package project; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.DirectoryNotEmptyException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.jar.JarFile; import; import; import; import; import; import; import utils.lists.ArrayList; import utils.lists.Arrays; import utils.lists.Files; import utils.lists.HashMap; import utils.lists.HashSet; import utils.lists.List; import utils.lists.Map; import utils.lists.Paths; import utils.lists.Set; import utils.streams.functions.ExDoubleConsumer; import utils.streams.functions.IOFunction; import utils.streams2.IntStream; import utils.streams2.Stream; import utils.streams2.Streams; public class Snapshot { public static class Content { byte[] bytes; Instant modified; HashSet<Path> contained = new HashSet<>(); Content(Instant modified) { this.modified = modified; } @Override public String toString() { return "[" + (bytes != null ? "bytes=" + bytes.length + ", " : "") + (modified != null ? "modified=" + modified + ", " : "") + (contained != null ? "contained=" + contained.size() : "") + "]"; } } private static final Path ROOT = Paths.get("a"); private HashMap<Path, Content> contents = new HashMap<>(); private Instant now; private static final Comparator<Path> LONGEST_FIRST = Comparator.comparingInt(p -> -p.getNameCount()); public final IOFunction<Path, Path> BUNDLE_REMAPPER = this::remapper; private List<IOFunction<Path, Path>> remappers = List.of(BUNDLE_REMAPPER); private int progress; private int progressTotal; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Path ide = Paths.get("C:\\Evening-IDE\\projects\\IDE\\target\\"); Instant instant =; Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot(instant);; Path touch = Paths.get("plugins", "touch"); snapshot.addFile(touch, new byte[0], instant); snapshot.removeFile(touch); Path ide2 = ide.resolveSibling(""); snapshot.write(ide2); Path ide3 = ide.resolveSibling("ide3"); snapshot.write(ide3); } public Snapshot(Instant now) { = now; } public void clearPathRemappers() { remappers = List.of(); } public Snapshot addPathRemapper(IOFunction<Path, Path> mapper) { remappers = remappers.add(mapper); return this; } public Snapshot addPathRemapper(String path1, String path2) { Path src = Paths.get(path1); Path dst = Paths.get(path2); addPathRemapper(p -> p.equals(src) ? dst : p); return this; } public void addFile(Path path, byte[] bytes, Instant modified) throws IOException { addFileImplementation(path, bytes, modified); } public void addFile(Path path, String data, Instant modified) throws IOException { addFileImplementation(path, data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), modified); } public void replaceFile(Path path, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { replaceFileImplementation(path, bytes); } public void replaceFile(Path path, String data) throws IOException { replaceFileImplementation(path, data.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } public void copyFiles(String srcFolder, String dstFolder) throws IOException { copyFilesImplementation(srcFolder, dstFolder); } public void addFolder(Path path, Instant modified) throws IOException { addFileImplementation(path, null, modified); } public void removeFile(Path path) { removeFileImplementation(path); } public List<Path> listFiles(Path path) { return listFilesOrFoldersImplementation(path, true); } public List<Path> listFolders(Path path) { return listFilesOrFoldersImplementation(path, false); } public List<Path> listAll(Path path) { Content content = contents.get(ROOT.resolve(path)); if(content == null) { return List.of(); } return content.contained.toArrayList().sort().replaceAll(ROOT::relativize).toList(); } public String getFileAsString(Path path) { byte[] bytes = getFileImplementation(path); if(bytes == null) { return null; } return new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } public Feature getFileAsFeature(Path path) throws IOException { byte[] bytesFeatureXML = getFileImplementation(path.resolve("feature.xml")); if(bytesFeatureXML == null) { return null; } byte[] bytesFeatureProperties = getFileImplementation(path.resolve("")); try { return Feature.fromXML(path, bytesFeatureXML, bytesFeatureProperties); } catch(XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } public List<Path> listFilesRecursive(Path path) { ArrayList<Path> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(Path folder : listFolders(path)) { result.addAll(listFilesRecursive(folder)); } for(Path folder : listFiles(path)) { result.addAll(listFilesRecursive(folder)); result.add(folder); } return result.toList(); } public Plugin getFileAsPlugin(Path path) throws IOException { byte[] bytesManifestMf = getFileImplementation(path.resolve(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)); if(bytesManifestMf == null) { return null; } return new Plugin(path, bytesManifestMf); } public Map<String, String> getFileAsProperties(Path path) throws IOException { byte[] bytesProperties = getFileImplementation(path); if(bytesProperties == null) { return Map.of(); } Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytesProperties)); Set<String> names = Set.from(properties.stringPropertyNames()); return -> s, s -> properties.getProperty(s)).toMap(); } public boolean notFound(Path path) { return containsImplementation(path) == false; } public boolean isFound(Path path) { return containsImplementation(path); } public void write(Path path) throws IOException { write(path, d -> {}); } public <E extends Exception> void write(Path path, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { boolean isZIP = path.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".zip"); int level = isZIP ? 0 : 9; Content content = contents.get(ROOT); writeSnapshot(path, content, level, monitor); monitor.accept(1); } public void read(Path start) throws IOException { if(Files.isDirectory(start)) { ArrayList<Path> list = Files.walk(start).toList(); for(int i = 0, n = list.size(); i < n; i++) { Path entry = list.get(i); if(Files.isRegularFile(entry)) { byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(entry); Instant instant = Files.getLastModifiedTime(entry).toInstant(); String name = entry.getFileName().toString(); Path path = ROOT.resolve(relative(start, entry)); readFile(bytes, path, name, instant); } } } else if(Files.isRegularFile(start)) { byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(start); Instant instant = Files.getLastModifiedTime(start).toInstant(); String name = start.getFileName().toString(); readFile(bytes, ROOT, name, instant); contents.get(ROOT).bytes = null; } } public void clear() { contents.clear(); } private Path remapper(Path src) throws IOException { if(src.getNameCount() == 2) { if(src.startsWith(Paths.get("plugins"))) { Content content = contents.get(ROOT.resolve(src).resolve(JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME)); if(content != null) { Plugin plugin = new Plugin(src, content.bytes); return src.resolveSibling(plugin.fileName()); } } else if(src.startsWith(Paths.get("features"))) { Content content = contents.get(ROOT.resolve(src).resolve("feature.xml")); if(content != null) { Content properties = contents.get(ROOT.resolve(src).resolve("")); try { Feature feature = Feature.fromXML(src, content.bytes, properties != null ? properties.bytes : null); return src.resolveSibling(feature.fileName()); } catch(XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } } return src; } private void copyFilesImplementation(String srcFolder, String dstFolder) throws IOException { Path dstPath = Paths.get(dstFolder); removeFileImplementation(dstPath); Path srcPath = Paths.get(srcFolder); List<Path> files = listFilesOrFoldersImplementation(srcPath, true); for(Path filePath : files) { Path targetPath = dstPath.resolve(srcPath.relativize(filePath)); byte[] targetBytes = getFileImplementation(filePath); Instant targetInstant = getInstantImplementation(filePath); addFileImplementation(targetPath, targetBytes, targetInstant); } } private void addFileImplementation(Path path, byte[] bytes, Instant when) throws IOException { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); String name = path.getFileName().toString(); readFile(bytes, root, name, when); } private void replaceFileImplementation(Path path, byte[] bytes) throws IOException { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); String name = path.getFileName().toString(); Instant modified = contents.containsKey(root) ? contents.get(root).modified : now; readFile(bytes, root, name, modified); } private byte[] getFileImplementation(Path path) { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); Content content = contents.get(root); if(content == null) { return null; } return content.bytes; } private Instant getInstantImplementation(Path path) { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); Content content = contents.get(root); if(content == null) { return null; } return content.modified; } private boolean containsImplementation(Path path) { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); return contents.containsKey(root); } private void readFile(byte[] bytes, Path root, String name, Instant modified) throws IOException { internalAddFile(root, bytes, modified); if(name.endsWith(".jar") || name.endsWith(".zip")) { readZip(bytes, root); } else if(name.endsWith(".gz")) { root = root.resolve(name.substring(0, name.length() - 3)); bytes = Streams.readFully(new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes))); internalAddFile(root, bytes, modified); } } private void readZip(byte[] bytes, Path root) throws IOException { try(ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));) { ZipEntry entry; while((entry = zip.getNextEntry()) != null) { String name = entry.getName(); if(name.contains("..")) { continue; } if(!IntStream.from(name).allMatch( i -> i >= 'a' && i <= 'z' || i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z' || i >= '0' && i <= '9' || i == '.' || i == '/' || i == '$' || i == ' ' || i == '_' || i == '(' || i == ')' || i == '-')) { System.out.println("Skipped " + Arrays.toString(name.toCharArray())); continue; } Path path = root.resolve(name); Instant instant = entry.getLastModifiedTime().toInstant(); if(entry.isDirectory()) { internalAddFile(path, null, instant); } else { bytes = Streams.readAllBytes(zip); readFile(bytes, path, name, instant); } } } } private void internalAddFile(Path path, byte[] bytes, Instant modified) { Content content = contents.get(path); if(content == null) { content = new Content(modified); contents.put(path, content); } if(content.modified.isAfter(modified) == false) { content.bytes = bytes; content.modified = modified; Path parent; while((parent = path.getParent()) != null) { content = contents.get(parent); if(content == null) { content = new Content(modified); contents.put(parent, content); } content.contained.add(path); if(content.modified.isAfter(modified) || content.bytes != null) { break; } content.modified = modified; path = parent; } } } private void removeFileImplementation(Path path) { Path root = ROOT.resolve(path); Content folder = contents.get(root); if(folder != null && folder.contained.notEmpty()) { for(Path contentPath : folder.contained.toList()) { removeRecursive(contentPath); } } internalRemoveFile(root, now); } private void removeRecursive(Path root) { Content folder = contents.get(root); if(folder != null && folder.contained.notEmpty()) { for(Path contentPath : folder.contained.toList()) { removeRecursive(contentPath); } } internalRemoveFile(root, now); } private void internalRemoveFile(Path path, Instant modified) { Content content = contents.get(path); if(content == null) { return; } if(content.contained.notEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path " + path + " contains " + content.contained.size() + " items"); } boolean remove = true; Path parent; while((parent = path.getParent()) != null) { content = contents.get(parent); if(content == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Parent " + parent + " of " + path + " not found"); } if(remove) { content.contained.remove(path); remove = content.contained.isEmpty(); } if(content.modified.isAfter(modified) || content.bytes != null) { break; } content.modified = modified; path = parent; } } private List<Path> listFilesOrFoldersImplementation(Path path, boolean files) { Content content = contents.get(ROOT.resolve(path)); if(content == null) { return List.of(); } return internalListFilesOrFolders(content, files).replaceAll(ROOT::relativize); } private List<Path> internalListFilesOrFolders(Content content, boolean files) { ArrayList<Path> list = content.contained.toArrayList(); list.filter(p -> contents.get(p).bytes != null == files); list.sort(); return list.toList(); } private <E extends Exception> void writeSnapshot( Path target, Content content, int level, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { progress = 1; progressTotal = contents.size() + 1; String fileName = target.getFileName().toString(); if(isZIP(content, fileName)) { Files.createDirectories(target.getParent()); writeZIP(target, content, level, monitor); } else if(isGZIP(content, fileName)) { Files.createDirectories(target.getParent()); writeGZIP(target, content, monitor); } else { writeFolder(target, ROOT, content, level, monitor); } } private <E extends Exception> void writeFolder( Path target, Path root, Content folder, int level, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { progress(monitor); Files.createDirectories(target); HashSet<Path> existing = Files.list(target).toSet(); for(Path path : folder.contained) { String fileName = remap(path, level).getFileName().toString(); Path file = target.resolve(fileName); Content content = contents.get(path); boolean update = true; boolean check = true; if(Files.exists(file)) { Instant instant = Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).toInstant(); update = instant.isBefore(content.modified); check = instant.isAfter(content.modified) == false; } if(update || check) { if(isZIP(content, fileName)) { if(update) { byte[] bytes = createZIP(path, content, level, monitor); writeFile(file, bytes, content.modified); } } else if(isGZIP(content, fileName)) { if(update) { byte[] bytes = createGZIP(content); writeFile(file, bytes, content.modified); } progressFolder(path, monitor); } else if(content.bytes != null) { if(update) { byte[] bytes = content.bytes; writeFile(file, bytes, content.modified); } progressFolder(path, monitor); } else { writeFolder(file, root, content, level, monitor); } } existing.remove(file); } for(Path path : existing) { if(Files.isDirectory(path)) { ArrayList<Path> toBeDeleted = Files.walk(path).sorted(LONGEST_FIRST).toList(); for(Path toDelete : toBeDeleted) { clean(toDelete); } } else { clean(path); } } Files.setLastModifiedTime(target, FileTime.from(folder.modified)); } private static void clean(Path path) throws IOException { try { Files.delete(path); } catch(DirectoryNotEmptyException e) { System.out.println("\nCould not delete " + path + " because " + e.getReason()); } } private <E extends Exception> void writeGZIP(Path target, Content content, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { progress(monitor); byte[] bytes = createGZIP(content); writeFile(target, bytes, content.modified); progressFolder(target, monitor); } private byte[] createGZIP(Content content) throws IOException { List<Path> gzFiles = internalListFilesOrFolders(content, true); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024 * 1024); try(GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(bout);) { Content data2 = contents.get(gzFiles.get(0)); gzip.write(data2.bytes); } byte[] bytes = bout.toByteArray(); return bytes; } private static boolean isZIP(Content content, String fileName) { return content.bytes == null && (fileName.endsWith(".jar") || fileName.endsWith(".zip")); } private boolean isGZIP(Content content, String fileName) { return fileName.endsWith(".gz") && content.contained.size() == 1 && internalListFilesOrFolders(content, true).notEmpty(); } private <E extends Exception> void writeZIP(Path target, Content content, int level, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { target = remap(target, level); byte[] bytes = createZIP(ROOT, content, level, monitor); Instant modified = content.modified; writeFile(target, bytes, modified); } private static void writeFile(Path target, byte[] bytes, Instant modified) throws IOException { Files.write(target, bytes); Files.setLastModifiedTime(target, FileTime.from(modified)); } static int depth; private <E extends Exception> byte[] createZIP(Path target, Content content, int level, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try(ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(bout);) { out.setLevel(level); if(depth++ > 100) { System.out.println("BREAK"); } writeFolderToZIP(out, target, content, level, monitor); } finally { depth--; } return bout.toByteArray(); } private <E extends Exception> void writeFolderToZIP( ZipOutputStream zip, Path root, Content folder, int level, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws IOException, E { progress(monitor); for(Path path : internalListFilesOrFolders(folder, true)) { Path file = relative(root, remap(path, level)); Content data = contents.get(path); writeFileToZIP(zip, file, data.bytes, data.modified); progress(monitor); } for(Path path : internalListFilesOrFolders(folder, false)) { Path file = relative(root, remap(path, level)); Content content = contents.get(path); String fileName = file.getFileName().toString(); if(level > 0) { if(fileName.endsWith(".zip") || fileName.endsWith(".jar")) { byte[] bytes = createZIP(path, content, level, monitor); writeFileToZIP(zip, file, bytes, content.modified); continue; } else if(fileName.endsWith(".gz")) { List<Path> gzFiles = internalListFilesOrFolders(content, true); if(gzFiles.size() == 1) { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024 * 1024); try(GZIPOutputStream gzip = new GZIPOutputStream(bout);) { Content data2 = contents.get(gzFiles.get(0)); gzip.write(data2.bytes); } byte[] bytes = bout.toByteArray(); writeFileToZIP(zip, file, bytes, content.modified); progressFolder(path, monitor); continue; } } } ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(toUnixPath(file) + "/"); entry.setLastModifiedTime(FileTime.from(content.modified)); zip.putNextEntry(entry); zip.closeEntry(); writeFolderToZIP(zip, root, content, level, monitor); } } private <E extends Exception> void progressFolder(Path path, ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws E { progress(monitor); for(Path folder : listFolders(path)) { progressFolder(folder, monitor); } for(Path folder : listFiles(path)) { progressFolder(folder, monitor); } } private <E extends Exception> void progress(ExDoubleConsumer<E> monitor) throws E { monitor.accept(++progress / (double) progressTotal); } private Path remap(Path path, int level) throws IOException { if(level == 0) { return path; } path = ROOT.relativize(path); for(IOFunction<Path, Path> remapper : remappers) { path = remapper.apply(path); } return ROOT.resolve(path); } private static Path relative(Path root, Path path) { Path relativize = root.relativize(path); if(relativize.toString().contains("..")) { throw new IllegalStateException("Path " + path + " not relative to " + root); } return relativize; } private static void writeFileToZIP(ZipOutputStream zip, Path file, byte[] bytes, Instant modified) throws IOException { ZipEntry entry = createEntry(file, modified); zip.putNextEntry(entry); zip.write(bytes); zip.closeEntry(); } private static ZipEntry createEntry(Path file, Instant modified) { String name = toUnixPath(file); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(name); FileTime lastModifiedTime = FileTime.from(modified); entry.setLastModifiedTime(lastModifiedTime); return entry; } private static String toUnixPath(Path path) { return String.join("/", Stream.from(path).map(Path::toString).iterable()); } }