package proj.zoie.hourglass.impl; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException; import org.apache.lucene.index.DirectoryReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import; import; import proj.zoie.api.DirectoryManager; import proj.zoie.api.DocIDMapper; import proj.zoie.api.ZoieException; import proj.zoie.api.ZoieMultiReader; import proj.zoie.api.impl.util.FileUtil; import proj.zoie.api.indexing.IndexReaderDecorator; import proj.zoie.impl.indexing.ZoieSystem; public class HourglassReaderManager<R extends IndexReader, D> { public static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(HourglassReaderManager.class.getName()); private final HourglassDirectoryManagerFactory _dirMgrFactory; private final Hourglass<R, D> hg; private final IndexReaderDecorator<R> _decorator; private volatile Box<R, D> box; private volatile boolean isShutdown = false; private final Thread maintenanceThread; private final ExecutorService retireThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); private final HourglassListener<R, D> listener; private final boolean _appendOnly; @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public HourglassReaderManager(final Hourglass<R, D> hourglass, HourglassDirectoryManagerFactory dirMgrFactory, IndexReaderDecorator<R> decorator, List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> initArchives, List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> initArchiveZoies, List<HourglassListener> hourglassListeners) { hg = hourglass; _dirMgrFactory = dirMgrFactory; _appendOnly = _dirMgrFactory.getScheduler().isAppendOnly(); _decorator = decorator; this.listener = new CompositeHourglassListener(hourglassListeners); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> emptyList = Collections.emptyList(); box = new Box<R, D>(initArchives, initArchiveZoies, emptyList, emptyList, _decorator); maintenanceThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { final int trimThreshold = hourglass._scheduler.getTrimThreshold(); @Override public void run() { while (true) { try { synchronized (this) { this.wait(60000); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn(e); } List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> archives = new LinkedList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(box._archives); List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> add = new LinkedList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> archiveZoies = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._archiveZoies); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> addZoies = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(); try { hourglass._shutdownLock.readLock().lock(); if (isShutdown) {"Already shut down. Quiting maintenance thread."); break; } if (_appendOnly) { if (archives.size() > trimThreshold) {"to maintain"); } else continue; trim(archives); // swap the archive with consolidated one swapArchives(archives, add); } else { if (archiveZoies.size() > trimThreshold) {"to maintain"); } else continue; trimZoie(archiveZoies); // swap the archive with consolidated one swapArchiveZoies(archiveZoies, addZoies); } } finally { hourglass._shutdownLock.readLock().unlock(); } } } }, "HourglassReaderManager Zoie Maintenanace Thread"); maintenanceThread.start(); } /** * consolidate the archived Index to one big optimized index and put in add * @param toRemove * @param add */ private void trimZoie(List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> toRemove) { long timenow = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> toKeep = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.setTimeInMillis(timenow); Calendar threshold = hg._scheduler.getTrimTime(now); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> zoieList = new ArrayList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(toRemove); Collections.sort(zoieList, new Comparator<ZoieSystem<R, D>>() { @Override public int compare(ZoieSystem<R, D> r1, ZoieSystem<R, D> r2) { String name1 = r1.getIndexDir(); String name2 = r2.getIndexDir(); return name2.compareTo(name1); } }); boolean foundOldestToKeep = false; for (ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie : zoieList) { File dir = new File(zoie.getIndexDir()); String path = dir.getName(); if (foundOldestToKeep) { if (listener != null) { List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> readers = null; try { readers = zoie.getIndexReaders(); if (readers != null) { for (ZoieMultiReader<R> reader : readers) listener.onIndexReaderCleanUp(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error happend on reader cleanup", e); } finally { if (readers != null) zoie.returnIndexReaders(readers); } } zoie.shutdown();"trimming: remove " + path); + " -before-- delete"); FileUtil.rmDir(dir); + " -after-- delete"); continue; } else { // Always keep this zoie (when the oldest one to keep has not // been found), no matter the index directory name can be parsed // or not. toKeep.add(zoie); Calendar archivetime = null; try { archivetime = HourglassDirectoryManagerFactory.getCalendarTime(path); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("index directory name bad. potential corruption. Move on without trimming.", e); continue; } if (archivetime.before(threshold)) { foundOldestToKeep = true; } } } toRemove.removeAll(toKeep); } /** * consolidate the archived Index to one big optimized index and put in add * @param toRemove * @param add */ private void trim(List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> toRemove) { long timenow = System.currentTimeMillis(); List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> toKeep = new LinkedList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.setTimeInMillis(timenow); Calendar threshold = hg._scheduler.getTrimTime(now); List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> readerList = new ArrayList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(toRemove); Collections.sort(readerList, new Comparator<ZoieMultiReader<R>>() { @Override public int compare(ZoieMultiReader<R> r1, ZoieMultiReader<R> r2) { String name1 = ((SimpleFSDirectory)(; String name2 = ((SimpleFSDirectory)(; return name2.compareTo(name1); } }); boolean foundOldestToKeep = false; for (ZoieMultiReader<R> reader : readerList) { SimpleFSDirectory dir = (SimpleFSDirectory); String path = dir.getDirectory().getName(); if (foundOldestToKeep) { if (listener != null) { listener.onIndexReaderCleanUp(reader); }"trimming: remove " + path); + " -before--" + (dir.getDirectory().exists() ? " not deleted " : " deleted")); FileUtil.rmDir(dir.getDirectory()); + " -after--" + (dir.getDirectory().exists() ? " not deleted " : " deleted")); continue; } else { // Always keep this reader (when the oldest one to keep has not // been found), no matter the index directory name can be parsed // or not. toKeep.add(reader); Calendar archivetime = null; try { archivetime = HourglassDirectoryManagerFactory.getCalendarTime(path); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error("index directory name bad. potential corruption. Move on without trimming.", e); continue; } if (archivetime.before(threshold)) { foundOldestToKeep = true; } } } toRemove.removeAll(toKeep); } /** * Remove and add should be <b>disjoint</b> * @param remove the zoies to be remove. This has to be disjoint from add. * @param add */ public synchronized void swapArchiveZoies(List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> remove, List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> add) { List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> archives = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(add); if (!box._archiveZoies.containsAll(remove)) { log.error("swapArchiveZoies: potential sync issue. "); } archives.addAll(box._archiveZoies); archives.removeAll(remove); Box<R, D> newbox = new Box<R, D>(box._archives, archives, box._retiree, box._actives, _decorator); box = newbox; } /** * The readers removed will also be decZoieRef(). But the readers to be added will NOT get incZoieRef(), * which means we assume the newly added ones have already been incRef(). * remove and add should be <b>disjoint</b> * @param remove the readers to be remove. This has to be disjoint from add. * @param add */ public synchronized void swapArchives(List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> remove, List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> add) { List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> archives = new LinkedList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(add); if (!box._archives.containsAll(remove)) { log.error("swapArchives: potential sync issue. "); } archives.addAll(box._archives); archives.removeAll(remove); for (ZoieMultiReader<R> r : remove) { r.decZoieRef(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("remove time " + + " refCount: " + r.getInnerRefCount()); } } Box<R, D> newbox = new Box<R, D>(archives, box._archiveZoies, box._retiree, box._actives, _decorator); box = newbox; } public synchronized ZoieSystem<R, D> retireAndNew(final ZoieSystem<R, D> old) { DirectoryManager _dirMgr = _dirMgrFactory.getDirectoryManager(); _dirMgrFactory.clearRecentlyChanged(); ZoieSystem<R, D> newzoie = hg.createZoie(_dirMgr); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> actives = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._actives); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> retiring = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._retiree); if (old != null) { actives.remove(old); retiring.add(old); retireThreadPool.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (listener != null) { listener.onRetiredZoie(old); } retire(old); } }); } actives.add(newzoie); Box<R, D> newbox = new Box<R, D>(box._archives, box._archiveZoies, retiring, actives, _decorator); box = newbox; if (listener != null) { listener.onNewZoie(newzoie); } return newzoie; } /** * @param zoie * @param reader the IndexReader opened on the index the give zoie had written to. */ public synchronized void archive(ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie, ZoieMultiReader<R> reader) { List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> archives = new LinkedList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(box._archives); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> archiveZoies = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._archiveZoies); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> actives = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._actives); List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> retiring = new LinkedList<ZoieSystem<R, D>>(box._retiree); retiring.remove(zoie); if (!_appendOnly) archiveZoies.add(zoie); if (reader != null) { archives.add(reader); } Box<R, D> newbox = new Box<R, D>(archives, archiveZoies, retiring, actives, _decorator); box = newbox; } private synchronized void preshutdown() {"shutting down thread pool."); isShutdown = true; synchronized (maintenanceThread) { maintenanceThread.notifyAll(); } try { maintenanceThread.join(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Maintenance thread interrpted"); } retireThreadPool.shutdown(); } public void shutdown() { preshutdown(); while (true) { TimeUnit unit = TimeUnit.SECONDS; long t = 10L; try { if (retireThreadPool.awaitTermination(t, unit)) break; } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("Exception when trying to shutdown. Will retry.", e); } }"shutting down thread pool complete.");"shutting down indices."); box.shutdown();"shutting down indices complete."); } public synchronized List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> getIndexReaders() throws IOException { List<ZoieMultiReader<R>> list = new ArrayList<ZoieMultiReader<R>>(); if (_appendOnly) { // add the archived index readers. for (ZoieMultiReader<R> r : box._archives) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("add reader from box archives"); } r.incZoieRef(); list.add(r); } } else { // add the archived readers from zoie. for (ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie : box._archiveZoies) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("add reader from box archiveZoies"); } list.addAll(zoie.getIndexReaders()); } } // add the retiring index readers for (ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie : box._retiree) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("add reader from box retiree"); } list.addAll(zoie.getIndexReaders()); } // add the active index readers for (ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie : box._actives) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("add reader from box actvies"); } list.addAll(zoie.getIndexReaders()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("returning reader of size: " + list.size()); } return list; } protected void retire(ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie) { long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();"retiring " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir()); while (true) { long flushwait = 200000L; try { zoie.flushEvents(flushwait); zoie.getAdminMBean().setUseCompoundFile(true); zoie.getAdminMBean().optimize(1); break; } catch (IOException e) { log.error("retiring " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir() + " Should investigate. But move on now.", e); break; } catch (ZoieException e) { if (e.getMessage().indexOf("timed out") < 0) { break; } else {"retiring " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir() + " flushing processing " + flushwait + "ms elapsed"); } } } ZoieMultiReader<R> zoiereader = null; if (_appendOnly) { DirectoryReader reader = null; try { reader = getArchive(zoie); } catch (CorruptIndexException e) { log.error("retiring " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir() + " Should investigate. But move on now.", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("retiring " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir() + " Should investigate. But move on now.", e); } try { zoiereader = new ZoieMultiReader<R>(reader, _decorator); // Initialize docIdMapper DocIDMapper mapper = hg.getzConfig().getDocidMapperFactory().getDocIDMapper(zoiereader); zoiereader.setDocIDMapper(mapper); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e); } } archive(zoie, zoiereader);"retired " + zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir() + " in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t0) + "ms");"Disk Index Size Total Now: " + (hg.getSizeBytes() / 1024L) + "KB"); if (_appendOnly) zoie.shutdown(); } public List<ZoieSystem<R, D>> getArchiveZoies() { return box._archiveZoies; } private DirectoryReader getArchive(ZoieSystem<R, D> zoie) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException { String dirName = zoie.getAdminMBean().getIndexDir(); Directory dir = new SimpleFSDirectory(new File(dirName)); DirectoryReader reader = null; if (DirectoryReader.indexExists(dir)) { reader =; } else {"empty index " + dirName); reader = null; } return reader; } }