package gueei.binding.collections; import gueei.binding.cursor.ICursorRowModel; import gueei.binding.cursor.IRowModelFactory; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import android.content.Context; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Handler; /** * User: =ra= * Date: 08.10.11 * Time: 12:05 */ public class TrackedCursorCollection<T extends ICursorRowModel> extends CursorCollection<T> { public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType, gueei.binding.collections.CursorCollection.ICursorCacheManager<T> cacheManager) { super(rowModelType, cacheManager); } public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType, IRowModelFactory<T> factory, gueei.binding.collections.CursorCollection.ICursorCacheManager<T> cacheManager, Cursor cursor) { super(rowModelType, factory, cacheManager, cursor); } public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType, IRowModelFactory<T> factory, gueei.binding.collections.CursorCollection.ICursorCacheManager<T> cacheManager) { super(rowModelType, factory, cacheManager); } public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType, Cursor cursor) { super(rowModelType, cursor); } public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType, IRowModelFactory<T> factory) { super(rowModelType, factory); } public TrackedCursorCollection(Class<T> rowModelType) { super(rowModelType); } @Override public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) { if (mCursor == cursor) { // cursor is the same, nothing to do return; } if (null != mCursor) { // unregister content observer related to previous cursor if (null != mCursorContentObserver) { mCursorContentObserver.unregisterUri(); } // unregister previous cursor listener mCursor.unregisterDataSetObserver(mCursorDataSetObserver); } mCursor = cursor; if (null != mCursor) { // register listener to new cursor mCursor.registerDataSetObserver(mCursorDataSetObserver); } mCursorDataSetObserver.onChanged(); // imitate changes } /** * There are no obvious methods like AddItem(s), RemoveItem(s), etc for Сursor * data could be changed anywhere and anytime out from model * sometimes we need to know about data changes * Not sure if we have to track more than one uri (!!!) * * @param context Context to register for data changes * @param uri The URI to watch for changes. This can be a specific row URI, or a base URI * for a whole class of content. * @param notifyForDescendants If <code>true</code> changes to URIs beginning with <code>uri</code> * will also cause notifications to be sent. If <code>false</code> only changes to * the exact URI * specified by <em>uri</em> will cause notifications to be sent. If true, * than any URI values * at or below the specified URI will also trigger a match. */ public void setContentObserverTrackingUri(Context context, Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendants) { if (null != mCursorContentObserver) { mCursorContentObserver.unregisterUri(); mCursorContentObserver = null; } if (null != uri) { mCursorContentObserver = new CollectionContentObserver(new Handler()); mCursorContentObserver.registerUri(context, uri, notifyForDescendants); } } public void setContentObserverTrackingUri(Context context, Uri uri) { setContentObserverTrackingUri(context, uri, false); } protected class CollectionContentObserver extends ContentObserver { public CollectionContentObserver(Handler handler) { super(handler); } @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { if (mCursor != null) { mCursor.requery(); // notifyCollectionChanged will be fired by super.mCursorDataSetObserver.onChange } } public void registerUri(Context context, Uri uri, boolean notifyForDescendants) { unregisterUri(); mContextWeakReference = new WeakReference<Context>(context); if (null != context) { context.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver(uri, notifyForDescendants, this); } } public void unregisterUri() { Context context = (null != mContextWeakReference) ? mContextWeakReference.get() : null; if (null != context) { context.getContentResolver().unregisterContentObserver(this); mContextWeakReference = null; } } protected WeakReference<Context> mContextWeakReference = null; } private CollectionContentObserver mCursorContentObserver; protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { mCursorContentObserver.unregisterUri(); mCursorContentObserver = null; } catch (Exception ignored) { } finally { super.finalize(); } } }