package de.knurt.fam.test.web; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.jcouchdb.db.Database; import org.jcouchdb.db.Response; import de.knurt.fam.connector.FamConnector; import de.knurt.fam.core.view.text.FamDateFormat; public class PrepareDatabase { private String url = null; private String username = null; private String password = null; private String test_couchdb_id1 = null; private Database couchdb; public String doAndGetFeedback(HttpServletRequest request) { String result = ""; if (FamConnector.isDev()) { result = "<ul>"; result += "<li>Base parameters:<ul>"; result += String.format("<li>mysql url: '%s'</li>", this.url); result += String.format("<li>mysql username: '%s'</li>", this.username); result += String.format("<li>mysql password: '%s'</li>", this.password); result += String.format("<li>couchdb name: '%s'</li>", this.couchdb.getName()); result += "</ul></li>"; // get and check database connection Connection connection = null; Statement stmt = null; try { // Load the JDBC driver String driverName = ""; // MySQL MM // JDBC Class.forName(driverName); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); stmt = connection.createStatement(); if (request.getParameter("confirm") != null && request.getParameter("confirm").equals("1")) { try { String customFields = "{\"hasRights\":\"0\",\"ceo_sname\":\"Val: a\",\"ceo_fname\":\"Val: b\",\"taskdesc\":\"Val: c \",\"partner\":\"Val: d\",\"ceo_title\":\"Val: e\"}"; String[] sqls = { "DELETE FROM user", "DELETE FROM address", "DELETE FROM booking", "DELETE FROM facility_responsibility", "INSERT INTO `address` VALUES (1,1,'24989','Muehlenstr','3','Dollerup','de')", "INSERT INTO `address` VALUES (2,1,'24989','Muehlenstr','3','Dollerup','de')", "INSERT INTO `address` VALUES (3,1,'24989','Muehlenstr','3','Dollerup','de')", "INSERT INTO `address` VALUES (4,1,'24989','Muehlenstr','3','Dollerup','de')", "INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (null,'daoltman','2010-08-11 12:42:25',NULL,'1976-06-17',1,0,1,'en','937e8d5fbb48bd4949536cd65b8d35c426b80d2f830c5c308e2cdec422ae2244','123','123','KNURT Systeme','Daniel','Mr.','','Oltmanns','admin',1,1,'unknown','Test Department',NULL,'intended research project',false,'" + customFields + "')", "INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (null,'daoltma1','2010-08-11 12:47:43',NULL,'1976-06-17',1,0,1,'en','937e8d5fbb48bd4949536cd65b8d35c426b80d2f830c5c308e2cdec422ae2244','123','123','KNURT Systeme','Daniel','Mr.','','Oltmanns','extern',2,1,'unknown','Test Department',NULL,'intended research project',false,'" + customFields + "')", "INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (null,'daoltma2','2010-08-11 12:48:48',NULL,'1976-06-17',1,0,1,'en','937e8d5fbb48bd4949536cd65b8d35c426b80d2f830c5c308e2cdec422ae2244','123','123','KNURT Systeme','Daniel','Mr.','','Oltmanns','operator',3,1,'unknown','Test Department',NULL,'intended research project',false,'" + customFields + "')", "INSERT INTO `user` VALUES (null,'daoltma3','2010-08-11 12:49:37',NULL,'1976-06-17',1,0,1,'en','937e8d5fbb48bd4949536cd65b8d35c426b80d2f830c5c308e2cdec422ae2244','123','123','KNURT Systeme','Daniel','Mr.','','Oltmanns','intern',4,1,'unknown','Test Department',NULL,'intended research project',false,'" + customFields + "')", "INSERT INTO facility_responsibility(username, facility_key) VALUES(\"daoltma2\", \"indoor\")", "INSERT INTO facility_responsibility(username, facility_key) VALUES(\"daoltma2\", \"sportsHall\")", "INSERT INTO facility_responsibility(username, facility_key) VALUES(\"daoltma2\", \"ballBath\")" }; for (String sql : sqls) { result += "<li>exec: <code>" + sql + "</code></li>"; stmt.execute(sql); } result += this.prepareCouchDB(); result += "<li id=\"finished\">finished</li>"; } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (request.getParameter("confirm") != null && request.getParameter("confirm").equals("262")) { // ticket 262 Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); today.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); String accountExpiresNew = FamDateFormat.getCustomDate(today.getTime(), "yyyy-MM-dd"); String sql = String.format("UPDATE `user` SET account_expires = '%s' WHERE username = 'daoltma1'", accountExpiresNew); result = String.format("<li>Set account expiration date of test user extern to %s</li>", accountExpiresNew); try { stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (request.getParameter("confirm") != null && request.getParameter("confirm").equals("setABookingSessionIsNow")) { // set a booking for extern where the session is active now Calendar timeStartC = Calendar.getInstance(); timeStartC.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -10); Calendar timeEndC = Calendar.getInstance(); timeEndC.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 10); String timeStart = this.getTimestamp(timeStartC.getTime()); String timeEnd = this.getTimestamp(timeEndC.getTime()); String sqlTempl = "INSERT INTO booking (id, username, seton, status_id, status_seton, facilityKey, capacityUnits, time_end, time_start, cancelation_username, cancelation_reason, cancelation_seton, notice, idBookedInBookingStrategy, processed) VALUES (null, 'daoltma1', '%1$s', 2, '%1$s', 'bus1', 1, '%2$s', '%1$s', null, null, null, null, 1, 0)"; String sql = String.format(sqlTempl, timeStart, timeEnd); result = String.format("<li>Inserted booking: %s</li>", sql); try { stmt.execute(sql); } catch (SQLException e) { } } else if (request.getParameter("confirm") != null && request.getParameter("confirm").equals("340")) { // ticket 340 File directory = new File(FamConnector.fileExchangeDir() + File.separator + "users" + File.separator +"molybdenum.admin")); if (!directory.exists()) { directory.mkdir(); } File[] dfs = directory.listFiles(); for (File df : dfs) { df.delete(); } for (String abc : new String[] { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f" }) { for (String suffix : new String[] { "pdf", "xls", "odt", "doc", "jpg", "png" }) { File nf = new File(directory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + abc + "." + suffix); try { nf.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { result += "<li>Could not find the database driver</li>"; } catch (SQLException e) { result += "<li>Could not connect to the database</li>"; } result += "</ul>"; } else { result = "YOU ARE NOT A DEV SYSTEM!"; } return result; } private String getTimestamp(Date date) { return String.format("%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS", date); } private String prepareCouchDB() { String jsonstring = String.format("{\"type\": \"TEST_MOLYBDENUM\", \"created\": \"" + new Date().getTime() + "\"}"); String uri = "/" + this.couchdb.getName() + "/" + this.test_couchdb_id1; Response existingDoc = this.couchdb.getServer().get(uri); if (existingDoc.isOk()) { return String.format("<li id=\"couchdb_id1\">%s</li>", existingDoc.getContentAsString()); } else { Response answer = this.couchdb.getServer().put(uri, jsonstring); return String.format("<li id=\"couchdb_id1\">%s</li>", answer.getContentAsString()); } } /** one and only instance of PrepareDatabase */ private volatile static PrepareDatabase me; /** construct PrepareDatabase */ private PrepareDatabase() { Properties p =; url = p.getProperty("db.url"); username = p.getProperty("db.username"); password = p.getProperty("db.password"); String host = FamConnector.getGlobalProperty("couchdb_ip"); int port = Integer.parseInt(FamConnector.getGlobalProperty("couchdb_port")); String name = FamConnector.getGlobalProperty("couchdb_dbname"); couchdb = new Database(host, port, name); test_couchdb_id1 = p.getProperty("test.couchdb.id1"); } /** * return the one and only instance of PrepareDatabase * * @return the one and only instance of PrepareDatabase */ public static PrepareDatabase getInstance() { if (me == null) { // no instance so far synchronized (PrepareDatabase.class) { if (me == null) { // still no instance so far me = new PrepareDatabase(); // the one and only } } } return me; } }