package com.koushikdutta.ion; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.widget.ImageView; import com.koushikdutta.async.future.FutureCallback; import com.koushikdutta.async.future.SimpleFuture; import com.koushikdutta.async.http.ResponseCacheMiddleware; import com.koushikdutta.ion.bitmap.BitmapInfo; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * Created by koush on 6/8/13. */ class IonDrawable extends Drawable { private Paint paint; private BitmapInfo info; private int placeholderResource; private Drawable placeholder; private int errorResource; private Drawable error; private Resources resources; private int loadedFrom; private IonDrawableCallback callback; private boolean disableFadeIn; private int resizeWidth; private int resizeHeight; private Ion ion; public IonDrawable cancel() { requestCount++; return this; } public IonDrawable ion(Ion ion) { this.ion = ion; return this; } public SimpleFuture<ImageView> getFuture() { return callback.imageViewFuture; } public IonDrawable setDisableFadeIn(boolean disableFadeIn) { this.disableFadeIn = disableFadeIn; return this; } public IonDrawable setInAnimation(Animation inAnimation, int inAnimationResource) { callback.inAnimation = inAnimation; callback.inAnimationResource = inAnimationResource; return this; } // create an internal static class that can act as a callback. // dont let it hold strong references to anything. static class IonDrawableCallback implements FutureCallback<BitmapInfo> { private WeakReference<IonDrawable> ionDrawableRef; private WeakReference<ImageView> imageViewRef; private String bitmapKey; private SimpleFuture<ImageView> imageViewFuture = new SimpleFuture<ImageView>(); private Animation inAnimation; private int inAnimationResource; private int requestId; public IonDrawableCallback(IonDrawable drawable, ImageView imageView) { ionDrawableRef = new WeakReference<IonDrawable>(drawable); imageViewRef = new WeakReference<ImageView>(imageView); } @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, BitmapInfo result) { assert Thread.currentThread() == Looper.getMainLooper().getThread(); assert result != null; // see if the imageview is still alive and cares about this result ImageView imageView = imageViewRef.get(); if (imageView == null) return; IonDrawable drawable = ionDrawableRef.get(); if (drawable == null) return; if (imageView.getDrawable() != drawable) return; // see if the ImageView is still waiting for the same request if (drawable.requestCount != requestId) return; imageView.setImageDrawable(null); drawable.setBitmap(result, result.loadedFrom); imageView.setImageDrawable(drawable); IonBitmapRequestBuilder.doAnimation(imageView, inAnimation, inAnimationResource); if (!IonRequestBuilder.checkContext(imageView.getContext())) { imageViewFuture.cancel(); return; } imageViewFuture.setComplete(e, imageView); } } int requestCount; public void register(Ion ion, String bitmapKey) { callback.requestId = ++requestCount; String previousKey = callback.bitmapKey; if (TextUtils.equals(previousKey, bitmapKey)) return; callback.bitmapKey = bitmapKey; ion.bitmapsPending.add(bitmapKey, callback); if (previousKey == null) return; // unregister this drawable from the bitmaps that are // pending. // if this drawable was the only thing waiting for this bitmap, // then the removeItem call will return the TransformBitmap/LoadBitmap instance // that was providing the result. if (ion.bitmapsPending.removeItem(previousKey, callback)) { // find out who owns this thing, to see if it is a candidate for removal Object owner = ion.bitmapsPending.tag(previousKey); if (owner instanceof TransformBitmap) { TransformBitmap info = (TransformBitmap)owner; ion.bitmapsPending.remove(info.key); // this transform is also backed by a LoadBitmap* or a DeferredLoadBitmap, grab that // if it is the only waiter if (ion.bitmapsPending.removeItem(info.downloadKey, info)) owner = ion.bitmapsPending.tag(info.downloadKey); } if (owner instanceof DeferredLoadBitmap) { DeferredLoadBitmap defer = (DeferredLoadBitmap)owner; ion.bitmapsPending.remove(defer.key); } } ion.processDeferred(); } private static final int DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS = Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG; public IonDrawable(Resources resources, ImageView imageView) { this.resources = resources; paint = new Paint(DEFAULT_PAINT_FLAGS); callback = new IonDrawableCallback(this, imageView); } int currentFrame; private boolean invalidateScheduled; private int textureDim; private int maxLevel; public IonDrawable setBitmap(BitmapInfo info, int loadedFrom) { this.loadedFrom = loadedFrom; requestCount++; if ( == info) return this; invalidateSelf(); = info; currentFrame = 0; invalidateScheduled = false; if (info == null) { callback.bitmapKey = null; return this; } if (info.decoder != null) { // find number of tiles across to fit double wlevel = (double)info.originalSize.x / TILE_DIM; double hlevel = (double)info.originalSize.y / TILE_DIM; // find the level: find how many power of 2 tiles are necessary // to fit the entire image. ie, fit it into a square. double level = Math.max(wlevel, hlevel); level = Math.log(level) / LOG_2; maxLevel = (int)Math.ceil(level); // now, we know the entire image will fit in a square image of // this dimension: textureDim = TILE_DIM << maxLevel; } callback.bitmapKey = info.key; return this; } public IonDrawable setSize(int resizeWidth, int resizeHeight) { if (this.resizeWidth == resizeWidth && this.resizeHeight == resizeHeight) return this; this.resizeWidth = resizeWidth; this.resizeHeight = resizeHeight; invalidateSelf(); return this; } public IonDrawable setError(int resource, Drawable drawable) { if ((drawable != null && drawable == this.error) || (resource != 0 && resource == errorResource)) return this; this.errorResource = resource; this.error = drawable; invalidateSelf(); return this; } public IonDrawable setPlaceholder(int resource, Drawable drawable) { if ((drawable != null && drawable == this.placeholder) || (resource != 0 && resource == placeholderResource)) return this; this.placeholderResource = resource; this.placeholder = drawable; invalidateSelf(); return this; } @Override public void setFilterBitmap(boolean filter) { paint.setFilterBitmap(filter); invalidateSelf(); } @Override public void setDither(boolean dither) { paint.setDither(dither); invalidateSelf(); } private Drawable tryGetErrorResource() { if (error != null) return error; if (errorResource == 0) return null; return error = resources.getDrawable(errorResource); } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { if (info != null) { if (info.decoder != null) return info.originalSize.x; if (info.bitmaps != null) return info.bitmaps[0].getScaledWidth(resources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi); } if (resizeWidth > 0) return resizeWidth; if (info != null) { Drawable error = tryGetErrorResource(); if (error != null) return error.getIntrinsicWidth(); } if (placeholder != null) { return placeholder.getIntrinsicWidth(); } else if (placeholderResource != 0) { Drawable d = resources.getDrawable(placeholderResource); assert d != null; return d.getIntrinsicWidth(); } return -1; } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { if (info != null) { if (info.decoder != null) return info.originalSize.y; if (info.bitmaps != null) return info.bitmaps[0].getScaledHeight(resources.getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi); } if (resizeHeight > 0) return resizeHeight; if (info != null) { if (error != null) { return error.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else if (errorResource != 0) { Drawable d = resources.getDrawable(errorResource); assert d != null; return d.getIntrinsicHeight(); } } if (placeholder != null) { return placeholder.getIntrinsicHeight(); } else if (placeholderResource != 0) { Drawable d = resources.getDrawable(placeholderResource); assert d != null; return d.getIntrinsicHeight(); } return -1; } public static final long FADE_DURATION = 200; private Runnable invalidate = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { invalidateScheduled = false; currentFrame++; invalidateSelf(); } }; private static final double LOG_2 = Math.log(2); private static final int TILE_DIM = 256; FutureCallback<BitmapInfo> tileCallback = new FutureCallback<BitmapInfo>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, BitmapInfo result) { invalidateSelf(); } }; @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { if (info == null) { if (placeholder == null && placeholderResource != 0) placeholder = resources.getDrawable(placeholderResource); if (placeholder != null) { placeholder.setBounds(getBounds()); placeholder.draw(canvas); } return; } if (info.drawTime == 0) info.drawTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); long destAlpha = 0xFF; if(!disableFadeIn) { destAlpha = ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - info.drawTime) << 8) / FADE_DURATION; destAlpha = Math.min(destAlpha, 0xFF); } if (destAlpha != 255) { if (placeholder == null && placeholderResource != 0) placeholder = resources.getDrawable(placeholderResource); if (placeholder != null) { placeholder.setBounds(getBounds()); placeholder.draw(canvas); } } if (info.decoder != null) { // zoom 0: entire image fits in a TILE_DIMxTILE_DIM square // draw base bitmap for empty tiles // figure out zoom level // figure out which tiles need rendering // draw stuff that needs drawing // missing tile? fetch it // use parent level tiles for tiles that do not exist // TODO: crossfading? Rect clip = canvas.getClipBounds(); Rect bounds = getBounds(); float zoom = (float)canvas.getWidth() / (float)clip.width(); float zoomWidth = zoom * bounds.width(); float zoomHeight = zoom * bounds.height(); double wlevel = Math.log(zoomWidth / TILE_DIM) / LOG_2; double hlevel = Math.log(zoomHeight/ TILE_DIM) / LOG_2; double maxLevel = Math.max(wlevel, hlevel); int visibleLeft = Math.max(0, clip.left); int visibleRight = Math.min(bounds.width(), clip.right); int visibleTop = Math.max(0,; int visibleBottom = Math.min(bounds.height(), clip.bottom); int level = (int)Math.floor(maxLevel); level = Math.min(this.maxLevel, level); level = Math.max(level, 0); int levelTiles = 1 << level; int textureTileDim = textureDim / levelTiles; // System.out.println("textureTileDim: " + textureTileDim); // System.out.println(info.key + " visible: " + new Rect(visibleLeft, visibleTop, visibleRight, visibleBottom)); final boolean DEBUG_ZOOM = false; if (info.bitmaps != null && info.bitmaps[0] != null) { canvas.drawBitmap(info.bitmaps[0], null, getBounds(), paint); if (DEBUG_ZOOM) { paint.setColor(Color.RED); paint.setAlpha(0x80); canvas.drawRect(getBounds(), paint); paint.setAlpha(0xFF); } } else { paint.setColor(Color.BLACK); canvas.drawRect(getBounds(), paint); } int sampleSize = 1; while (textureTileDim / sampleSize > TILE_DIM) sampleSize <<= 1; for (int y = 0; y < levelTiles; y++) { int top = textureTileDim * y; int bottom = textureTileDim * (y + 1); bottom = Math.min(bottom, bounds.bottom); // TODO: start at visible pos if (bottom < visibleTop) continue; if (top > visibleBottom) break; for (int x = 0; x < levelTiles; x++) { int left = textureTileDim * x; int right = textureTileDim * (x + 1); right = Math.min(right, bounds.right); // TODO: start at visible pos if (right < visibleLeft) continue; if (left > visibleRight) break; Rect texRect = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); // find, render/fetch // System.out.println("rendering: " + texRect + " for: " + bounds); String tileKey = ResponseCacheMiddleware.toKeyString(info.key + "," + level + "," + x + "," + y); BitmapInfo tile = ion.bitmapCache.get(tileKey); if (tile != null && tile.bitmaps != null) { // render it // System.out.println("bitmap is: " + tile.bitmaps[0].getWidth() + "x" + tile.bitmaps[0].getHeight()); canvas.drawBitmap(tile.bitmaps[0], null, texRect, paint); continue; } // TODO: cancellation of unnecessary regions when fast pan/zooming if (ion.bitmapsPending.tag(tileKey) == null) { // fetch it // System.out.println(info.key + ": fetching region: " + texRect + " sample size: " + sampleSize); LoadBitmapRegion region = new LoadBitmapRegion(ion, tileKey, info.decoder, texRect, sampleSize); } ion.bitmapsPending.add(tileKey, tileCallback); int parentLeft = 0; int parentTop = 0; int parentUp = 1; int parentLevel = level - parentUp; if (x % 2 == 1) parentLeft++; if (y % 2 == 1) parentTop++; int parentX = x >> 1; int parentY = y >> 1; while (parentLevel >= 0) { tileKey = ResponseCacheMiddleware.toKeyString(info.key + "," + parentLevel + "," + parentX + "," + parentY); tile = ion.bitmapCache.get(tileKey); if (tile != null && tile.bitmaps != null) break; if (parentX % 2 == 1) { parentLeft += 1 << parentUp; } if (parentY % 2 == 1) { parentTop += 1 << parentUp; } parentLevel--; parentUp++; parentX >>= 1; parentY >>= 1; } // well, i give up if (tile == null || tile.bitmaps == null) continue; int subLevelTiles = 1 << parentLevel; int subtileDim = textureDim / subLevelTiles; int subSampleSize = 1; while (subtileDim / subSampleSize > TILE_DIM) subSampleSize <<= 1; int subTextureDim = subtileDim / subSampleSize; // System.out.println(String.format("falling back for %s,%s,%s to %s,%s,%s: %s,%s (%s to %s)", x, y, level, parentX, parentY, parentLevel, parentLeft, parentTop, subTextureDim, subTextureDim >> parentUp)); subTextureDim >>= parentUp; int sourceLeft = subTextureDim * parentLeft; int sourceTop = subTextureDim * parentTop; Rect sourceRect = new Rect(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceLeft + subTextureDim, sourceTop + subTextureDim); canvas.drawBitmap(tile.bitmaps[0], sourceRect, texRect, paint); if (DEBUG_ZOOM) { paint.setColor(Color.RED); paint.setAlpha(0x80); canvas.drawRect(texRect, paint); paint.setAlpha(0xFF); } } } } else if (info.bitmaps != null) { paint.setAlpha((int)destAlpha); canvas.drawBitmap(info.bitmaps[currentFrame % info.bitmaps.length], null, getBounds(), paint); paint.setAlpha(0xFF); if (info.delays != null) { int delay = info.delays[currentFrame % info.delays.length]; if (!invalidateScheduled) { invalidateScheduled = true; unscheduleSelf(invalidate); scheduleSelf(invalidate, SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Math.max(delay, 100)); } } } else { Drawable error = tryGetErrorResource(); if (error != null) { error.setAlpha((int)destAlpha); error.setBounds(getBounds()); error.draw(canvas); error.setAlpha(0xFF); } } if (destAlpha != 255) invalidateSelf(); if (true) return; // stolen from picasso; canvas.rotate(45); paint.setColor(Color.WHITE); canvas.drawRect(0, -10, 7.5f, 10, paint); int sourceColor; switch (loadedFrom) { case Loader.LoaderEmitter.LOADED_FROM_CACHE: sourceColor = Color.CYAN; break; case Loader.LoaderEmitter.LOADED_FROM_CONDITIONAL_CACHE: sourceColor = Color.YELLOW; break; case Loader.LoaderEmitter.LOADED_FROM_MEMORY: sourceColor = Color.GREEN; break; default: sourceColor = Color.RED; break; } paint.setColor(sourceColor); canvas.drawRect(0, -9, 6.5f, 9, paint); canvas.restore(); } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { paint.setAlpha(alpha); } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { paint.setColorFilter(cf); } @Override public int getOpacity() { return (info == null || info.bitmaps == null || info.bitmaps[0].hasAlpha() || paint.getAlpha() < 255) ? PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT : PixelFormat.OPAQUE; } static IonDrawable getOrCreateIonDrawable(ImageView imageView) { Drawable current = imageView.getDrawable(); IonDrawable ret; if (current == null || !(current instanceof IonDrawable)) ret = new IonDrawable(imageView.getResources(), imageView); else ret = (IonDrawable)current; // invalidate self doesn't seem to trigger the dimension check to be called by imageview. // are drawable dimensions supposed to be immutable? imageView.setImageDrawable(null); return ret; } }