/* * Created on 18-Feb-2005 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package org.gudy.azureus2.pluginsimpl.local.ddb; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.util.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEMonitor; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.HashWrapper; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SHA1Simple; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.SystemTime; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.PluginInterface; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ddb.*; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.AzureusCore; import com.aelitis.azureus.core.util.CopyOnWriteList; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPlugin; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginContact; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginKeyStats; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginOperationListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginProgressListener; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginTransferHandler; import com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.dht.DHTPluginValue; /** * @author parg * */ public class DDBaseImpl implements DistributedDatabase { private static DDBaseImpl singleton; protected static AEMonitor class_mon = new AEMonitor( "DDBaseImpl:class"); protected static Map transfer_map = new HashMap(); private static DDBaseTTTorrent torrent_transfer; public static DDBaseImpl getSingleton( AzureusCore azureus_core ) { try{ class_mon.enter(); if ( singleton == null ){ singleton = new DDBaseImpl( azureus_core ); } }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } return( singleton ); } private AzureusCore azureus_core; private DHTPlugin dht_use_accessor; private CopyOnWriteList listeners = new CopyOnWriteList(); protected DDBaseImpl( final AzureusCore _azureus_core ) { azureus_core = _azureus_core; torrent_transfer = new DDBaseTTTorrent( this ); grabDHT(); } public DDBaseTTTorrent getTTTorrent() { return( torrent_transfer ); } protected DHTPlugin grabDHT() { if ( dht_use_accessor != null ){ return( dht_use_accessor ); } try{ class_mon.enter(); if( dht_use_accessor == null ){ PluginInterface dht_pi = azureus_core.getPluginManager().getPluginInterfaceByClass( DHTPlugin.class ); if ( dht_pi != null ){ dht_use_accessor = (DHTPlugin)dht_pi.getPlugin(); if ( dht_use_accessor.isEnabled()){ dht_use_accessor.addListener( new DHTPluginListener() { public void localAddressChanged( DHTPluginContact local_contact ) { List l = listeners.getList(); dbEvent ev = new dbEvent( DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_LOCAL_CONTACT_CHANGED ); for (int i=0;i<l.size();i++){ ((DistributedDatabaseListener)l.get(i)).event( ev ); } } }); try{ addTransferHandler( torrent_transfer, torrent_transfer ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } } }finally{ class_mon.exit(); } return( dht_use_accessor ); } public boolean isAvailable() { DHTPlugin dht = grabDHT(); if ( dht == null ){ return( false ); } return( dht.isEnabled()); } public boolean isExtendedUseAllowed() { DHTPlugin dht = grabDHT(); if ( dht == null ){ return( false ); } return( dht.isExtendedUseAllowed()); } public DistributedDatabaseContact getLocalContact() { DHTPlugin dht = grabDHT(); if ( dht == null ){ return( null ); } return( new DDBaseContactImpl( this, dht.getLocalAddress())); } protected void throwIfNotAvailable() throws DistributedDatabaseException { if ( !isAvailable()){ throw( new DistributedDatabaseException( "DHT not available" )); } } protected DHTPlugin getDHT() throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); return( grabDHT()); } protected void log( String str ) { DHTPlugin dht = grabDHT(); if ( dht != null ){ dht.log( str ); } } public DistributedDatabaseKey createKey( Object key ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); return( new DDBaseKeyImpl( key )); } public DistributedDatabaseKey createKey( Object key, String description ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); return( new DDBaseKeyImpl( key, description )); } public DistributedDatabaseValue createValue( Object value ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); return( new DDBaseValueImpl( new DDBaseContactImpl( this, getDHT().getLocalAddress()), value, SystemTime.getCurrentTime(), -1)); } public DistributedDatabaseContact importContact( InetSocketAddress address ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); DHTPluginContact contact = getDHT().importContact( address ); if ( contact == null ){ throw( new DistributedDatabaseException( "import of '" + address + "' failed" )); } return( new DDBaseContactImpl( this, contact)); } public DistributedDatabaseContact importContact( InetSocketAddress address, byte version ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); DHTPluginContact contact = getDHT().importContact( address, version ); if ( contact == null ){ throw( new DistributedDatabaseException( "import of '" + address + "' failed" )); } return( new DDBaseContactImpl( this, contact)); } public void write( DistributedDatabaseListener listener, DistributedDatabaseKey key, DistributedDatabaseValue value ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { write( listener, key, new DistributedDatabaseValue[]{ value } ); } public void write( final DistributedDatabaseListener listener, final DistributedDatabaseKey key, final DistributedDatabaseValue values[] ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); for (int i=0;i<values.length;i++){ if (((DDBaseValueImpl)values[i]).getBytes().length > DDBaseValueImpl.MAX_VALUE_SIZE ){ throw( new DistributedDatabaseException("Value size limited to " + DDBaseValueImpl.MAX_VALUE_SIZE + " bytes" )); } } if ( values.length == 0 ){ delete( listener, key ); }else if ( values.length == 1 ){ getDHT().put( ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), key.getDescription(), ((DDBaseValueImpl)values[0]).getBytes(), DHTPlugin.FLAG_SINGLE_VALUE, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_WRITTEN, key, 0, false, false )); }else{ // TODO: optimise re-publishing to avoid republishing everything each time /* DHTPluginValue old_value = dht.getLocalValue( ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes()); List old_values = new ArrayList(); if ( old_value != null ){ if (( old_value.getFlags() & DHTPlugin.FLAG_MULTI_VALUE ) == 0 ){ old_values.add( old_value.getValue()); }else{ byte[] encoded = old_value.getValue(); } } */ byte[] current_key = ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(); // format is: <continuation> <len><len><data> byte[] payload = new byte[DHTPlugin.MAX_VALUE_SIZE]; int payload_length = 1; int pos = 0; while( pos < values.length ){ DDBaseValueImpl value = (DDBaseValueImpl)values[pos]; byte[] bytes = value.getBytes(); int len = bytes.length; if ( payload_length + len < payload.length - 2 ){ payload[payload_length++] = (byte)(( len & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8); payload[payload_length++] = (byte) ( len & 0x000000ff ); System.arraycopy( bytes, 0, payload, payload_length, len ); payload_length += len; pos++; }else{ payload[0] = 1; final byte[] copy = new byte[payload_length]; System.arraycopy( payload, 0, copy, 0, copy.length ); final byte[] f_current_key = current_key; getDHT().put( f_current_key, key.getDescription(), copy, DHTPlugin.FLAG_MULTI_VALUE, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_WRITTEN, key, 0, false, false )); payload_length = 1; current_key = new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( current_key ); } } if ( payload_length > 1 ){ payload[0] = 0; final byte[] copy = new byte[payload_length]; System.arraycopy( payload, 0, copy, 0, copy.length ); final byte[] f_current_key = current_key; getDHT().put( f_current_key, key.getDescription(), copy, DHTPlugin.FLAG_MULTI_VALUE, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_WRITTEN, key, 0, false, false )); } } } public void read( DistributedDatabaseListener listener, DistributedDatabaseKey key, long timeout ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { read( listener, key, timeout, OP_NONE ); } public void read( final DistributedDatabaseListener listener, final DistributedDatabaseKey key, final long timeout, int options ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); boolean exhaustive = (options&OP_EXHAUSTIVE_READ)!=0; boolean high_priority = (options&OP_PRIORITY_HIGH)!=0; // TODO: max values? getDHT().get( ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), key.getDescription(), (byte)0, 256, timeout, exhaustive, high_priority, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_READ, key, timeout, exhaustive, high_priority )); } public void readKeyStats( DistributedDatabaseListener listener, DistributedDatabaseKey key, long timeout ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); getDHT().get( ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), key.getDescription(), DHTPlugin.FLAG_STATS, 256, timeout, false, false, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_KEY_STATS_READ, key, timeout, false, false )); } public void delete( final DistributedDatabaseListener listener, final DistributedDatabaseKey key ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); getDHT().remove( ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), key.getDescription(), new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_DELETED, key, 0, false, false )); } public void delete( DistributedDatabaseListener listener, DistributedDatabaseKey key, DistributedDatabaseContact[] targets ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); DHTPluginContact[] plugin_targets = new DHTPluginContact[ targets.length ]; for (int i=0;i<targets.length;i++){ plugin_targets[i] = ((DDBaseContactImpl)targets[i]).getContact(); } getDHT().remove( plugin_targets, ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), key.getDescription(), new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_DELETED, key, 0, false, false )); } public void addTransferHandler( final DistributedDatabaseTransferType type, final DistributedDatabaseTransferHandler handler ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { throwIfNotAvailable(); final HashWrapper type_key = DDBaseHelpers.getKey( type.getClass()); if ( transfer_map.get( type_key ) != null ){ throw( new DistributedDatabaseException( "Handler for class '" + type.getClass().getName() + "' already defined" )); } transfer_map.put( type_key, handler ); final String handler_name; if ( type == torrent_transfer ){ handler_name = "Torrent Transfer"; }else{ String class_name = type.getClass().getName(); int pos = class_name.indexOf( '$' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ class_name = class_name.substring( pos+1 ); }else{ pos = class_name.lastIndexOf( '.' ); if ( pos != -1 ){ class_name = class_name.substring( pos+1 ); } } handler_name = "Plugin Defined (" + class_name + ")"; } getDHT().registerHandler( type_key.getHash(), new DHTPluginTransferHandler() { public String getName() { return( handler_name ); } public byte[] handleRead( DHTPluginContact originator, byte[] xfer_key ) { try{ DDBaseValueImpl res = (DDBaseValueImpl) handler.read( new DDBaseContactImpl( DDBaseImpl.this, originator ), type, new DDBaseKeyImpl( xfer_key )); if ( res == null ){ return( null ); } return( res.getBytes()); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); return( null ); } } public void handleWrite( DHTPluginContact originator, byte[] xfer_key, byte[] value ) { try{ DDBaseContactImpl contact = new DDBaseContactImpl( DDBaseImpl.this, originator ); handler.write( contact, type, new DDBaseKeyImpl( xfer_key ), new DDBaseValueImpl( contact, value, SystemTime.getCurrentTime(), -1)); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } }); } public DistributedDatabaseTransferType getStandardTransferType( int standard_type ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { if ( standard_type == DistributedDatabaseTransferType.ST_TORRENT ){ return( torrent_transfer ); } throw( new DistributedDatabaseException( "unknown type" )); } protected DistributedDatabaseValue read( DDBaseContactImpl contact, final DistributedDatabaseProgressListener listener, DistributedDatabaseTransferType type, DistributedDatabaseKey key, long timeout ) throws DistributedDatabaseException { if ( type == torrent_transfer ){ return( torrent_transfer.read( contact, listener, type, key, timeout )); }else{ DHTPluginContact plugin_contact = contact.getContact(); byte[] data = plugin_contact.read( new DHTPluginProgressListener() { public void reportSize( long size ) { listener.reportSize( size ); } public void reportActivity( String str ) { listener.reportActivity( str ); } public void reportCompleteness( int percent ) { listener.reportCompleteness( percent ); } }, DDBaseHelpers.getKey(type.getClass()).getHash(), ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(), timeout ); if ( data == null ){ return( null ); } return( new DDBaseValueImpl( contact, data, SystemTime.getCurrentTime(), -1)); } } public void addListener( DistributedDatabaseListener l ) { listeners.add( l ); } public void removeListener( DistributedDatabaseListener l ) { listeners.remove( l ); } protected class listenerMapper implements DHTPluginOperationListener { private DistributedDatabaseListener listener; private int type; private DistributedDatabaseKey key; private byte[] key_bytes; private long timeout; private boolean complete_disabled; private boolean exhaustive; private boolean high_priority; private int continuation_num; protected listenerMapper( DistributedDatabaseListener _listener, int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key, long _timeout, boolean _exhaustive, boolean _high_priority ) { listener = _listener; type = _type; key = _key; key_bytes = ((DDBaseKeyImpl)key).getBytes(); timeout = _timeout; exhaustive = _exhaustive; high_priority = _high_priority; continuation_num = 1; } private listenerMapper( DistributedDatabaseListener _listener, int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key, byte[] _key_bytes, long _timeout, int _continuation_num ) { listener = _listener; type = _type; key = _key; key_bytes = _key_bytes; timeout = _timeout; continuation_num = _continuation_num; } public void diversified() { } public void starts( byte[] _key ) { listener.event( new dbEvent( DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_STARTS, key )); } public void valueRead( DHTPluginContact originator, DHTPluginValue _value ) { if ( type == DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_KEY_STATS_READ ){ if (( _value.getFlags() & DHTPlugin.FLAG_STATS ) == 0 ){ // skip, old impl return; } try{ final DHTPluginKeyStats stats = getDHT().decodeStats( _value ); DistributedDatabaseKeyStats ddb_stats = new DistributedDatabaseKeyStats() { public int getEntryCount() { return( stats.getEntryCount()); } public int getSize() { return( stats.getSize()); } public int getReadsPerMinute() { return( stats.getReadsPerMinute()); } public byte getDiversification() { return( stats.getDiversification()); } }; listener.event( new dbEvent( type, key, originator, ddb_stats )); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } }else{ byte[] value = _value.getValue(); if ( _value.getFlags() == DHTPlugin.FLAG_MULTI_VALUE ){ int pos = 1; while( pos < value.length ){ int len = ( ( value[pos++]<<8 ) & 0x0000ff00 )+ ( value[pos++] & 0x000000ff ); if ( len > value.length - pos ){ Debug.out( "Invalid length: len = " + len + ", remaining = " + (value.length - pos )); break; } byte[] d = new byte[len]; System.arraycopy( value, pos, d, 0, len ); listener.event( new dbEvent( type, key, originator, d, _value.getCreationTime(), _value.getVersion())); pos += len; } if ( value[0] == 1 ){ // continuation exists final byte[] next_key_bytes = new SHA1Simple().calculateHash( key_bytes ); complete_disabled = true; grabDHT().get( next_key_bytes, key.getDescription() + " [continuation " + continuation_num + "]", (byte)0, 256, timeout, exhaustive, high_priority, new listenerMapper( listener, DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_VALUE_READ, key, next_key_bytes, timeout, continuation_num+1 )); } }else{ listener.event( new dbEvent( type, key, originator, _value )); } } } public void valueWritten( DHTPluginContact target, DHTPluginValue value ) { listener.event( new dbEvent( type, key, target, value )); } public void complete( byte[] timeout_key, boolean timeout_occurred ) { if ( !complete_disabled ){ listener.event( new dbEvent( timeout_occurred?DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_TIMEOUT:DistributedDatabaseEvent.ET_OPERATION_COMPLETE, key )); } } } protected class dbEvent implements DistributedDatabaseEvent { private int type; private DistributedDatabaseKey key; private DistributedDatabaseKeyStats key_stats; private DistributedDatabaseValue value; private DDBaseContactImpl contact; protected dbEvent( int _type ) { type = _type; } protected dbEvent( int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key ) { type = _type; key = _key; } protected dbEvent( int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key, DHTPluginContact _contact, DHTPluginValue _value ) { type = _type; key = _key; contact = new DDBaseContactImpl( DDBaseImpl.this, _contact ); value = new DDBaseValueImpl( contact, _value.getValue(), _value.getCreationTime(), _value.getVersion()); } protected dbEvent( int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key, DHTPluginContact _contact, DistributedDatabaseKeyStats _key_stats ) { type = _type; key = _key; contact = new DDBaseContactImpl( DDBaseImpl.this, _contact ); key_stats = _key_stats; } protected dbEvent( int _type, DistributedDatabaseKey _key, DHTPluginContact _contact, byte[] _value, long _ct, long _v ) { type = _type; key = _key; contact = new DDBaseContactImpl( DDBaseImpl.this, _contact ); value = new DDBaseValueImpl( contact, _value, _ct, _v ); } public int getType() { return( type ); } public DistributedDatabaseKey getKey() { return( key ); } public DistributedDatabaseKeyStats getKeyStats() { return( key_stats ); } public DistributedDatabaseValue getValue() { return( value ); } public DistributedDatabaseContact getContact() { return( contact ); } } }