package cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.receiver; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.widget.Toast; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.AppStorePreference; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.R; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.api.ApiService; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.constant.Constants; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.entity.App; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.entity.ResultSet; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.interfaces.CallBack; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.ui.SoftwareDetailActivity; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.utils.JsonUtils; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.utils.Logger; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.utils.PushUtils; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.utils.ToastUtil; import; /** * Push message handle receiver��please overwrite your needed callback methods, * generally�� * onBind must��to deal with startWork callback result; * onMessage receive messages; * onSetTags��onDelTags��onListTags for tag operation callback; * onNotificationClicked when notification clicking callback; * onUnbind is stopWork interface callback; * * return errorCode description: * 0 - Success * 10001 - Network Problem * 30600 - Internal Server Error * 30601 - Method Not Allowed * 30602 - Request Params Not Valid * 30603 - Authentication Failed * 30604 - Quota Use Up Payment Required * 30605 - Data Required Not Found * 30606 - Request Time Expires Timeout * 30607 - Channel Token Timeout * 30608 - Bind Relation Not Found * 30609 - Bind Number Too Many * */ public class MyPushMessageReceiver extends FrontiaPushMessageReceiver { /** TAG to Log */ public static final String TAG = MyPushMessageReceiver.class.getSimpleName(); private Context ctx; /** * after calling PushManager.startWork,sdk will start binding request to push server, it is sync, and return binding result in onBind. * if you need unicast push, you need to upload channel id and user id to server, then call server interface with channel id and user id to the phone or client. * * @param context * BroadcastReceiver running Context * @param errorCode * binding interface callback value, 0 - success * @param appid * app id. it is null when errorCode is not 0 * @param userId * app user id��it is null when errorCode is not 0. * @param channelId * app channel id��it is null when errorCode is not 0 * @param requestId * request id to server. for tracking problems. * @return * none */ @Override public void onBind(Context context, int errorCode, String appid, String userId, String channelId, String requestId) { String responseString = "onBind errorCode=" + errorCode + " appid=" + appid + " userId=" + userId + " channelId=" + channelId + " requestId=" + requestId; Logger.d(responseString); // binding success, set binded flag, decrease unneccesary binding request. if (errorCode == 0) { PushUtils.setBind(context, true); AppStorePreference.saveUserId(context, userId); AppStorePreference.saveChannelId(context, channelId); ctx = context; registerClient(ctx, userId, channelId); } // update UI for Demo program. updateContent(context, responseString); } /** * receive passthrough message. * * @param context * @param message pushed message * @param customContentString custom content, null or json string */ @Override public void onMessage(Context context, String message, String customContentString) { String messageString = "Passthrough message=\"" + message + "\" customContentString=" + customContentString; Logger.d(messageString); // get custom content,mykey and myvalue face to the kay and value in custom content. if (customContentString != null & TextUtils.isEmpty(customContentString)) { JSONObject customJson = null; try { customJson = new JSONObject(customContentString); String myvalue = null; if (customJson.isNull("mykey")) { myvalue = customJson.getString("mykey"); } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } updateContent(context, messageString); } /** * Method for receiving notification clicking. Warn:app can't get notification content before clicking notification. * * @param context * @param title The title of push notification * @param description The description of push notification. * @param customContentString Custom content string, null or json string. */ @Override public void onNotificationClicked(Context context, String title, String description, String customContentString) { String notifyString = "Notification clicking title=\"" + title + "\" description=\"" + description + "\" customContent=" + customContentString; Logger.d(notifyString); // get custom content if (customContentString != null && !TextUtils.isEmpty(customContentString)) { JSONObject customJson = null; try { customJson = new JSONObject(customContentString); if (customJson != null && !customJson.isNull(Constants.JSON_KEY_TYPE)) { int type = JsonUtils.getIntValue(customJson, Constants.JSON_KEY_TYPE); if (type == Constants.TYPE_APP_UPDATE) { Logger.d("type:" + type); List<App> appListDataSource = JsonUtils.parsePushJSONApp(customJson); Intent mIntent = new Intent(context, SoftwareDetailActivity.class); mIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); Bundle mBundle = new Bundle(); mBundle.putSerializable(Constants.SER_KEY, (Serializable) appListDataSource); mBundle.putInt(Constants.APP_LIST_POSITION, 0); mIntent.putExtras(mBundle); context.startActivity(mIntent); } } } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } // updateContent(context, notifyString); } /** * setTags() callback method. * * @param context * @param errorCode Error Code. 0 some tag set success; tags' setting are all failure. * @param successTags Setting success tags. * @param failTags Setting failure tags. * @param requestId Assign to push service request id. */ @Override public void onSetTags(Context context, int errorCode, List<String> sucessTags, List<String> failTags, String requestId) { String responseString = "onSetTags errorCode=" + errorCode + " sucessTags=" + sucessTags + " failTags=" + failTags + " requestId=" + requestId; Logger.d(responseString); updateContent(context, responseString); } /** * delTags() callback method. * * @param context * @param errorCode Error Code. 0 some tag delete success; !0 All the tags are deleting failure. * @param successTags The Tags deleted are successfull. * @param failTags The tags deleting failure. * @param requestId Assign to push service request id. */ @Override public void onDelTags(Context context, int errorCode, List<String> sucessTags, List<String> failTags, String requestId) { String responseString = "onDelTags errorCode=" + errorCode + " sucessTags=" + sucessTags + " failTags=" + failTags + " requestId=" + requestId; Logger.d(responseString); updateContent(context, responseString); } /** * listTags() callback method. * * @param context * @param errorCode Error Code. 0 list tags success. !0 failure. * @param tags Current app setted all the tags. * @param requestId Assign to push service request id. */ @Override public void onListTags(Context context, int errorCode, List<String> tags, String requestId) { String responseString = "onListTags errorCode=" + errorCode + " tags=" + tags; Logger.d(responseString); updateContent(context, responseString); } /** * PushManager.stopWork() call back method. * * @param context * @param errorCode Error code. 0 unbind from cloud push service. !0 failure. * @param requestId Assign to push service request id. */ @Override public void onUnbind(Context context, int errorCode, String requestId) { String responseString = "onUnbind errorCode=" + errorCode + " requestId = " + requestId; Logger.d(responseString); // unbind success, and set bind flag. if (errorCode == 0) { PushUtils.setBind(context, false); } updateContent(context, responseString); } private void updateContent(Context context, String content) { Logger.d("updateContent"); String logText = "" + PushUtils.logStringCache; if (!logText.equals("")) { logText += "\n"; } SimpleDateFormat sDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH-mm-ss"); logText += sDateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": "; logText += content; PushUtils.logStringCache = logText; /*Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setClass(context.getApplicationContext(), PushDemoActivity.class); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); context.getApplicationContext().startActivity(intent);*/ } public void registerClient(Context ctx, String userId, String channelId) { ApiService.register(ctx, userId, channelId, registerCallBack); } private CallBack registerCallBack = new CallBack() { @Override public void onCancelled() { } @Override public void onStart() { } @Override public void onSuccess(JSONObject jsonObj) { try { String retCode = ""; String data = ""; Logger.d("-------getRegisterInfo=" + jsonObj.toString()); retCode = JsonUtils.getStringValue(jsonObj, Constants.REQUEST_STATUS); data = JsonUtils.getStringValue(jsonObj, Constants.REQUEST_DATA); /*if (!Constants.REQUEST_STATUS_OK.equals(retCode)) { onFailure(data); } else { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(data)) { onFailure(Utils.getResourceString(getApplicationContext(), R.string.nonetwork_prompt_server_error)); } else { client = JsonUtils.parseJSONClient(jsonObj); } }*/ if (retCode.equals(Constants.REQUEST_STATUS_FORBIDDEN)) { ToastUtil.showToast(ctx, R.string.msg_pos_forbiden, Toast.LENGTH_LONG); } JSONObject dataJson = JsonUtils.getJSONObject(jsonObj, Constants.REQUEST_DATA); String terminalId = JsonUtils.getStringValue(dataJson, Constants.JSON_KEY_TERMINAL_ID); AppStorePreference.saveTerminaID(ctx, terminalId); } catch (Exception e) { onFailure("get client register response error!"); } } @Override public void onFailure(String msg) { Logger.d("describe=" + msg); if (msg.contains(ResultSet.NET_ERROR.describe)) { ToastUtil.showToast(ctx, R.string.nonetwork_prompt_server_error, Toast.LENGTH_LONG); } } }; }