package org.fxmisc.easybind; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import org.fxmisc.easybind.monadic.MonadicBinding; import org.fxmisc.easybind.monadic.PropertyBinding; class MonadicWrapper<T> extends PreboundBinding<T> { private final ObservableValue<T> delegate; public MonadicWrapper(ObservableValue<T> delegate) { super(delegate); this.delegate = delegate; } @Override protected T computeValue() { return delegate.getValue(); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public MonadicBinding<T> orElse(T other) { return EasyBind.orElse(delegate, other); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public MonadicBinding<T> orElse(ObservableValue<T> other) { return EasyBind.orElse(delegate, other); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public MonadicBinding<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> p) { return EasyBind.filter(delegate, p); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public <U> MonadicBinding<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> f) { return, f); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public <U> MonadicBinding<U> flatMap( Function<? super T, ? extends ObservableValue<U>> f) { return EasyBind.flatMap(delegate, f); } // More efficient than the default, eliminates this wrapper from the chain. @Override public <U> PropertyBinding<U> selectProperty( Function<? super T, ? extends Property<U>> f) { return EasyBind.selectProperty(delegate, f); } }