { String operationName = attriblistchild.get(idx).getValue(); out.write("\tvoid " + operationName + "();\n" ); break; } } } else if(childElem.getElementName().equals("ownedAttribute")) { // Here we only will process the Attributes List <Attribute>attriblistchild = childElem.getAttrib(); String attrStr = ""; String type = ""; String name =""; for (int idx = 0;idx < attriblistchild.size(); idx++) { if (attriblistchild.get(idx).getName().equals("name")) { name = attriblistchild.get(idx).getValue(); break; } } List <XmiElement> attrList = childElem.getChildElemList(); for (int idx = 0; idx < attrList.size(); idx++) { if (attrList.get(idx).getElementName().equals("type")) { XmiElement elem = attrList.get(idx); if (elem.getAttributeValue("xmi:type").equals("uml:PrimitiveType")) { String hrefVal = elem.getAttributeValue("href"); hrefVal = hrefVal.substring(hrefVal.indexOf('#') + 1, hrefVal.length()); switch (hrefVal) { case "String": type = "String"; break; case "Integer" : type = "int"; break; case "Real": type = "double"; break; case "Boolean": type = "boolean"; break; case "UnlimitdNatural": type = "long"; break; } } } } if (!type.isEmpty()) out.write("\t" + type +" " + name + ";\n"); else out.write("\t int" +" " + name + ";\n"); } }else if(childElem.getElementName().equals("ownedAttribute")) { String xmiID = childElem.getAttributeValue("type"); XmiElement elem = modelUmlInfo.getXmiElementFromId(xmiID); String type = elem.getAttributeValue("name"); out.write("\t "+ type + " " + childElem.getAttributeValue("name") + ";\n"); } } out.write("}\n"); } out.close(); fstream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.LogCreate().Info("Got an error creating the file...." + e.getMessage()); } } //private /** * * @param name */ private void ElementIterator(XmiElement name) { List <XmiElement> childElementlist = name.getChildElemList(); if(childElementlist != null) { // iterate the xmiElement which contains all the information for (int i = 0; i < childElementlist.size(); i++) { ElementIterator(childElementlist.get(i)); } } List <Attribute> attribList = name.getAttrib(); for (int j = 0; j < attribList.size(); j++) { Attribute attrib = attribList.get(j); if (attrib.getName().equals("href")) { int beginIndex = attrib.getValue().indexOf('#'); String value = attrib.getValue().substring(beginIndex +1); //Log.LogCreate().Info("Active IDs " + value); activeIdList.add(value); } } } private FileInfo getFile(String extension) { FileInfo info = null; for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size(); i++) { String extn = fileList.get(i).getFileName().substring( fileList.get(i).getFileName().lastIndexOf(".") + 1, fileList.get(i).getFileName().length()); if (extn.equals(extension)){ info = fileList.get(i); } } return info; } /** * * Still thinking if we need to break this up into two class * Sequence diagram and the Class diagram. * */ private class Uml2ClassUploadProcessor { } private class Uml2SequenceDiagramUploadProcessor { } }