package; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSImpliedValue; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSLength; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSName; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSQuotedString; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSValue; import com.adobe.dp.css.CSSValueList; import com.adobe.dp.css.InlineRule; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StyleConverter { Style documentDefaultParagraphStyle; double defaultFontSize = 22.0; boolean usingPX; private static final int RUN_COMPLEX = 1; private static final int RUN_STYLE = 2; private static final int RUN_BOLD = 4; private static final int RUN_ITALIC = 8; private static final int RUN_SUPER = 0x10; private static final int RUN_SUB = 0x20; StyleConverter(boolean usingPX) { this.usingPX = usingPX; } void setDocumentDefaultParagraphStyle(Style documentDefaultParagraphStyle) { this.documentDefaultParagraphStyle = documentDefaultParagraphStyle; } boolean usingPX() { return usingPX; } void setDefaultFontSize(double defaultFontSize) { this.defaultFontSize = defaultFontSize; } private String mapToElement(String styleId) { if (styleId != null) { if (styleId.equals("Title")) return "h1"; if (styleId.equals("Heading1")) return "h1"; if (styleId.equals("Heading2")) return "h2"; if (styleId.equals("Heading3")) return "h3"; if (styleId.equals("Heading4")) return "h4"; if (styleId.equals("Heading5")) return "h5"; if (styleId.equals("Heading6")) return "h6"; } return null; } private int getRunMask(RunProperties rp) { int result = 0; if (rp == null) return 0; if (rp.getRunStyle() != null) result = RUN_STYLE; if (!rp.isEmpty()) { Iterator it =; while (it.hasNext()) { String prop = (String); if (prop.equals("b")) { Object val = rp.get("b"); if (val.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) result |= RUN_BOLD; } else if (prop.equals("i")) { Object val = rp.get("i"); if (val.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) result |= RUN_ITALIC; } else if (prop.equals("vertAlign")) { Object val = rp.get("vertAlign"); if (val.equals("superscript")) result |= RUN_SUPER; else if (val.equals("subscript")) result |= RUN_SUB; } else { result |= RUN_COMPLEX; } } } return result; } static void setIfNotPresent(InlineRule rule, String name, CSSValue value) { Object val = rule.get(name); if (val == null || val instanceof CSSImpliedValue) rule.set(name, value); } CSSValueList convertBorderSide(BorderSide side) { String type = side.getType(); if (type.equals("single")) type = "solid"; else type = "solid"; Paint paint = side.getColor(); CSSValue color = (paint instanceof RGBColor ? ((RGBColor) paint).toCSSValue() : new CSSName("black")); double width = side.getWidth() / 8.0; if (width < 1) width = 1; CSSValue[] list = { new CSSLength(width, "px"), new CSSName(type), color }; return new CSSValueList(' ', list); } private CSSValue getFontFamilyString(FontFamily family) { String name = family.getName(); Vector list = new Vector(); if (name.indexOf(' ') >= 0) { list.add(new CSSQuotedString(name)); } else { list.add(new CSSName(name)); } String backupName = null; String shape = family.getFamily(); String pitch = family.getPitch(); if (pitch != null && pitch.equals("fixed")) { backupName = "monospace"; } else if (shape != null) { if (shape.equals("roman")) backupName = "serif"; else if (shape.equals("swiss")) backupName = "sans-serif"; } if (backupName != null) { list.add(new CSSName(backupName)); } if (list.size() == 1) return (CSSValue) list.get(0); CSSValue[] arr = new CSSValue[list.size()]; list.copyInto(arr); return new CSSValueList(',', arr); } public boolean convertLabelToProperty(NumberingLabel label, InlineRule rule) { String text = label.getText(); if (text.length() == 1) { int bulletChar = text.charAt(0); if (bulletChar == 0xf0b7) { // solid bullet if (rule != null) { rule.set("list-style-type", new CSSName("disc")); rule.set("text-indent", new CSSLength(0, "px")); } return true; } else if (bulletChar == 'o') { if (rule != null) { rule.set("list-style-type", new CSSName("circle")); rule.set("text-indent", new CSSLength(0, "px")); } return true; } } if (rule != null) rule.set("list-style-type", new CSSName("none")); return false; } public StylingResult getLabelRule(InlineRule paragraphRule, NumberingLabel label, float emScale) { StylingResult result = new StylingResult(); if (label.getRunProperties() != null) { convertStylingRule(result, label.getRunProperties(), emScale, false, false); } if (paragraphRule != null) { Object textIndent = paragraphRule.get("text-indent"); if (textIndent instanceof CSSLength) { CSSLength len = (CSSLength) textIndent; if (len.getValue() < 0) { CSSLength labelWidth = new CSSLength(-len.getValue(), len.getUnit()); result.elementRule.set("display", new CSSName("inline-block")); result.elementRule.set("text-indent", new CSSLength(0, "px")); result.elementRule.set("min-width", labelWidth); } } } result.elementClassName = "label"; return result; } private void setContainerIfNotPresent(StylingResult result, String prop, CSSValue value) { if (result.containerRule == null) result.containerRule = new InlineRule(); setIfNotPresent(result.containerRule, prop, value); } private void setElementIfNotPresent(StylingResult result, String prop, CSSValue value) { setIfNotPresent(result.elementRule, prop, value); } private boolean keepTogether(Hashtable wprop) { Object contextualSpacing = wprop.get("contextualSpacing"); if (contextualSpacing != null && contextualSpacing.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) return true; return false; } private void convertWordToCSS(StylingResult result, Hashtable wprop, NumberingLabel label, float emScale, boolean sameStyleBefore, boolean sameStyleAfter) { final float normalWidth = 612; // convert to percentages of this if (wprop.isEmpty()) return; double fontSize = 1; Object value = wprop.get("sz"); if (value != null) fontSize = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / (emScale * defaultFontSize); value = wprop.get("vertAlign"); if (value != null) { if (value.equals("superscript")) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "vertical-align", new CSSName("super")); fontSize *= 0.8; } else if (value.equals("subscript")) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "vertical-align", new CSSName("sub")); fontSize *= 0.8; } } if (fontSize != 1) { if (usingPX) setElementIfNotPresent(result, "font-size", new CSSLength(fontSize * emScale * defaultFontSize / 2, "px")); else setElementIfNotPresent(result, "font-size", new CSSLength(fontSize, "em")); } double containerFontSize = defaultFontSize * emScale; double elementFontSize = containerFontSize * fontSize; Number indLeft = (Number) wprop.get("ind-left"); Number indHanging = (Number) wprop.get("ind-hanging"); Number indFirstLine = (Number) wprop.get("ind-firstLine"); boolean isList = label != null || result.elementName != null && result.elementName.equals("li"); if (indLeft != null || indHanging != null || indFirstLine != null) { double left = indLeft == null ? 0 : indLeft.doubleValue(); double hang = indHanging == null ? 0 : indHanging.doubleValue(); double indent = indFirstLine == null ? 0 : indFirstLine.doubleValue(); indent -= hang; if (isList) { double halfPtSize = left / 10.0; if (usingPX || indent < 0 || isList) { double pxSize = halfPtSize / 2; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-left", new CSSLength(pxSize, "px")); } else { double remSize = halfPtSize / elementFontSize; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-left", new CSSLength(remSize, "em")); } } else if (left > 0) { double pts = left / 20; if (pts > 0) { if (isList) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-left", new CSSLength(pts, "px")); } else { double percent = 100 * pts / normalWidth; setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-left", new CSSLength(percent, "%")); } } } if (indent != 0) { double halfPtSize = indent / 10.0; if (usingPX || indent < 0 || isList) { double pxSize = halfPtSize / 2; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "text-indent", new CSSLength(pxSize, "px")); } else { double remSize = halfPtSize / elementFontSize; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "text-indent", new CSSLength(remSize, "em")); } } } Iterator props = wprop.keySet().iterator(); while (props.hasNext()) { String name = (String); value = wprop.get(name); if (name.equals("b")) { boolean bold = value.equals(Boolean.TRUE); setElementIfNotPresent(result, "font-weight", new CSSName(bold ? "bold" : "normal")); } else if (name.equals("i")) { boolean italic = value.equals(Boolean.TRUE); setElementIfNotPresent(result, "font-style", new CSSName(italic ? "italic" : "normal")); } else if (name.equals("rFonts")) { FontFamily fontFamily = (FontFamily) value; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "font-family", getFontFamilyString(fontFamily)); } else if (name.equals("u")) { Object val = result.elementRule.get("text-decoration"); if (val == null || !val.equals("line-through")) result.elementRule.set("text-decoration", new CSSName("underline")); else { CSSValue[] td = { new CSSName("line-through"), new CSSName("underline") }; result.elementRule.set("text-decoration", new CSSValueList(',', td)); } } else if (name.equals("strike")) { Object val = result.elementRule.get("text-decoration"); if (val == null || !val.equals("underline")) result.elementRule.set("text-decoration", new CSSName("line-through")); else { CSSValue[] td = { new CSSName("line-through"), new CSSName("underline") }; result.elementRule.set("text-decoration", new CSSValueList(',', td)); } } else if (name.equals("color")) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "color", ((RGBColor) value).toCSSValue()); } else if (name.equals("highlight")) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "background-color", ((RGBColor) value).toCSSValue()); } else if (name.equals("shd")) { if (value instanceof RGBColor) setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "background-color", ((RGBColor) value).toCSSValue()); } else if (name.startsWith("gridSpan")) { result.cols = (Integer) value; } else if (name.startsWith("vAlign")) { String val = value.toString(); if (val.equals("center")) result.elementRule.set("vertical-align", new CSSName("middle")); else if (val.equals("top")) result.elementRule.set("vertical-align", new CSSName("top")); else if (val.equals("bottom")) result.elementRule.set("vertical-align", new CSSName("bottom")); } else if (name.startsWith("border-")) { BorderSide side = (BorderSide) value; CSSLength paddingDef = new CSSLength(side.getSpace() / 8.0, "px"); CSSValue borderDef = convertBorderSide(side); if (name.equals("border-insideH")) { if (result.tableCellRule == null) result.tableCellRule = new InlineRule(); result.tableCellRule.set("padding-top", paddingDef); result.tableCellRule.set("padding-bottom", paddingDef); result.tableCellRule.set("border-top", borderDef); result.tableCellRule.set("border-bottom", borderDef); } else if (name.equals("border-insideV")) { if (result.tableCellRule == null) result.tableCellRule = new InlineRule(); result.tableCellRule.set("padding-left", paddingDef); result.tableCellRule.set("padding-right", paddingDef); result.tableCellRule.set("border-left", borderDef); result.tableCellRule.set("border-right", borderDef); } else if (name.equals("border-top")) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "padding-top", paddingDef); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "border-top", borderDef); } else if (name.equals("border-bottom")) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "padding-bottom", paddingDef); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "border-bottom", borderDef); } else if (name.equals("border-left")) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "padding-left", paddingDef); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "border-left", borderDef); } else if (name.equals("border-right")) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "padding-right", paddingDef); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "border-right", borderDef); } } else if (name.equals("jc")) { String css = "left"; if (value.equals("both")) css = "justify"; else if (value.equals("right") || value.equals("center")) css = value.toString(); setElementIfNotPresent(result, "text-align", new CSSName(css)); } else if (name.equals("webHidden")) { boolean hidden = value.equals(Boolean.TRUE); if (hidden) setElementIfNotPresent(result, "display", new CSSName("none")); } else if (name.equals("pageBreakBefore")) { boolean pageBreakBefore = value.equals(Boolean.TRUE); if (pageBreakBefore) setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "page-break-before", new CSSName("always")); } else if (name.equals("keepNext")) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "page-break-after", new CSSName("avoid")); } else if (name.equals("keepLines")) { if (value.equals(Boolean.TRUE)) setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "page-break-inside", new CSSName("avoid")); } else if (name.equals("spacing-before")) { if (sameStyleBefore && keepTogether(wprop)) { // vertical margin is zeroed out in this case } else { double halfPtSize = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / 10.0; CSSLength len; boolean marginOnElement = sameStyleBefore; if (usingPX) { double pxSize = halfPtSize / 2; len = new CSSLength(pxSize, "px"); } else { double remSize = halfPtSize / containerFontSize; len = new CSSLength(remSize, "em"); } if (marginOnElement) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-top", len); } else { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-top", len); } } } else if (name.equals("spacing-after")) { if (sameStyleAfter && keepTogether(wprop)) { // vertical margin is zeroed out in this case } else { double halfPtSize = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / 10.0; CSSLength len; boolean marginOnElement = sameStyleAfter; if (usingPX) { double pxSize = halfPtSize / 2; len = new CSSLength(pxSize, "px"); } else { double remSize = halfPtSize / containerFontSize; len = new CSSLength(remSize, "em"); } if (marginOnElement) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-bottom", len); } else { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-bottom", len); } } } else if (name.equals("spacing-line")) { String lineRule = (String) wprop.get("spacing-lineRule"); double halfPtSize = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / 10.0; if (halfPtSize > 0) { if (usingPX && lineRule != null) { double pxSize = halfPtSize / 2; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "line-height", new CSSLength(pxSize, "px")); } else { double base = elementFontSize; if (lineRule != null && lineRule.equals("auto")) base = 24.0; double remSize = halfPtSize / base; setElementIfNotPresent(result, "line-height", new CSSLength(remSize, "")); } } } else if (name.equals("ind-right")) { double pts = ((Number) value).doubleValue() / 20.0; if (pts > 0) { if (isList) { setElementIfNotPresent(result, "margin-right", new CSSLength(pts, "px")); } else { double percent = 100 * pts / normalWidth; setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-right", new CSSLength(percent, "%")); } } } else if (name.equals("framePr-align")) { String align = (String) value; if (align != null) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "float", new CSSName(align)); } else { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "float", new CSSImpliedValue(new CSSName("left"))); } } else if (name.equals("framePr-w")) { float width = ((Number) value).floatValue(); if (width > 0) { float pts = width / 20; float percent = 100 * pts / normalWidth; setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "width", new CSSLength(percent, "%")); // extra space indicates it was not explicitly set setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "float", new CSSImpliedValue(new CSSName("left"))); } } else if (name.equals("framePr-hSpace")) { float hSpace = ((Number) value).floatValue(); if (hSpace > 0) { String align = (String) wprop.get("framePr-align"); float pts = hSpace / 20; CSSLength margin = new CSSLength(pts, "px"); if (align == null || align.equals("left")) { setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-right", margin); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "float", new CSSImpliedValue(new CSSName("left"))); } else setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-left", margin); } } else if (name.equals("framePr-vSpace")) { float vSpace = ((Number) value).floatValue(); if (vSpace > 0) { float pts = vSpace / 20; setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "margin-bottom", new CSSLength(pts, "px")); setContainerIfNotPresent(result, "float", new CSSImpliedValue(new CSSName("left"))); } } } if (label != null) convertLabelToProperty(label, result.elementRule); } private void cascade(Hashtable target, BaseProperties src, boolean force) { if (src == null || src.isEmpty()) return; Iterator props =; while (props.hasNext()) { String prop = (String); if (force || target.get(prop) == null) target.put(prop, src.get(prop)); } } Hashtable cascadeWordProperties(BaseProperties prop) { boolean runOnly = prop instanceof RunProperties; boolean tableOnly = prop instanceof TableProperties; Style style; NumberingLabel label = null; Hashtable wprop = new Hashtable(); if (prop instanceof RunProperties) { RunProperties rp = (RunProperties) prop; cascade(wprop, rp, false); style = rp.getRunStyle(); } else if (prop instanceof ParagraphProperties) { ParagraphProperties pp = (ParagraphProperties) prop; label = pp.getNumberingLabel(); cascade(wprop, pp, false); style = pp.getParagraphStyle(); } else if (prop instanceof TableCellProperties) { TableCellProperties tcp = (TableCellProperties) prop; cascade(wprop, tcp, false); style = null; } else if (prop instanceof TableProperties) { TableProperties tp = (TableProperties) prop; cascade(wprop, tp, false); style = ((TableProperties) prop).getTableStyle(); } else { System.err.println("Unimplemented cascade: " + prop.getClass()); style = null; } while (style != null) { if (tableOnly) cascade(wprop, style.getTableProperties(), false); else { cascade(wprop, style.getRunProperties(), false); if (!runOnly) cascade(wprop, style.getParagraphProperties(), false); } style = style.getParent(); } if (label != null) { ParagraphProperties pp = label.getParagraphProperties(); cascade(wprop, pp, true); } if (!runOnly && documentDefaultParagraphStyle != null) cascade(wprop, documentDefaultParagraphStyle.getParagraphProperties(), false); return wprop; } private void convertStylingRule(StylingResult result, BaseProperties prop, float emScale, boolean sameStyleBefore, boolean sameStyleAfter) { Hashtable wprop = cascadeWordProperties(prop); NumberingLabel label = null; if (prop instanceof ParagraphProperties) label = ((ParagraphProperties) prop).getNumberingLabel(); convertWordToCSS(result, wprop, label, emScale, sameStyleBefore, sameStyleAfter); if (result.elementName != null && result.elementName.startsWith("h")) { if (result.elementRule.get("font-weight") == null) result.elementRule.set("font-weight", new CSSName("normal")); if (result.elementRule.get("margin-top") == null) result.elementRule.set("margin-top", new CSSLength(0, "px")); if (result.elementRule.get("margin-bottom") == null) result.elementRule.set("margin-bottom", new CSSLength(0, "px")); if (result.elementRule.get("margin-left") == null) result.elementRule.set("margin-left", new CSSLength(0, "px")); if (result.elementRule.get("margin-right") == null) result.elementRule.set("margin-right", new CSSLength(0, "px")); } } public StylingResult convertTableStylingRule(TableProperties prop, float emScale) { Hashtable wprop = cascadeWordProperties(prop); StylingResult result = new StylingResult(); result.containerRule = result.elementRule; convertWordToCSS(result, wprop, null, emScale, false, false); return result; } public StylingResult convertTableCellStylingRule(TableCellProperties prop, float emScale, InlineRule tableGlobalProps) { Hashtable wprop = cascadeWordProperties(prop); StylingResult result = new StylingResult(); result.containerRule = result.elementRule; convertWordToCSS(result, wprop, null, emScale, false, false); if (tableGlobalProps != null && !tableGlobalProps.isEmpty()) { Iterator tgpi =; while (tgpi.hasNext()) { String tgpn = (String); CSSValue tgpv = tableGlobalProps.get(tgpn); setIfNotPresent(result.elementRule, tgpn, tgpv); } } return result; } StylingResult styleElement(BaseProperties prop, boolean isListElement, float emScale, boolean sameStyleBefore, boolean sameStyleAfter) { StylingResult result = new StylingResult(); if (prop == null) return result; if (prop instanceof ParagraphProperties) { ParagraphProperties pp = (ParagraphProperties) prop; Style style = pp.getParagraphStyle(); boolean noInlineStyling = pp.isEmpty() && pp.getNumberingLabel() == null && pp.getRunProperties() == null; if (style == null) { if (noInlineStyling) return result; } else if (isListElement) { result.elementName = "li"; } else { result.elementName = mapToElement(style.getStyleId()); } if (result.elementName == null && style != null) { String styleId = style.getStyleId(); if (styleId.equals("Normal")) result.elementClassName = "p"; else result.elementClassName = styleId; } else { if (!noInlineStyling || result.elementName.equals("h1") || result.elementName.equals("li") || style == null) result.elementClassName = "p"; else result.elementClassName = style.getStyleId(); } } else { RunProperties rp = (RunProperties) prop; int runMask = getRunMask(rp); switch (runMask) { case 0: // don't create unneeded span element return result; case RUN_BOLD: // bold only result.elementName = "b"; return result; case RUN_ITALIC: // italic only result.elementName = "i"; return result; case RUN_SUB: // subscript only result.elementName = "sub"; return result; case RUN_SUPER: // superscript only result.elementName = "sup"; return result; } if ((runMask & RUN_STYLE) != 0) { String styleId = rp.getRunStyle().getStyleId(); if (styleId.equals("DefaultParagraphFont")) result.elementClassName = "r"; // shorten it else result.elementClassName = styleId; } else { result.elementClassName = "r"; } } convertStylingRule(result, prop, emScale, sameStyleBefore, sameStyleAfter); return result; } }