/* * Created on 14-Jun-2004 * Created by Paul Gardner * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Aelitis, All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * AELITIS, SAS au capital de 46,603.30 euros * 8 Allee Lenotre, La Grille Royale, 78600 Le Mesnil le Roi, France. * */ package com.aelitis.azureus.plugins.upnp; /** * @author parg * */ import java.util.*; import java.net.URL; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.logging.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.network.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.model.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.ui.config.*; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.DelayedTask; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.UTTimer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.UTTimerEvent; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.UTTimerEventPerformer; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.resourcedownloader.ResourceDownloaderFactory; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocument; import org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.utils.xml.simpleparser.SimpleXMLParserDocumentException; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.internat.MessageText; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEMonitor; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AESemaphore; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.AEThread; import org.gudy.azureus2.core3.util.Debug; import com.aelitis.net.natpmp.NATPMPDeviceAdapter; import com.aelitis.net.natpmp.NatPMPDeviceFactory; import com.aelitis.net.natpmp.upnp.NatPMPUPnP; import com.aelitis.net.natpmp.upnp.NatPMPUPnPFactory; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.*; import com.aelitis.net.upnp.services.*; public class UPnPPlugin implements Plugin, UPnPListener, UPnPMappingListener, UPnPWANConnectionListener { private static final String UPNP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID = "UPnP"; private static final String NATPMP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID = "NATPMP"; private static final String STATS_DISCOVER = "discover"; private static final String STATS_FOUND = "found"; private static final String STATS_READ_OK = "read_ok"; private static final String STATS_READ_BAD = "read_bad"; private static final String STATS_MAP_OK = "map_ok"; private static final String STATS_MAP_BAD = "map_bad"; private static final String[] STATS_KEYS = { STATS_DISCOVER, STATS_FOUND, STATS_READ_OK, STATS_READ_BAD, STATS_MAP_OK, STATS_MAP_BAD }; private PluginInterface plugin_interface; private LoggerChannel log; private UPnPMappingManager mapping_manager = UPnPMappingManager.getSingleton( this ); private UPnP upnp; private UPnPLogListener upnp_log_listener; private NatPMPUPnP nat_pmp_upnp; private BooleanParameter natpmp_enable_param; private StringParameter nat_pmp_router; private BooleanParameter upnp_enable_param; private BooleanParameter trace_to_log; private BooleanParameter alert_success_param; private BooleanParameter grab_ports_param; private BooleanParameter alert_other_port_param; private BooleanParameter alert_device_probs_param; private BooleanParameter release_mappings_param; private StringParameter selected_interfaces_param; private StringParameter selected_addresses_param; private BooleanParameter ignore_bad_devices; private LabelParameter ignored_devices_list; private List<UPnPMapping> mappings = new ArrayList<UPnPMapping>(); private List<UPnPPluginService> services = new ArrayList<UPnPPluginService>(); private Map<URL,String> root_info_map = new HashMap<URL, String>(); private Map<String,String> log_no_repeat_map = new HashMap<String,String>(); protected AEMonitor this_mon = new AEMonitor( "UPnPPlugin" ); public static void load( PluginInterface plugin_interface ) { plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.version", "1.0" ); plugin_interface.getPluginProperties().setProperty( "plugin.name", "Universal Plug and Play (UPnP)" ); } public void initialize( PluginInterface _plugin_interface ) { plugin_interface = _plugin_interface; log = plugin_interface.getLogger().getTimeStampedChannel("UPnP"); UIManager ui_manager = plugin_interface.getUIManager(); final BasicPluginViewModel model = ui_manager.createBasicPluginViewModel( "UPnP"); model.setConfigSectionID(UPNP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID); BasicPluginConfigModel upnp_config = ui_manager.createBasicPluginConfigModel(ConfigSection.SECTION_PLUGINS, UPNP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID ); // NATPMP BasicPluginConfigModel natpmp_config = ui_manager.createBasicPluginConfigModel( UPNP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID, NATPMP_PLUGIN_CONFIGSECTION_ID ); natpmp_config.addLabelParameter2( "natpmp.info" ); ActionParameter natpmp_wiki = natpmp_config.addActionParameter2( "Utils.link.visit", "MainWindow.about.internet.wiki" ); natpmp_wiki.setStyle( ActionParameter.STYLE_LINK ); natpmp_wiki.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { try{ plugin_interface.getUIManager().openURL( new URL( "http://wiki.vuze.com/w/NATPMP" )); }catch( Throwable e ){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }); natpmp_enable_param = natpmp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "natpmp.enable", "natpmp.enable", false ); nat_pmp_router = natpmp_config.addStringParameter2( "natpmp.routeraddress", "natpmp.routeraddress", "" ); natpmp_enable_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { setNATPMPEnableState(); } }); natpmp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( nat_pmp_router ); // UPNP upnp_config.addLabelParameter2( "upnp.info" ); upnp_config.addHyperlinkParameter2("upnp.wiki_link", "http://wiki.vuze.com/w/UPnP"); upnp_enable_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.enable", "upnp.enable", true ); grab_ports_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.grabports", "upnp.grabports", false ); release_mappings_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.releasemappings", "upnp.releasemappings", true ); ActionParameter refresh_param = upnp_config.addActionParameter2( "upnp.refresh.label", "upnp.refresh.button" ); refresh_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { UPnPPlugin.this.refreshMappings(); } }); // Auto-refresh mappings every minute when enabled. final BooleanParameter auto_refresh_on_bad_nat_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.refresh_on_bad_nat", "upnp.refresh_mappings_on_bad_nat", false); plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer("upnp mapping auto-refresh", true).addPeriodicEvent(1*60*1000, new UTTimerEventPerformer() { private long last_bad_nat = 0; public void perform(UTTimerEvent event) { if (upnp == null) {return;} if (!auto_refresh_on_bad_nat_param.getValue()) {return;} if (!upnp_enable_param.getValue()) {return;} int status = plugin_interface.getConnectionManager().getNATStatus(); if (status == ConnectionManager.NAT_BAD) { // Only try to refresh the mappings if this is the first bad NAT // message we've been given in the last 15 minutes - we don't want // to endlessly retry performing the mappings long now = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getCurrentSystemTime(); if (last_bad_nat + (15*60*1000) < now ) { last_bad_nat = now; log.log(LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, "NAT status is firewalled - trying to refresh UPnP mappings"); refreshMappings(true); } } } }); upnp_config.addLabelParameter2( "blank.resource" ); alert_success_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.alertsuccess", "upnp.alertsuccess", false ); alert_other_port_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.alertothermappings", "upnp.alertothermappings", true ); alert_device_probs_param = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.alertdeviceproblems", "upnp.alertdeviceproblems", true ); selected_interfaces_param = upnp_config.addStringParameter2( "upnp.selectedinterfaces", "upnp.selectedinterfaces", "" ); selected_addresses_param = upnp_config.addStringParameter2( "upnp.selectedaddresses", "upnp.selectedaddresses", "" ); ignore_bad_devices = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2( "upnp.ignorebaddevices", "upnp.ignorebaddevices", true ); ignored_devices_list = upnp_config.addLabelParameter2( "upnp.ignorebaddevices.info" ); ActionParameter reset_param = upnp_config.addActionParameter2( "upnp.ignorebaddevices.reset", "upnp.ignorebaddevices.reset.action" ); reset_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter param ) { PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); for (int i=0;i<STATS_KEYS.length;i++){ String key = "upnp.device.stats." + STATS_KEYS[i]; pc.setPluginMapParameter( key, new HashMap()); } pc.setPluginMapParameter( "upnp.device.ignorelist", new HashMap()); updateIgnoreList(); } }); trace_to_log = upnp_config.addBooleanParameter2("upnp.trace_to_log", "upnp.trace_to_log", false); final boolean enabled = upnp_enable_param.getValue(); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( alert_success_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( grab_ports_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( refresh_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( alert_other_port_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( alert_device_probs_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( release_mappings_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( selected_interfaces_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( selected_addresses_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( ignore_bad_devices ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( ignored_devices_list ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( reset_param ); upnp_enable_param.addEnabledOnSelection( trace_to_log ); natpmp_enable_param.setEnabled( enabled ); model.getStatus().setText( enabled?"Running":"Disabled" ); upnp_enable_param.addListener( new ParameterListener() { public void parameterChanged( Parameter p ) { boolean e = upnp_enable_param.getValue(); natpmp_enable_param.setEnabled( e ); model.getStatus().setText( e?"Running":"Disabled" ); if ( e ){ startUp(); }else{ closeDown( true ); } setNATPMPEnableState(); } }); model.getActivity().setVisible( false ); model.getProgress().setVisible( false ); log.addListener( new LoggerChannelListener() { public void messageLogged( int type, String message ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( message+"\n"); } public void messageLogged( String str, Throwable error ) { model.getLogArea().appendText( error.toString()+"\n"); } }); // startup() used to be called on initializationComplete() // Moved to delayed task because rootDeviceFound can take // a lot of CPU cycle. Let's hope nothing breaks DelayedTask dt = plugin_interface.getUtilities().createDelayedTask(new Runnable() { public void run() { if ( enabled ){ updateIgnoreList(); startUp(); } } }); dt.queue(); plugin_interface.addListener( new PluginListener() { public void initializationComplete() { } public void closedownInitiated() { if ( services.size() == 0 ){ plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().setPluginParameter( "plugin.info", "" ); } } public void closedownComplete() { closeDown( true ); } }); } protected void updateIgnoreList() { try{ String param = ""; if ( ignore_bad_devices.getValue()){ PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map ignored = pc.getPluginMapParameter( "upnp.device.ignorelist", new HashMap()); Iterator it = ignored.entrySet().iterator(); while( it.hasNext()){ Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)it.next(); Map value = (Map)entry.getValue(); param += "\n " + entry.getKey() + ": " + new String((byte[])value.get( "Location" )); } if ( ignored.size() > 0 ){ log.log( "Devices currently being ignored: " + param ); } } String text = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities().getLocalisedMessageText( "upnp.ignorebaddevices.info", new String[]{ param }); ignored_devices_list.setLabelText( text ); }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } protected void ignoreDevice( String USN, URL location ) { // only take note of this if enabled to do so if ( ignore_bad_devices.getValue()){ try{ PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map ignored = pc.getPluginMapParameter( "upnp.device.ignorelist", new HashMap()); Map entry = (Map)ignored.get( USN ); if ( entry == null ){ entry = new HashMap(); entry.put( "Location", location.toString().getBytes()); ignored.put( USN, entry ); pc.setPluginMapParameter( "upnp.device.ignorelist", ignored ); updateIgnoreList(); String text = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities().getLocalisedMessageText( "upnp.ignorebaddevices.alert", new String[]{ location.toString() }); log.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, text ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } } protected void startUp() { if ( upnp != null ){ // already started up, must have been re-enabled refreshMappings(); return; } final LoggerChannel core_log = plugin_interface.getLogger().getChannel("UPnP Core"); try{ upnp = UPnPFactory.getSingleton( new UPnPAdapter() { Set exception_traces = new HashSet(); public SimpleXMLParserDocument parseXML( String data ) throws SimpleXMLParserDocumentException { return( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getSimpleXMLParserDocumentFactory().create( data )); } public ResourceDownloaderFactory getResourceDownloaderFactory() { return( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getResourceDownloaderFactory()); } public UTTimer createTimer( String name ) { return( plugin_interface.getUtilities().createTimer( name, true )); } public void createThread( String name, Runnable runnable ) { plugin_interface.getUtilities().createThread( name, runnable ); } public Comparator getAlphanumericComparator() { return( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters().getAlphanumericComparator( true )); } public void trace( String str ) { core_log.log( str ); if (trace_to_log.getValue()) { upnp_log_listener.log(str); } } public void log( Throwable e ) { String nested = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e); if ( !exception_traces.contains( nested )){ exception_traces.add( nested ); if ( exception_traces.size() > 128 ){ exception_traces.clear(); } core_log.log( e ); }else{ core_log.log( nested ); } } public void log( String str ) { log.log( str ); } public String getTraceDir() { return( plugin_interface.getUtilities().getAzureusUserDir()); } }, getSelectedInterfaces()); upnp.addRootDeviceListener( this ); upnp_log_listener = new UPnPLogListener() { public void log( String str ) { log.log( str ); } public void logAlert( String str, boolean error, int type ) { boolean logged = false; if ( alert_device_probs_param.getValue()){ if ( type == UPnPLogListener.TYPE_ALWAYS ){ log.logAlertRepeatable( error?LoggerChannel.LT_ERROR:LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, str ); logged = true; }else{ boolean do_it = false; if ( type == UPnPLogListener.TYPE_ONCE_EVER ){ byte[] fp = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getSecurityManager().calculateSHA1( str.getBytes()); String key = "upnp.alert.fp." + plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters().encodeBytesToString( fp ); PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); if ( !pc.getPluginBooleanParameter( key, false )){ pc.setPluginParameter( key, true ); do_it = true; } }else{ do_it = true; } if ( do_it ){ log.logAlert( error?LoggerChannel.LT_ERROR:LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, str ); logged = true; } } } if ( !logged ){ log.log( str ); } } }; upnp.addLogListener( upnp_log_listener ); mapping_manager.addListener( new UPnPMappingManagerListener() { public void mappingAdded( UPnPMapping mapping ) { addMapping( mapping ); } }); UPnPMapping[] upnp_mappings = mapping_manager.getMappings(); for (int i=0;i<upnp_mappings.length;i++){ addMapping( upnp_mappings[i] ); } setNATPMPEnableState(); }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log( e ); } } protected void closeDown( final boolean end_of_day ) { // problems here at end of day regarding devices that hang and cause AZ to hang around // got ages before terminating final AESemaphore sem = new AESemaphore( "UPnPPlugin:closeTimeout" ); new AEThread( "UPnPPlugin:closeTimeout" , true ) { public void runSupport() { try{ for (int i=0;i<mappings.size();i++){ UPnPMapping mapping = (UPnPMapping)mappings.get(i); if ( !mapping.isEnabled()){ continue; } for (int j=0;j<services.size();j++){ UPnPPluginService service = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(j); service.removeMapping( log, mapping, end_of_day ); } } }finally{ sem.release(); } } }.start(); if ( !sem.reserve( end_of_day?15*1000:0 )){ String msg = "A UPnP device is taking a long time to release its port mappings, consider disabling this via the UPnP configuration."; if ( upnp_log_listener != null ){ upnp_log_listener.logAlert( msg, false, UPnPLogListener.TYPE_ONCE_PER_SESSION ); }else{ log.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, msg ); } } } public boolean deviceDiscovered( String USN, URL location ) { String[] addresses = getSelectedAddresses(); if ( addresses.length > 0 ){ String address = location.getHost(); boolean found = false; boolean all_exclude = true; for (int i=0;i<addresses.length;i++){ String this_address = addresses[i]; boolean include = true; if ( this_address.startsWith( "+" )){ this_address = this_address.substring(1); all_exclude = false; }else if ( this_address.startsWith( "-" )){ this_address = this_address.substring(1); include = false; }else{ all_exclude = false; } if ( this_address.equals( address )){ if ( !include ){ logNoRepeat( USN, "Device '" + location + "' is being ignored as excluded in address list" ); return( false ); } found = true; break; } } if ( !found ){ if ( all_exclude ){ // if all exclude then we let others through }else{ logNoRepeat( USN, "Device '" + location + "' is being ignored as not in address list" ); return( false ); } } } if ( !ignore_bad_devices.getValue()){ return( true ); } incrementDeviceStats( USN, STATS_DISCOVER ); boolean ok = checkDeviceStats( USN, location ); String stats = ""; for (int i=0;i<STATS_KEYS.length;i++){ stats += (i==0?"":",")+STATS_KEYS[i] + "=" + getDeviceStats( USN, STATS_KEYS[i] ); } if ( !ok ){ logNoRepeat( USN, "Device '" + location + "' is being ignored: " + stats ); }else{ logNoRepeat( USN, "Device '" + location +"' is ok: " + stats ); } return( ok ); } protected void logNoRepeat( String usn, String msg ) { synchronized( log_no_repeat_map ){ String last = (String)log_no_repeat_map.get( usn ); if ( last != null && last.equals( msg )){ return; } log_no_repeat_map.put( usn, msg ); } log.log( msg ); } public void rootDeviceFound( UPnPRootDevice device ) { incrementDeviceStats( device.getUSN(), "found" ); checkDeviceStats( device ); try{ int interesting = processDevice( device.getDevice() ); if ( interesting > 0 ){ try{ this_mon.enter(); root_info_map.put( device.getLocation(), device.getInfo()); Iterator<String> it = root_info_map.values().iterator(); String all_info = ""; List reported_info = new ArrayList(); while( it.hasNext()){ String info = (String)it.next(); if ( info != null && !reported_info.contains( info )){ reported_info.add( info ); all_info += (all_info.length()==0?"":",") + info; } } if ( all_info.length() > 0 ){ plugin_interface.getPluginconfig().setPluginParameter( "plugin.info", all_info ); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log( "Root device processing fails", e ); } } protected boolean checkDeviceStats( UPnPRootDevice root ) { return( checkDeviceStats( root.getUSN(), root.getLocation())); } protected boolean checkDeviceStats( String USN, URL location ) { long discovers = getDeviceStats( USN, STATS_DISCOVER ); long founds = getDeviceStats( USN, STATS_FOUND ); if ( discovers > 3 && founds == 0 ){ // discovered but never found - something went wrong with the device // construction process ignoreDevice( USN, location ); return( false ); }else if ( founds > 0 ){ // found ok before, reset details in case now its screwed setDeviceStats( USN, STATS_DISCOVER, 0 ); setDeviceStats( USN, STATS_FOUND, 0 ); } long map_ok = getDeviceStats( USN, STATS_MAP_OK ); long map_bad = getDeviceStats( USN, STATS_MAP_BAD ); if ( map_bad > 5 && map_ok == 0 ){ ignoreDevice( USN, location ); return( false ); }else if ( map_ok > 0 ){ setDeviceStats( USN, STATS_MAP_OK, 0 ); setDeviceStats( USN, STATS_MAP_BAD, 0 ); } return( true ); } protected long incrementDeviceStats( String USN, String stat_key ) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter( key, new HashMap()); Long count = (Long)counts.get( USN ); if ( count == null ){ count = new Long(1); }else{ count = new Long( count.longValue() + 1 ); } counts.put( USN, count ); pc.getPluginMapParameter( key, counts ); return( count.longValue()); } protected long getDeviceStats( String USN, String stat_key ) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter( key, new HashMap()); Long count = (Long)counts.get( USN ); if ( count == null ){ return( 0 ); } return( count.longValue()); } protected void setDeviceStats( String USN, String stat_key, long value ) { String key = "upnp.device.stats." + stat_key; PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); Map counts = pc.getPluginMapParameter( key, new HashMap()); counts.put( USN, new Long( value )); pc.getPluginMapParameter( key, counts ); } public void mappingResult( UPnPWANConnection connection, boolean ok ) { UPnPRootDevice root = connection.getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice(); incrementDeviceStats( root.getUSN(), ok?STATS_MAP_OK:STATS_MAP_BAD ); checkDeviceStats( root ); } public void mappingsReadResult( UPnPWANConnection connection, boolean ok ) { UPnPRootDevice root = connection.getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice(); incrementDeviceStats( root.getUSN(), ok?STATS_READ_OK:STATS_READ_BAD ); } protected String[] getSelectedInterfaces() { String si = selected_interfaces_param.getValue().trim(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( si, ";" ); List res = new ArrayList(); while( tok.hasMoreTokens()){ String s = tok.nextToken().trim(); if ( s.length() > 0 ){ res.add( s ); } } return( (String[])res.toArray( new String[res.size()])); } protected String[] getSelectedAddresses() { String si = selected_addresses_param.getValue().trim(); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( si, ";" ); List res = new ArrayList(); while( tok.hasMoreTokens()){ String s = tok.nextToken().trim(); if ( s.length() > 0 ){ res.add( s ); } } return( (String[])res.toArray( new String[res.size()])); } protected int processDevice( UPnPDevice device ) throws UPnPException { int interesting = processServices( device, device.getServices()); UPnPDevice[] kids = device.getSubDevices(); for (int i=0;i<kids.length;i++){ interesting += processDevice( kids[i] ); } return( interesting ); } protected int processServices( UPnPDevice device, UPnPService[] device_services ) throws UPnPException { int interesting = 0; for (int i=0;i<device_services.length;i++){ UPnPService s = device_services[i]; String service_type = s.getServiceType(); if ( service_type.equalsIgnoreCase( "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1") || service_type.equalsIgnoreCase( "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1")){ final UPnPWANConnection wan_service = (UPnPWANConnection)s.getSpecificService(); device.getRootDevice().addListener( new UPnPRootDeviceListener() { public void lost( UPnPRootDevice root, boolean replaced ) { removeService( wan_service, replaced ); } }); addService( wan_service ); interesting++; }else if ( service_type.equalsIgnoreCase( "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANCommonInterfaceConfig:1")){ /* useless stats try{ UPnPWANCommonInterfaceConfig config = (UPnPWANCommonInterfaceConfig)s.getSpecificService(); long[] speeds = config.getCommonLinkProperties(); if ( speeds[0] > 0 && speeds[1] > 0 ){ log.log( "Device speed: down=" + plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters().formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec(speeds[0]/8) + ", up=" + plugin_interface.getUtilities().getFormatters().formatByteCountToKiBEtcPerSec(speeds[1]/8)); } }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log(e); } */ } } return( interesting ); } protected void addService( UPnPWANConnection wan_service ) throws UPnPException { wan_service.addListener( this ); mapping_manager.serviceFound( wan_service ); try{ this_mon.enter(); log.log( " Found " + ( wan_service.getGenericService().getServiceType().indexOf("PPP") == -1? "WANIPConnection":"WANPPPConnection" )); UPnPWANConnectionPortMapping[] ports; String usn = wan_service.getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice().getUSN(); if ( getDeviceStats( usn, STATS_READ_OK ) == 0 && getDeviceStats( usn, STATS_READ_BAD ) > 2 ){ ports = new UPnPWANConnectionPortMapping[0]; wan_service.periodicallyRecheckMappings( false ); log.log( " Not reading port mappings from device due to previous failures" ); }else{ ports = wan_service.getPortMappings(); } for (int j=0;j<ports.length;j++){ log.log( " mapping [" + j + "] " + ports[j].getExternalPort() + "/" + (ports[j].isTCP()?"TCP":"UDP" ) + " [" + ports[j].getDescription() + "] -> " + ports[j].getInternalHost()); } services.add(new UPnPPluginService( wan_service, ports, alert_success_param, grab_ports_param, alert_other_port_param, release_mappings_param )); if ( services.size() > 1 ){ // check this isn't a single device with multiple services String new_usn = wan_service.getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice().getUSN(); boolean multiple_found = false; for (int i=0;i<services.size()-1;i++){ UPnPPluginService service = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(i); String existing_usn = service.getService().getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice().getUSN(); if ( !new_usn.equals( existing_usn )){ multiple_found = true; break; } } if ( multiple_found ){ PluginConfig pc = plugin_interface.getPluginconfig(); if ( !pc.getPluginBooleanParameter( "upnp.device.multipledevices.warned", false )){ pc.setPluginParameter( "upnp.device.multipledevices.warned", true ); String text = MessageText.getString( "upnp.alert.multipledevice.warning" ); log.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, text ); } } } checkState(); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } protected void removeService( UPnPWANConnection wan_service, boolean replaced ) { try{ this_mon.enter(); String name = wan_service.getGenericService().getServiceType().indexOf("PPP") == -1? "WANIPConnection":"WANPPPConnection"; String text = MessageText.getString( "upnp.alert.lostdevice", new String[]{ name, wan_service.getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice().getLocation().getHost()}); log.log( text ); if ( (!replaced) && alert_device_probs_param.getValue()){ log.logAlertRepeatable( LoggerChannel.LT_WARNING, text ); } for (int i=0;i<services.size();i++){ UPnPPluginService ps = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(i); if ( ps.getService() == wan_service ){ services.remove(i); break; } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } protected void addMapping( UPnPMapping mapping ) { try{ this_mon.enter(); mappings.add( mapping ); log.log( "Mapping request: " + mapping.getString() + ", enabled = " + mapping.isEnabled()); mapping.addListener( this ); checkState(); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public void mappingChanged( UPnPMapping mapping ) { checkState(); } public void mappingDestroyed( UPnPMapping mapping ) { try{ this_mon.enter(); mappings.remove( mapping ); log.log( "Mapping request removed: " + mapping.getString()); for (int j=0;j<services.size();j++){ UPnPPluginService service = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(j); service.removeMapping( log, mapping, false ); } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } protected void checkState() { try{ this_mon.enter(); for (int i=0;i<mappings.size();i++){ UPnPMapping mapping = (UPnPMapping)mappings.get(i); for (int j=0;j<services.size();j++){ UPnPPluginService service = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(j); service.checkMapping( log, mapping ); } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public String[] getExternalIPAddresses() { List res = new ArrayList(); try{ this_mon.enter(); for (int j=0;j<services.size();j++){ UPnPPluginService service = (UPnPPluginService)services.get(j); try{ String address = service.getService().getExternalIPAddress(); if ( address != null ){ res.add( address ); } }catch( Throwable e ){ Debug.printStackTrace(e); } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } return((String[])res.toArray( new String[res.size()])); } public UPnPPluginService[] getServices() { try{ this_mon.enter(); return((UPnPPluginService[])services.toArray( new UPnPPluginService[services.size()] )); }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } } public UPnPPluginService[] getServices( UPnPDevice device ) { String target_usn = device.getRootDevice().getUSN(); List<UPnPPluginService> res = new ArrayList<UPnPPluginService>(); try{ this_mon.enter(); for ( UPnPPluginService service: services ){ String this_usn = service.getService().getGenericService().getDevice().getRootDevice().getUSN(); if ( this_usn.equals( target_usn )){ res.add( service ); } } }finally{ this_mon.exit(); } return( res.toArray( new UPnPPluginService[res.size()] )); } // for external use, e.g. webui public UPnPMapping addMapping( String desc_resource, boolean tcp, int port, boolean enabled ) { return( mapping_manager.addMapping( desc_resource, tcp, port, enabled )); } public UPnPMapping getMapping( boolean tcp, int port ) { return( mapping_manager.getMapping( tcp, port )); } public UPnPMapping[] getMappings() { return( mapping_manager.getMappings()); } public boolean isEnabled() { return( upnp_enable_param.getValue()); } protected void setNATPMPEnableState() { boolean enabled = natpmp_enable_param.getValue() && upnp_enable_param.getValue(); try{ if ( enabled ){ if ( nat_pmp_upnp == null ){ nat_pmp_upnp = NatPMPUPnPFactory.create( upnp, NatPMPDeviceFactory.getSingleton( new NATPMPDeviceAdapter() { public String getRouterAddress() { return( nat_pmp_router.getValue()); } public void log( String str ) { log.log( "NAT-PMP: " + str ); } })); nat_pmp_upnp.addListener( this ); } nat_pmp_upnp.setEnabled( true ); }else{ if ( nat_pmp_upnp != null ){ nat_pmp_upnp.setEnabled( false ); } } }catch( Throwable e ){ log.log( "Failed to initialise NAT-PMP subsystem", e ); } } protected void logAlert( int type, String resource, String[] params ) { String text = plugin_interface.getUtilities().getLocaleUtilities().getLocalisedMessageText( resource, params ); log.logAlertRepeatable( type, text ); } /** * Provided for use by other plugins. */ public void refreshMappings() { refreshMappings(false); } /** * Provided for use by other plugins. */ public void refreshMappings(boolean force) { if (force) { closeDown(true); startUp(); } else { this.upnp.reset(); } } }