package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import org.apache.commons.collections4.queue.CircularFifoQueue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import eu.hgross.blaubot.core.Blaubot; import eu.hgross.blaubot.messaging.BlaubotMessage; import eu.hgross.blaubot.messaging.IBlaubotChannel; import eu.hgross.blaubot.messaging.IBlaubotMessageListener; import eu.hgross.blaubot.ui.BlaubotDebugViewConstants; import eu.hgross.blaubot.ui.IBlaubotDebugView; import eu.hgross.blaubot.util.Log; /** * Android view to send and receive many bytes in an endless loop through a blaubot channel * * Add this view to a blaubot instance like this: throughputview.registerBlaubotInstance(blaubot); * * @author Henning Gross {@literal (} */ public class ThroughputView extends FrameLayout implements IBlaubotDebugView { private static final short CHANNEL_ID = BlaubotDebugViewConstants.THROUGHPUT_VIEW_CHANNEL_ID; private static final long UPDATE_INTERVAL = 150; private Button mStartButton; private Handler mUiHandler; private Blaubot mBlaubot; private IBlaubotChannel mChannel; private TextView mResultTextView; private ThroughputTester mThroughPutTester; private Timer mUpdateTimer; private static class ThroughputTester { /** * The size of one message in bytes to be sentBytes while testing */ private static final short MESSAGE_SIZE = 1400; /** * The period in ms that is taken into account when getting the throughput. * Older packets are ignored */ private static final int MEASURE_PERIOD = 2000; // ms private final IBlaubotChannel channel; private static final String LOG_TAG = "ThroughputTester"; private final StartStopListener startStopListener; private long sentBytes = 0; private long sentMessages = 0; private long receivedBytes = 0; private long receivedMessages = 0; private Object sendLock = new Object(); private Object receiveLock = new Object(); private CircularFifoQueue<Pair<Long, Integer>> lastRecMessages; // timestamp, bytes private CircularFifoQueue<Pair<Long, Integer>> lastSendMessages; // timestamp, bytes private ExecutorService executorService; private volatile Runnable sendRunnable; interface StartStopListener { void onStart(); void onStop(); } class SendTask implements Runnable { private final Random random = new Random(); @Override public void run() { startStopListener.onStart(); if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "SendTask started"); } reset(); while (sendRunnable == this) { byte[] data = new byte[MESSAGE_SIZE]; random.nextBytes(data); channel.publish(data); onMessageSent(data); } if (Log.logDebugMessages()) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "SendTask finished"); } startStopListener.onStop(); } } ; public ThroughputTester(IBlaubotChannel channel, StartStopListener startStopListener) { this.startStopListener = startStopListener; = channel; this.lastRecMessages = new CircularFifoQueue<>(20); this.lastSendMessages = new CircularFifoQueue<>(20); channel.addMessageListener(new IBlaubotMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(BlaubotMessage blaubotMessage) { onMessageReceived(blaubotMessage.getPayload()); } }); } /** * Resets to the current timestamp */ public void reset() { synchronized (sendLock) { sentBytes = 0; sentMessages = 0; } synchronized (receiveLock) { receivedBytes = 0; receivedMessages = 0; } } private void onMessageSent(byte[] msg) { final int size = msg.length; synchronized (sendLock) { lastSendMessages.add(new Pair<>(System.currentTimeMillis(), size)); sentBytes += size; sentMessages += 1; } } private void onMessageReceived(byte[] msg) { final int size = msg.length; synchronized (receiveLock) { lastRecMessages.add(new Pair<>(System.currentTimeMillis(), size)); receivedBytes += size; receivedMessages += 1; } } /** * The send throughput * * @return bytes / ms */ public float getSendThroughput() { if (lastSendMessages.isEmpty()) { return 0; } final ArrayList<Pair<Long, Integer>> data; synchronized (sendLock) { data = new ArrayList<>(lastSendMessages); } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long minTimestamp = now - MEASURE_PERIOD; long startTime = 0; int byteSum = 0; for (Pair pair : data) { final Long time = (Long) pair.first; if (time < minTimestamp) { continue; } else if (startTime == 0) { startTime = time; } final Integer bytes = (Integer) pair.second; byteSum += bytes; } final float timespan = (now - startTime); if (timespan == 0) return 0; return ((float) byteSum) / timespan; } /** * The receive throughput * * @return bytes / ms */ public float getReceiveThroughput() { if (lastRecMessages.isEmpty()) { return 0; } final ArrayList<Pair<Long, Integer>> data; synchronized (receiveLock) { data = new ArrayList<>(lastRecMessages); } final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long minTimestamp = now - MEASURE_PERIOD; long startTime = 0; int byteSum = 0; for (Pair pair : data) { final Long time = (Long) pair.first; if (time < minTimestamp) { continue; } else if (startTime == 0) { startTime = time; } final Integer bytes = (Integer) pair.second; byteSum += bytes; } final float timespan = (now - startTime); if (timespan == 0) return 0; return ((float) byteSum) / timespan; } public long getAvgBytesPerReceivedMessage() { return receivedMessages / receivedBytes; } public long getAvgBytesPerSentMessage() { return sentMessages / sentBytes; } public synchronized void start() { stop(); executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); sendRunnable = new SendTask(); executorService.execute(sendRunnable); } public synchronized void stop() { this.sendRunnable = null; if (this.executorService != null) { this.executorService.shutdown(); try { this.executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized boolean isStarted() { return sendRunnable != null; } } public ThroughputView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initView(context, attrs); } public ThroughputView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); initView(context, attrs); } private void initView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { View view = inflate(context, R.layout.blaubot_throughput_view, null); mUiHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); addView(view); mResultTextView = (TextView) findViewById(; mResultTextView.setMaxLines(2); mResultTextView.setLines(2); mStartButton = (Button) findViewById(; mStartButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { if (mThroughPutTester.isStarted()) { mThroughPutTester.stop(); } else { mThroughPutTester.start(); } mStartButton.setEnabled(false); } }); } /** * Listens to the used channel of the throughput tester and updates the ui on new messages */ private IBlaubotMessageListener mMessageListener = new IBlaubotMessageListener() { @Override public void onMessage(BlaubotMessage blaubotMessage) { } }; /** * Register this view with the given blaubot instance * * @param blaubot the blaubot instance to connect with */ public void registerBlaubotInstance(Blaubot blaubot) { if (mBlaubot != null) { unregisterBlaubotInstance(); } this.mBlaubot = blaubot; this.mChannel = this.mBlaubot.createChannel(CHANNEL_ID); this.mChannel.getChannelConfig().setPriority(BlaubotMessage.Priority.LOW); this.mChannel.subscribe(); this.mThroughPutTester = new ThroughputTester(mChannel, new ThroughputTester.StartStopListener() { @Override public void onStart() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mStartButton.setEnabled(true); mStartButton.setText(" Stop measurement"); } }); } @Override public void onStop() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mStartButton.setEnabled(true); mStartButton.setText(" Start measurement"); } }); } }); this.mChannel.addMessageListener(mMessageListener); final TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { final float receiveThroughput = mThroughPutTester.getReceiveThroughput() * 1000; final float sendThroughput = mThroughPutTester.getSendThroughput() * 1000; Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final String humanReadbaleRx = ViewUtils.humanReadableByteCount((int) receiveThroughput, false); final String humanReadbaleTx = ViewUtils.humanReadableByteCount((int) sendThroughput, false); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Rx: "); sb.append(humanReadbaleRx); sb.append("/s\n"); sb.append("Tx: "); sb.append(humanReadbaleTx); sb.append("/s"); mResultTextView.setText(sb.toString()); } }); } }; this.mUpdateTimer = new Timer(); this.mUpdateTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, 0, UPDATE_INTERVAL); } @Override public void unregisterBlaubotInstance() { if (mBlaubot != null) { this.mChannel.unsubscribe(); this.mChannel.removeMessageListener(mMessageListener); this.mBlaubot = null; } if (mUpdateTimer != null) { mUpdateTimer.cancel(); mUpdateTimer = null; } } }