package edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.model; import java.util.Comparator; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: Masoud * Date: 1/22/13 * Time: 11:42 AM <br/> * The main class that represents a prefix and its size */ public class WildcardPattern implements Cloneable, Comparable<WildcardPattern> { public static final WeightComparator WEIGHT_COMPARATOR = new WeightComparator(); public static final WildcardPatternWildcardNumComparator WILDCARDNUM_COMPARATOR = new WildcardPatternWildcardNumComparator(); public static final char WILDCARD_CHAR = '_'; public static final char WILDCARD_FOLDER_CHAR = '='; public static int TOTAL_LENGTH = 32; /** * the prefix */ protected long data; /** * Number of wildard numbers for the prefix. Thus the actual output is data < < wildcardNum */ protected int wildcardNum; /** * keeps track of the size this prefix . Merging this into the prefix class may not be the best design but is * convenient. */ private double weight; /** * @param input must cover all bits of TOTAL_LENGTH bits. * Multiple formats are supported. <ul> * <li>Numeric formation e.g.,</li> * <li>bit pattern e.g., 111111001010101010_____. where the character for don't care (_ here) * can be either WILDCARD_CHAR or WILDCARD_FOLDER_CHAR</li> * </ul> * @param weight */ public WildcardPattern(String input, double weight) { if (input.matches("((\\d+)\\.){3}\\d+(/\\d+)?")) { int dataInt; int slashIndex = input.indexOf("/"); if (slashIndex >= 0) { dataInt = toIPv4Address(input.substring(0, slashIndex)); wildcardNum = TOTAL_LENGTH - Integer.parseInt(input.substring(slashIndex + 1)); if (wildcardNum == TOTAL_LENGTH) { dataInt = 0; } else { dataInt >>>= wildcardNum; } } else { dataInt = toIPv4Address(input); wildcardNum = 0; } data = dataInt & ((1l << 32) - 1); } else { int notWildcardsNum = input.indexOf(WILDCARD_CHAR); if (notWildcardsNum < 0) { notWildcardsNum = input.indexOf(WILDCARD_FOLDER_CHAR); } data = 0; if (notWildcardsNum == 0) { data = 0; } else if (notWildcardsNum > 0) { data = Long.parseLong(input.substring(0, notWildcardsNum), 2); } else { data = Long.parseLong(input, 2); notWildcardsNum = TOTAL_LENGTH; } wildcardNum = TOTAL_LENGTH - notWildcardsNum; } this.weight = weight; } public WildcardPattern(long data, int wildcardNum, double weight) { = data; this.wildcardNum = wildcardNum; this.weight = weight; } public static void main(String[] args) { int x = -1; long y = x; System.out.println(y); System.out.println(y >>> 5); System.out.println(y & ((1l << 32) - 1)); y = ((1l << 32) - 1) - 1232; System.out.println((int) y); TOTAL_LENGTH = 32; System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); System.out.println(new WildcardPattern("", 0).toCIDRString()); } /** * GOT FROM FLOODLIGHT!!! * Accepts an IPv4 address of the form, ie and * returns the corresponding 32 bit integer. * * @param ipAddress * @return */ public static int toIPv4Address(String ipAddress) { if (ipAddress == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified IPv4 address must" + "contain 4 sets of numerical digits separated by periods"); String[] octets = ipAddress.split("\\."); if (octets.length != 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified IPv4 address must" + "contain 4 sets of numerical digits separated by periods"); int result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { int oct = Integer.valueOf(octets[i]); if (oct > 255 || oct < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Octet values in specified" + " IPv4 address must be 0 <= value <= 255"); result |= oct << ((3 - i) * 8); } return result; } protected static String ipToString(long ip) { return ((ip & 0xff000000) >>> 24) + "." + ((ip & 0x00ff0000) >> 16) + "." + ((ip & 0x0000ff00) >> 8) + "." + (ip & 0x000000ff); } public static String toStringNoWeight(long data, int wildcardNum, char c) { char[] buf = new char[TOTAL_LENGTH]; int charPos = TOTAL_LENGTH - wildcardNum; long d = data; while (charPos > 0) { buf[--charPos] = (d & 1) == 0 ? '0' : '1'; d >>>= 1; } for (int i = 0; i < wildcardNum; i++) { buf[TOTAL_LENGTH - i - 1] = c; } return new String(buf); } public String toCIDRString() { long ip = data << wildcardNum; int prefix = TOTAL_LENGTH - wildcardNum; String str; if (prefix >= 32) { str = ipToString(ip); } else { // use the negation of mask to fake endian magic int mask = ~((1 << (32 - prefix)) - 1); str = ipToString(ip & mask) + "/" + prefix; } return str; } /** * Gets the parent prefix (check with canGoUp) method first * Note that this will change the hashcode of the prefix. Thus make sure it is removed from any hashset */ public WildcardPattern goUp() { data = (data >>> 1); wildcardNum++; return this; } public double getWeight() { return weight; } public void setWeight(double weight) { this.weight = weight; } /** * Make shure the number of wildcards are greater than 0 * * @return */ public boolean canGoDown() { return wildcardNum > 0; } // make sure it is removed from any hashset public WildcardPattern goDown(boolean oneZero) throws InvalidWildCardValue { if (!canGoDown()) { throw new InvalidWildCardValue("Negative wildcardNum(" + wildcardNum + ")"); } data = data << 1; if (oneZero) { data++; } wildcardNum--; return this; } public long getData() { return data; } public int getWildcardNum() { return wildcardNum; } /** * If this is not the root of the tree, the output will be the other child of the parent * * @return */ public WildcardPattern getSibling() { WildcardPattern clone = clone(); clone.goUp(); try { clone.goDown((data & 1) == 0); } catch (InvalidWildCardValue invalidWildCardValue) { invalidWildCardValue.printStackTrace(); } clone.setWeight(0); return clone; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof WildcardPattern)) return false; WildcardPattern that = (WildcardPattern) o; if (data != return false; if (wildcardNum != that.wildcardNum) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (int) (data ^ (data >>> 32)); result = 31 * result + wildcardNum; return result; } @Override public WildcardPattern clone() { return new WildcardPattern(data, wildcardNum, weight); } /** * @param d * @return if this prefix matches d */ public boolean match(long d) { return (d >>> wildcardNum) == data; } /** * If prefix "pattern" is descendant of this. * * @param pattern * @return */ public boolean match(WildcardPattern pattern) { if (pattern.getWildcardNum() > wildcardNum) { return false; } long d = pattern.getData() >>> (wildcardNum - pattern.getWildcardNum()); return data == d; } @Override //InOrder comparison public int compareTo(WildcardPattern o) { if (wildcardNum > o.wildcardNum) { long d2 = >>> (wildcardNum - o.wildcardNum - 1); if (data == d2 >>> 1) {//parent child return (d2 & 1) == 0 ? 1 : -1; } return, (d2 >>> 1)); } else if (wildcardNum < o.wildcardNum) { long d1 = data >>> (o.wildcardNum - wildcardNum - 1); if ( == d1 >>> 1) {//parent child return (d1 & 1) == 0 ? -1 : 1; } return >>> 1),; } else { return,; } } public boolean isLeft() { return (data & 1) == 0; } public boolean isSibling(WildcardPattern pattern) { return wildcardNum == pattern.wildcardNum && (data >>> 1) == ( >>> 1); } /** * @return If there is any bit to be wildcarded */ public boolean canGoUp() { return wildcardNum < TOTAL_LENGTH; } @Override public String toString() { return toStringNoWeight() + ": " + weight; } /** * @param p * @return the common pattern (common ancestor in the prefix tree) */ public WildcardPattern getCommonParent(WildcardPattern p) { WildcardPattern pMax = wildcardNum > p.wildcardNum ? this : p; WildcardPattern pMin = wildcardNum > p.wildcardNum ? p : this; //make same level long dMin = >>> (pMax.wildcardNum - pMin.wildcardNum); long dMax =; int w = pMax.wildcardNum; while (w <= TOTAL_LENGTH) { if (dMin == dMax) { return new WildcardPattern(dMax, w, 0); } w++; dMin >>>= 1; dMax >>>= 1; } return new WildcardPattern(0, TOTAL_LENGTH, 0); } public WildcardPattern getCommonParent2(WildcardPattern p) { //BUG FOR 0 AND 010 long shiftedData = data << wildcardNum; long uncommonDataMask = shiftedData ^ ( << p.wildcardNum); if (uncommonDataMask == 0) { //one is parent WildcardPattern parent = (wildcardNum > p.wildcardNum ? this : p).clone(); parent.setWeight(0); return parent; } else { long l = (Long.highestOneBit(uncommonDataMask) << 1) - 1; int parentWildcardNum = Math.max(Math.max(Long.bitCount(l), wildcardNum), p.wildcardNum); long parentData = (shiftedData & (~l)) >>> parentWildcardNum; WildcardPattern wildcardPattern = new WildcardPattern(parentData, parentWildcardNum, 0); // if (!wildcardPattern.equals(getCommonParent2(p))){ // System.out.println("Error"); // System.exit(1); // } return wildcardPattern; } } public String toStringFolderName() { return toStringNoWeight(data, wildcardNum, WILDCARD_FOLDER_CHAR); } public String toStringNoWeight() { return toStringNoWeight(data, wildcardNum, WILDCARD_CHAR); } public boolean isChild(WildcardPattern child) { return child.getWildcardNum() == wildcardNum - 1 && (child.getData() >>> 1) == data; } public String getLabel() { return (isLeft() ? "0" : "1"); } public static class WeightComparator implements Comparator<WildcardPattern> { @Override public int compare(WildcardPattern o1, WildcardPattern o2) { int c =, o2.weight); if (c == 0) { // System.out.println(o1+" vs "+o2+"="+-o1.compareTo(o2)); return -o1.compareTo(o2); } // System.out.println(o1+" vs "+o2+"="+-c); return -c; } } public static class WildcardPatternWildcardNumComparator implements Comparator<WildcardPattern> { @Override public int compare(WildcardPattern o1, WildcardPattern o2) { //sort to not process a children after its parent int c = (o1.getWildcardNum() - o2.getWildcardNum()); if (c == 0) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } return c; } } public class InvalidWildCardValue extends Exception { public InvalidWildCardValue(String message) { super(message); } } }