package proto.bdaccess; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.easysoa.registry.types.Repository; import org.easysoa.registry.types.Subproject; import org.easysoa.registry.types.ids.SoaNodeId; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.Constants; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.OperationRequest; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.Session; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.jaxrs.impl.HttpAutomationClient; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.model.Document; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.model.Documents; import org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.client.model.FileBlob; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.UniformInterfaceException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.ClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.config.DefaultClientConfig; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.filter.HTTPBasicAuthFilter; /** * A class that can connect to EasySOA core and export data. * see: */ public class ExportREST { // todo: not resolved private String host = ""; private String url = "http://" + host + ":8080/nuxeo/site"; private String username = "Administrator"; private String password = "s0a"; private String endpointStateServiceUrl; // = url + "/site/easysoa/endpointStateService"; /** * endpointId : url of the service: the provider field of the json config file. * * exp: "provider":"". */ public final static String ENDPOINT_ID = "test"; public final static String INDICATOR_NAME = "testSlaIndicator"; /** * Export data to EasySOA (REST). * * */ public Boolean exportData(Date dateFrom, Date dateTo, String endPointId, String slaOrOlaName, String level) throws Exception { if (this.registryApi == null) { initClients(url, username, password); this.endpointStateServiceUrl = url + "/site/easysoa/endpointStateService"; } // Run update test request ///WebResource createUpdateRequest = client.resource(endpointStateServiceUrl).path("/slaOlaIndicators"); SlaOrOlaIndicators slaOrOlaIndicatorsCreate = new SlaOrOlaIndicators(); SlaOrOlaIndicator indicatorCreate = new SlaOrOlaIndicator(); indicatorCreate.setEndpointId(endPointId); indicatorCreate.setSlaOrOlaName(slaOrOlaName); ServiceLevelHealth srvLevelHealth=ServiceLevelHealth.bronze; boolean serviceLevelViolation = false; if(level.equalsIgnoreCase("silver")) { srvLevelHealth=ServiceLevelHealth.silver; } else if(level.equalsIgnoreCase("gold")) {; } else { // if(level.equalsIgnoreCase("bronze")) { //srvLevelHealth=ServiceLevelHealth.bronze; serviceLevelViolation = true; } indicatorCreate.setServiceLevelHealth(srvLevelHealth); indicatorCreate.setServiceLevelViolation(serviceLevelViolation); GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); // now indicatorCreate.setTimestamp(calendar.getTime()); slaOrOlaIndicatorsCreate.getSlaOrOlaIndicatorList().add(indicatorCreate); ///; try { endpointStateService.createSlaOlaIndicators(slaOrOlaIndicatorsCreate); } catch (UniformInterfaceException uiex) { if (!uiex.getMessage().contains("returned a response status of 204 No Content")) { throw uiex; // TODO catch & log } // else expected error because of void return } return true; } private RegistryApi registryApi; ///private Session session; private SimpleRegistryService simpleRegistryService; private EndpointStateService endpointStateService; /* private ClientConfig clientConfig; private Client client; */ /* public String getIdRef(SoaNodeId soaNodeId) throws Exception { Documents info = (Documents) session .newRequest("Document.Query") .set("query", "SELECT * FROM " + soaNodeId.getType() + " WHERE soan:name = '" + soaNodeId.getName() + "'" + " AND ecm:isProxy = 0 AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0").execute(); if (info != null && !info.isEmpty()) { return info.get(0).getId(); } return null; } public String getPath(SoaNodeId soaNodeId) throws Exception { Documents info = (Documents) session .newRequest("Document.Query") .set("query", "SELECT * FROM " + soaNodeId.getType() + " WHERE soan:name = '" + soaNodeId.getName() + "'" + " AND ecm:isProxy = 0 AND ecm:isCheckedInVersion = 0").execute(); if (info != null && !info.isEmpty()) { return info.get(0).getPath(); } return null; } public String publish(String fromPath, String toParentPath) throws Exception { Document document = (Document) session.newRequest("Document.Publish") .setInput(getDocByPath(fromPath)) .set("target", getDocByPath(toParentPath)) .execute(); return document.getPath(); } private Document getDocByPath(String path) throws Exception { Documents docs = (Documents) session .newRequest("Document.Query").setHeader("X-NXDocumentProperties", "*") .set("query", "SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:path = '" + path + "'").execute(); if (docs != null && !docs.isEmpty()) { return docs.get(0); } else { return null; } } private Document getSubproject(String subprojectId) throws Exception { Documents docs = (Documents) session .newRequest("Document.Query").setHeader("X-NXDocumentProperties", "*") .set("query", "SELECT * FROM Subproject WHERE spnode:subproject = '" + subprojectId + "'").execute(); if (docs != null && !docs.isEmpty()) { return docs.get(0); } else { return null; } } public String createDocument(String doctype, String title, String path, String... properties) throws Exception { if (path == null) { throw new Exception("Path is null"); } // returns existing one if already exists (to allow for several steps) Document parentDocument = getDocByPath(path); Documents existingDocuments = (Documents) session .newRequest("Document.Query") .set("query", "SELECT * FROM " + doctype + " WHERE ecm:parentId = '" + parentDocument.getId() + "' AND dc:title='" + title + "'").execute(); if (existingDocuments != null && !existingDocuments.isEmpty()) { return existingDocuments.get(0).getPath(); } OperationRequest request = session.newRequest("Document.Create") .setInput(parentDocument).set("type", doctype) .set("name", title); StringBuilder propertiesString = new StringBuilder("dc:title=" + title); for (String property : properties) { propertiesString.append('\n' + property); } request.set("properties", propertiesString); Document createdDocument = (Document) request.execute(); return createdDocument.getPath(); } private String createSoaNode(SoaNodeId soaNodeId) throws Exception { return createSoaNode(soaNodeId, (String) null); } public String createSoaNode(SoaNodeId soaNodeId, String parentPath, String... properties) throws Exception { SoaNodeInformation soaNode = new SoaNodeInformation(soaNodeId, null, null); if (parentPath != null) { soaNode.addParentDocument(new SoaNodeId(null, parentPath)); } for (String property : properties) { String[] splitProperty = property.split("="); soaNode.setProperty(splitProperty[0], splitProperty[1]); }; return getPath(soaNodeId); } public String createSoaNode(SoaNodeId soaNodeId, SoaNodeId parentSoaNode, String... properties) throws Exception { SoaNodeInformation soaNode = new SoaNodeInformation(soaNodeId, null, null); if (parentSoaNode != null) { soaNode.addParentDocument(parentSoaNode); } for (String property : properties) { String[] splitProperty = property.split("="); soaNode.setProperty(splitProperty[0], splitProperty[1]); }; return getPath(soaNodeId); } public void uploadWsdl(String path, String wsdlFilePath) throws Exception { // see FileBlob wsdlBlob = new FileBlob(new File(wsdlFilePath)); wsdlBlob.setMimeType("text/xml"); session.newRequest("Blob.Attach").setHeader( Constants.HEADER_NX_VOIDOP, "true").setInput(wsdlBlob) // HEADER_NX_VOIDOP => will return null .set("document", path).execute(); } public void delete(String query) throws Exception { Documents docs = (Documents) session.newRequest("Document.Query").set("query", query).execute(); for (Document doc : docs) { session.newRequest("Document.Delete").setInput(doc).execute(); } } */ public void initClients(String url, String username, String password) { System.out.println("Logging in " + username + "/" + password); ClientBuilder clientBuilder = new ClientBuilder(); clientBuilder.setNuxeoSitesUrl(url); clientBuilder.setCredentials(username, password); registryApi = clientBuilder.constructRegistryApi(); simpleRegistryService = clientBuilder.constructSimpleRegistryService(); endpointStateService = clientBuilder.constructEndpointStateService(); /* this.clientConfig = new DefaultClientConfig(); clientConfig.getSingletons().add(new JsonMessageReader()); clientConfig.getSingletons().add(new JsonMessageWriter()); client = Client.create(this.clientConfig); client.addFilter(new HTTPBasicAuthFilter(username, password)); */ ///HttpAutomationClient client = new HttpAutomationClient(url + "/automation"); ///session = client.getSession(username, password); } public static String getSourceFolderPath(String doctype) { return Subproject.DEFAULT_SUBPROJECT_PATH + '/' + Repository.REPOSITORY_NAME + '/' + doctype; } public RegistryApi getRegistryApi() { return registryApi; } }