package net.yadan.banana.memory.malloc; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import net.yadan.banana.memory.initializers.MemSetInitializer; import org.junit.Test; public class MultiSizeAllocatorTest { @Test public void testGetReservedBits() { assertEquals(1, new MultiSizeAllocator(10, new int[]{10, 20}, 2.0).getReservedBits()); assertEquals(2, new MultiSizeAllocator(10, new int[]{1, 2, 3}, 2.0).getReservedBits()); assertEquals(2, new MultiSizeAllocator(10, new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4}, 2.0).getReservedBits()); assertEquals(3, new MultiSizeAllocator(10, new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 2.0).getReservedBits()); } @Test public void testFindAllocator() { MultiSizeAllocator m = new MultiSizeAllocator(10, new int[]{10, 20}, 2.0); assertEquals(0, m.findAllocatorFor(1)); assertEquals(0, m.findAllocatorFor(10)); assertEquals(1, m.findAllocatorFor(11)); assertEquals(1, m.findAllocatorFor(20)); try { m.findAllocatorFor(21); // should throw fail("Found an allocator fot size 21, should have failed"); } catch (Exception e) { } } @Test public void testPointer() { int reserved = 3; int allocation = 32 - reserved; int[] sizes = new int[(int) Math.pow(2, reserved)]; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { sizes[i] = i + 10; } MultiSizeAllocator m = new MultiSizeAllocator(10, sizes, 2.0); for (int idx = 0; idx < Math.pow(2, reserved); idx++) { for (int ptx = 0; ptx < allocation; ptx++) { int pointer = 1 << ptx; int ppp = m.encodePointer(idx, pointer); assertEquals(idx, m.getSizeIndex(ppp)); assertEquals(pointer, m.extractPointer(ppp)); } } } @Test public void testAllocations() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[]{32, 64, 128}, 2.0); int p1 = a.malloc(10); int p2 = a.malloc(40); a.setInt(p1, 0, 1); a.setInt(p2, 0, 2); assertEquals(1, a.getInt(p1, 0)); assertEquals(2, a.getInt(p2, 0)); int p3 = a.malloc(11); // growth! int p4 = a.malloc(41); // growth! a.setInt(p3, 0, 3); a.setInt(p4, 0, 4); assertEquals(1, a.getInt(p1, 0)); assertEquals(2, a.getInt(p2, 0)); assertEquals(3, a.getInt(p3, 0)); assertEquals(4, a.getInt(p4, 0)); } @Test public void testUpperShort() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[] { 32, 64, 128 }, 2.0); int p = a.malloc(10); assertEquals(0, a.getLowerShort(p, 0)); assertEquals(0, a.getUpperShort(p, 0)); a.setUpperShort(p, 0, 99); assertEquals(0, a.getLowerShort(p, 0)); assertEquals(99, a.getUpperShort(p, 0));; } @Test public void testLowerShort() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[] { 32, 64, 128 }, 2.0); int p = a.malloc(10); a.setInt(p, 0, 0); assertEquals(0, a.getLowerShort(p, 0)); assertEquals(0, a.getUpperShort(p, 0)); a.setLowerShort(p, 0, 99); assertEquals(99, a.getLowerShort(p, 0)); assertEquals(0, a.getUpperShort(p, 0));; } @Test public void testInt() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[] { 32, 64, 128 }, 2.0); int p = a.malloc(10); a.setInt(p, 0, 999); assertEquals(999, a.getInt(p, 0));; } @Test public void testFloat() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[] { 32, 64, 128 }, 2.0); int p = a.malloc(10); a.setFloat(p, 0, 999); assertEquals(999, a.getFloat(p, 0), Float.MIN_VALUE);; } @Test public void testDouble() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[] { 32, 64, 128 }, 2.0); int p = a.malloc(10); a.setDouble(p, 0, 999); assertEquals(999, a.getDouble(p, 0), Double.MIN_VALUE);; } @Test public void testInitialize() { MultiSizeAllocator a = new MultiSizeAllocator(1, new int[]{32, 64, 128}, 2.0); a.setInitializer(new MemSetInitializer(-1)); int size = 50; int p = a.malloc(size); try { int expected[] = new int[size]; // initialized to zeros a.memSet(p, 0, size, 0); // all zeros int out[] = new int[size]; a.getInts(p, 0, out, 0, size); assertArrayEquals(expected, out); a.initialize(p); a.getInts(p, 0, out, 0, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { assertEquals(-1, out[i]); } } finally {; } } }