package org.fhnw.aigs.TicTacToe.client; import javafx.animation.ScaleTransition; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.util.Duration; // -- References to internal packages (of this game) import org.fhnw.aigs.TicTacToe.commons.TicTacToeSymbol; /** * A simple {@link Pane } which can contain a cross or a nought symbol. * @author Matthias Stöckli (v1.0) * @version 1.1 (Raphael Stoeckli, 31.07.2014) */ public class TicTacToePane extends Pane{ /** * The image (cross or nought) */ private final ImageView symbolImageView; /** * Creates a new, empty instance of TicTacToePane. */ public TicTacToePane(){ super(); this.symbolImageView = new ImageView(); // Use the class ticTacToeField declared in the css file. this.getStyleClass().add("ticTacToeField"); this.getChildren().add(symbolImageView); } /** * Sets the image view to the respective symbol (cross or nought) * @param playerSymbol The symbol to be set */ public void setPlayerSymbol(TicTacToeSymbol playerSymbol){ Image symbolImage; double height = this.getWidth(); double width = this.getHeight(); if(playerSymbol == TicTacToeSymbol.Cross){ symbolImage = new Image("/Assets/Images/cross.png", height, width, true, false); }else if(playerSymbol == TicTacToeSymbol.Nought){ symbolImage = new Image("/Assets/Images/nought.png", height, width, true, false); }else{ symbolImage = null; } setImage(symbolImageView, symbolImage); // Set the new Symbol } /** * Draws the new image in JavaFX by invoking.<br>This method is needed because the program will crash if a part of a window element is changed without invoking. * @param imageView The ImageView object (field on board) to change * @param image The new image object * @since Version 1.1 (by Raphael Stoeckli) */ public void setImage(ImageView imageView, Image image) { // IMPORTANT - Invoking! // This code is needed by JavaFX. If an image is changed outside of Platform.runLater, the programm will crash! Platform.runLater(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { imageView.setImage(image); } }); } /** * Creates an animation that indicates that the selected symbol has already * been placed there. */ public void playBusyAnimation(){ ImageView symbol = (ImageView) this.getChildren().get(0); ScaleTransition scaleTransition = new ScaleTransition(Duration.millis(100), symbol); scaleTransition.setToX(1.10); scaleTransition.setToY(1.10); scaleTransition.setAutoReverse(true); scaleTransition.setCycleCount(2);; } }