import com.dropbox.client2.exception.DropboxException; import com.dropbox.client2.session.Session; import com.dropbox.client2.session.WebAuthSession; import com.dropbox.client2.session.AppKeyPair; import com.dropbox.client2.session.AccessTokenPair; import com.dropbox.client2.DropboxAPI; import com.dropbox.client2.jsonextract.*; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class CopyBetweenAccounts { public static final String STATE_FILE = "CopyBetweenAccounts.json"; public static void main(String[] args) throws DropboxException { if (args.length == 0) { printUsage(System.out); throw die(); } String command = args[0]; if (command.equals("reset")) { doReset(args); } else if (command.equals("link")) { doLink(args); } else if (command.equals("list")) { doList(args); } else if (command.equals("copy")) { doCopy(args); } else { System.err.println("ERROR: Unknown command: \"" + command + "\""); System.err.println("Run with no arguments for help."); throw die(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Reset state private static void doReset(String[] args) throws DropboxException { if (args.length != 3) { throw die("ERROR: \"reset\" takes exactly two arguments."); } AppKeyPair appKeyPair = new AppKeyPair(args[1], args[2]); // Save state State state = new State(appKeyPair);; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Link another account. private static void doLink(String[] args) throws DropboxException { if (args.length != 1) { throw die("ERROR: \"link\" takes no arguments."); } // Load state. State state = State.load(STATE_FILE); WebAuthSession was = new WebAuthSession(state.appKey, Session.AccessType.APP_FOLDER); // Make the user log in and authorize us. WebAuthSession.WebAuthInfo info = was.getAuthInfo(); System.out.println("1. Go to: " + info.url); System.out.println("2. Allow access to this app."); System.out.println("3. Press ENTER."); try { while ( != '\n') {} } catch (IOException ex) { throw die("I/O error: " + ex.getMessage()); } // This will fail if the user didn't visit the above URL and hit 'Allow'. String uid = was.retrieveWebAccessToken(info.requestTokenPair); AccessTokenPair accessToken = was.getAccessTokenPair(); System.out.println("Link successful."); state.links.put(uid, accessToken);; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Link another account. private static void doList(String[] args) throws DropboxException { if (args.length != 1) { throw die("ERROR: \"list\" takes no arguments."); } // Load state. State state = State.load(STATE_FILE); if (state.links.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("No links."); } else { System.out.println("[uid: access token]"); for (Map.Entry<String,AccessTokenPair> link : state.links.entrySet()) { AccessTokenPair at = link.getValue(); System.out.println(link.getKey() + ": " + at.key + " " + at.secret); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Copy a file private static void doCopy(String[] args) throws DropboxException { if (args.length != 3) { throw die("ERROR: \"copy\" takes exactly two arguments"); } // Load cached state. State state = State.load(STATE_FILE); GlobalPath source, target; try { source = GlobalPath.parse(args[1]); } catch (GlobalPath.FormatException ex) { throw die("ERROR: Bad <source>: " + ex.getMessage()); } try { target = GlobalPath.parse(args[2]); } catch (GlobalPath.FormatException ex) { throw die("ERROR: Bad <source>: " + ex.getMessage()); } AccessTokenPair sourceAccess = state.links.get(source.uid); if (sourceAccess == null) { throw die("ERROR: <source> refers to UID that isn't linked."); } AccessTokenPair targetAccess = state.links.get(target.uid); if (targetAccess == null) { throw die("ERROR: <target> refers to UID that isn't linked."); } // Connect to the <source> UID and create a copy-ref. WebAuthSession sourceSession = new WebAuthSession(state.appKey, Session.AccessType.DROPBOX, sourceAccess); DropboxAPI<?> sourceClient = new DropboxAPI<WebAuthSession>(sourceSession); DropboxAPI.CreatedCopyRef cr = sourceClient.createCopyRef(source.path); // Connect to the <target> UID and add the target file. WebAuthSession targetSession = new WebAuthSession(state.appKey, Session.AccessType.DROPBOX, targetAccess); DropboxAPI<?> targetClient = new DropboxAPI<WebAuthSession>(targetSession); targetClient.addFromCopyRef(cr.copyRef, target.path); System.out.println("Copied."); } private static final class GlobalPath { public final String uid; public final String path; private GlobalPath(String uid, String path) { this.uid = uid; this.path = path; } /** * Parse a 'global path' string of the form "[uid]:[path]" into UID and path * parts. */ public static GlobalPath parse(String s) throws FormatException { int colonPos = s.indexOf(':'); if (colonPos < 0) throw new FormatException("missing colon"); String uid = s.substring(0, colonPos); String path = s.substring(colonPos+1); if (uid.length() == 0) throw new FormatException("empty UID"); if (!path.startsWith("/")) throw new FormatException("path doesn't start with \"/\": \"" + path + "\""); return new GlobalPath(uid, path); } public static final class FormatException extends Exception { public FormatException(String message) { super(message); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ private static void printUsage(PrintStream out) { out.println("Usage:"); out.println(" ./run reset <app-key> <secret> Initialize the state with the given app key."); out.println(" ./run link Link an account to this app."); out.println(" ./run list List accounts that have been linked."); out.println(" ./run copy <source> <target> Copy a file; paths are of the form <uid>:<path>."); } private static RuntimeException die(String message) { System.err.println(message); return die(); } private static RuntimeException die() { System.exit(1); return new RuntimeException(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // State model (load+save to JSON) public static final class State { public final AppKeyPair appKey; public final Map<String,AccessTokenPair> links = new HashMap<String,AccessTokenPair>(); public State(AppKeyPair appKey) { this.appKey = appKey; } public void save(String fileName) { JSONObject jstate = new JSONObject(); // Convert app key JSONArray japp = new JSONArray(); japp.add(appKey.key); japp.add(appKey.secret); jstate.put("app_key", japp); // Convert 'Link' objects (uid -> access token) JSONObject jlinks = new JSONObject(); for (Map.Entry<String,AccessTokenPair> link : links.entrySet()) { String uid = link.getKey(); AccessTokenPair access = link.getValue(); JSONArray jaccess = new JSONArray(); jaccess.add(access.key); jaccess.add(access.secret); jlinks.put(uid, jaccess); } jstate.put("links", jlinks); try { FileWriter fout = new FileWriter(fileName); try { jstate.writeJSONString(fout); } finally { fout.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw die("ERROR: unable to save to state file \"" + fileName + "\": " + ex.getMessage()); } } public static State load(String fileName) { JsonThing j; try { FileReader fin = new FileReader(fileName); try { j = new JsonThing(new JSONParser().parse(fin)); } catch (ParseException ex) { throw die("ERROR: State file \"" + fileName + "\" isn't valid JSON: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { fin.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw die("ERROR: unable to load state file \"" + fileName + "\": " + ex.getMessage()); } try { JsonMap jm = j.expectMap(); JsonList japp = jm.get("app_key").expectList(); AppKeyPair appKey = new AppKeyPair(japp.get(0).expectString(), japp.get(1).expectString()); State state = new State(appKey); JsonMap jlinks = jm.get("links").expectMap(); for (Map.Entry<String,JsonThing> jlink : jlinks) { JsonList jaccess = jlink.getValue().expectList(); AccessTokenPair access = new AccessTokenPair(jaccess.get(0).expectString(), jaccess.get(1).expectString()); state.links.put(jlink.getKey(), access); } return state; } catch (JsonExtractionException ex) { throw die ("ERROR: State file has incorrect structure: " + ex.getMessage()); } } } public static final class Link { public final String uid; public final AccessTokenPair accessToken; public Link(String uid, AccessTokenPair accessToken) { this.uid = uid; this.accessToken = accessToken; } } }