package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.StrictMode; import android.util.Log; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.AppStorePreference; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.api.ApiService; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.common.AsyncHttpClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import cn.koolcloud.ipos.appstore.utils.Logger; public class Downloader { private final static String TAG = "Downloader"; private final static byte[] lock_getFileSize = new byte[1]; private final static byte[] lock_refresh_progress = new byte[1]; private int mThreadCount = 4; //default sub thread num = 4 private int bufferSize = 1024 * 16; //one block is 16K private DownloadBean mBean; // this is downloader's bean not sub bean private Context mContext; private DownloadEngineCallback mCallback; private DownloadDBOperator mDBOper; private int mDoneThreadCount = 0; // finished thread num private int mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INIT; // downloader status private ArrayList<DownloadBean> mBeans; public Downloader(DownloadBean bean, Context context, DownloadEngineCallback callback) { this.mBean = bean; this.mContext = context; this.mCallback = callback; this.mDBOper = DownloadDBOperator.getInstance(context); this.mBeans = new ArrayList<DownloadBean>(mThreadCount); } public void setDownloadBean(DownloadBean bean) { this.mBean = bean; } public void initBeanInDataBase() { try { if (this.mDBOper != null) { //if this task is exist in database if (this.mDBOper.isHasDownloadTaskByUrl(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId)) { getDownloaderInfoFromDB(mBean); } else { // insert information to database addDownloaderInfoToDB(mBean); } } else { callBackError("Downloader error, DBOperator may be null."); throw new DownloaderErrorException( "Downloader error, DBOperator may be null."); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setDownloadEngineCallback(DownloadEngineCallback callBack) { this.mCallback = callBack; } public DownloadBean getDownloaderInfo() { return mBean; } public int getDownloaderState() { return mState; } /** * request initialization * @param state */ protected void setDownloaderState(int state) { mState = state; if (state == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INIT) { mBean.currentPosition = 0; } } /** * Add download information to database, * used for just initialing downloader and this task not exist in database * * @param bean * @throws DownloaderErrorException */ private void addDownloaderInfoToDB(DownloadBean bean) throws DownloaderErrorException { /*if (mState != DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INIT && mState != DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_STOP && mState != DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_ERROR) { callBackError("This task is already in database"); throw new DownloaderErrorException("This task is already in database"); }*/ if (mDBOper != null) { long fileSize = bean.fileSize; if (mBeans.size() > 0) { mBeans.clear(); } try { //check file size. no need to access the network and init sub threads directly when size > 0 if (fileSize > 0) { if (!hasSpaceInSDCard()) { return; } //split file to sub blocks long range = fileSize / mThreadCount; for (int i = 0; i < mThreadCount - 1; i++) { DownloadBean subBean = (DownloadBean) bean.clone(); subBean.threadId = i; subBean.startPosition = i * range; subBean.endPosition = (i + 1) * range - 1; mBeans.add(subBean); } DownloadBean subBean = (DownloadBean) bean.clone(); subBean.threadId = mThreadCount - 1; subBean.startPosition = (mThreadCount - 1) * range; subBean.endPosition = fileSize - 1; mBeans.add(subBean); } else {// init N sub downloaders directly with size 0, when file size = 0 for (int n = 0; n < mThreadCount - 1; n++) { DownloadBean subBean = (DownloadBean) bean.clone(); subBean.threadId = n; mBeans.add(subBean); } DownloadBean subBean = (DownloadBean) bean.clone(); subBean.threadId = mThreadCount - 1; mBeans.add(subBean); } mDBOper.addDownloadTask(mBeans); //set to waiting status when the file size already got. if (bean.fileSize > 0) { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_WAITTING; // downloader is waiting } else {// to get file size from network and update sub downloaders when file size not got yet new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean flag = false; synchronized (lock_getFileSize) { flag = getFileSizeByNetwork(mBean); } if (flag) { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_WAITTING; } else { Log.e(TAG, "get file size error from network 1"); } } }).start(); } } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { callBackError("add Downloader Info To DB error, DBOperator maybe null"); throw new DownloaderErrorException( "add Downloader Info To DB error, DBOperator maybe null"); } } /** * get downloader information from database * * @param bean * @throws DownloaderErrorException */ private void getDownloaderInfoFromDB(DownloadBean bean) throws DownloaderErrorException { if (mDBOper != null) { mBeans.clear(); mBeans = mDBOper.getDownloadTaskByUrl(bean.url, bean.downloadId); mBean.currentPosition = 0; mBean.fileSize = 0; mThreadCount = mBeans.size(); for (DownloadBean subBean : mBeans) { mBean.currentPosition += subBean.currentPosition; if (subBean.fileSize > mBean.fileSize) { mBean.fileSize = subBean.fileSize; } } if (mBean.fileSize < 1) { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { boolean flag = false; synchronized (lock_getFileSize) { flag = getFileSizeByNetwork(mBean); } if (flag) { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_WAITTING; } else { Log.e(TAG, "get file size from network error 2"); } } }).start(); } else { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_WAITTING; } } else { callBackError("getDownloaderInfoFromDB Error,May be EngineDBOperator is Null."); throw new DownloaderErrorException( "getDownloaderInfoFromDB Error,May be EngineDBOperator is Null."); } } /** * @Title: getFileSizeByNetwork * @Description: get file size from network and update listBeans * @param bean * @return * @return: boolean */ private boolean getFileSizeByNetwork(DownloadBean bean) { // HttpURLConnection connection = null; long fileSize = bean.fileSize; try { //resolve android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 9) { StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build(); StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(policy); } String terminalId = AppStorePreference.getTerminalID(mContext); JSONObject downloadJson = ApiService.getDownloadFileJson(terminalId, bean.downloadId); //get file size from network if file size is not initialized if (fileSize <= 0) { // HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpClient client = AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultHttpClient();//https request HttpPost request = new HttpPost(bean.url); request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF8"); request.setEntity(new StringEntity(downloadJson.toString())); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); int resopnseCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (resopnseCode != 200 && resopnseCode != 206) { callBackError("http return code error:" + resopnseCode); return false; } // get file size fileSize = response.getEntity().getContentLength(); mBean.fileSize = fileSize; if (fileSize <= 0) { callBackError("Can't get file size from server:" + fileSize); return false; } //there is no free space both in sdcard and internal if (!hasSpaceInSDCard()) { return false; } long range = fileSize / mThreadCount; // update listBean for (int i = 0; i < mThreadCount - 1; i++) { DownloadBean subBean = mBeans.get(i); subBean.fileSize = fileSize; subBean.startPosition = i * range; subBean.endPosition = (i + 1) * range - 1; } DownloadBean subBean = mBeans.get(mThreadCount - 1); subBean.fileSize = fileSize; subBean.startPosition = (mThreadCount - 1) * range; subBean.endPosition = fileSize - 1; // update database if (mDBOper != null) { mDBOper.updateTaskCompleteSize(mBeans, mBean.url); } else { callBackError("getFileSizeByNetwork error��Maybe EngineDBOperator is Null."); throw new DownloaderErrorException( "getFileSizeByNetwork error��Maybe EngineDBOperator is Null."); } return true; } else {// exit directly when file size > 0 return true; } } catch (Exception e) { callBackError("Time out when get file size from server"); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /** * @Title: startDownloader * @Description: start download, can invoke more than one time * @throws DownloaderErrorException * @return: void */ public void startDownloader() throws DownloaderErrorException { //exit when is downloading if (mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_DOWNLOADING) { return; } if (mBean == null) { callBackError("Downloader is not initialized."); return; } File file = new File(mBean.savePath); File parentDirectory = file.getParentFile(); if (!parentDirectory.exists()) { parentDirectory.mkdirs(); } if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } initBeanInDataBase(); //Forbade for clearing the mbeans list, when error occurred, but restart the task, so to reinitialize mBeans if (mBeans.size() < 1) { try { addDownloaderInfoToDB(mBean); } catch (DownloaderErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } } /** * start to download only when got file size */ synchronized (lock_getFileSize) { //get file size error, try it again. if (mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INIT) { boolean flag = getFileSizeByNetwork(mBean); if (!flag) { callBackError("get file size error"); return; } } //add new by teddy on 6th December start if (mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_PAUSE) { if (mDBOper.isHasDownloadTaskByUrl(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId)) { try { getDownloaderInfoFromDB(mBean); } catch (DownloaderErrorException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } //add new by teddy at 6th December end } mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_DOWNLOADING; mDBOper.removePauseFileByUrl(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId);// remove from pause table mDoneThreadCount = 0;// ��ʼ������߳��� for (DownloadBean bean : mBeans) { //the thread belongs to unfinished task if (bean.currentPosition < (bean.endPosition - bean.startPosition)) { HamalThread hamalThread = new HamalThread(bean); hamalThread.start(); } else {// no need to recreate thread when it is finished mDoneThreadCount++; } } //complete download if (mDoneThreadCount == mThreadCount) { downloaderDone(); } } private class HamalThread extends Thread { private int threadId; private long startPos; private long endPos; private long compeleteSize; private String urlstr; private String downloadId; private JSONObject downloadJson; public HamalThread(DownloadBean bean) { this.threadId = bean.threadId; this.startPos = bean.startPosition; this.endPos = bean.endPosition; this.compeleteSize = bean.currentPosition; this.urlstr = bean.url; this.downloadId = bean.downloadId; String terminalId = AppStorePreference.getTerminalID(mContext); this.downloadJson = ApiService.getDownloadFileJson(terminalId, downloadId); } @Override public void run() { RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = null; InputStream is = null; try { // HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpClient client = AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultHttpClient();//https request HttpPost request = new HttpPost(urlstr); request.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF8"); request.setEntity(new StringEntity(downloadJson.toString())); //multi threads download if (mThreadCount > 1) { // set range (Range��bytes x-y) Header headersize = new BasicHeader("Range", "bytes=" + (startPos + compeleteSize) + "-" + endPos); request.addHeader(headersize); Logger.d(headersize.getValue()); } HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile(mBean.savePath, "rwd"); + compeleteSize); // write downloaded file to the folder is = new BufferedInputStream(response.getEntity().getContent()); Logger.d("sub thread get block size:" + response.getEntity().getContentLength()); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; int length = -1; DownloadUtil eUtil = DownloadUtil.getInstance(); //network is 3G if (DownloadVariable.SUPPORT_NETWORK_TYPE == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_NETWORK_ONLYWIFI) { //network type is not WIFI if (eUtil.getNetworkType() != DownloadConstants.NETWORK_STATE_WIFI) { interruptDownloader(); return; } } while ((length = != -1) { // Network checking if (DownloadVariable.SUPPORT_NETWORK_TYPE == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_NETWORK_ONLYWIFI) { if (eUtil.getNetworkType() != DownloadConstants.NETWORK_STATE_WIFI) { interruptDownloader(); return; } } randomAccessFile.write(buffer, 0, length); compeleteSize += length; synchronized (lock_refresh_progress) { mBean.currentPosition += length; } // update download information to database mDBOper.updateTaskCompleteSize(threadId, compeleteSize, urlstr, downloadId); // stop if (mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_PAUSE || mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INTERRUPT || mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_STOP || mState == DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_ERROR) { return; } } // sub thread downloading finished mDoneThreadCount++; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Connection is interrupted while downloading..."); interruptDownloader(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { if (is != null) { is.close(); } randomAccessFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (mDoneThreadCount == mThreadCount) { downloaderDone(); } } } /** * @Title: getProgress * @Description: get download progress * @return * @return: int */ public int getProgress() { if (mBean == null || mBean.fileSize < 1) { return 0; } return (int) (mBean.currentPosition * 100 / mBean.fileSize); } /** * pause download */ public void pauseDownloader() { try { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_PAUSE; if (null != mBean) { mDBOper.addPauseFile(mBean.url, mBean.packageName, mBean.fileId, mBean.downloadId); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * pause download��not by user�� */ private void interruptDownloader() { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_INTERRUPT; } /** * finish download */ public void stopDownloader() { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_STOP; mBean.currentPosition = 0; removeDownloaderInfo(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId); } /** * remove download info * * @param urlstr */ private void removeDownloaderInfo(String urlstr, String downloadId) { mDBOper.deleteDownloadTaskByUrl(urlstr, downloadId); mDBOper.removePauseFileByUrl(urlstr, downloadId); mBeans.clear(); } /** * download done */ private void downloaderDone() { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_DONE; mBean.doneTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mCallback.callbackWhenDownloadTaskListener(mState, mBean, mBean.fileName + "download successfull"); removeDownloaderInfo(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId); //save finished info save to database mDBOper.addCompleteTask(mBean); } /** * call back when error occurred * * @param info */ private void callBackError(String info) { mState = DownloadConstants.DOWNLOAD_STATE_ERROR; mCallback.callbackWhenDownloadTaskListener(mState, mBean, info); removeDownloaderInfo(mBean.url, mBean.downloadId); } /** * Check if there is enough space */ private boolean hasSpaceInSDCard() { /*if (mBean.fileSize > DownloadUtil.getInstance().getFreeSpaceAtDirectory( Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath())) {*/ if (mBean.fileSize > DownloadUtil.getInstance().getFreeSpaceAtDirectory(mBean.savePath)) { callBackError("There is no enough space."); return false; } return true; } }