package org.fhnw.aigs.Minesweeper.client; import javafx.application.Application; import javafx.stage.Stage; import org.fhnw.aigs.client.GUI.BaseGameWindow; import org.fhnw.aigs.client.GUI.LoadingWindow; import org.fhnw.aigs.client.communication.ClientCommunication; import org.fhnw.aigs.client.communication.Settings; import org.fhnw.aigs.commons.GameMode; /** * main class of the client application.<br> * All major settings of the particular game, like the game name or the game mode are to be defined in this class.<br> * Don't forgett to set the same game name in the class {@link org.fhnw.aigs.Minesweeper.server.GameLogic} in the package 'server'.<br> * v1.0 Initial release<br> * v1.1 Functional changes<br> * v1.2 Changes due to update on AIGSCommons and AIGSBaseClient * @author Matthias Stöckli (v1.0) * @version 1.2 (Raphael Stoeckli, 04.11.2014) */ public class Main extends Application { /** Number of fields on the x-axis. */ int xFields = 9; /** Number of fields on the y-axis. */ int yFields = 9; /** Number of totalMines in the game. */ int totalMines = 10; /** * This is the starting point of the application * @param primaryStage The primary stage - the "window". */ @Override public void start(Stage primaryStage) { // Create a new ClientGame, set a title (will be used to identify the game) // and set the GameMode MinesweeperClientGame minesweeperClientGame = new MinesweeperClientGame( "Minesweeper", GameMode.SinglePlayer, xFields, yFields, totalMines); // VERY IMPORTANT! The game name must be unique on the server (only onece 'Minesweeper') // Create a root BaseGameWindow which shows a header, a footer and a // content area. Reference a css layout file and set the // title. BaseGameWindow root = new BaseGameWindow(primaryStage,"/Assets/Stylesheets/minesweeper.css", "Minesweeper"); // primaryStage.setTitle("Minesweeper"); //; // Show the window // Create a new board instance MinesweeperBoard minesweeperBoard = new MinesweeperBoard(xFields, yFields, minesweeperClientGame); // Define the appearance of the board and set the event handler // minesweeperBoard.setFields(); //--> // minesweeperBoard.setEventHandlers(); //--> // Set the newly created board as the main content of the window // root.setContent(minesweeperBoard); //--> // Show a loading screen which will disappear as soon as a connection // has been established // root.setOverlay(new LoadingWindow()); //--> // Provide the game with a reference to the root window. This will allow // the game to change the header, footer etc. based on messages. minesweeperClientGame.setGameWindow(root); // Provide the game with a direct reference to the game's graphical // representation of the content. minesweeperClientGame.setMinesweeperBoard(minesweeperBoard); root.InitGame(minesweeperBoard, minesweeperClientGame); // Initialized game // Settings.tryLoadSettings(true); // AWS: // ClientCommunication.setCredentials(minesweeperClientGame, Settings.getInstance().getServerAddress(), Settings.getInstance().getServerPort()); // ClientCommunication.setCredentialsUsingOnlineConfiguration(minesweeperClientGame); // DEPRECATED, respectively: to redefine // Thread communicationThread = new Thread( // ClientCommunication.getInstance()); // communicationThread.start(); } /** * The main() method is ignored in correctly deployed JavaFX application. * main() serves only as fallback in case the application can not be * launched through deployment artifacts, e.g., in IDEs with limited FX * support. NetBeans ignores main(). * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { launch(args); } }