package org.fxmisc.easybind; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.ListChangeListener; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import org.fxmisc.easybind.monadic.MonadicBinding; import org.fxmisc.easybind.monadic.MonadicObservableValue; import org.fxmisc.easybind.monadic.PropertyBinding; import; /** * Methods for easy creation of bindings. */ public class EasyBind { @FunctionalInterface public interface TriFunction<A, B, C, R> { R apply(A a, B b, C c); } @FunctionalInterface public interface TetraFunction<A, B, C, D, R> { R apply(A a, B b, C c, D d); } @FunctionalInterface public interface PentaFunction<A, B, C, D, E, R> { R apply(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e); } @FunctionalInterface public interface HexaFunction<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> { R apply(A a, B b, C c, D d, E e, F f); } /** * Creates a thin wrapper around an observable value to make it monadic. * @param o ObservableValue to wrap * @return {@code o} if {@code o} is already monadic, or a thin monadic * wrapper around {@code o} otherwise. */ public static <T> MonadicObservableValue<T> monadic(ObservableValue<T> o) { if(o instanceof MonadicObservableValue) { return (MonadicObservableValue<T>) o; } else { return new MonadicWrapper<>(o); } } public static <T> MonadicBinding<T> filter( ObservableValue<T> src, Predicate<? super T> p) { return new PreboundBinding<T>(src) { @Override protected T computeValue() { T val = src.getValue(); return (val != null && p.test(val)) ? val : null; } }; } public static <T, U> MonadicBinding<U> map( ObservableValue<T> src, Function<? super T, ? extends U> f) { return new PreboundBinding<U>(src) { @Override protected U computeValue() { T baseVal = src.getValue(); return baseVal != null ? f.apply(baseVal) : null; } }; } public static <T, U> MonadicBinding<U> flatMap( ObservableValue<T> src, Function<? super T, ? extends ObservableValue<U>> f) { return new FlatMapBinding<>(src, f); } public static <T, U> PropertyBinding<U> selectProperty( ObservableValue<T> src, Function<? super T, ? extends Property<U>> f) { return new FlatMapProperty<>(src, f); } public static <T> MonadicBinding<T> orElse(ObservableValue<? extends T> src, T other) { return new PreboundBinding<T>(src) { @Override protected T computeValue() { T val = src.getValue(); return val != null ? val : other; } }; } public static <T> MonadicBinding<T> orElse( ObservableValue<? extends T> src, ObservableValue<? extends T> other) { return new FirstNonNullBinding<>(src, other); } public static <T, U> ObservableList<U> map( ObservableList<? extends T> sourceList, Function<? super T, ? extends U> f) { return new MappedList<>(sourceList, f); } public static <A, B, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableValue<A> src1, ObservableValue<B> src2, BiFunction<A, B, R> f) { return new PreboundBinding<R>(src1, src2) { @Override protected R computeValue() { return f.apply(src1.getValue(), src2.getValue()); } }; } public static <A, B, C, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableValue<A> src1, ObservableValue<B> src2, ObservableValue<C> src3, TriFunction<A, B, C, R> f) { return new PreboundBinding<R>(src1, src2, src3) { @Override protected R computeValue() { return f.apply( src1.getValue(), src2.getValue(), src3.getValue()); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableValue<A> src1, ObservableValue<B> src2, ObservableValue<C> src3, ObservableValue<D> src4, TetraFunction<A, B, C, D, R> f) { return new PreboundBinding<R>(src1, src2, src3, src4) { @Override protected R computeValue() { return f.apply( src1.getValue(), src2.getValue(), src3.getValue(), src4.getValue()); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableValue<A> src1, ObservableValue<B> src2, ObservableValue<C> src3, ObservableValue<D> src4, ObservableValue<E> src5, PentaFunction<A, B, C, D, E, R> f) { return new PreboundBinding<R>(src1, src2, src3, src4, src5) { @Override protected R computeValue() { return f.apply( src1.getValue(), src2.getValue(), src3.getValue(), src4.getValue(), src5.getValue()); } }; } public static <A, B, C, D, E, F, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableValue<A> src1, ObservableValue<B> src2, ObservableValue<C> src3, ObservableValue<D> src4, ObservableValue<E> src5, ObservableValue<F> src6, HexaFunction<A, B, C, D, E, F, R> f) { return new PreboundBinding<R>(src1, src2, src3, src4, src5, src6) { @Override protected R computeValue() { return f.apply( src1.getValue(), src2.getValue(), src3.getValue(), src4.getValue(), src5.getValue(), src6.getValue()); } }; } public static <T, R> MonadicBinding<R> combine( ObservableList<? extends ObservableValue<? extends T>> list, Function<? super Stream<T>, ? extends R> f) { return new ListCombinationBinding<>(list, f); } public static <T> SelectBuilder<T> select(ObservableValue<T> selectionRoot) { return SelectBuilder.startAt(selectionRoot); } /** * Sets up automatic binding and unbinding of {@code target} to/from * {@code source}, based on the changing value of {@code condition}. * In other words, this method starts watching {@code condition} for * changes. When {@code condition} changes to {@code true}, {@code target} * is bound to {@code source}. When {@code condition} changes to * {@code false}, {@code target} is unbound. This keeps happening until * either {@code unsubscribe()} is called on the returned subscription, * or {@code target} is garbage collected. * @param target target of the conditional binding * @param source source of the conditional binding * @param condition controls when to bind and unbind target to/from source * @return a subscription that can be used to dispose the conditional * binding set up by this method, i.e. stop observing {@code condition} * and unbind {@code target} from {@code source}. * @deprecated Since 1.0.2. Use {@code when(condition).bind(target, source)} * instead. */ @Deprecated public static <T> Subscription bindConditionally( Property<T> target, ObservableValue<? extends T> source, ObservableValue<Boolean> condition) { return new ConditionalBinding<>(target, source, condition); } /** * Sync the content of the {@code target} list with the {@code source} list. * @return a subscription that can be used to stop syncing the lists. */ public static <T> Subscription listBind( List<? super T> target, ObservableList<? extends T> source) { target.clear(); target.addAll(source); ListChangeListener<? super T> listener = change -> { while( { int from = change.getFrom(); int to = change.getTo(); if(change.wasPermutated()) { target.subList(from, to).clear(); target.addAll(from, source.subList(from, to)); } else { target.subList(from, from + change.getRemovedSize()).clear(); target.addAll(from, source.subList(from, from + change.getAddedSize())); } } }; source.addListener(listener); return () -> source.removeListener(listener); } /** * Entry point for creating conditional bindings. */ public static When when(ObservableValue<Boolean> condition) { return new When(condition); } /** * Adds {@code element} to {@code collection} when {@code condition} is * {@code true} and removes it from {@code collection} when * {@code condition} is {@code false}. * @return a subscription that can be used to stop observing * {@code condition} and manipulating {@code collection}. */ public static <T> Subscription includeWhen( Collection<T> collection, T element, ObservableValue<Boolean> condition) { return subscribe(condition, new Consumer<Boolean>() { private boolean included = false; @Override public void accept(Boolean value) { if(value && !included) { included = collection.add(element); } else if(!value && included) { collection.remove(element); included = false; } } }); } /** * Invokes {@code subscriber} for the current and every new value of * {@code observable}. * @param observable observable value to subscribe to * @param subscriber action to invoke for values of {@code observable}. * @return a subscription that can be used to stop invoking subscriber * for any further {@code observable} changes. */ public static <T> Subscription subscribe(ObservableValue<T> observable, Consumer<? super T> subscriber) { subscriber.accept(observable.getValue()); ChangeListener<? super T> listener = (obs, oldValue, newValue) -> subscriber.accept(newValue); observable.addListener(listener); return () -> observable.removeListener(listener); } }