package fr.axxx.pivotal; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle; import; import; /** * Mock implementation of ContactSvcSoap to help test APV calling back to Pivotal. * <p/> * TODO still deploy it in tests * * @author mdutoo * */ public class ContactSvcSoapMockImpl implements ContactSvcSoap { /** * Returns how much Clients there is for each TypeStructure. * <br/> * The mock merely returns empty result */ @Override @SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = ParameterStyle.BARE) @WebResult(name = "getRepartitionTypeStructureResponse", targetNamespace = "", partName = "parameters") @WebMethod(action = "") public GetRepartitionTypeStructureResponse getRepartitionTypeStructure() { GetRepartitionTypeStructureResponse res = new GetRepartitionTypeStructureResponse(); // TODO return res; } /** * Creates or updates the given client. * <br/> * The mock merely returns primary keys (identifiantClient) */ @Override @WebResult(name = "ClientResult", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "Client", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.Client") @WebMethod(operationName = "Client", action = "") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "ClientResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.ClientResponse") public ArrayOfString client( @WebParam(name = "Identifiant_Client", targetNamespace = "") String identifiantClient, @WebParam(name = "Raison_Sociale", targetNamespace = "") String raisonSociale, @WebParam(name = "Anciennete", targetNamespace = "") Integer anciennete, @WebParam(name = "Type_Structure", targetNamespace = "") String typeStructure, @WebParam(name = "Num_et_voie", targetNamespace = "") String numEtVoie, @WebParam(name = "Email", targetNamespace = "") String email, @WebParam(name = "Code_Postal", targetNamespace = "") String codePostal, @WebParam(name = "Ville", targetNamespace = "") String ville, @WebParam(name = "Pays", targetNamespace = "") String pays, @WebParam(name = "Tel", targetNamespace = "") String tel, @WebParam(name = "RIB", targetNamespace = "") String rib, @WebParam(name = "Forme_Juridique", targetNamespace = "") String formeJuridique, @WebParam(name = "SIREN", targetNamespace = "") String siren, @WebParam(name = "Dot_Glob_APV_N", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal dotGlobAPVN, @WebParam(name = "Dont_Reliquat_N_1", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal dontReliquatN1, @WebParam(name = "Dont_Dot_N", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal dontDotN, @WebParam(name = "Nb_Benef_Prev_N", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal nbBenefPrevN, @WebParam(name = "Montant_Utilise_N", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal montantUtiliseN, @WebParam(name = "Nb_Benef_N", targetNamespace = "") BigDecimal nbBenefN) { ArrayOfString res = new ArrayOfString(); res.string = new ArrayList<String>(); res.string.add(identifiantClient); return res; } /** * Returns the given existing Client. * <br/> * The mock merely returns primary keys (identifiantClient) * <br/> * <b>TODO The return type is probably wrong !!</b> */ @Override @WebResult(name = "Information_APVResult", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "getClient", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.GetClient") @WebMethod(action = "") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "getClientResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.GetClientResponse") public ArrayOfString getClient( @WebParam(name = "Identifiant_Client", targetNamespace = "") String identifiantClient) { ArrayOfString res = new ArrayOfString(); res.string = new ArrayList<String>(); res.string.add(identifiantClient); return res; } /** * Creates or updates the Information APV entry of the given client and of the given year and public. * <br/> * The mock merely returns primary keys (identifiantClient, bilanLibelle, bilanAnnee) */ @Override @WebResult(name = "Information_APVResult", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "Information_APV", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.InformationAPV") @WebMethod(operationName = "Information_APV", action = "") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "Information_APVResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.InformationAPVResponse") public ArrayOfString informationAPV( @WebParam(name = "Identifiant_Client", targetNamespace = "") String identifiantClient, @WebParam(name = "Bilan_Libelle", targetNamespace = "") String bilanLibelle, @WebParam(name = "Nombre", targetNamespace = "") Integer nombre, @WebParam(name = "Bilan_Annee", targetNamespace = "") Integer bilanAnnee) { ArrayOfString res = new ArrayOfString(); res.string = new ArrayList<String>(); res.string.add(identifiantClient); res.string.add(bilanLibelle); res.string.add(String.valueOf(bilanAnnee)); return res; } /** * Creates or updates the contact of the given client and of the given type. * <br/> * The mock merely returns primary keys (identifiantClient, nomContact). */ @Override @WebResult(name = "Contact_ClientResult", targetNamespace = "") @RequestWrapper(localName = "Contact_Client", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.ContactClient") @WebMethod(operationName = "Contact_Client", action = "") @ResponseWrapper(localName = "Contact_ClientResponse", targetNamespace = "", className = "fr.axxx.pivotal.ContactClientResponse") public ArrayOfString contactClient( @WebParam(name = "Identifiant_Client", targetNamespace = "") String identifiantClient, @WebParam(name = "Nom_Contact", targetNamespace = "") String nomContact, @WebParam(name = "Prenom_Contact", targetNamespace = "") String prenomContact, @WebParam(name = "Fonction_Contact", targetNamespace = "") String fonctionContact, @WebParam(name = "Telephone", targetNamespace = "") String telephone, @WebParam(name = "Email", targetNamespace = "") String email, @WebParam(name = "Num_et_voie", targetNamespace = "") String numEtVoie, @WebParam(name = "Code_postal", targetNamespace = "") String codePostal, @WebParam(name = "Ville", targetNamespace = "") String ville, @WebParam(name = "Pays", targetNamespace = "") String pays) { ArrayOfString res = new ArrayOfString(); res.string = new ArrayList<String>(); res.string.add(identifiantClient); res.string.add(nomContact); return res; } }