// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.codegraph.dart; import com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.AbstractTrie; import com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.PrefixIndex; import com.google.collide.client.code.autocomplete.codegraph.TemplateProposal; /** * Dart constants. */ class DartConstants { private static DartConstants instance; static DartConstants getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DartConstants(); } return instance; } private final PrefixIndex<TemplateProposal> proposalTemplateTrie; private static void addProposal(AbstractTrie<TemplateProposal> to, String name, String template) { to.put(name, new TemplateProposal(name, template)); } public PrefixIndex<TemplateProposal> getSnippetsTemplateTrie() { return proposalTemplateTrie; } private DartConstants() { AbstractTrie<TemplateProposal> temp = new AbstractTrie<TemplateProposal>(); addProposal(temp, "#source", "#source(%c);"); addProposal(temp, "#import", "#import(%c);"); addProposal(temp, "#include", "#include(%c);"); addProposal(temp, "#library", "#library(%c);"); addProposal(temp, "abstract", "abstract "); addProposal(temp, "assert", "assert(%c);"); addProposal(temp, "break", "break;"); addProposal(temp, "case", "case %c:"); addProposal(temp, "catch", "catch (%c) {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "class", "class %c {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "continue", "continue;"); addProposal(temp, "const", "const "); addProposal(temp, "default", "default:"); addProposal(temp, "do", "do {%i%c%n} while ()"); addProposal(temp, "else", "else {%n%c%n}"); addProposal(temp, "extends", "extends "); addProposal(temp, "final", "final "); addProposal(temp, "for", "for (%c;;) {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "for", "for (%c in %c) {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "function", "function %c() {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "get", "get %c() {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "if", "if (%c) {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "interface", "interface "); addProposal(temp, "is", "is %c"); addProposal(temp, "implements", "implements "); addProposal(temp, "native", "native "); addProposal(temp, "new", "new %c();"); addProposal(temp, "operator", "operator "); addProposal(temp, "return", "return %c;"); addProposal(temp, "set", "set %c() {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "static", "static "); addProposal(temp, "super", "super(%c)"); addProposal(temp, "switch", "switch (%c) {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "this", "this"); addProposal(temp, "throw", "throw "); addProposal(temp, "try", "try {%i%c%n}%i%ncatch() {%i%n}"); addProposal(temp, "typedef", "typedef "); addProposal(temp, "var", "var %c"); addProposal(temp, "void", "void "); addProposal(temp, "while", "while (%c) {%i%n}"); this.proposalTemplateTrie = temp; } }