package com.dynious.biota.biosystem; import com.dynious.biota.Biota; import com.dynious.biota.config.BiomeConfig; import com.dynious.biota.lib.Settings; import; import; import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Random; public class BioSystem { private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); public final WeakReference<Chunk> chunkReference; private int tick = RANDOM.nextInt(Settings.TICKS_PER_BIOSYSTEM_UPDATE); /** * Stores the amount of plants in the chunk. Plant blocks can have different amounts 'plant value'. */ private float biomass; /** * Stores the amount of nitrogen fixated by the plants in this chunk. */ private float nitrogenFixation; /** * Phosphorus is used by plants for growth. Plants and animal waste will be turned into phosphates by bacteria when decomposed. * Phosphorus is usually the limiting factor in plant growth. It can be released slowly by weathering of rock but * can also be incorporated into rock. Bone meal has lots of phosphorus! * * 10 - 20 ppm normal * Normal Carbon:Phosphorus rate = 200:1 - 300:1 */ private float phosphorus; /** * Potassium is essential for plants and will affect plants greatly when there's not enough available in the soil. * Plants will take up more than needed for healthy growth if there's enough available. Works a lot like phosphorus. * Bone meal has no potassium. Potassium can be gained by mining rock. * * 150 - 250 ppm K normal. */ private float potassium; /** * Nitrate is used by plants for growth. Plants and animal waste will be turned into ammonia by bacteria when decomposed. * This ammonia will be turned into nitrate by nitrifying bacteria. Nitrate can be removed from the ground and into * the atmosphere by denitrifying bacteria. Ammonia can be inserted in the ground from the atmosphere by nitrogen-fixing * soil bacteria. * * 5 - 10 ppm normal. 25+ ppm optimal */ private float nitrogen; /** * Bacteria that decompose dead stuff. When there are not enough of these bacteria, the nutrients in dead plants * and animals will not fully be reinserted into the biosystem. The amount needed depends on the amount of plants * and animals in the chunk. */ private float decomposingBacteria; /** * Nitrifying bacteria are needed to convert the ammonia created by the Decomposing Bacteria to Nitrate used by * plants to grow. When there are not enough of these bacteria the amount of nitrogen will Nitrate in the soil * will slowly decline, causing growth issues. */ private float nitrifyingBacteria; /* Soil density: 1360 kg/m^3 Around 768 dirt blocks per chunk (calculate this? biome dependant?) (16*16*3) 1044480 kg of dirt per chunk We assume all parts in soil weigh the same so: 1.04448 kg per millionth part (for ppm) 1 ppm ~= 1 kg */ public BioSystem(Chunk chunk) { this(chunk, BiomeConfig.getRandomizedNutrientValuesForChunk(chunk)); } private BioSystem(Chunk chunk ,float[] nutrients) { this(chunk, nutrients[0], nutrients[1], nutrients[2]); } public BioSystem(Chunk chunk, float phosphorus, float potassium, float nitrogen) { this(chunk, 0F, 0F, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, 0F, 0F); } private BioSystem(Chunk chunk, float biomass, float nitrogenFixation, float phosphorus, float potassium, float nitrogen, float decomposingBacteria, float nitrifyingBacteria) { this.chunkReference = new WeakReference<Chunk>(chunk); this.biomass = biomass; this.nitrogenFixation = nitrogenFixation; this.phosphorus = phosphorus; this.potassium = potassium; this.nitrogen = nitrogen; this.decomposingBacteria = decomposingBacteria; this.nitrifyingBacteria = nitrifyingBacteria; } public void addBiomass(float amount) { setChunkModified(); this.biomass += amount; } public void onGrowth(float bioMassIncrease, boolean addBiomass) { if (addBiomass) addBiomass(bioMassIncrease); phosphorus -= bioMassIncrease*Settings.BIOMASS_PHOSPHORUS_RATE; potassium -= bioMassIncrease*Settings.BIOMASS_POTASSIUM_RATE; nitrogen -= bioMassIncrease*Settings.BIOMASS_NITROGEN_RATE; setChunkModified(); } public void setBiomass(float amount) { setChunkModified(); biomass = amount; setStableBacteriaValues(); } public float getBiomass() { return biomass; } public float getNitrogenFixation() { return nitrogenFixation; } public void addNitrogenFixation(float amount) { setChunkModified(); this.nitrogenFixation += amount; } public float getPhosphorus() { return phosphorus; } public float getPotassium() { return potassium; } public float getNitrogen() { return nitrogen; } public float getDecomposingBacteria() { return decomposingBacteria; } public float getNitrifyingBacteria() { return nitrifyingBacteria; } public void setNitrogenFixation(float nitrogenFixation) { this.nitrogenFixation = nitrogenFixation; } public void setPhosphorus(float phosphorus) { this.phosphorus = phosphorus; } public void setPotassium(float potassium) { this.potassium = potassium; } public void setNitrogen(float nitrogen) { this.nitrogen = nitrogen; } public void setStableBacteriaValues() { decomposingBacteria = biomass + RANDOM.nextFloat()*(Settings.BACTERIA_GROWTH_MAX*biomass - biomass); nitrifyingBacteria = biomass + RANDOM.nextFloat()*(Settings.BACTERIA_GROWTH_MAX*biomass - biomass); } public void setStableBacteriaValuesNearChunk() { setStableBacteriaValues(); Chunk chunk = chunkReference.get(); if (chunk != null) { getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition + 1, chunk.zPosition + 1); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition, chunk.zPosition + 1); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition + 1, chunk.zPosition); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition - 1, chunk.zPosition); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition, chunk.zPosition - 1); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition - 1, chunk.zPosition - 1); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition - 1, chunk.zPosition + 1); getAndStabilizeChunk(chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition + 1, chunk.zPosition - 1); } } public void getAndStabilizeChunk(World world, int x, int z) { if (world.chunkExists(x, z)) { BioSystem bioSystem = BioSystemHandler.getBioSystem(world, world.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z)); if (bioSystem != null) bioSystem.setStableBacteriaValues(); } } public void update() { tick++; if (tick % Settings.TICKS_PER_BIOSYSTEM_UPDATE == 0) { setChunkModified(); Chunk chunk = chunkReference.get(); if (chunk != null) { if (chunk.xPosition == 0 && chunk.zPosition == 0) { System.out.println(String.format("PRE: Biomass: %f, Nitrogen Fixation: %f, Phosphorus: %f, Potassium: %f, Nitrogen %f, Decomposing Bacteria: %f, Nirtifying Bacteria %f", this.getBiomass(), this.getNitrogenFixation(), this.getPhosphorus(), this.getPotassium(), this.getNitrogen(), this.getDecomposingBacteria(), this.getNitrifyingBacteria())); } //TODO: BALANCE! BIOMASS INCREASE HAS A VERY DRAMATIC EFFECT, NUTRIENT USAGE TOO HIGH. //Bacteria calculations float biomassBacteriaRate = biomass / decomposingBacteria; if (biomassBacteriaRate > Settings.BACTERIA_GROWTH_MAX) { decomposingBacteria += decomposingBacteria * Settings.BACTERIA_CHANGE_RATE; } else if (biomassBacteriaRate < Settings.BACTERIA_DEATH) { decomposingBacteria -= (1-biomassBacteriaRate)*decomposingBacteria * Settings.BACTERIA_CHANGE_RATE; } float nirtifyingBacteriaRate = (Math.min(biomass, decomposingBacteria) + nitrogenFixation) / nitrifyingBacteria; if (nirtifyingBacteriaRate > Settings.BACTERIA_GROWTH_MAX) { nitrifyingBacteria += nitrifyingBacteria * Settings.BACTERIA_CHANGE_RATE; } else if (nirtifyingBacteriaRate < Settings.BACTERIA_DEATH) { nitrifyingBacteria -= (1-nirtifyingBacteriaRate)*nitrifyingBacteria * Settings.BACTERIA_CHANGE_RATE; } //Nutrient calculations //TODO: figure out good change rates phosphorus += Math.min(biomass, decomposingBacteria) * Settings.PHOSPHORUS_CHANGE_RATE; phosphorus -= biomass * Settings.PHOSPHORUS_CHANGE_RATE; phosphorus = Math.max(0, phosphorus); potassium += Math.min(biomass, decomposingBacteria) * Settings.POTASSIUM_CHANGE_RATE; potassium -= biomass * Settings.POTASSIUM_CHANGE_RATE; potassium = Math.max(0, potassium); //TODO: nitrogen fixation should be calculated diffently (should not be dependant on nitrogen change rate in plants) nitrogen += Math.min(Math.min(biomass, decomposingBacteria) + nitrogenFixation, nitrifyingBacteria) * Settings.NITROGEN_CHANGE_RATE; nitrogen -= biomass * Settings.NITROGEN_CHANGE_RATE; nitrogen = Math.max(0, nitrogen); //Spread BioSystem stuff to nearby chunks spreadToChunk(chunk, chunk.xPosition - 1, chunk.zPosition); spreadToChunk(chunk, chunk.xPosition + 1, chunk.zPosition); spreadToChunk(chunk, chunk.xPosition, chunk.zPosition - 1); spreadToChunk(chunk, chunk.xPosition, chunk.zPosition + 1); if (chunk.xPosition == 0 && chunk.zPosition == 0) { System.out.println(String.format("SPREAD: Biomass: %f, Nitrogen Fixation: %f, Phosphorus: %f, Potassium: %f, Nitrogen %f, Decomposing Bacteria: %f, Nirtifying Bacteria %f", this.getBiomass(), this.getNitrogenFixation(), this.getPhosphorus(), this.getPotassium(), this.getNitrogen(), this.getDecomposingBacteria(), this.getNitrifyingBacteria())); } //Send the chunk biomass changes to all clients watching this chunk NetworkHandler.INSTANCE.sendToPlayersWatchingChunk(new MessageBioSystemUpdate(this), (WorldServer) chunk.worldObj, chunk.xPosition, chunk.zPosition); } } } private void spreadToChunk(Chunk chunk, int xPos, int zPos) { if (chunk.worldObj.chunkExists(xPos, zPos)) { Chunk chunk1 = chunk.worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(xPos, zPos); BioSystem bioSystem = BioSystemHandler.getBioSystem(chunk.worldObj, chunk1); if (bioSystem != null) spread(bioSystem); else Biota.logger.warn(String.format("Couldn't find BioSystem at: %d %d", xPos, zPos)); } } private void spread(BioSystem bioSystem) { float dP = this.phosphorus - bioSystem.phosphorus; float dK = this.potassium - bioSystem.potassium; float dN = this.nitrogen - bioSystem.nitrogen; float dDB = this.decomposingBacteria - bioSystem.decomposingBacteria; float dNB = this.nitrifyingBacteria - bioSystem.nitrifyingBacteria; float spreadP = Settings.BIOSYSTEM_SPREAD_RATE *dP; float spreadK = Settings.BIOSYSTEM_SPREAD_RATE *dK; float spreadN = Settings.BIOSYSTEM_SPREAD_RATE *dN; float spreadDB = Settings.BIOSYSTEM_SPREAD_RATE *dDB; float spreadNB = Settings.BIOSYSTEM_SPREAD_RATE *dNB; this.phosphorus -= spreadP; bioSystem.phosphorus += spreadP; this.potassium -= spreadK; bioSystem.potassium += spreadK; this.nitrogen -= spreadN; bioSystem.nitrogen += spreadN; this.decomposingBacteria -= spreadDB; bioSystem.decomposingBacteria += spreadDB; this.nitrifyingBacteria -= spreadNB; bioSystem.nitrifyingBacteria += spreadNB; } public void setChunkModified() { Chunk chunk1 = chunkReference.get(); if (chunk1 != null) { chunk1.isModified = true; } } public static BioSystem loadFromNBT(Chunk chunk, NBTTagCompound compound) { float biomass = compound.getFloat("biomass"); float nitrogenFixation = compound.getFloat("nitrogenFixation"); float phosphorus = compound.getFloat("phosphorus"); float potassium = compound.getFloat("potassium"); float nitrogen = compound.getFloat("nitrogen"); float decomposingBacteria = compound.getFloat("decomposingBacteria"); float nitrifyingBacteria = compound.getFloat("nitrifyingBacteria"); return new BioSystem(chunk, biomass, nitrogenFixation, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, decomposingBacteria, nitrifyingBacteria); } public void saveToNBT(NBTTagCompound compound) { compound.setFloat("biomass", biomass); compound.setFloat("nitrogenFixation", nitrogenFixation); compound.setFloat("phosphorus", phosphorus); compound.setFloat("potassium", potassium); compound.setFloat("nitrogen", nitrogen); compound.setFloat("decomposingBacteria", decomposingBacteria); compound.setFloat("nitrifyingBacteria", nitrifyingBacteria); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); result.append(this.getClass().getName()); result.append(" Object {"); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" biomass: "); result.append(biomass); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" nitrogen fixation: "); result.append(nitrogenFixation); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" phosphorus: "); result.append(phosphorus); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" potassium: "); result.append(potassium); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" nitrogen: "); result.append(nitrogen); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" decomposingBacteria: "); result.append(decomposingBacteria); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append(" nitrifyingBacteria: "); result.append(nitrifyingBacteria); result.append(NEW_LINE); result.append("}"); return result.toString(); } }