package com.koushikdutta.async.future; public class SimpleCancellable implements DependentCancellable { boolean complete; @Override public boolean isDone() { return complete; } protected void cancelCleanup() { } protected void cleanup() { } protected void completeCleanup() { } public boolean setComplete() { synchronized (this) { if (cancelled) return false; if (complete) { // don't allow a Cancellable to complete twice... assert false; return true; } complete = true; parent = null; } completeCleanup(); cleanup(); return true; } @Override public boolean cancel() { Cancellable parent; synchronized (this) { if (complete) return false; if (cancelled) return true; cancelled = true; parent = this.parent; // null out the parent to allow garbage collection this.parent = null; } if (parent != null) parent.cancel(); cancelCleanup(); cleanup(); return true; } boolean cancelled; private Cancellable parent; @Override public SimpleCancellable setParent(Cancellable parent) { synchronized (this) { if (!isDone()) this.parent = parent; } return this; } @Override public boolean isCancelled() { synchronized (this) { return cancelled || (parent != null && parent.isCancelled()); } } public static final Cancellable COMPLETED = new SimpleCancellable() { { setComplete(); } }; public Cancellable reset() { cancel(); complete = false; cancelled = false; return this; } }