package project.generator; import; import; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.jar.Attributes; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import java.util.jar.Manifest; import; import; import; import project.combiner.MainBuildIDE; import utils.lists.ArrayList; import utils.lists.Files; import utils.lists.HashMap; import utils.lists.Map; import utils.lists.Pair; import utils.lists.Paths; import utils.lists.Set; import utils.streams2.Stream; import utils.streams2.Streams; class ComparisonSummaryGenerator { private static final Path USER_HOME_FOLDER = Paths.get(System.getProperty("user.home", "")); public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Path version1 = MainBuildIDE.determineUnusedTarget(); Path version2 = chooseNewer(USER_HOME_FOLDER, "eclipse", "evening", 1); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> current = readContents("--- Summary report of different files between two versions, by type of file", version1); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> official = readContents("--- (from " + version1 + " and " + version2 + ")", version2); int diffs; diffs = printReport("Short Report (ignoring all but major version differences)", official, current, 1); if(diffs > 0) return; diffs = printReport("Full Report (ignoring only snapshot version differences)", official, current, 3); if(diffs > 0) return; printFullReport("Exhaustive Report (not ignoring any differences)", official, current); } private static Path chooseNewer(Path folder, String path1, String path2, int version) throws IOException { Path version1 = folder.resolve(path1); Path version2 = folder.resolve(path2); boolean found1 = Files.isDirectory(version1); boolean found2 = Files.isDirectory(version2); if(found1 && found2) { Instant modified1 = Files.getLastModifiedTime(version1).toInstant(); Instant modified2 = Files.getLastModifiedTime(version2).toInstant(); return modified1.isAfter(modified2) ? version1 : version2; } else if(found1) { return version1; } else if(found2) { return version2; } else { System.out.printf( "Version %d for comparison doesn't exist.%nLooked in: %s%nAnd in: %s%n", version, version1, version2); System.exit(-1); throw new AssertionError(); } } private static int printFullReport( String info, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> official, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> current) { int diffs = 0; System.out.println(); int i = 0; int n = 9; info(info, i++, n); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> officialContents = official; info(info, i++, n); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> currentContents = current; info(info, i++, n); Set<Pair<String, Path>> officialFiles = groupedByFileExt(officialContents); info(info, i++, n); Set<Pair<String, Path>> currentFiles = groupedByFileExt(currentContents); info(info, i++, n); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> missing = missingFiles(officialFiles, currentFiles); info(info, i++, n); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> extras = missingFiles(currentFiles, officialFiles); info(info, i++, n); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> different = differentFiles(officialContents, currentContents, officialFiles, currentFiles); info(info, i++, n); ArrayList<String> exts = missing.keySet().toHashSet().addAll(extras.keySet()).addAll(different.keySet()).toArrayList().sort(); info(info, i++, n); for(String ext : exts) { System.out.printf("File type '%s':%n", ext); diffs += report(missing, ext, "\tMissing files:\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-"); diffs += report(extras, ext, "\tExtra files:\t+\t\t+\t\t+\t\t+\t\t+"); diffs += report(different, ext, "\tDifferent files:"); } return diffs; } private static HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> differentFiles( Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> officialContents, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> currentContents, Set<Pair<String, Path>> officialFiles, Set<Pair<String, Path>> currentFiles) { Set<Pair<String, Path>> shared = officialFiles.retainAll(currentFiles); Stream<Pair<String, Path>> stream = -> differ(officialContents, currentContents, p)); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> different = stream.toMultiMap(Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs); return different; } private static boolean differ( Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> officialContents, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> currentContents, Pair<String, Path> p) { return Arrays.equals(officialContents.get(p.rhs).lhs, currentContents.get(p.rhs).lhs) == false; } private static int printReport( String info, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> official, Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> current, int versionIgnoreIndex) throws IOException { int diffs = 0; System.out.println(); int i = 0; int n = 11; info(info, i++, n); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> officialContents = adjustVersions(official, versionIgnoreIndex); info(info, i++, n); Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> currentContents = adjustVersions(current, versionIgnoreIndex); info(info, i++, n); officialContents = officialContents.entrySet().removeIf(e -> e.lhs.toString().contains(".source_")).stream().toMap( Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs).toMap(); info(info, i++, n); officialContents = officialContents.entrySet().removeIf(e -> e.lhs.startsWith("features")).stream().toMap(Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs).toMap(); info(info, i++, n); currentContents = currentContents.entrySet().removeIf(e -> e.lhs.startsWith("features")).stream().toMap(Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs).toMap(); info(info, i++, n); Set<Pair<String, Path>> officialFiles = groupedByFileExt(officialContents); info(info, i++, n); Set<Pair<String, Path>> currentFiles = groupedByFileExt(currentContents); info(info, i++, n); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> missing = missingFiles(officialFiles, currentFiles); info(info, i++, n); HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> extras = missingFiles(currentFiles, officialFiles); info(info, i++, n); ArrayList<String> exts = missing.keySet().toHashSet().addAll(extras.keySet()).toArrayList().sort(); info(info, i++, n); for(String ext : exts) { System.out.printf("File type '%s':%n", ext); diffs += report(missing, ext, "\tMissing files:\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-\t-"); diffs += report(extras, ext, "\tExtra files:\t+\t\t+\t\t+\t\t+\t\t+"); } return diffs; } private static int report(HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> group, String ext, String info) { int diffs = 0; if(group.containsKey(ext)) { System.out.println(info); diffs += reportFiles(group.get(ext).sort()); } return diffs; } private static int reportFiles(ArrayList<Path> files) { int diffs = files.size(); ArrayList<Path> list = files; for(int i = 0, n = Math.min(list.size(), 10); i < n; i++) { System.out.printf("\t\t%s%n", list.get(i)); } if(list.size() > 10) { System.out.printf("\t\t(and %d more..)%n", list.size() - 10); } return diffs; } private static HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> missingFiles( Set<Pair<String, Path>> officialFiles, Set<Pair<String, Path>> currentFiles) { HashMap<String, ArrayList<Path>> missing = officialFiles.removeAll(currentFiles).stream().toMultiMap(Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs); return missing; } private static Set<Pair<String, Path>> groupedByFileExt(Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> currentContents) { Stream<Pair<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>>> stream =; Stream<Pair<String, Path>> map = -> Pair.of(fileExt(e), e.lhs)); return map.toSet().toSet(); } private static String fileExt(Pair<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> e) { String name = e.lhs.getFileName().toString(); return name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } private static Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> readContents(String info, Path folder) throws IOException { HashMap<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> target = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList<Path> list = Files.walk(folder).toList(); for(int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { info(info, i, n); Path entry = list.get(i); if(Files.isRegularFile(entry)) { byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(entry); Instant instant = Files.getLastModifiedTime(entry).toInstant(); Path path = folder.relativize(entry); readFile(target, bytes, path, instant); } } return target.toMap(); } private static Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> adjustVersions( Map<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> target, int versionIgnoreIndex) throws IOException { ArrayList<Pair<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>>> list = -> e.lhs.endsWith(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)).toList(); HashMap<Path, Path> adjustments = new HashMap<>(); for(Pair<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> entry : list) { if(entry.lhs.getNameCount() <= 2) { continue; } Path path = entry.lhs.subpath(0, entry.lhs.getNameCount() - 2); String name = path.getFileName().toString(); Attributes attributes = parseManifest(entry.rhs.lhs); String bundleID = generateBundleIDFromManifest(name.endsWith(".jar") ? ".jar" : "", attributes, versionIgnoreIndex); if(bundleID != null) { Path changed = path.getParent().resolve(bundleID); adjustments.put(path, changed); } } Map<Path, Path> adjusted = adjustments.toMap(); return target.entrySet().replaceAll(e -> adjust(adjusted, e)).stream().toMap(Pair::lhs, Pair::rhs).toMap(); } private static <V> Pair<Path, V> adjust(Map<Path, Path> adjustments, Pair<Path, V> e) { for(int i = e.lhs.getNameCount() - 1; i > 0; i--) { Path original = e.lhs.subpath(0, i); Path target = adjustments.get(original); if(target != null) { Path adjustedPath = target.resolve(original.relativize(e.lhs)); e = e.keepingRhs(adjustedPath); } } return e; } private static String generateBundleIDFromManifest(String suffix, Attributes attributes, int versionIgnoreIndex) { String version = attributes.getValue("Bundle-Version"); if(version == null) { return null; } String[] split = version.split("\\."); for(int i = versionIgnoreIndex, n = split.length; i < n; i++) { split[i] = ""; } version = String.join(" ", split).trim().replace(' ', '.'); String symbolicName = attributes.getValue("Bundle-SymbolicName"); if(symbolicName == null) { return null; } String name = symbolicName.split(";")[0].trim(); return name + "_" + version + suffix; } private static Attributes parseManifest(byte[] buf) throws IOException { return new Manifest(new ByteArrayInputStream(buf)).getMainAttributes(); } private static void readFile(HashMap<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> target, byte[] bytes, Path path, Instant modified) throws IOException { String name = path.getFileName().toString(); if(name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip")) { readZip(bytes, target, path); return; } if(name.endsWith(".gz")) { path = path.resolve(name.substring(0, name.length() - 3)); bytes = Streams.readFully(new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))); } Pair<byte[], Instant> value = new Pair<>(bytes, modified); target.put(path, value); } private static void readZip(byte[] bytes, HashMap<Path, Pair<byte[], Instant>> target, Path root) throws IOException { try(ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));) { ZipEntry entry; while((entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { if(entry.isDirectory()) { continue; } String name = entry.getName(); if(name.contains("..")) { continue; } bytes = Streams.readAllBytes(zip); Path path = root.resolve(name); Instant instant = entry.getLastModifiedTime().toInstant(); readFile(target, bytes, path, instant); } } } private static void info(String info, int i, int n) { int beginIndex = info.length() * i / n; int endIndex = info.length() * ++i / n; if(beginIndex != endIndex) { System.out.print(info.substring(beginIndex, endIndex)); } if(i == n) { System.out.println(); } } }