package com.dynious.biota.config; import com.dynious.biota.Biota; import com.dynious.biota.api.BlockAndMeta; import com.dynious.biota.api.DefaultPlantSpreader; import com.dynious.biota.api.IBiotaAPI; import com.dynious.biota.api.IPlantSpreader; import com.dynious.biota.biosystem.spreader.TallGrassSpreader; import com.dynious.biota.lib.Reference; import com.dynious.biota.lib.Settings; import; import; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class PlantConfig { private static final float[][] NORMAL_NUTRIENTS = { { Settings.NORMAL_PHOSPHORUS }, { Settings.NORMAL_POTASSIUM }, { Settings.NORMAL_NITROGEN } }; private static Map<Block, PlantInfo> plantInfoMap = new HashMap<Block, PlantInfo>(); private static List<LinkedBlockAndMeta> livingDeadList = new ArrayList<LinkedBlockAndMeta>(); public static void init() { Loader.load(); IBiotaAPI.API.registerDeadPlant(Blocks.grass, -1, Blocks.dirt, -1); IBiotaAPI.API.registerDeadPlant(Blocks.tallgrass, -1, Blocks.deadbush, -1); IBiotaAPI.API.registerPlantSpreader(Blocks.tallgrass, new TallGrassSpreader()); } public static float getPlantBlockBiomassValue(Block block, int meta) { PlantInfo plantInfo = plantInfoMap.get(block); if (plantInfo == null) return 0F; if (meta >= 0 && meta < plantInfo.values.length) { return plantInfo.values[meta]; } return plantInfo.values[0]; } public static void registerPlantValue(Block plant, float[] biomassValues) { if (biomassValues != null && biomassValues.length > 0) plantInfoMap.put(plant, new PlantInfo(biomassValues, NORMAL_NUTRIENTS)); } public static void registerPlantSpreader(Block plant, IPlantSpreader spreader) { PlantInfo plantInfo = plantInfoMap.get(plant); if (plantInfo != null) plantInfo.spreader = spreader; } public static void registerDeadPlant(BlockAndMeta livingPlant, BlockAndMeta deadPlant) { livingDeadList.add(new LinkedBlockAndMeta(livingPlant, deadPlant)); } public static BlockAndMeta getDeadPlant(Block livingPlant, int livingMeta) { for (LinkedBlockAndMeta linkedBlockAndMeta : livingDeadList) { if (linkedBlockAndMeta.key.block == livingPlant) { if (linkedBlockAndMeta.key.meta == livingMeta || linkedBlockAndMeta.key.meta == -1) return linkedBlockAndMeta.value; } } return null; } public static IPlantSpreader getPlantSpreader(Block block) { PlantInfo plantInfo = plantInfoMap.get(block); return plantInfo == null ? null : plantInfo.spreader; } public static float getLowestNutrientPart(Block block, int meta, float currentPhosphorus, float currentPotassium, float currentNitrogen) { PlantInfo plantInfo = plantInfoMap.get(block); if (plantInfo == null) return 1F; return Math.min(currentPhosphorus / getNutrientValue(plantInfo, 0, meta), Math.min(currentPotassium / getNutrientValue(plantInfo, 1, meta), currentNitrogen / getNutrientValue(plantInfo, 2, meta))); } private static float getNutrientValue(PlantInfo plantInfo, int type, int meta) { float[] values = plantInfo.normalNutrients[type]; if (meta >= 0 && meta < values.length) { return values[meta]; } return values[0]; } private static class LinkedBlockAndMeta { private BlockAndMeta key; private BlockAndMeta value; public LinkedBlockAndMeta(BlockAndMeta key, BlockAndMeta value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } } private static class PlantInfo { private final float[] values; public IPlantSpreader spreader; public final float[][] normalNutrients; public PlantInfo(float[] values, float[][] normalNutrients) { this.values = values; this.normalNutrients = normalNutrients; } public PlantInfo(float[] values, IPlantSpreader spreader, float[][] normalNutrients) { this.values = values; this.spreader = spreader; this.normalNutrients = normalNutrients; } } private static class Loader { private static Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); public LoaderPart[] plants; private Loader(LoaderPart[] plants) { this.plants = plants; } public static void load() { List<Loader> loaders = new ArrayList<Loader>(); File file = new File(cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.instance().getConfigDir(), Reference.MOD_ID.toLowerCase()); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } boolean foundVanilla = false; for (File foundFile : file.listFiles()) { if (foundFile.getName().endsWith(".cfg") && foundFile.getName().startsWith("plants")) { if (foundFile.getName().equals("plantsVanilla.cfg")) foundVanilla = true; Loader loader = readFile(foundFile); if (loader != null) loaders.add(loader); } } if (!foundVanilla) { Loader loader = makeDefaultConfig(); String jsonString = gson.toJson(loader); try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(file, "plantsVanilla.cfg"), jsonString); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (Loader loader : loaders) { LoaderPart[] plants1 = loader.plants; for (int i = 0; i < plants1.length; i++) { LoaderPart part = plants1[i]; if (part.blockName != null) { int index = part.blockName.indexOf(':'); Block block = GameRegistry.findBlock(part.blockName.substring(0, index), part.blockName.substring(index + 1)); if (block != null) { float[] biomassValues; if (part.plantBiomassValues != null) biomassValues = part.plantBiomassValues; else biomassValues = new float[]{0F}; float[][] normalNutrients = NORMAL_NUTRIENTS; if (part.normalPhosphorus != null) normalNutrients[0] = part.normalPhosphorus; if (part.normalPotassium != null) normalNutrients[1] = part.normalPotassium; if (part.normalNitrogen != null) normalNutrients[2] = part.normalNitrogen; if (part.useDefaultSpreader != null && part.useDefaultSpreader) plantInfoMap.put(block, new PlantInfo(biomassValues, DefaultPlantSpreader.INSTANCE, normalNutrients)); else plantInfoMap.put(block, new PlantInfo(biomassValues, normalNutrients)); } else { Biota.logger.warn("Unable to find plant block:" + part.blockName); } } else { Biota.logger.warn("Unable to find plant block at index: " + i); } } } } private static Loader readFile(File file) { try { String jsonString = FileUtils.readFileToString(file); return gson.fromJson(jsonString, Loader.class); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static Loader makeDefaultConfig() { List<LoaderPart> list = new ArrayList<LoaderPart>(); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:grass", new float[] { 11.25F }, new float[] { 150F }, new float[] { 5.63F }, false, 0.1F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:sapling", new float[] { 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 11.5F, 14F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 11.5F, 14F, }, new float[] { 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 155F, 180F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 155F, 180F }, new float[] { 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 5.75F, 7F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 5.75F, 7F }, false, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:log", new float[] { 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F }, new float[] { 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F }, new float[] { 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F }, false, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:log2", new float[] { 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F}, new float[] { 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F }, new float[] { 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F }, false, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:leaves", new float[] { 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F, 13F, 12F, 13F, 17F }, new float[] { 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F, 170F, 160F, 170F, 280F }, new float[] { 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F, 6.5F, 6F, 6.5F, 9F }, false, 1.0F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:leaves2", new float[] { 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F, 11.5F, 14F, 0F, 0F}, new float[] { 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F, 155F, 180F, 0F, 0F }, new float[] { 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F, 5.75F, 7F, 0F, 0F }, false, 1.0F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:tallgrass", new float[] { 0F, 11.5F, 12F }, new float[] { 0F, 155F, 160F }, new float[] { 0F, 5.75F, 6F }, false, 0.8F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:yellow_flower", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, true, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:red_flower", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, true, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:brown_mushroom", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, true, 0.3F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:red_mushroom", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, true, 0.3F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:mossy_cobblestone", new float[] { 11.25F }, new float[] { 150F }, new float[] { 5.63F }, false, 0.1F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:wheat", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.4F, 0.5F, 0.6F, 0.7F, 0.8F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:cactus", new float[] { 7.5F }, new float[] { 100F }, new float[] { 3.75F }, true, 0.6F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:reeds", new float[] { 10F }, new float[] { 150F }, new float[] { 10F }, true, 0.4F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:pumpkin", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, false, 0.9F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:brown_mushroom_block", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, false, 0.7F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:red_mushroom_block", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, false, 0.7F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:melon_block", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, false, 0.9F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:pumpkin_stem", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.1F, 0.125F, 0.15F, 0.175F, 0.2F, 0.225F, 0.250F, 0.275F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:melon_stem", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.1F, 0.125F, 0.15F, 0.175F, 0.2F, 0.225F, 0.250F, 0.275F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:vine", new float[] { 16F }, new float[] { 225F }, new float[] { 8F }, true, 0.2F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:mycelium", new float[] { 11.25F }, new float[] { 150F }, new float[] { 5.63F }, false, 0.1F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:waterlily", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.2F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:nether_wart", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, false, 0.5F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:cocoa", new float[] { 17F }, new float[] { 280F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.4F, 0.4F, 0.4F, 0.4F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:carrots", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 7.5F }, true, 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.4F, 0.5F, 0.6F, 0.7F, 0.8F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:potatoes", new float[] { 15F }, new float[] { 200F }, new float[] { 9F }, true, 0.1F, 0.2F, 0.3F, 0.4F, 0.5F, 0.6F, 0.7F, 0.8F)); list.add(new LoaderPart("minecraft:double_plant", new float[] { 13F }, new float[] { 170F }, new float[] { 6.5F }, true, 0.6F)); return new Loader(list.toArray(new LoaderPart[list.size()])); } private static class LoaderPart { public String blockName; public float[] plantBiomassValues; public float[] normalPhosphorus; public float[] normalPotassium; public float[] normalNitrogen; public Boolean useDefaultSpreader; public LoaderPart(String blockName, boolean useDefaultSpreader, float... plantBiomassValues) { this.blockName = blockName; this.plantBiomassValues = plantBiomassValues; this.useDefaultSpreader = !useDefaultSpreader ? null : true; } public LoaderPart(String blockName, float[] normalPhosphorus, float[] normalPotassium, float[] normalNitrogen, boolean useDefaultSpreader, float... plantBiomassValues) { this.blockName = blockName; this.plantBiomassValues = plantBiomassValues; this.useDefaultSpreader = !useDefaultSpreader ? null : true; this.normalPhosphorus = normalPhosphorus; this.normalPotassium = normalPotassium; this.normalNitrogen = normalNitrogen; } } } }