package hackathon.boxme; import hackathon.boxme.utils.SimpleDBUtils; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import; import; public class StorageServiceHandler { /* * Returns a list of file for the user given the * userId */ String dropBoxType = "dropbox"; String S3Type = "S3"; List<String> providerList = new ArrayList<String>(); StorageProvider storageProvider; int accountDeciderColumn = 0; // Keeping it 0 for now String dropBoxAccount = "dropbox"; String testUserCreds = "97orcuffrgdgezb 7cn721muswzhhkp"; int dropBoxIndex = 0; int providerIndex = 0; int providerPathIndex = 1 ; // Hack int uidIndex = 1; int userNameIndex = 1; int startIndex = 2; public StorageServiceHandler(){ providerList.add("dropbox"); providerList.add("googleDrive"); providerList.add("S3"); } public String getFileList(String userId){ HashMap<String, String> accountCredentials = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Call to persistence store to get the account info //accountCredentials = getTestCreds(userId); accountCredentials = SimpleDBUtils.getAttributes(userId); System.out.println(accountCredentials); // Iterator through account credentials Iterator it = accountCredentials.entrySet().iterator(); String fileList = ""; while(it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry tokenPair = (Map.Entry); String accountKey = (String) tokenPair.getKey(); String accountTokens = (String) tokenPair.getValue(); if(!checkKey(accountKey)){ continue; } if(accountKey.contains(dropBoxType)){ //Make a new dropbox Storage Provider storageProvider = new DropboxStorageProvider(); String[] accountTokensList = accountTokens.split("\n"); for(String accountToken : accountTokensList){ fileList += "dropbox"+ storageProvider.listAllFiles(accountToken) + " "; } } } return fileList; } public DirectoryListing getFilesUnderPath(String userId, String path){ DirectoryListing allFiles = null, fileList = new DirectoryListing() ; String directoryPath = ""; HashMap<String, String> accountCredentials = new HashMap<String, String>(); String accountKey, accountTokens; int hierarchyLevel; // Call to persistence store to get the account info //accountCredentials = getTestCreds(userId); //System.out.println(accountCredentials); // Iterator through account credentials String[] pathArray = path.split("/"); hierarchyLevel = pathArray.length; //System.out.println(hierarchyLevel); if(hierarchyLevel == 0){ //Call the Data store and get a list of service providers List<String> serviceProviders = null, returnList = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> returnSet = new HashSet<String>(); //serviceProviders = getFromDbMock(); //Simple DB Call serviceProviders = SimpleDBUtils.getAttributeList(userId); for(String providerKeys: serviceProviders){ String provider = providerKeys.split(" ")[providerIndex]; if(providerList.contains(provider)){ returnSet.add(provider); } } for(String files: returnSet){ returnList.add(files); } fileList.setDirectories(returnList); }else if(hierarchyLevel == 2){ //Call the Data store and get an account list for the service provider List<String> serviceProviders = null , returnList = new ArrayList<String>(); //serviceProviders = getFromDbMock(); String givenProvider = pathArray[providerPathIndex]; if(givenProvider.equals(S3Type)){ //Call S3 to get a list of buckets // and add them in directory structure }else{ //Simple DB Call serviceProviders = SimpleDBUtils.getAttributeList(userId); for(String providerKeys: serviceProviders){ String provider = providerKeys.split(" ")[providerIndex]; String uid = providerKeys.split(" ")[uidIndex]; if(provider.equals(givenProvider)){ returnList.add(provider+"/"+uid); } } fileList.setDirectories(returnList); } }else if(hierarchyLevel > 2){ String accountType = path.split("/")[dropBoxIndex]; String userName = path.split("/")[userNameIndex]; if(accountType.equals(dropBoxType)){ //Make a new dropbox Storage Provider storageProvider = new DropboxStorageProvider(); accountKey = accountType+" "+userName; //accountTokens = accountCredentials.get(accountKey); accountTokens = SimpleDBUtils.getAttribute(userId, accountKey); //String[] accountTokensList = accountTokens.split("\n"); fileList = storageProvider.getFilesUnderPath(directoryPath, accountTokens); fileList.insertPrefix(accountType+userName); }else if(accountType.equals(S3Type)){ //Make a new dropbox Storage Provider storageProvider = new S3StorageProvider(); accountKey = accountType+" "+userName; //accountTokens = accountCredentials.get(accountKey); accountTokens = SimpleDBUtils.getAttribute(userId, accountKey); //String[] accountTokensList = accountTokens.split("\n"); fileList = storageProvider.getFilesUnderPath(directoryPath, accountTokens); fileList.insertPrefix(accountType+userName); } } // Convert to Json /* ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); //JsonGenerator gen= new JsonGene; String jsonReturn = null; try { jsonReturn = mapper.writeValueAsString(fileList); } catch (JsonGenerationException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } */ return fileList; } /* * send the list of files from the user file list to list of users */ public boolean putFiles(String senderUserId, List<String> filestoSend , List<String> receiverUserIds ){ HashMap<String, String> senderCredentials = new HashMap<String, String>(); StorageProvider receiverStorageProvider; // Call to persistence store to get the account info senderCredentials = getTestCreds(senderUserId); //Simple Db Call senderCredentials = SimpleDBUtils.getAttributes(senderUserId); Boolean transfer = false; for(String filetoSend: filestoSend){ // Iterator through account credentials // from the fileId decide which credential to use String accountType = accountToUse(filetoSend); Iterator senderCredsIt = senderCredentials.entrySet().iterator(); String fileList = ""; while(senderCredsIt.hasNext()){ Map.Entry tokenPair = (Map.Entry); String senderKey = (String) tokenPair.getKey(); String senderTokens = (String) tokenPair.getValue(); if(!checkKey(senderKey)){ continue; } if(senderKey.equals(accountType)){ System.out.println(senderKey); // Now for each file have to go through receiver credentials // and then call a copy if both are dropbox // otherwise do a getFile to get a file stream // call a putFile to put a file stream for(String receiverId : receiverUserIds){ // Call the database to get the Credentials for receiverId HashMap<String, String> receiverCredentials = new HashMap<String, String>(); //receiverCredentials = getTestCreds(receiverId); //Simple Db Call receiverCredentials = SimpleDBUtils.getAttributes(receiverId); Iterator receiverCredsIt = receiverCredentials.entrySet().iterator(); while(receiverCredsIt.hasNext()){ Map.Entry receiverTokenPair = (Map.Entry); String receiverKey = (String) tokenPair.getKey(); String receiverTokens = (String) tokenPair.getValue(); if(!checkKey(receiverKey)){ continue; } if(senderKey.contains(dropBoxType) && receiverKey.contains(dropBoxType)){ // if both accounts are Dropbox storageProvider = new DropboxStorageProvider(); String[] fileNamesToSend = filetoSend.split("/"); String fileNametoSend = "/"; for(int i=startIndex;i<fileNamesToSend.length;i++){ fileNametoSend+=fileNamesToSend[i]; } //System.out.println(fileNametoSend); transfer = storageProvider.copyFile(fileNametoSend, senderTokens, receiverTokens); break; }else if(senderKey.contains(dropBoxType) && receiverKey.contains(S3Type)){ storageProvider = new DropboxStorageProvider(); receiverStorageProvider = new S3StorageProvider(); String[] fileNamesToSend = filetoSend.split("/"); String fileNametoSend = "/"; for(int i=startIndex;i<fileNamesToSend.length;i++){ fileNametoSend+=fileNamesToSend[i]; } FileCopyStream copyStream = storageProvider.getFile(fileNametoSend, senderTokens); receiverStorageProvider.putFile(fileNametoSend, copyStream, receiverTokens); }else if(senderKey.contains(S3Type) && receiverKey.contains(dropBoxType)){ //storageProvider = new S3StorageProvider(); receiverStorageProvider = new DropboxStorageProvider(); String[] fileNamesToSend = filetoSend.split("/"); String fileNametoSend = "/"; for(int i=startIndex;i<fileNamesToSend.length;i++){ fileNametoSend+=fileNamesToSend[i]; } FileCopyStream copyStream = storageProvider.getFile(fileNametoSend, senderTokens); receiverStorageProvider.putFile(fileNametoSend, copyStream, receiverTokens); } } } } } } return transfer; } private String accountToUse(String fileId){ String[] fileNameParts = fileId.split("/"); String accountType = ""; /* if(fileNameParts[accountDeciderColumn].equals(dropBoxAccount)){ accountType = dropBoxType; } */ accountType = fileNameParts[providerIndex]+" "+ fileNameParts[uidIndex]; return accountType; } private Boolean checkKey(String key){ Boolean flag = false; for(String providers: providerList){ if(key.contains(providers)){ flag = true; } } return flag; } private HashMap<String, String> getTestCreds(String userName){ HashMap<String, String> testDbCreds = new HashMap<String, String>(); testDbCreds.put("dropbox 12345", testUserCreds); return testDbCreds; } private List<String> getFromDbMock(){ List<String> accounts = new ArrayList<String>(); accounts.add("dropbox 12345"); accounts.add("dropbox 453"); return accounts; } public static void main(String[] args){ StorageServiceHandler storageServiceHandler = new StorageServiceHandler(); //storageServiceHandler.providerList.add("dropbox"); //storageServiceHandler.providerList.add("googleDrive"); //storageServiceHandler.providerList.add("S3"); String sender = "vtest"; String receiver = "vtest"; String file = "dropbox/123/drivers.txt"; //String fileList = storageServiceHandler.getFileList(sender); //System.out.println(fileList); List<String> receiverIds = new ArrayList<String>(); receiverIds.add(receiver); List<String> filestoSend= new ArrayList<String>(); filestoSend.add(file); //storageServiceHandler.putFiles(sender, filestoSend, receiverIds); DirectoryListing allNames = storageServiceHandler.getFilesUnderPath("vtest4", "/dropbox/"); //System.out.println(allNames); if(allNames.getDirectories()!=null){ for(String dir: allNames.getDirectories()){ System.out.println(dir); } } if(allNames.getFiles()!=null){ for(String files: allNames.getFiles()){ System.out.println(files); } } } }