package net.yadan.banana.memory.malloc; import net.yadan.banana.memory.IMemAllocator; import net.yadan.banana.memory.OutOfMemoryException; import net.yadan.banana.memory.initializers.MemSetInitializer; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) public abstract class AbstractReallocTest { public final boolean DEBUG = false; private int m_numBlocks; private int m_blockSize; private List<IMemAllocator> allocators; public AbstractReallocTest(int numBlocks, int blockSize) { init(numBlocks, blockSize); } public void init(int numBlocks, int blockSize) { m_numBlocks = numBlocks; m_blockSize = blockSize; allocators = new ArrayList<IMemAllocator>(); } private IMemAllocator create() { IMemAllocator mm = createImpl(m_numBlocks, m_blockSize); allocators.add(mm); return mm; } public abstract IMemAllocator createImpl(int numBlocks, int blockSize); @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { //@formatter:off Object[][] data = new Object[][] { { 10 , 3}, { 10 , 10}, { 100 , 3}, { 100 , 4}, { 100 , 5}, // { 1000 , 4}, }; return Arrays.asList(data); } //@formatter:on @After public void postTest() { for (IMemAllocator mm : allocators) { assertEquals("Test leaks memory", 0, mm.usedBlocks()); } allocators.clear(); } @Test public void testReallocOfSingleBlock_expand() { /* * Tests the case where expanding a single block */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[blockSize]; int out[] = new int[blockSize]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(blockSize); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m.realloc(p1, blockSize * 2); m.getInts(p2, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertTrue(p1 > 0); // single block assertTrue(p2 < 0); // multi block assertTrue(blockSize * 2 <= m.maximumCapacityFor(p2)); assertArrayEquals(data, out);; // don't free p1! } @Test public void testReallocSingleBlock_sameSize() { /* * Tests the case where requesting realloc for the same size for a single * block pointer */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[blockSize]; int out[] = new int[blockSize]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(blockSize); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m.realloc(p1, blockSize); m.getInts(p2, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertEquals(p1, p2);// same pointer assertArrayEquals(data, out);; // don't free p1! } @Test public void testReallocMultiBlock_sameSize() { /* * Tests the case where requesting realloc for the same size for a multi * block */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[blockSize * 2]; int out[] = new int[blockSize * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(blockSize * 2); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m.realloc(p1, blockSize * 2); m.getInts(p2, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertEquals(p1, p2);// same pointer assertArrayEquals(data, out);; // don't free p1! } @Test public void testReallocMultiBlock_expand() { /* * Tests the case where expanding a multi block */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[blockSize * 2]; int out[] = new int[blockSize]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(blockSize * 2); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m.realloc(p1, blockSize * 3); m.getInts(p2, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertTrue(blockSize * 3 <= m.maximumCapacityFor(p2));; // don't free p1! } @Test public void testReallocMultiBlock_shrink() { /* * Tests the case where shrinking a multi block to a muilti block */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[blockSize * 3]; int out[] = new int[blockSize * 2]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(blockSize * 3); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m.realloc(p1, blockSize * 2); m.getInts(p2, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertTrue(p1 < 0); // multi block assertTrue(p2 < 0); // multi block int max = m.maximumCapacityFor(p2); assertTrue(blockSize * 3 > max); assertTrue(blockSize * 2 <= max); for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { assertEquals(data[i], out[i]); }; // don't free p1! } @Test public void testRealloc_expand_multiblock_OOM() { /* * Tests the case where expanding a multi block and getting an OOM original * block should be unaffected and memory should not leak */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int alloc = m.blockSize() * m.maxBlocks() / 2; int data[] = new int[alloc]; int out[] = new int[alloc]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(alloc); int free = m.freeBlocks(); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); try { m.realloc(p1, alloc * 3); fail(); // should throw } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { } assertEquals(free, m.freeBlocks()); m.getInts(p1, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertArrayEquals(data, out); assertTrue(alloc <= m.maximumCapacityFor(p1));; } @Test public void testRealloc_expand_singleblock_OOM() { /* * Tests the case where expanding a single block and getting an OOM original * block should be unaffected and memory should not leak */ IMemAllocator m = create(); int alloc = m.blockSize(); int data[] = new int[alloc]; int out[] = new int[alloc]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { data[i] = i; } int p1 = m.malloc(alloc); int free = m.freeBlocks(); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); try { p1 = m.realloc(p1, m.blockSize() * (m.maxBlocks() + 5)); fail(); // should throw } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { } assertEquals(free, m.freeBlocks()); m.getInts(p1, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertArrayEquals(data, out); assertTrue(alloc <= m.maximumCapacityFor(p1));; } @Test public void reallocTestLoop() { IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int size = blockSize; int pointer = m.malloc(size); int max = m.maxBlocks(); try { for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { int data[] = new int[size]; int out[] = new int[size]; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { data[j] = j; } m.setInts(pointer, 0, data, 0, data.length); size += blockSize; pointer = m.realloc(pointer, size); m.getInts(pointer, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertArrayEquals(data, out); assertTrue(m.maximumCapacityFor(pointer) >= size); } } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { // expected due to allocators overhead, just run till we find max // allocation size }; } /** * Full spectrum realloc OOM test that ensures memory structure and content * are unmodified if an OOM is thrown during realloc */ @Test public void testRealloc_singleBlockIncrement_OOM_loop() { IMemAllocator m = create(); int blockSize = m.blockSize(); int max = m.maxBlocks(); int data[] = new int[max * blockSize]; int out[] = new int[max * blockSize]; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { data[j] = j; } int initialBlockCount = 0; int realllocFirstValue = 0; int reallocBlockCount = -1; boolean exit = false; try { for (; initialBlockCount < max && !exit; initialBlockCount++) { if (reallocBlockCount != -1) { reallocBlockCount = 0; } else { reallocBlockCount = realllocFirstValue; } for (; reallocBlockCount < max && !exit; reallocBlockCount++) { int initialSize = initialBlockCount * blockSize; int p1; try { p1 = m.malloc(initialSize); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { // can't allocate initial buffer, we are done exit = true; break; } int free = m.freeBlocks(); m.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, initialSize); String beforeRealloc = m.pointerDebugString(p1); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Before realloc:\n" + beforeRealloc); } try { p1 = m.realloc(p1, reallocBlockCount * blockSize);; // if didn't throw, move to next loop continue; } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { } String afterRealloc = m.pointerDebugString(p1); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("After realloc:\n" + afterRealloc); } assertEquals(free, m.freeBlocks()); assertEquals(beforeRealloc, afterRealloc); assertEquals(free, m.freeBlocks()); m.getInts(p1, 0, out, 0, initialSize); for (int k = 0; k < initialSize; k++) { assertEquals(data[k], out[k]); } assertTrue(initialSize <= m.maximumCapacityFor(p1));; } } } catch (AssertionError e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AssertionError(String.format("Error in %d -> %d", initialBlockCount, reallocBlockCount)); } assertEquals("Test leaks memory", 0, m.usedBlocks()); } /** * Full spectrum realloc test for increasing memory size */ @Test public void reallocAddSingleBlockTest() { int maxBlocks = m_numBlocks; int blockSize = m_blockSize; IMemAllocator m1 = create(); IMemAllocator m2 = create(); for (int n = 0; n < maxBlocks; n++) { int p1 = -1; int p2 = -1; try { int size = n * blockSize; int newSize = (n + 1) * blockSize; m1.setInitializer(new MemSetInitializer(-1)); m1.setDebug(true); m2.setInitializer(new MemSetInitializer(-1)); m2.setDebug(true); int data[] = new int[size]; int out[] = new int[size]; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { data[j] = j; } p2 = m2.malloc(newSize); m2.setInts(p2, 0, data, 0, data.length); p1 = m1.malloc(size); m1.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Before : \n" + m1.pointerDebugString(p1)); System.out.println("Needed : \n" + m2.pointerDebugString(p2)); } p1 = m1.realloc(p1, newSize); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("After : \n" + m1.pointerDebugString(p1)); } m1.getInts(p1, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertArrayEquals("Size : " + size, data, out); assertTrue("Size : " + size, m1.maximumCapacityFor(p1) >= newSize); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.usedBlocks(), m2.usedBlocks()); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.maxBlocks(), m2.maxBlocks()); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.blockSize(), m2.blockSize()); assertEquals("Error growing from " + size + " to " + newSize, m1.pointerDebugString(p1), m2.pointerDebugString(p2)); } catch (AssertionError e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AssertionError("Error, n=" + n); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { // expected due to allocators overhead, just run till we find max // allocation size break; } finally { if (p1 != -1) {; } if (p2 != -1) {; } assertEquals(0, m1.usedBlocks()); assertEquals(0, m2.usedBlocks()); } } } /** * Full spectrum realloc test for decreasing memory size */ @Test public void reallocRemoveSingleBlockTest() { int maxBlocks = m_numBlocks; int blockSize = m_blockSize; IMemAllocator m1 = create(); IMemAllocator m2 = create(); for (int n = 1; n < maxBlocks; n++) { try { int size = n * blockSize; int newSize = (n - 1) * blockSize; m1.setInitializer(new MemSetInitializer(-1)); m1.setDebug(true); m2.setInitializer(new MemSetInitializer(-1)); m2.setDebug(true); int data[] = new int[newSize]; int out[] = new int[newSize]; for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) { data[j] = j; } int p1 = m1.malloc(size); m1.setInts(p1, 0, data, 0, data.length); int p2 = m2.malloc(newSize); m2.setInts(p2, 0, data, 0, data.length); String s1 = m1.pointerDebugString(p1); String s2 = m2.pointerDebugString(p2); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("Before : \n" + s1); System.out.println("Needed : \n" + s2); } p1 = m1.realloc(p1, newSize); s1 = m1.pointerDebugString(p1); if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("After : \n" + s1); } m1.getInts(p1, 0, out, 0, out.length); assertArrayEquals("Size : " + size, data, out); assertTrue("Size : " + size, m1.maximumCapacityFor(p1) >= newSize); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.usedBlocks(), m2.usedBlocks()); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.maxBlocks(), m2.maxBlocks()); assertEquals("Size : " + size, m1.blockSize(), m2.blockSize()); assertEquals("Error shrinking from " + size + " to " + newSize, s1, s2);;; assertEquals(0, m1.usedBlocks()); assertEquals(0, m2.usedBlocks()); } catch (AssertionError e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AssertionError("Error, n=" + n); } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) { // expected due to allocators overhead, just run till we find max // allocation size m1.clear(); m2.clear(); } } } }