package com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.user; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.IDoubanObject; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.common.DoubanLinkObj; import com.dongxuexidu.douban4j.model.common.DoubanLocationObj; import; import java.util.List; /** * * @author Zhibo Wei <> */ public class DoubanUserObj implements IDoubanObject { @Key private String id; @Key private String title; @Key ("link") private List<DoubanLinkObj> links; @Key private String content; @Key ("db:location") private DoubanLocationObj location; @Key ("db:signature") private String signature; @Key ("db:uid") private String uid; @Key private String uri; @Override public String getObjName() { return "doubanuser"; } /** * @return the id */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * @param id the id to set */ public void setId(String id) { = id; } /** * @return the title */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * @param title the title to set */ public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } /** * @return the links */ public List<DoubanLinkObj> getLinks() { return links; } public void setLinks (List<DoubanLinkObj> links) { this.links = links; } /** * @param links the links to set */ public void addLink(String href, String rel) { this.links.add(new DoubanLinkObj(href, rel)); } public String getLinkByRel (String rel) { for (DoubanLinkObj obj : this.links) { if (obj.getRel().equalsIgnoreCase(rel)) { return obj.getHref(); } } return null; } /** * @return the content */ public String getContent() { return content; } /** * @param content the content to set */ public void setContent(String content) { this.content = content; } /** * @return the location */ public DoubanLocationObj getLocation() { return location; } /** * @param location the location to set */ public void setLocation(DoubanLocationObj location) { this.location = location; } /** * @return the signature */ public String getSignature() { return signature; } /** * @param signature the signature to set */ public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; } /** * @return the uid */ public String getUid() { return uid; } /** * @param uid the uid to set */ public void setUid(String uid) { this.uid = uid; } /** * @return the uri */ public String getUri() { return uri; } /** * @param uri the uri to set */ public void setUri(String uri) { this.uri = uri; } }