/* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. BIFv015Constants.java */ /* This parser uses the data structures in the JavaBayes core * * engine (package BayesianNetworks); other implementations * * may use different data structures */ package Parsers.BIFv015; public interface BIFv015Constants { int EOF = 0; int SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT = 7; int FORMAL_COMMENT = 8; int MULTI_LINE_COMMENT = 9; int NETWORK = 10; int VARIABLE = 11; int PROBABILITY = 12; int PROPERTY = 13; int VARIABLETYPE = 14; int DISCRETE = 15; int DEFAULTVALUE = 16; int TABLEVALUES = 17; int NON_NEGATIVE_NUMBER = 18; int EXPONENT = 19; int STRING = 20; int DEFAULT = 0; String[] tokenImage = { "<EOF>", "\" \"", "\"\\t\"", "\"\\n\"", "\"\\r\"", "\"\\f\"", "\",\"", "<SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT>", "<FORMAL_COMMENT>", "<MULTI_LINE_COMMENT>", "\"network\"", "\"variable\"", "\"probability\"", "\"property\"", "\"type\"", "\"discrete\"", "\"default\"", "\"table\"", "<NON_NEGATIVE_NUMBER>", "<EXPONENT>", "<STRING>", "\"{\"", "\"}\"", "\"[\"", "\"]\"", "\";\"", "\"(\"", "\")\"", "\"|\"", }; }