/* * Copyright 2009-2012 by KNURT Systeme (http://www.knurt.de) * * Licensed under the Creative Commons License Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported; * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.knurt.fam.news; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import de.knurt.fam.core.model.persist.User; import de.knurt.fam.core.model.persist.booking.Booking; import de.knurt.fam.core.model.persist.booking.QueueBooking; import de.knurt.fam.core.util.mvc.QueryStringBuilder; import de.knurt.fam.core.util.time.CalendarUtil; import de.knurt.fam.core.view.text.FamDateFormat; import de.knurt.fam.template.util.TemplateHtml; import de.knurt.heinzelmann.util.time.TimeFrame; /** * report news about new users * * @author Daniel Oltmanns <info@knurt.de> * @since 1.5.0 (07/29/2011) * */ public class NewsSourceForYourBookings implements NewsSource { /** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<NewsItem> getNews(TimeFrame from, User to) { List<NewsItem> result = new ArrayList<NewsItem>(); result.addAll(this.getNewsOfYourBookings(from, to)); return result; } private List<NewsItem> getNewsOfYourBookings(TimeFrame from, User to) { List<NewsItem> result = new ArrayList<NewsItem>(); List<Booking> bookings = to.getBookings(); for (Booking booking : bookings) { NewsItem candidate = this.getNewsItemOf(booking, from); if (candidate != null) { result.add(candidate); } } return result; } private NewsItem getNewsItemOf(Booking booking, TimeFrame from) { NewsItem result = null; if ((booking.isCanceled() && from.contains(booking.getCancelation().getDateCanceled())) || (!booking.isCanceled() && !booking.sessionAlreadyMade())) { result = new NewsItemDefault(); String facilityLabel = booking.getFacility().getLabel(); String bOrA = booking.isApplication() ? "application" : "booking"; // INTLANG String desc = ""; if (booking.isCanceled()) { String reason = booking.getCancelation().getReason(); desc = String.format("Your %s for %s was canceled.", bOrA, facilityLabel); // INTLANG if (reason != null && !reason.isEmpty()) { desc += " Reason: " + reason; } result.setEventStarts(booking.getCancelation().getDateCanceled()); } else { // uncanceled booking if (booking.isQueueBased() && !booking.sessionAlreadyMade()) { // ↖ booking in queue and not made desc = String.format("Expected start of your session on %s. Your position in queue: %s.", facilityLabel, ((QueueBooking) booking).getCurrentQueuePosition()); // INTLANG result.setEventStarts(((QueueBooking) booking).getExpectedSessionStart().getTime()); if (booking.sessionAlreadyBegun()) { result.setLinkToFurtherInformation(TemplateHtml.href("viewrequest") + QueryStringBuilder.getQueryString(booking)); } else { result.setLinkToFurtherInformation(TemplateHtml.href("editrequest") + QueryStringBuilder.getQueryString(booking)); } } else { // booking has session start time Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); if (DateUtils.isSameDay(today.getTime(), booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateStart())) { // session is today if (DateUtils.isSameDay(today.getTime(), booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateEnd())) { desc = String.format("Your session on %s.", facilityLabel); // INTLANG result.setEventStarts(booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateStart()); result.setEventEnds(booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateEnd()); } else { desc = String.format("Your session on %s (ends on %s).", facilityLabel, FamDateFormat.getDateAndTimeShort(booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateEnd())); // INTLANG result.setEventStarts(booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getDateStart()); } if (booking.sessionAlreadyBegun()) { result.setLinkToFurtherInformation(TemplateHtml.href("viewrequest") + QueryStringBuilder.getQueryString(booking)); } else { result.setLinkToFurtherInformation(TemplateHtml.href("editrequest") + QueryStringBuilder.getQueryString(booking)); } } else { // session starts in future Calendar booking_c = booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getCalendarStart(); if (booking_c.before(today)) { desc = String.format("your session on %s.", facilityLabel); // INTLANG } else { long days = CalendarUtil.me().daysBetween(today, booking_c); desc = String.format("%s %s to your session on %s.", days, days == 1 ? "day" : "days", facilityLabel); // INTLANG } result.setEventStarts(booking_c.getTime()); if (booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getCalendarEnd() != null) { result.setEventEnds(booking.getSessionTimeFrame().getCalendarEnd().getTime()); } result.setLinkToFurtherInformation(TemplateHtml.href("editrequest") + QueryStringBuilder.getQueryString(booking)); } } if (booking.getNotice() != null && !booking.getNotice().isEmpty()) { desc += " Notice: " + booking.getNotice(); } } if (result != null && desc != null) { result.setDescription(desc); } } return result; } }