package org.mozilla.javascript; import static org.mozilla.javascript.RhinoHelper.RHINO; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.nominanuda.zen.common.Check; import com.nominanuda.zen.stereotype.Factory; /** * this class is supposed to be immutable by other parts of the framework !! beware * */ public class ScopeFactory implements Factory<Scriptable> { private final static int FIXED_ROOT = ScriptableObject.DONTENUM | ScriptableObject.READONLY; private ScriptableObject cachedScope = null; private RhinoEmbedding embedding; @Override public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if(obj == null || ! (obj instanceof ScopeFactory)) { return false; } return toString().equals(obj.toString()); } private final String toStringVal; @Override public String toString() { return toStringVal; } private List<String> sourceScripts = Collections.emptyList(); private List<Class<? extends Script>> compiledScripts = Collections.emptyList(); private List<Class<? extends Scriptable>> definedClasses = Collections.emptyList(); private Map<String, Object> javaObjects = Collections.emptyMap(); private boolean sealed = false; private boolean immutable = false; private boolean allowJavaPackageAccess = false; public ScopeFactory(List<String> _sourceScripts, List<Class<? extends Script>> _compiledScripts, List<Class<? extends Scriptable>> _definedClasses, Map<String, Object> _javaObjects, boolean _sealed) { immutable = true; if(_sourceScripts != null) sourceScripts = _sourceScripts; if(_compiledScripts != null) compiledScripts = _compiledScripts; if(_definedClasses != null) definedClasses = _definedClasses; if(_javaObjects != null) javaObjects = _javaObjects; sealed = _sealed; toStringVal = new Boolean(sealed).toString() + sourceScripts.toString() + compiledScripts.toString() + definedClasses.toString() + javaObjects.toString(); } public ScopeFactory() { toStringVal = toString(); } public boolean isSealed() { return sealed; } public List<String> getSourceScripts() { return sourceScripts; } public List<Class<? extends Script>> getCompiledScripts() { return compiledScripts; } public List<Class<? extends Scriptable>> getDefinedClasses() { return definedClasses; } public Map<String, Object> getJavaObjects() { return javaObjects; } @Override public Scriptable get() throws RuntimeException { return create(); } public Scriptable create() throws RuntimeException { Context cx = Context.getCurrentContext(); if(cx == null) { try { cx = embedding != null ? cx = embedding.enterContext() : Context.enter(); return createInContext(cx); } finally { Context.exit(); } } else { return createInContext(cx); } } public Scriptable createInCurrentContext() throws RuntimeException { return createInContext(Context.getCurrentContext()); } public Scriptable createInContext(Context cx) throws RuntimeException { if (cachedScope != null) { return this.isSealed() ? cachedScope : RHINO.protocloneScriptable(cx, cachedScope); } else { ScriptableObject s; try { s = RHINO.createTopScope(cx, allowJavaPackageAccess); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } for (String k : this.getJavaObjects().keySet()) { s.defineProperty(k, this.getJavaObjects().get(k), FIXED_ROOT); } for (Class<? extends Scriptable> cl : this.getDefinedClasses()) { RHINO.defineClassInScope(s, cl); // TODO remove me // if(MixedHostObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)){ // handleMixedHostObject(cl, s, cx); // } } for (Class<? extends Script> cl : this.getCompiledScripts()) { Script script = RHINO.instantiate(cl, cx); RHINO.evaluateScript(script, cx, s); } for (String path : this.getSourceScripts()) { Reader r; try { r = new InputStreamReader(new URL(path).openStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } RHINO.evaluateReader(cx, r, path, s); } if (this.isSealed()) { s.sealObject(); } cachedScope = s; return this.isSealed() ? s : RHINO.protocloneScriptable(cx, s); } } public void setAllowJavaPackageAccess(boolean allowJavaPackageAccess) { this.allowJavaPackageAccess = allowJavaPackageAccess; cachedScope = null; // reset; } public void setSourceScripts(List<String> sourceScripts) { Check.illegalstate.assertFalse(immutable); this.sourceScripts = sourceScripts; cachedScope = null; // reset; } public void setCompiledScripts(List<Class<? extends Script>> compiledScripts) { Check.illegalstate.assertFalse(immutable); this.compiledScripts = compiledScripts; cachedScope = null; // reset; } public void setDefinedClasses(List<Class<? extends Scriptable>> definedClasses) { Check.illegalstate.assertFalse(immutable); this.definedClasses = definedClasses; cachedScope = null; // reset; } public void setJavaObjects(Map<String, Object> javaObjects) { Check.illegalstate.assertFalse(immutable); this.javaObjects = javaObjects; cachedScope = null; // reset; } public void setSealed(boolean sealed) { Check.illegalstate.assertFalse(immutable); this.sealed = sealed; } public void setEmbedding(RhinoEmbedding embedding) { this.embedding = embedding; } public boolean isAllowJavaPackageAccess() { return allowJavaPackageAccess; } }