package com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.service; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.constants.RequestUrls; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.constants.StatusCode; import; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.common.DoubanAttributeObj; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.common.DoubanEntityObj; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.doumail.DoubanMailEntryObj; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.doumail.DoubanMailFeedObj; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.utils.ErrorHandler; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; /** * * @author Zhibo Wei <> */ public class DoubanMailService extends DoubanService { final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DoubanMailService.class.getName()); public DoubanMailService(String accessToken) { super(accessToken); } public DoubanMailFeedObj getMailsFromInbox() throws DoubanException, IOException { return getMailsFromInbox(null, null); } public DoubanMailFeedObj getMailsFromInbox(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResult) throws DoubanException, IOException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (startIndex != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("start-index", "" + startIndex)); } if (maxResult != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("max-results", "" + maxResult)); } String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/inbox"; DoubanMailFeedObj result = this.client.getResponse(url, params, DoubanMailFeedObj.class, true); return result; } public DoubanMailFeedObj getMailsFromOutbox() throws DoubanException, IOException { return getMailsFromOutbox(null, null); } public DoubanMailFeedObj getMailsFromOutbox(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResult) throws DoubanException, IOException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (startIndex != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("start-index", "" + startIndex)); } if (maxResult != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("max-results", "" + maxResult)); } String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/outbox"; DoubanMailFeedObj result = this.client.getResponse(url, params, DoubanMailFeedObj.class, true); return result; } public DoubanMailFeedObj getUnreadMails() throws DoubanException, IOException { return getUnreadMails(null, null); } public DoubanMailFeedObj getUnreadMails(Integer startIndex, Integer maxResult) throws DoubanException, IOException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (startIndex != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("start-index", "" + startIndex)); } if (maxResult != null) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("max-results", "" + maxResult)); } String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/inbox/unread"; DoubanMailFeedObj result = this.client.getResponse(url, params, DoubanMailFeedObj.class, true); return result; } public DoubanMailEntryObj getMailById(long mailId, boolean keepUnread) throws DoubanException, IOException { String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/" + mailId; List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (keepUnread) { params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("keep-unread", "true")); } DoubanMailEntryObj result = this.client.getResponse(url, params, DoubanMailEntryObj.class, true); return result; } /** * Didn't do anything with the Captcha * * @param receiverId * @param content * @param title * @return true if successfully sent (or captcha is needed), false otherwise * @throws DoubanException * @throws IOException */ public boolean sendMail(String receiverId, String content, String title) throws DoubanException, IOException { String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "s"; DoubanMailEntryObj entry = generateDoubanMailEntryObj(receiverId, content, title); if (entry == null) { throw ErrorHandler.getCustomDoubanException(100, "Illegal mail data provided"); } try { int responseCode = this.client.postResponseCodeOnly(url, entry, true); if (responseCode != StatusCode.HTTP_STATUS_CREATED) { return false; } return true; } catch (DoubanException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorHandler.HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS_CODE) { logger.warning(ex.getErrorMsg()); return false; } else { throw ex; } } } public boolean markMailAsRead(long mailId) throws IOException, DoubanException { String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/" + mailId; DoubanMailEntryObj requestEntry = generateOnlyAttribute(null, true); try { int responseCode = this.client.putResponseCodeOnly(url, requestEntry, true); if (responseCode != StatusCode.HTTP_STATUS_CREATED) { return false; } return true; } catch (DoubanException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorHandler.HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS_CODE) { logger.warning(ex.getErrorMsg()); return false; } else { throw ex; } } } public boolean deleteMail(long mailId) throws IOException, DoubanException { String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/" + mailId; try { int responseCode = this.client.deleteResponse(url, true); if (responseCode != StatusCode.HTTP_STATUS_OK) { return false; } return true; } catch (DoubanException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorHandler.HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS_CODE) { logger.warning(ex.getErrorMsg()); return false; } else { throw ex; } } } public boolean markMailReadInBatch(List<Long> ids) throws IOException, DoubanException { List<DoubanMailEntryObj> entries = new ArrayList<DoubanMailEntryObj>(); for (long id : ids) { DoubanMailEntryObj entry = generateOnlyAttribute("" + id, true); entries.add(entry); } DoubanMailFeedObj feed = new DoubanMailFeedObj(); feed.setEntries(entries); String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/"; try { int responseCode = this.client.putResponseCodeOnly(url, feed, true); if (responseCode != StatusCode.HTTP_STATUS_ACCEPTED) { return false; } return true; } catch (DoubanException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorHandler.HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS_CODE) { logger.warning(ex.getErrorMsg()); return false; } else { throw ex; } } } public boolean deleteMailsInBatch(List<Long> ids) throws IOException, DoubanException { List<DoubanMailEntryObj> entries = new ArrayList<DoubanMailEntryObj>(); for (long id : ids) { DoubanMailEntryObj entry = generateOnlyAttribute("" + id, false); entries.add(entry); } DoubanMailFeedObj feed = new DoubanMailFeedObj(); feed.setEntries(entries); String url = RequestUrls.DOUBAN_MAIL_PREFIX + "/delete"; try { int responseCode = this.client.postResponseCodeOnly(url, feed, true); if (responseCode != StatusCode.HTTP_STATUS_OK) { return false; } return true; } catch (DoubanException ex) { if (ex.getErrorCode() == ErrorHandler.HTTP_RESPONSE_ERROR_STATUS_CODE) { logger.warning(ex.getErrorMsg()); return false; } else { throw ex; } } } private DoubanMailEntryObj generateOnlyAttribute(String id, boolean hasAttr) { DoubanMailEntryObj entity = new DoubanMailEntryObj(); if (hasAttr) { DoubanAttributeObj att = new DoubanAttributeObj(); att.setName("unread"); att.setValue("false"); entity.setAttr(att); } if (id != null) { if (!id.startsWith("http://")) { id = "" + id; } entity.setId(id); } return entity; } private DoubanMailEntryObj generateDoubanMailEntryObj(String receiverId, String content, String title) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty() || title == null || title.isEmpty() || receiverId == null || receiverId.isEmpty()) { return null; } String fullId = receiverId; if (!receiverId.startsWith("http://")) { fullId = "" + receiverId; } DoubanEntityObj entity = new DoubanEntityObj(); entity.setName("receiver"); entity.setUri(fullId); DoubanMailEntryObj obj = new DoubanMailEntryObj(); obj.setEntity(entity); obj.setTitle(title); obj.setContent(content); return obj; } }