package edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.algorithms.tasks.multitask.multiswitch.separateallocation.globaldrop; import edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.algorithms.tasks.Task2; import edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.algorithms.tasks.multitask.multiswitch.separateallocation.MultiSwitchTask; import edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.algorithms.tasks.multitask.multiswitch.separateallocation.SeparateMultiTaskMultiSwitchTaskHandler; import; import edu.usc.enl.dynamicmeasurement.util.Util; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: masoud * Date: 12/27/13 * Time: 6:44 AM <br/> * drops a task if for "dropEpochs" of consecutive epochs its accuracy is below "LowThreshold" * If the accuracy increases by at least 10% the task will not be penalized. * <p>The XML constructor requires the following Property children tags: <ul> * <li> name attribute as "DropEpochs" </li> * <li> name attribute as "LowThreshold", </li> * </ul></p> */ public class ConsecutiveStarvationGlobalDrop implements GlobalDrop { private final List<MultiSwitchTask> toDrop; private final double lowThreshold; public int dropEpochs; /** * to take track of the those tasks that are having consecutive low satisfaction */ Map<MultiSwitchTask, Integer> notReceiving = new HashMap<>(); /** * Keep track of the latest accuracy to make sure if the task increase accuracy in enough large steps */ Map<MultiSwitchTask, Double> lastAccuracy = new HashMap<>(); private SeparateMultiTaskMultiSwitchTaskHandler taskHandler; public ConsecutiveStarvationGlobalDrop(Element element, SeparateMultiTaskMultiSwitchTaskHandler taskHandler) throws Exception { toDrop = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Element> properties = Util.getChildrenProperties(element, "Property"); dropEpochs = Integer.parseInt(properties.get("DropEpochs").getAttribute(ConfigReader.PROPERTY_VALUE)); lowThreshold = Double.parseDouble(properties.get("LowThreshold").getAttribute(ConfigReader.PROPERTY_VALUE)); this.taskHandler = taskHandler; } @Override public void update() { } public void globalDrop() { toDrop.clear(); for (Task2 task2 : taskHandler.getAcceptedTasks()) { MultiSwitchTask task = (MultiSwitchTask) task2; double globalAccuracy = task.getGlobalAccuracy(); // System.out.println(task.getName() + "," + globalAccuracy); if (!notReceiving.containsKey(task)) { notReceiving.put(task, 0); } else { Double lAccuracy = lastAccuracy.get(task); if (globalAccuracy < lowThreshold && lAccuracy < lowThreshold ) {//am poor if (globalAccuracy < lAccuracy + 0.1) { taskHandler.getLogWriter().println(task + " has small progress " + lAccuracy + " to " + globalAccuracy); notReceiving.put(task, notReceiving.get(task) + 1); } } else { notReceiving.put(task, 0); } } lastAccuracy.put(task, globalAccuracy); if (notReceiving.get(task) > dropEpochs) { //drop the task toDrop.add(task); } } for (MultiSwitchTask task : toDrop) { notReceiving.remove(task); lastAccuracy.remove(task); taskHandler.drop(task); } } @Override public void doRemove(MultiSwitchTask multiSwitchTask) { lastAccuracy.remove(multiSwitchTask); notReceiving.remove(multiSwitchTask); } }