package me.ramswaroop.linkedlists; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedList; import me.ramswaroop.common.SingleLinkedNode; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * * @author: ramswaroop * @date: 6/19/15 * @time: 9:24 AM */ public class DetectLoop { /** * Uses Flyod's Cycle Finding algorithm. * <p/> * This is the fastest method. Traverse * linked list using two pointers. Move one * pointer by one and other pointer by two. * If these pointers meet at some node then * there is a loop. If pointers do not meet * then linked list does not have loop. * <p/> * Time: O(n) * Space: O(1) * * @param list * @return */ public static <E extends Comparable<E>> boolean isLoopPresent(SingleLinkedList<E> list) { SingleLinkedNode<E> slow = list.head, fast =; while (fast != null && != null) { if (slow == fast) { return true; } slow =; fast =; } return false; } /** * Uses HashMap to store visited nodes. * <p/> * Time: O(n) * Space: O(n) * * @param node * @return */ public static <E extends Comparable<E>> boolean isLoopPresentUsingHashMap(SingleLinkedNode<E> node) { HashMap<SingleLinkedNode<E>, Boolean> map = new HashMap<>(); SingleLinkedNode<E> curr = node; while (curr != null) { if (map.get(curr) != null && map.get(curr) == true) { return true; } map.put(curr, true); curr =; } return false; } public static void main(String a[]) { SingleLinkedList<Integer> linkedList = new SingleLinkedList<>(); linkedList.add(00); linkedList.add(11); linkedList.add(22); linkedList.add(33); linkedList.add(44); linkedList.add(55); linkedList.getNode(4).next = linkedList.getNode(3); System.out.println(isLoopPresent(linkedList)); } }