package com.adobe.dp.epubtest; import com.adobe.dp.css.*; import; import; import; import com.adobe.dp.epub.ncx.TOCEntry; import com.adobe.dp.epub.opf.*; import com.adobe.dp.epub.ops.*; import; import com.adobe.dp.otf.DefaultFontLocator; import com.adobe.dp.otf.FontLocator; import; /** * Advanced epubgen example. Using bitmap images, font embedding, links and * inline SVG. */ public class HelloEPUB3 { public static void main(String[] args) { try { // create new EPUB document Publication epub = new Publication(); // set up title and author epub.addDCMetadata("title", "My Third EPUB"); epub.addDCMetadata("creator", System.getProperty("")); epub.addDCMetadata("language", "en"); // prepare table of contents NCXResource toc = epub.getTOC(); TOCEntry rootTOCEntry = toc.getRootTOCEntry(); // create a stylesheet StyleResource style = epub.createStyleResource("OPS/styles.css"); Stylesheet stylesheet = style.getStylesheet(); // style h1 element Selector h1Selector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector("h1", null); SelectorRule h1Rule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector(h1Selector, true); h1Rule.set("color", new CSSName("gray")); CSSValue[] border = { new CSSLength(2, "px"), new CSSName("solid"), new CSSName("gray") }; h1Rule.set("border-bottom", new CSSValueList(' ', border)); h1Rule.set("text-align", new CSSName("right")); CSSValue[] margin = { new CSSLength(2, "em"), new CSSLength(8, "px"), new CSSLength(1, "em"), new CSSLength(0, "px") }; h1Rule.set("margin", new CSSValueList(' ', margin)); h1Rule.set("font-family", new CSSQuotedString("Adobe Garamond Pro")); // style p element Selector pSelector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector("p", null); SelectorRule pRule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector(pSelector, true); pRule.set("margin", new CSSLength(0, "px")); pRule.set("text-indent", new CSSLength(1, "em")); pRule.set("text-align", new CSSName("justify")); pRule.set("font-family", new CSSQuotedString("Liberation Serif")); // style bitmap class (JPEG image) Selector bitmapSelector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector(null, "bitmap"); SelectorRule bitmapRule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector( bitmapSelector, true); bitmapRule.set("width", new CSSLength(80, "%")); bitmapRule.set("max-width", new CSSLength(553, "px")); // style container class (container for JPEG image) Selector containerSelector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector("p", "container"); SelectorRule containerRule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector( containerSelector, true); containerRule.set("text-align", new CSSName("center")); containerRule.set("text-indent", new CSSLength(0, "px")); CSSValue[] padval = { new CSSLength(0.5, "em"), new CSSLength(0, "px") }; containerRule.set("padding", new CSSValueList(' ', padval)); // style svgimage class (embedded SVG) Selector svgimageSelector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector(null, "svgimage"); SelectorRule svgimageRule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector(svgimageSelector, true); svgimageRule.set("width", new CSSLength(80, "%")); CSSValue[] padval1 = { new CSSLength(0.5, "em"), new CSSLength(10, "%") }; svgimageRule.set("padding", new CSSValueList(' ', padval1)); // style label1 class (text in embedded SVG) Selector label1Selector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector(null, "label1"); SelectorRule label1Rule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector(label1Selector, true); label1Rule.set("font-size", new CSSLength(36, "px")); label1Rule.set("font-family", new CSSQuotedString("Liberation Serif")); // style label2 class (text in embedded SVG) Selector label2Selector = stylesheet.getSimpleSelector(null, "label2"); SelectorRule label2Rule = stylesheet.getRuleForSelector(label2Selector, true); label2Rule.set("font-size", new CSSLength(48, "px")); label2Rule.set("font-family", new CSSQuotedString("Comic Sans MS")); // create first chapter resource OPSResource chapter1 = epub.createOPSResource("OPS/chapter1.html"); epub.addToSpine(chapter1); // get chapter document OPSDocument chapter1Doc = chapter1.getDocument(); // link our stylesheet chapter1Doc.addStyleResource(style); // add chapter to the table of contents TOCEntry chapter1TOCEntry = toc.createTOCEntry("Chapter 1", chapter1Doc.getRootXRef()); rootTOCEntry.add(chapter1TOCEntry); // chapter XHTML body element Element body1 = chapter1Doc.getBody(); // add a header Element header1 = chapter1Doc.createElement("h1"); header1.add("One"); body1.add(header1); // add a paragraph Element paragraph1 = chapter1Doc.createElement("p"); StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) sb1.append("This is sentence " + i + " of the first chapter's first paragraph. "); paragraph1.add(sb1.toString()); body1.add(paragraph1); // add SVG graphics area SVGElement svg = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("svg"); svg.setAttribute("viewBox", "0 0 400 200"); svg.setClassName("svgimage"); body1.add(svg); // draw background SVGElement bg = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("rect"); bg.setAttribute("x", "1"); bg.setAttribute("y", "1"); bg.setAttribute("width", "398"); bg.setAttribute("height", "198"); bg.setAttribute("stroke", "black"); bg.setAttribute("stroke-width", "2"); bg.setAttribute("fill", "#FFF8EE"); svg.add(bg); // draw a shape SVGElement path = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("path"); path.setAttribute("fill", "none"); path.setAttribute("stroke", "black"); path.setAttribute("stroke-width", "4"); String resistorPath = "M90 120h50l10 20l20-40l20 40l20-40l20 40l20-40l20 40l20-40l20 40l10-20h50"; path.setAttribute("d", resistorPath); svg.add(path); // draw a label SVGElement label1 = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("text"); label1.setClassName("label1"); label1.setAttribute("x", "150"); label1.setAttribute("y", "60"); label1.add("R = 30\u03A9"); svg.add(label1); // draw rotated label SVGElement label2 = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("text"); label2.setClassName("label2"); label2.setAttribute("transform", "translate(40 110)rotate(-75)"); SVGElement t1 = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("tspan"); t1.setAttribute("fill", "red"); t1.add("S"); label2.add(t1); SVGElement t2 = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("tspan"); t2.setAttribute("fill", "green"); t2.add("V"); label2.add(t2); SVGElement t3 = chapter1Doc.createSVGElement("tspan"); t3.setAttribute("fill", "blue"); t3.add("G"); label2.add(t3); svg.add(label2); // create a small paragraph to use as a link target Element target = chapter1Doc.createElement("p"); target.add("Link in the second chapter points here."); body1.add(target); // create second chapter resource OPSResource chapter2 = epub.createOPSResource("OPS/chapter2.html"); epub.addToSpine(chapter2); // get chapter document OPSDocument chapter2Doc = chapter2.getDocument(); // link our stylesheet chapter2Doc.addStyleResource(style); // add chapter to the table of contents TOCEntry chapter2TOCEntry = toc.createTOCEntry("Chapter 2", chapter2Doc.getRootXRef()); rootTOCEntry.add(chapter2TOCEntry); // chapter XHTML body element Element body2 = chapter2Doc.getBody(); // add a header Element header2 = chapter1Doc.createElement("h1"); header2.add("Two"); body2.add(header2); // add a paragraph Element paragraph2 = chapter2Doc.createElement("p"); StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) sb2.append("This is sentence " + i + " of the second chapter's first paragraph. "); paragraph2.add(sb2.toString()); body2.add(paragraph2); // add a bitmap resource DataSource dataSource = new ResourceDataSource(HelloEPUB3.class, "cassini.jpg"); BitmapImageResource imageResource = epub.createBitmapImageResource( "OPS/images/cassini.jpg", "image/jpeg", dataSource); // add a bitmap image Element container = chapter2Doc.createElement("p"); container.setClassName("container"); body2.add(container); ImageElement bitmap = chapter2Doc.createImageElement("img"); bitmap.setClassName("bitmap"); bitmap.setImageResource(imageResource); container.add(bitmap); // and another paragraph Element paragraph3 = chapter2Doc.createElement("p"); StringBuffer sb3 = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) sb3.append("This is sentence " + i + " of the second chapter's second paragraph. "); paragraph3.add(sb3.toString()); body2.add(paragraph3); // add a link to the target paragraph in the first chapter HyperlinkElement a = chapter2Doc.createHyperlinkElement("a"); a.setXRef(target.getSelfRef()); a.add("Here is a link."); paragraph3.add(a); // embed fonts // NB: on non-Windows platforms you need to supply your own // FontLocator implementation or place fonts in ~/.epubfonts FontLocator fontLocator = DefaultFontLocator.getInstance("/usr/share/fonts/truetype"); // epub.useAdobeFontMangling(); epub.cascadeStyles(); epub.addFonts(style, fontLocator); // save EPUB to an OCF container OCFContainerWriter writer = new OCFContainerWriter( new FileOutputStream("hello.epub")); epub.serialize(writer); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }