package com.gueei.demos.markupDemo.viewModels; import gueei.binding.IObservableCollection; import gueei.binding.collections.ArrayListObservable; import gueei.binding.collections.LazyLoadRowModel; import gueei.binding.observables.BooleanObservable; import gueei.binding.observables.StringObservable; import; import android.widget.Toast; public class DynamicLoadingArrayList { Activity mActivity; public DynamicLoadingArrayList(Activity activity){ mActivity = activity; loadMore(); } // Items will be added dynamically to this list // when the last item is seen public final ArrayListObservable<Item> DynamicLazyList = new ArrayListObservable<Item>(Item.class); int currentBatch = 0, batchItems = 10; public void loadMore(){ if (IsLoading.get()) return; if (!HasMore.get()) return; if (currentBatch<5){ currentBatch ++; Toast.makeText(mActivity, "Loading batch: " + currentBatch, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); IsLoading.set(true); HasMore.set(true); // Simulate slow loading of list new Thread(){ @Override public void run() { for(int i=0; i<batchItems; i++){ // List collection must be modified in UI Thread. mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ public void run() { DynamicLazyList.add(new Item("Batch" + currentBatch + " : ")); } }); try { sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return; } } // Observables also need to set in UI Thread mActivity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ public void run() { IsLoading.set(false); } }); } }.start(); } else{ HasMore.set(false); } } public final BooleanObservable HasMore = new BooleanObservable(true); public final BooleanObservable IsLoading = new BooleanObservable(false); public class Item extends LazyLoadRowModel{ public Item(String batch){ Batch.set(batch); } public final StringObservable Title = new StringObservable("loading..."); public final StringObservable Batch = new StringObservable(); @Override public void onDisplay(IObservableCollection<?> collection, int index) { this.Title.set(this.Batch.get() + index); // We reach the end of the list, // try to load more if (index>=collection.size() - 1){ loadMore(); } } @Override public void onHide(IObservableCollection<?> collection, int index) { this.Title.set("loading..."); } } }