package eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.discovery; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotConstants; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.BlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotConnection; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IBlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.IUnidentifiedBlaubotDevice; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.State; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.acceptor.ConnectionMetaDataDTO; import eu.hgross.blaubot.mock.BlaubotConnectionQueueMock; import eu.hgross.blaubot.util.Log; /** * Represents a message exchanged when two devices connect via the beacon interface. * * @author Henning Gross {@literal (} * */ public class BeaconMessage implements Serializable { private static final String LOG_TAG = "BeaconMessage"; private static final long serialVersionUID = 7447451131850355749L; private String ownUniqueDeviceId = ""; private State currentState; private List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> ownConnectionMetaDataList = new ArrayList<>(); private String kingDeviceUniqueId = ""; // only set if currentState is State.Prince or State.Peasant private List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> kingsConnectionMetaDataList = new ArrayList<>(); // only set if currentState is State.Prince or State.Peasant /** * Constructor for the beacon message in cases where we have no king or we are the king * * @param ownUniqueDeviceId the unique device id of the sending side's ownDevice * @param currentState our device's current state * @param ownConnectionMetaDataList our own connection meta data list of our acceptors */ public BeaconMessage(String ownUniqueDeviceId, State currentState, List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> ownConnectionMetaDataList) { this.ownUniqueDeviceId = ownUniqueDeviceId; this.currentState = currentState; this.ownConnectionMetaDataList = ownConnectionMetaDataList; if(this.currentState == State.Peasant || this.currentState == State.Prince) { throw new RuntimeException("You have to provide the king's uniqueDeviceId for the Peasant and Prince states. Use the appropriate constructor."); } } /** * Constructor for the beacon message in case we are a subordinate to a king and therefore have a connection to a king * * @param ownUniqueDeviceId the unique device id of the sending side's ownDevice * @param currentState our device's current state * @param ownConnectionMetaDataList our own connection meta data list of our acceptors * @param kingDeviceId the king's uniqueDevice id * @param kingsConnectionMetaDataList the king's connection meta data list to propagate to other interested device */ public BeaconMessage(String ownUniqueDeviceId, State currentState, List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> ownConnectionMetaDataList, String kingDeviceId, List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> kingsConnectionMetaDataList) { this.ownUniqueDeviceId = ownUniqueDeviceId; this.currentState = currentState; this.ownConnectionMetaDataList = ownConnectionMetaDataList; if(this.kingDeviceUniqueId == null || kingsConnectionMetaDataList == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.kingsConnectionMetaDataList = kingsConnectionMetaDataList; this.kingDeviceUniqueId = kingDeviceId; } /** * Only for internal use (de-serialization) */ private BeaconMessage() { } public State getCurrentState() { return currentState; } public void setCurrentState(State currentState) { this.currentState = currentState; } /** * Get the byte representation of this message * * @return the byte array containing the message in the byte order of BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET */ public byte[] toBytes() { byte[] uniqueDeviceIdBytes = ownUniqueDeviceId.getBytes(BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); byte[] strBytes =; byte[] connectionMetaDataListBytes = ConnectionMetaDataDTO.toJson(ownConnectionMetaDataList).getBytes(BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); byte[] deviceIdBytes = kingDeviceUniqueId.getBytes(BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); byte[] kingConnectionMetaDataListBytes = ConnectionMetaDataDTO.toJson(kingsConnectionMetaDataList).getBytes(BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); int uniqueDeviceId_length = uniqueDeviceIdBytes.length; int stateString_length = strBytes.length; int metadata_length = connectionMetaDataListBytes.length; int deviceId_length = deviceIdBytes.length; int kingMetadata_length = kingConnectionMetaDataListBytes.length; ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(20 + uniqueDeviceId_length + stateString_length + metadata_length + deviceId_length + kingMetadata_length); // 5 ints + byte lengths bb.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); // unique device id bb.putInt(uniqueDeviceId_length); bb.put(uniqueDeviceIdBytes); // state bb.putInt(stateString_length); bb.put(strBytes); // meta list bb.putInt(metadata_length); bb.put(connectionMetaDataListBytes); // king unique device id bb.putInt(deviceId_length); bb.put(deviceIdBytes); // king meta list bb.putInt(kingMetadata_length); bb.put(kingConnectionMetaDataListBytes); bb.flip(); return bb.array(); } public static BeaconMessage fromBytes(byte[] bytes) { ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes); bb.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); int uniqueDeviceIdLength = bb.getInt(); byte[] uniqueDeviceIdBytes = new byte[uniqueDeviceIdLength]; bb.get(uniqueDeviceIdBytes, 0, uniqueDeviceIdLength); int stateString_length = bb.getInt(); byte[] strBytes = new byte[stateString_length]; bb.get(strBytes, 0, stateString_length); int metaDataList_length = bb.getInt(); byte[] metaDataListBytes = new byte[metaDataList_length]; bb.get(metaDataListBytes, 0, metaDataList_length); int deviceIdString_length = bb.getInt(); byte[] deviceIdBytes = new byte[deviceIdString_length]; bb.get(deviceIdBytes, 0, deviceIdString_length); int king_metaDataList_length = bb.getInt(); byte[] king_metaDataListBytes = new byte[king_metaDataList_length]; bb.get(king_metaDataListBytes, 0, king_metaDataList_length); BeaconMessage out = new BeaconMessage(); out.ownUniqueDeviceId = new String(uniqueDeviceIdBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); out.currentState = State.valueOf(new String(strBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET)); out.ownConnectionMetaDataList = ConnectionMetaDataDTO.fromJson(new String(metaDataListBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET)); out.kingDeviceUniqueId = new String(deviceIdBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); out.kingsConnectionMetaDataList = ConnectionMetaDataDTO.fromJson(new String(king_metaDataListBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET)); return out; } /** * Create the message from the stream of a blaubot connection. * Note: The connection will be closed via disconnect() on IO errors. * * @param connection the connection to receive the message from * @return message or null, if smthg went wrong */ public static BeaconMessage fromBlaubotConnection(IBlaubotConnection connection) { /* Read STATE */ // unique device id ByteBuffer bbUniqueDeviceIdLength = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bbUniqueDeviceIdLength.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbUniqueDeviceIdLength.array(), 0, 4); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length byte for unique device idfrom beacon message. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } int uniqueDeviceIdLength = bbUniqueDeviceIdLength.getInt(); // state bytes ByteBuffer bbUniqueDeviceId = ByteBuffer.allocate(uniqueDeviceIdLength); bbUniqueDeviceId.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbUniqueDeviceId.array(), 0, uniqueDeviceIdLength); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read message bytes for unique device id from beacon message. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } final IBlaubotDevice remoteDevice = connection.getRemoteDevice(); if(remoteDevice instanceof IUnidentifiedBlaubotDevice) { // we need to inject the unique id, because the beacon had no chance to get onto it // see IUnidentifiedBlaubotDevice JavaDoc. // deserialize byte[] uidBytes = new byte[uniqueDeviceIdLength]; bbUniqueDeviceId.get(uidBytes, 0, uniqueDeviceIdLength); bbUniqueDeviceId.flip(); final String uniqueDeviceIdStr = new String(uidBytes, BlaubotConstants.STRING_CHARSET); // finally set ((IUnidentifiedBlaubotDevice) remoteDevice).setUniqueDeviceId(uniqueDeviceIdStr); } // state length ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bb.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bb.array(), 0, 4); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length byte for state from beacon message. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } int l = bb.getInt(); // state bytes ByteBuffer bbMsg = ByteBuffer.allocate(l); bbMsg.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbMsg.array(), 0, l); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read message bytes for state from beacon message. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } /* Read LIST */ // connection meta data length ByteBuffer bbMeta = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bbMeta.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbMeta.array(), 0, 4); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length of meta data list. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } // connection meta data bytes int metaLength = bbMeta.getInt(); ByteBuffer bbMetaStr = ByteBuffer.allocate(metaLength); bbMetaStr.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbMetaStr.array(), 0, metaLength); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read bytes of meta data list. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } /* Read king's UNIQUE ID */ // uniqueId length ByteBuffer bbId = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bbId.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbId.array(), 0, 4); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length of uniqueIdString. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } // uniqueId bytes int uniqueIdLength = bbId.getInt(); ByteBuffer bbIdStr = ByteBuffer.allocate(uniqueIdLength); bbIdStr.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbIdStr.array(), 0, uniqueIdLength); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length of uniqueIdString. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } /* Read KINGS META LIST */ // king's connection meta data length ByteBuffer bbKingList = ByteBuffer.allocate(4); bbKingList.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbKingList.array(), 0, 4); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read length of the king's meta data list. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } // king's connection meta data bytes int kingMetaListLength = bbKingList.getInt(); ByteBuffer bbKingMetaStr = ByteBuffer.allocate(kingMetaListLength); bbKingMetaStr.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); try { connection.readFully(bbKingMetaStr.array(), 0, kingMetaListLength); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to read bytes of the king's meta data list. Closing connection", e); connection.disconnect(); return null; } // Combine all into one array ByteBuffer together = ByteBuffer.allocate(bbUniqueDeviceId.capacity() + bbUniqueDeviceIdLength.capacity() + bb.capacity() + bbMsg.capacity() + bbMeta.capacity() + bbMetaStr.capacity() + bbId.capacity() + bbIdStr.capacity() + bbKingList.capacity() + bbKingMetaStr.capacity()); together.order(BlaubotConstants.BYTE_ORDER); // unique device id together.put(bbUniqueDeviceIdLength.array()); together.put(bbUniqueDeviceId.array()); // state together.put(bb.array()); together.put(bbMsg.array()); // meta data list together.put(bbMeta.array()); together.put(bbMetaStr.array()); // unique id together.put(bbId.array()); together.put(bbIdStr.array()); //king's meta data list together.put(bbKingList.array()); together.put(bbKingMetaStr.array()); together.flip(); return BeaconMessage.fromBytes(together.array()); } /** * Getter for the unique device id of the sending side * @return the unique id */ public String getUniqueDeviceId() { return ownUniqueDeviceId; } /** * Note: is only set if currentState is State.Prince or State.Peasant * @return the king's uniqueDeviceId or null, if currentState not in (State.Prince, State.Peasant) */ public String getKingDeviceUniqueId() { return kingDeviceUniqueId; } /** * The acceptor meta data for the device for which we received the state * @return the meta data for the remote device's acceptors */ public List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> getOwnConnectionMetaDataList() { return ownConnectionMetaDataList; } /** * The acceptor meta data for the device's for which we received the state * @return the remote device's king's acceptor meta data or null, if it has no king */ public List<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> getKingsConnectionMetaDataList() { return kingsConnectionMetaDataList; } public static void main (String args[]) throws IOException { final ArrayList<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> ownConnectionMetaDataList = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<ConnectionMetaDataDTO> kingsConnectionMetaDataList = new ArrayList<>(); final ConnectionMetaDataDTO ownDto = new ConnectionMetaDataDTO(); ownDto.getMetaData().put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "1"); ownConnectionMetaDataList.add(ownDto); final ConnectionMetaDataDTO kingDto = new ConnectionMetaDataDTO(); kingDto.getMetaData().put(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "2"); kingsConnectionMetaDataList.add(kingDto); IBlaubotDevice ownDevice = new BlaubotDevice("myDeviceId"); BeaconMessage m = new BeaconMessage(ownDevice.getUniqueDeviceID(), State.Peasant, ownConnectionMetaDataList, "blabla", kingsConnectionMetaDataList); System.out.println(""+ m); System.out.println(""+ fromBytes(m.toBytes())); System.out.println("\n"); m = new BeaconMessage(ownDevice.getUniqueDeviceID(), State.Free, ownConnectionMetaDataList); System.out.println(""+ m); System.out.println(""+ fromBytes(m.toBytes())); System.out.println("\n"); BlaubotConnectionQueueMock connection1 = new BlaubotConnectionQueueMock(new BlaubotDevice(UUID.randomUUID().toString())); BlaubotConnectionQueueMock connection2 = connection1.getOtherEndpointConnection(new BlaubotDevice(UUID.randomUUID().toString())); connection1.write(m.toBytes()); BeaconMessage m_de = BeaconMessage.fromBlaubotConnection(connection2); System.out.println(""+m); System.out.println(""+m_de); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("BeaconMessage{"); sb.append("currentState=").append(currentState); sb.append(", ownConnectionMetaDataList=").append(ownConnectionMetaDataList); sb.append(", kingDeviceUniqueId='").append(kingDeviceUniqueId).append('\''); sb.append(", kingsConnectionMetaDataList=").append(kingsConnectionMetaDataList); sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; BeaconMessage that = (BeaconMessage) o; if (currentState != that.currentState) return false; if (kingDeviceUniqueId != null ? !kingDeviceUniqueId.equals(that.kingDeviceUniqueId) : that.kingDeviceUniqueId != null) return false; if (kingsConnectionMetaDataList != null ? !kingsConnectionMetaDataList.equals(that.kingsConnectionMetaDataList) : that.kingsConnectionMetaDataList != null) return false; if (ownConnectionMetaDataList != null ? !ownConnectionMetaDataList.equals(that.ownConnectionMetaDataList) : that.ownConnectionMetaDataList != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = currentState != null ? currentState.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (ownConnectionMetaDataList != null ? ownConnectionMetaDataList.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (kingDeviceUniqueId != null ? kingDeviceUniqueId.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (kingsConnectionMetaDataList != null ? kingsConnectionMetaDataList.hashCode() : 0); return result; } }