package org.yaxim.androidclient.service; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import; import; import de.duenndns.ssl.MemorizingTrustManager; import org.jivesoftware.smack.AccountManager; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionConfiguration; import org.jivesoftware.smack.ConnectionListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.PacketListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.Roster; import org.jivesoftware.smack.RosterEntry; import org.jivesoftware.smack.RosterGroup; import org.jivesoftware.smack.RosterListener; import org.jivesoftware.smack.SmackConfiguration; import org.jivesoftware.smack.XMPPException; import org.jivesoftware.smack.filter.PacketTypeFilter; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.IQ.Type; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Message; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Packet; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence; import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence.Mode; import org.jivesoftware.smack.parsing.ParsingExceptionCallback; import org.jivesoftware.smack.parsing.UnparsablePacket; import org.jivesoftware.smack.provider.ProviderManager; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.DNSUtil; import org.jivesoftware.smack.util.dns.DNSJavaResolver; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.entitycaps.EntityCapsManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.entitycaps.cache.SimpleDirectoryPersistentCache; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.GroupChatInvitation; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.ServiceDiscoveryManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.DiscussionHistory; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.MultiUserChat; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.RoomInfo; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.carbons.Carbon; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.carbons.CarbonManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.entitycaps.provider.CapsExtensionProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.forward.Forwarded; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.DataFormProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.DelayInfoProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.DiscoverInfoProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.DiscoverItemsProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.MUCAdminProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.MUCOwnerProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.provider.MUCUserProvider; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.DelayInformation; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.DelayInfo; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.DiscoverInfo; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.MUCUser; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.packet.Version; import; import*; import; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.receipts.DeliveryReceipt; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.receipts.DeliveryReceiptManager; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.receipts.DeliveryReceiptRequest; import org.jivesoftware.smackx.receipts.ReceiptReceivedListener; import org.yaxim.androidclient.YaximApplication; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.yaxim.androidclient.exceptions.YaximXMPPException; import org.yaxim.androidclient.packet.PreAuth; import org.yaxim.androidclient.packet.Replace; import org.yaxim.androidclient.util.ConnectionState; import org.yaxim.androidclient.util.LogConstants; import org.yaxim.androidclient.util.StatusMode; import org.yaxim.androidclient.R; import; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; public class SmackableImp implements Smackable { final static private String TAG = "yaxim.SmackableImp"; final static private int PACKET_TIMEOUT = 30000; final static private String[] SEND_OFFLINE_PROJECTION = new String[] { ChatConstants._ID, ChatConstants.JID, ChatConstants.MESSAGE, ChatConstants.DATE, ChatConstants.PACKET_ID }; final static private String SEND_OFFLINE_SELECTION = ChatConstants.DIRECTION + " = " + ChatConstants.OUTGOING + " AND " + ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS + " = " + ChatConstants.DS_NEW; static final DiscoverInfo.Identity YAXIM_IDENTITY = new DiscoverInfo.Identity("client", YaximApplication.XMPP_IDENTITY_NAME, YaximApplication.XMPP_IDENTITY_TYPE); static File capsCacheDir = null; ///< this is used to cache if we already initialized EntityCapsCache static { registerSmackProviders(); DNSUtil.setDNSResolver(DNSJavaResolver.getInstance()); // initialize smack defaults before any connections are created SmackConfiguration.setPacketReplyTimeout(PACKET_TIMEOUT); SmackConfiguration.setDefaultPingInterval(0); } static void registerSmackProviders() { ProviderManager pm = ProviderManager.getInstance(); // add IQ handling pm.addIQProvider("query","", new DiscoverInfoProvider()); pm.addIQProvider("query","", new DiscoverItemsProvider()); // add delayed delivery notifications pm.addExtensionProvider("delay","urn:xmpp:delay", new DelayInfoProvider()); pm.addExtensionProvider("x","jabber:x:delay", new DelayInfoProvider()); // add XEP-0092 Software Version pm.addIQProvider("query", Version.NAMESPACE, new Version.Provider()); // data forms pm.addExtensionProvider("x","jabber:x:data", new DataFormProvider()); // add carbons and forwarding pm.addExtensionProvider("forwarded", Forwarded.NAMESPACE, new Forwarded.Provider()); pm.addExtensionProvider("sent", Carbon.NAMESPACE, new Carbon.Provider()); pm.addExtensionProvider("received", Carbon.NAMESPACE, new Carbon.Provider()); // add delivery receipts pm.addExtensionProvider(DeliveryReceipt.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE, new DeliveryReceipt.Provider()); pm.addExtensionProvider(DeliveryReceiptRequest.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE, new DeliveryReceiptRequest.Provider()); // add XMPP Ping (XEP-0199) pm.addIQProvider("ping","urn:xmpp:ping", new PingProvider()); ServiceDiscoveryManager.setDefaultIdentity(YAXIM_IDENTITY); // XEP-0115 Entity Capabilities pm.addExtensionProvider("c", "", new CapsExtensionProvider()); // XEP-0308 Last Message Correction pm.addExtensionProvider("replace", Replace.NAMESPACE, new Replace.Provider()); // XEP-XXXX Pre-Authenticated Roster Subscription pm.addExtensionProvider("preauth", PreAuth.NAMESPACE, new PreAuth.Provider()); // MUC User pm.addExtensionProvider("x","", new MUCUserProvider()); // MUC direct invitation pm.addExtensionProvider("x","jabber:x:conference", new GroupChatInvitation.Provider()); // MUC Admin pm.addIQProvider("query","", new MUCAdminProvider()); // MUC Owner pm.addIQProvider("query","", new MUCOwnerProvider()); XmppStreamHandler.addExtensionProviders(); } private final YaximConfiguration mConfig; private ConnectionConfiguration mXMPPConfig; private XmppStreamHandler.ExtXMPPConnection mXMPPConnection; private XmppStreamHandler mStreamHandler; private Thread mConnectingThread; private Object mConnectingThreadMutex = new Object(); private ConnectionState mRequestedState = ConnectionState.OFFLINE; private ConnectionState mState = ConnectionState.OFFLINE; private String mLastError; private long mLastOnline = 0; //< timestamp of last successful full login (XEP-0198 does not count) private long mLastOffline = 0; //< timestamp of the end of last successful login private XMPPServiceCallback mServiceCallBack; private Roster mRoster; private RosterListener mRosterListener; private PacketListener mPacketListener; private PacketListener mPresenceListener; private ConnectionListener mConnectionListener; private final ContentResolver mContentResolver; private AlarmManager mAlarmManager; private PacketListener mPongListener; private String mPingID; private long mPingTimestamp; private PendingIntent mPingAlarmPendIntent; private PendingIntent mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent; private static final String PING_ALARM = "org.yaxim.androidclient.PING_ALARM"; private static final String PONG_TIMEOUT_ALARM = "org.yaxim.androidclient.PONG_TIMEOUT_ALARM"; private Intent mPingAlarmIntent = new Intent(PING_ALARM); private Intent mPongTimeoutAlarmIntent = new Intent(PONG_TIMEOUT_ALARM); private Service mService; private PongTimeoutAlarmReceiver mPongTimeoutAlarmReceiver = new PongTimeoutAlarmReceiver(); private BroadcastReceiver mPingAlarmReceiver = new PingAlarmReceiver(); private final HashSet<String> mucJIDs = new HashSet<String>(); //< all configured MUCs, joined or not private Map<String, MultiUserChat> multiUserChats; private long mucLastPing = 0; private Map<String, Long> mucLastPong = new HashMap<String, Long>(); //< per-MUC timestamp of last incoming ping result private Map<String, Presence> subscriptionRequests = new HashMap<String, Presence>(); public SmackableImp(YaximConfiguration config, ContentResolver contentResolver, Service service) { this.mConfig = config; this.mContentResolver = contentResolver; this.mService = service; this.mAlarmManager = (AlarmManager)mService.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); mLastOnline = mLastOffline = System.currentTimeMillis(); } // this code runs a DNS resolver, might be blocking private synchronized void initXMPPConnection() { // allow custom server / custom port to override SRV record if (mConfig.customServer.length() > 0) mXMPPConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration(mConfig.customServer, mConfig.port, mConfig.server); else mXMPPConfig = new ConnectionConfiguration(mConfig.server); // use SRV mXMPPConfig.setReconnectionAllowed(false); mXMPPConfig.setSendPresence(false); mXMPPConfig.setCompressionEnabled(false); // disable for now mXMPPConfig.setDebuggerEnabled(mConfig.smackdebug); if (mConfig.require_ssl) this.mXMPPConfig.setSecurityMode(ConnectionConfiguration.SecurityMode.required); // register MemorizingTrustManager for HTTPS try { SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); MemorizingTrustManager mtm = YaximApplication.getApp(mService).mMTM; sc.init(null, new X509TrustManager[] { mtm }, new; this.mXMPPConfig.setCustomSSLContext(sc); this.mXMPPConfig.setHostnameVerifier(mtm.wrapHostnameVerifier( new org.apache.http.conn.ssl.StrictHostnameVerifier())); } catch ( e) { debugLog("initialize MemorizingTrustManager: " + e); } this.mXMPPConnection = new XmppStreamHandler.ExtXMPPConnection(mXMPPConfig); mXMPPConnection.setParsingExceptionCallback(new ParsingExceptionCallback() { @Override public void handleUnparsablePacket(UnparsablePacket up) throws Exception { Exception e = up.getParsingException(); // work around Smack throwing up on mod_mam_archive bug if (e.getMessage().equals("variable cannot be null")) { debugLog("Ignoring invalid disco#info caused by"); e.printStackTrace(); return; } throw e; } }); this.mStreamHandler = new XmppStreamHandler(mXMPPConnection, mConfig.smackdebug); mStreamHandler.addAckReceivedListener(new XmppStreamHandler.AckReceivedListener() { public void ackReceived(long handled, long total) { gotServerPong("" + handled); } }); mConfig.reconnect_required = false; multiUserChats = new HashMap<String, MultiUserChat>(); initServiceDiscovery(); } // blocking, run from a thread! public boolean doConnect(boolean create_account) throws YaximXMPPException { mRequestedState = ConnectionState.ONLINE; updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.CONNECTING); if (mXMPPConnection == null || mConfig.reconnect_required) initXMPPConnection(); tryToConnect(create_account); // actually, authenticated must be true now, or an exception must have // been thrown. if (isAuthenticated()) { updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.LOADING); registerMessageListener(); registerPresenceListener(); registerPongListener(); syncDbRooms(); sendOfflineMessages(); sendUserWatching(); // we need to "ping" the service to let it know we are actually // connected, even when no roster entries will come in updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.ONLINE); } else throw new YaximXMPPException("SMACK connected, but authentication failed"); return true; } // BLOCKING, call on a new Thread! private void updateConnectingThread(Thread new_thread) { synchronized(mConnectingThreadMutex) { if (mConnectingThread == null) { mConnectingThread = new_thread; } else try { Log.d(TAG, "updateConnectingThread: old thread is still running, killing it."); mConnectingThread.interrupt(); mConnectingThread.join(50); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.d(TAG, "updateConnectingThread: failed to join(): " + e); } finally { mConnectingThread = new_thread; } } } private void finishConnectingThread() { synchronized(mConnectingThreadMutex) { mConnectingThread = null; } } /** Non-blocking, synchronized function to connect/disconnect XMPP. * This code is called from outside and returns immediately. The actual work * is done on a background thread, and notified via callback. * @param new_state The state to transition into. Possible values: * OFFLINE to properly close the connection * ONLINE to connect * DISCONNECTED when network goes down * @param create_account When going online, try to register an account. */ @Override public synchronized void requestConnectionState(ConnectionState new_state, final boolean create_account) { Log.d(TAG, "requestConnState: " + mState + " -> " + new_state + (create_account ? " create_account!" : "")); mRequestedState = new_state; if (new_state == mState) return; switch (new_state) { case ONLINE: switch (mState) { case RECONNECT_DELAYED: // TODO: cancel timer case RECONNECT_NETWORK: case DISCONNECTED: case OFFLINE: // update state before starting thread to prevent race conditions updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.CONNECTING); // register ping (connection) timeout handler: 2*PACKET_TIMEOUT(30s) + 3s registerPongTimeout(2*PACKET_TIMEOUT + 3000, "connection"); new Thread() { @Override public void run() { updateConnectingThread(this); try { doConnect(create_account); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // this might happen when DNS resolution in ConnectionConfiguration fails onDisconnected(e); } catch (IllegalStateException e) {//TODO: work around old smack onDisconnected(e); } catch (YaximXMPPException e) { onDisconnected(e); } finally { mAlarmManager.cancel(mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent); finishConnectingThread(); } } }.start(); break; case CONNECTING: case LOADING: case DISCONNECTING: // ignore all other cases break; } break; case DISCONNECTED: // spawn thread to do disconnect if (mState == ConnectionState.ONLINE) { // update state before starting thread to prevent race conditions updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.DISCONNECTING); // register ping (connection) timeout handler: PACKET_TIMEOUT(30s) registerPongTimeout(PACKET_TIMEOUT, "forced disconnect"); new Thread() { public void run() { updateConnectingThread(this); mStreamHandler.quickShutdown(); onDisconnected("forced disconnect completed"); finishConnectingThread(); //updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.OFFLINE); } }.start(); } break; case OFFLINE: switch (mState) { case CONNECTING: case LOADING: case ONLINE: // update state before starting thread to prevent race conditions updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.DISCONNECTING); // register ping (connection) timeout handler: PACKET_TIMEOUT(30s) registerPongTimeout(PACKET_TIMEOUT, "manual disconnect"); // spawn thread to do disconnect new Thread() { public void run() { updateConnectingThread(this); mXMPPConnection.shutdown(); mStreamHandler.close(); mAlarmManager.cancel(mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent); // we should reset XMPPConnection the next time mConfig.reconnect_required = true; finishConnectingThread(); // reconnect if it was requested in the meantime if (mRequestedState == ConnectionState.ONLINE) requestConnectionState(ConnectionState.ONLINE); } }.start(); break; case DISCONNECTING: break; case DISCONNECTED: case RECONNECT_DELAYED: // TODO: clear timer case RECONNECT_NETWORK: updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.OFFLINE); } break; case RECONNECT_NETWORK: case RECONNECT_DELAYED: switch (mState) { case DISCONNECTED: case RECONNECT_NETWORK: case RECONNECT_DELAYED: updateConnectionState(new_state); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not go from " + mState + " to " + new_state); } } } @Override public void requestConnectionState(ConnectionState new_state) { requestConnectionState(new_state, false); } @Override public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { return mState; } @Override public long getConnectionStateTimestamp() { return (mState == ConnectionState.ONLINE) ? mLastOnline : mLastOffline; } // called at the end of a state transition private synchronized void updateConnectionState(ConnectionState new_state) { if (new_state == ConnectionState.ONLINE || new_state == ConnectionState.LOADING) mLastError = null; Log.d(TAG, "updateConnectionState: " + mState + " -> " + new_state + " (" + mLastError + ")"); if (new_state == mState) return; if (mState == ConnectionState.ONLINE) mLastOffline = System.currentTimeMillis(); mState = new_state; if (mServiceCallBack != null) mServiceCallBack.connectionStateChanged(); } private void initServiceDiscovery() { // register connection features ServiceDiscoveryManager sdm = ServiceDiscoveryManager.getInstanceFor(mXMPPConnection); // init Entity Caps manager with storage in app's cache dir try { if (capsCacheDir == null) { capsCacheDir = new File(mService.getCacheDir(), "entity-caps-cache"); capsCacheDir.mkdirs(); EntityCapsManager.setPersistentCache(new SimpleDirectoryPersistentCache(capsCacheDir)); } } catch ( e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not init Entity Caps cache: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } // reference PingManager, set ping flood protection to 10s PingManager.getInstanceFor(mXMPPConnection).disablePingFloodProtection(); // set Version for replies String app_name = mService.getString(R.string.app_name); String build_revision = mService.getString(R.string.build_revision); Version.Manager.getInstanceFor(mXMPPConnection).setVersion( new Version(app_name, build_revision, "Android")); // reference DeliveryReceiptManager, add listener DeliveryReceiptManager dm = DeliveryReceiptManager.getInstanceFor(mXMPPConnection); dm.addReceiptReceivedListener(new ReceiptReceivedListener() { // DOES NOT WORK IN CARBONS public void onReceiptReceived(String fromJid, String toJid, String receiptId) { Log.d(TAG, "got delivery receipt for " + receiptId); changeMessageDeliveryStatus(receiptId, ChatConstants.DS_ACKED); }}); } public void addRosterItem(String user, String alias, String group, String token) throws YaximXMPPException { subscriptionRequests.remove(user); mConfig.whitelistInvitationJID(user); tryToAddRosterEntry(user, alias, group, token); } public void removeRosterItem(String user) throws YaximXMPPException { debugLog("removeRosterItem(" + user + ")"); subscriptionRequests.remove(user); tryToRemoveRosterEntry(user); } public void renameRosterItem(String user, String newName) throws YaximXMPPException { RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(user); if (!(newName.length() > 0) || (rosterEntry == null)) { throw new YaximXMPPException("JabberID to rename is invalid!"); } rosterEntry.setName(newName); } public void addRosterGroup(String group) { mRoster.createGroup(group); } public void renameRosterGroup(String group, String newGroup) { RosterGroup groupToRename = mRoster.getGroup(group); groupToRename.setName(newGroup); } public void moveRosterItemToGroup(String user, String group) throws YaximXMPPException { tryToMoveRosterEntryToGroup(user, group); } public void sendPresenceRequest(String user, String type) { // HACK: remove the fake roster entry added by handleIncomingSubscribe() subscriptionRequests.remove(user); if ("unsubscribed".equals(type)) deleteRosterEntryFromDB(user); Presence response = new Presence(Presence.Type.valueOf(type)); response.setTo(user); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(response); } @Override public String changePassword(String newPassword) { try { new AccountManager(mXMPPConnection).changePassword(newPassword); return "OK"; //HACK: hard coded string to differentiate from failure modes } catch (XMPPException e) { if (e.getXMPPError() != null) return e.getXMPPError().toString(); else return e.getLocalizedMessage(); } } private void onDisconnected(String reason) { unregisterPongListener(); mLastError = reason; updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED); } private void onDisconnected(Throwable reason) { Log.e(TAG, "onDisconnected: " + reason); reason.printStackTrace(); // iterate through to the deepest exception while (reason.getCause() != null && !(reason.getCause().getClass().getSimpleName().equals("GaiException"))) reason = reason.getCause(); onDisconnected(reason.getLocalizedMessage()); } private void tryToConnect(boolean create_account) throws YaximXMPPException { try { if (mXMPPConnection.isConnected()) { try { mStreamHandler.quickShutdown(); // blocking shutdown prior to re-connection } catch (Exception e) { debugLog("conn.shutdown() failed: " + e); } } registerRosterListener(); boolean need_bind = !mStreamHandler.isResumePossible(); if (mConnectionListener != null) mXMPPConnection.removeConnectionListener(mConnectionListener); mConnectionListener = new ConnectionListener() { public void connectionClosedOnError(Exception e) { // XXX: this is the only callback we get from errors, so // we need to check for non-resumability and work around // here: if (!mStreamHandler.isResumePossible()) { for (MultiUserChat muc : multiUserChats.values()) muc.cleanup(); multiUserChats.clear(); mucLastPong.clear(); mucLastPing = 0; } onDisconnected(e); } public void connectionClosed() { // TODO: fix reconnect when we got kicked by the server or SM failed! //onDisconnected(null); for (MultiUserChat muc : multiUserChats.values()) muc.cleanup(); multiUserChats.clear(); mucLastPong.clear(); mucLastPing = 0; updateConnectionState(ConnectionState.OFFLINE); } public void reconnectingIn(int seconds) { } public void reconnectionFailed(Exception e) { } public void reconnectionSuccessful() { } }; mXMPPConnection.addConnectionListener(mConnectionListener); mXMPPConnection.connect(need_bind); // SMACK auto-logins if we were authenticated before if (!mXMPPConnection.isAuthenticated()) { if (create_account) { Log.d(TAG, "creating new server account..."); AccountManager am = new AccountManager(mXMPPConnection); am.createAccount(mConfig.userName, mConfig.password); } mXMPPConnection.login(mConfig.userName, mConfig.password, mConfig.ressource); } Log.d(TAG, "SM: can resume = " + mStreamHandler.isResumePossible() + " needbind=" + need_bind); if (need_bind) { mStreamHandler.notifyInitialLogin(); cleanupMUCs(true); setStatusFromConfig(); discoverMUCDomainAsync(); mLastOnline = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (Exception e) { // actually we just care for IllegalState or NullPointer or XMPPEx. throw new YaximXMPPException("tryToConnect failed", e); } } private void tryToMoveRosterEntryToGroup(String userName, String groupName) throws YaximXMPPException { RosterGroup rosterGroup = getRosterGroup(groupName); RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(userName); removeRosterEntryFromGroups(rosterEntry); if (groupName.length() == 0) return; else { try { rosterGroup.addEntry(rosterEntry); } catch (XMPPException e) { throw new YaximXMPPException("tryToMoveRosterEntryToGroup", e); } } } private RosterGroup getRosterGroup(String groupName) { RosterGroup rosterGroup = mRoster.getGroup(groupName); // create group if unknown if ((groupName.length() > 0) && rosterGroup == null) { rosterGroup = mRoster.createGroup(groupName); } return rosterGroup; } private void removeRosterEntryFromGroups(RosterEntry rosterEntry) throws YaximXMPPException { Collection<RosterGroup> oldGroups = rosterEntry.getGroups(); for (RosterGroup group : oldGroups) { tryToRemoveUserFromGroup(group, rosterEntry); } } private void tryToRemoveUserFromGroup(RosterGroup group, RosterEntry rosterEntry) throws YaximXMPPException { try { group.removeEntry(rosterEntry); } catch (XMPPException e) { throw new YaximXMPPException("tryToRemoveUserFromGroup", e); } } private void tryToRemoveRosterEntry(String user) throws YaximXMPPException { try { RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(user); if (rosterEntry != null) { // first, unsubscribe the user Presence unsub = new Presence(Presence.Type.unsubscribed); unsub.setTo(rosterEntry.getUser()); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(unsub); // then, remove from roster mRoster.removeEntry(rosterEntry); } } catch (XMPPException e) { throw new YaximXMPPException("tryToRemoveRosterEntry", e); } } private void tryToAddRosterEntry(String user, String alias, String group, String token) throws YaximXMPPException { try { // send a presence subscription request with token (must be before roster action!) if (token != null && token.length() > 0) { Presence preauth = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribe); preauth.setTo(user); preauth.addExtension(new PreAuth(token)); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(preauth); } // add to roster, triggers another sub request by Smack (sigh) mRoster.createEntry(user, alias, new String[] { group }); // send a pre-approval Presence pre_approval = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribed); pre_approval.setTo(user); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(pre_approval); mConfig.whitelistInvitationJID(user); } catch (XMPPException e) { throw new YaximXMPPException("tryToAddRosterEntry", e); } } private void removeOldRosterEntries() { Log.d(TAG, "removeOldRosterEntries()"); Collection<RosterEntry> rosterEntries = mRoster.getEntries(); StringBuilder exclusion = new StringBuilder(RosterConstants.JID + " NOT IN ("); boolean first = true; for (RosterEntry rosterEntry : rosterEntries) { if (first) first = false; else exclusion.append(","); exclusion.append("'").append(rosterEntry.getUser()).append("'"); } exclusion.append(") AND "+RosterConstants.GROUP+" NOT IN ('" + RosterProvider.RosterConstants.MUCS + "');"); int count = mContentResolver.delete(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, exclusion.toString(), null); Log.d(TAG, "deleted " + count + " old roster entries"); } // HACK: add an incoming subscription request as a fake roster entry private void handleIncomingSubscribe(Presence request) { // perform Pre-Authenticated Roster Subscription, fallback to manual try { String jid = request.getFrom(); PreAuth preauth = (PreAuth)request.getExtension(PreAuth.ELEMENT, PreAuth.NAMESPACE); String jid_or_token = jid; if (preauth != null) { jid_or_token = preauth.getToken(); Log.d(TAG, "PARS: found token " + jid_or_token); } if (mConfig.redeemInvitationCode(jid_or_token)) { Log.d(TAG, "PARS: approving request from " + jid); if (mRoster.getEntry(request.getFrom()) != null) { // already in roster, only send approval Presence response = new Presence(Presence.Type.subscribed); response.setTo(jid); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(response); } else { tryToAddRosterEntry(jid, null, "", null); } return; } } catch (YaximXMPPException e) { Log.d(TAG, "PARS: failed to send response: " + e); } subscriptionRequests.put(request.getFrom(), request); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(RosterConstants.JID, request.getFrom()); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, getStatusInt(request)); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, request.getStatus()); if (!mRoster.contains(request.getFrom())) { // reset alias and group for new entries values.put(RosterConstants.ALIAS, request.getFrom()); values.put(RosterConstants.GROUP, ""); }; upsertRoster(values, request.getFrom()); } public void setStatusFromConfig() { // TODO: only call this when carbons changed, not on every presence change CarbonManager.getInstanceFor(mXMPPConnection).sendCarbonsEnabled(mConfig.messageCarbons); Presence presence = new Presence(Presence.Type.available); Mode mode = Mode.valueOf(mConfig.getPresenceMode().toString()); presence.setMode(mode); presence.setStatus(mConfig.statusMessage); presence.setPriority(mConfig.priority); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(presence); mConfig.presence_required = false; } public void sendOfflineMessages() { Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, SEND_OFFLINE_PROJECTION, SEND_OFFLINE_SELECTION, null, null); final int _ID_COL = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ChatConstants._ID); final int JID_COL = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ChatConstants.JID); final int MSG_COL = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ChatConstants.MESSAGE); final int TS_COL = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ChatConstants.DATE); final int PACKETID_COL = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ChatConstants.PACKET_ID); ContentValues mark_sent = new ContentValues(); mark_sent.put(ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS, ChatConstants.DS_SENT_OR_READ); while (cursor.moveToNext()) { int _id = cursor.getInt(_ID_COL); String toJID = cursor.getString(JID_COL); String message = cursor.getString(MSG_COL); String packetID = cursor.getString(PACKETID_COL); long ts = cursor.getLong(TS_COL); Log.d(TAG, "sendOfflineMessages: " + toJID + " > " + message); final Message newMessage = new Message(toJID,; newMessage.setBody(message); DelayInformation delay = new DelayInformation(new Date(ts)); newMessage.addExtension(delay); newMessage.addExtension(new DelayInfo(delay)); if (mucJIDs.contains(toJID)) newMessage.setType(Message.Type.groupchat); else newMessage.addExtension(new DeliveryReceiptRequest()); if ((packetID != null) && (packetID.length() > 0)) { newMessage.setPacketID(packetID); } else { packetID = newMessage.getPacketID(); } mark_sent.put(ChatConstants.PACKET_ID, packetID); Uri rowuri = Uri.parse("content://" + ChatProvider.AUTHORITY + "/" + ChatProvider.TABLE_NAME + "/" + _id); mContentResolver.update(rowuri, mark_sent, null, null); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(newMessage); // must be after marking delivered, otherwise it may override the SendFailListener } cursor.close(); } public static void sendOfflineMessage(ContentResolver cr, String toJID, String message) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ChatConstants.DIRECTION, ChatConstants.OUTGOING); values.put(ChatConstants.JID, toJID); values.put(ChatConstants.MESSAGE, message); values.put(ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS, ChatConstants.DS_NEW); values.put(ChatConstants.DATE, System.currentTimeMillis()); values.put(ChatConstants.PACKET_ID, Packet.nextID()); cr.insert(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, values); } public void sendReceiptIfRequested(Packet packet) { DeliveryReceiptRequest drr = (DeliveryReceiptRequest)packet.getExtension( DeliveryReceiptRequest.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE); if (drr != null) { Message ack = new Message(packet.getFrom(), Message.Type.normal); ack.addExtension(new DeliveryReceipt(packet.getPacketID())); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(ack); } } public void sendMessage(String toJID, String message) { final Message newMessage = new Message(toJID,; newMessage.setBody(message); newMessage.addExtension(new DeliveryReceiptRequest()); if (isAuthenticated()) { if(mucJIDs.contains(toJID)) { sendMucMessage(toJID, message); } else { addChatMessageToDB(ChatConstants.OUTGOING, toJID, message, ChatConstants.DS_SENT_OR_READ, System.currentTimeMillis(), newMessage.getPacketID()); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(newMessage); } } else { // send offline -> store to DB addChatMessageToDB(ChatConstants.OUTGOING, toJID, message, ChatConstants.DS_NEW, System.currentTimeMillis(), newMessage.getPacketID()); } } public boolean isAuthenticated() { if (mXMPPConnection != null) { return (mXMPPConnection.isConnected() && mXMPPConnection .isAuthenticated()); } return false; } public void registerCallback(XMPPServiceCallback callBack) { this.mServiceCallBack = callBack; mService.registerReceiver(mPingAlarmReceiver, new IntentFilter(PING_ALARM)); mService.registerReceiver(mPongTimeoutAlarmReceiver, new IntentFilter(PONG_TIMEOUT_ALARM)); } public void unRegisterCallback() { debugLog("unRegisterCallback()"); // remove callbacks _before_ tossing old connection try { mXMPPConnection.getRoster().removeRosterListener(mRosterListener); mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPacketListener); mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPresenceListener); mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPongListener); unregisterPongListener(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore it! e.printStackTrace(); } requestConnectionState(ConnectionState.OFFLINE); setStatusOffline(); mService.unregisterReceiver(mPingAlarmReceiver); mService.unregisterReceiver(mPongTimeoutAlarmReceiver); // multiUserChats.clear(); // TODO: right place this.mServiceCallBack = null; } public String getNameForJID(String jid) { if (jid.contains("/")) { // MUC-PM String[] jid_parts = jid.split("/", 2); return String.format("%s (%s)", jid_parts[1], ChatRoomHelper.getRoomName(mService, jid_parts[0])); } RosterEntry re = mRoster.getEntry(jid); if (null != re && null != re.getName() && re.getName().length() > 0) { return re.getName(); } else if (mucJIDs.contains(jid)) { return ChatRoomHelper.getRoomName(mService, jid); } else { return jid; } } public long getRowIdForMessage(String jid, String resource, int direction, String packet_id) { // query the DB for the RowID, return -1 if packet_id does not match Cursor c = mContentResolver.query(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ChatConstants._ID, ChatConstants.PACKET_ID }, "jid = ? AND resource = ? AND from_me = ?", new String[] { jid, resource, "" + direction }, "_id DESC"); long result = -1; if (c.moveToFirst() && c.getString(1).equals(packet_id)) result = c.getLong(0); c.close(); return result; } private void setStatusOffline() { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.offline.ordinal()); mContentResolver.update(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, values, null, null); } private void registerRosterListener() { // flush roster on connecting. mRoster = mXMPPConnection.getRoster(); mRoster.setSubscriptionMode(Roster.SubscriptionMode.manual); if (mRosterListener != null) mRoster.removeRosterListener(mRosterListener); mRosterListener = new RosterListener() { private boolean first_roster = true; public void entriesAdded(Collection<String> entries) { debugLog("entriesAdded(" + entries + ")"); ContentValues[] cvs = new ContentValues[entries.size()]; int i = 0; for (String entry : entries) { RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(entry); cvs[i++] = getContentValuesForRosterEntry(rosterEntry); } mContentResolver.bulkInsert(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, cvs); // when getting the roster in the beginning, remove remains of old one if (first_roster) { removeOldRosterEntries(); first_roster = false; } debugLog("entriesAdded() done"); } public void entriesDeleted(Collection<String> entries) { debugLog("entriesDeleted(" + entries + ")"); for (String entry : entries) { deleteRosterEntryFromDB(entry); } } public void entriesUpdated(Collection<String> entries) { debugLog("entriesUpdated(" + entries + ")"); for (String entry : entries) { RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(entry); updateRosterEntryInDB(rosterEntry); } } public void presenceChanged(Presence presence) { debugLog("presenceChanged(" + presence.getFrom() + "): " + presence); String jabberID = getBareJID(presence.getFrom()); RosterEntry rosterEntry = mRoster.getEntry(jabberID); if (rosterEntry != null) upsertRoster(getContentValuesForRosterEntry(rosterEntry, presence), rosterEntry.getUser()); } }; mRoster.addRosterListener(mRosterListener); } private String getBareJID(String from) { String[] res = from.split("/", 2); return res[0].toLowerCase(); } private String[] getJabberID(String from) { if(from.contains("/")) { String[] res = from.split("/", 2); return new String[] { res[0], res[1] }; } else { return new String[] {from, ""}; } } public boolean changeMessageDeliveryStatus(String packetID, int new_status) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS, new_status); Uri rowuri = Uri.parse("content://" + ChatProvider.AUTHORITY + "/" + ChatProvider.TABLE_NAME); return mContentResolver.update(rowuri, cv, ChatConstants.PACKET_ID + " = ? AND " + ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS + " != " + ChatConstants.DS_ACKED + " AND " + ChatConstants.DIRECTION + " = " + ChatConstants.OUTGOING, new String[] { packetID }) > 0; } protected boolean is_user_watching = false; public void setUserWatching(boolean user_watching) { if (is_user_watching == user_watching) return; is_user_watching = user_watching; if (mXMPPConnection != null && mXMPPConnection.isAuthenticated()) sendUserWatching(); } protected void sendUserWatching() { IQ toggle_google_queue = new IQ() { public String getChildElementXML() { // enable g:q = start queueing packets = do it when the user is gone return "<query xmlns='google:queue'><" + (is_user_watching ? "disable" : "enable") + "/></query>"; } }; toggle_google_queue.setType(IQ.Type.SET); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(toggle_google_queue); } /** Check the server connection, reconnect if needed. * * This function will try to ping the server if we are connected, and try * to reestablish a connection otherwise. */ public void sendServerPing() { if (mXMPPConnection == null || !mXMPPConnection.isAuthenticated()) { debugLog("Ping: requested, but not connected to server."); requestConnectionState(ConnectionState.ONLINE, false); return; } if (mPingID != null) { debugLog("Ping: requested, but still waiting for " + mPingID); return; // a ping is still on its way } if (mStreamHandler.isSmEnabled()) { debugLog("Ping: sending SM request"); mPingID = "" + mStreamHandler.requestAck(); } else { Ping ping = new Ping(); ping.setType(Type.GET); ping.setTo(mConfig.server); mPingID = ping.getPacketID(); debugLog("Ping: sending ping " + mPingID); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(ping); } // register ping timeout handler: PACKET_TIMEOUT(30s) + 3s registerPongTimeout(PACKET_TIMEOUT + 3000, mPingID); } private void gotServerPong(String pongID) { long latency = System.currentTimeMillis() - mPingTimestamp; if (pongID != null && pongID.equals(mPingID)) Log.i(TAG, String.format("Ping: server latency %1.3fs", latency/1000.)); else Log.i(TAG, String.format("Ping: server latency %1.3fs (estimated)", latency/1000.)); mPingID = null; mAlarmManager.cancel(mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent); } /** Register a "pong" timeout on the connection. */ private void registerPongTimeout(long wait_time, String id) { mPingID = id; mPingTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); debugLog(String.format("Ping: registering timeout for %s: %1.3fs", id, wait_time/1000.)); mAlarmManager.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() + wait_time, mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent); } /** * BroadcastReceiver to trigger reconnect on pong timeout. */ private class PongTimeoutAlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent i) { debugLog("Ping: timeout for " + mPingID); onDisconnected(mService.getString(R.string.conn_ping_timeout)); } } /** * BroadcastReceiver to trigger sending pings to the server */ private class PingAlarmReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { public void onReceive(Context ctx, Intent i) { try { sendServerPing(); // ping all MUCs. if no ping was received since last attempt, /cycle Iterator<MultiUserChat> muc_it = multiUserChats.values().iterator(); long ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); ContentValues cvR = new ContentValues(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, mService.getString(R.string.conn_ping_timeout)); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.offline.ordinal()); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.GROUP, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.MUCS); while (muc_it.hasNext()) { MultiUserChat muc =; if (!muc.isJoined()) continue; Long lastPong = mucLastPong.get(muc.getRoom()); if (mucLastPing > 0 && (lastPong == null || lastPong < mucLastPing)) { debugLog("Ping timeout from " + muc.getRoom()); muc.leave(); upsertRoster(cvR, muc.getRoom()); } else { Ping ping = new Ping(); ping.setType(Type.GET); String jid = muc.getRoom() + "/" + muc.getNickname(); ping.setTo(jid); mPingID = ping.getPacketID(); debugLog("Ping: sending ping to " + jid); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(ping); } } syncDbRooms(); mucLastPing = ts; } catch (NullPointerException npe) { /* ignore disconnect race condition */ } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { /* ignore disconnect race condition */ } } } /** * Registers a smack packet listener for IQ packets, intended to recognize "pongs" with * a packet id matching the last "ping" sent to the server. * * Also sets up the AlarmManager Timer plus necessary intents. */ private void registerPongListener() { // reset ping expectation on new connection mPingID = null; if (mPongListener != null) mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPongListener); mPongListener = new PacketListener() { @Override public void processPacket(Packet packet) { if (packet == null) return; if (packet instanceof IQ && packet.getFrom() != null) { IQ ping = (IQ)packet; String from_bare = getBareJID(ping.getFrom()); // check for ping error or RESULT if (ping.getType() == Type.RESULT && mucJIDs.contains(from_bare)) { Log.d(TAG, "Ping: got response from MUC " + from_bare); mucLastPong.put(from_bare, System.currentTimeMillis()); } } if (mPingID != null && mPingID.equals(packet.getPacketID())) gotServerPong(packet.getPacketID()); } }; mXMPPConnection.addPacketListener(mPongListener, new PacketTypeFilter(IQ.class)); mPingAlarmPendIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mService.getApplicationContext(), 0, mPingAlarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(mService.getApplicationContext(), 0, mPongTimeoutAlarmIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); mAlarmManager.setInexactRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() + AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES, AlarmManager.INTERVAL_FIFTEEN_MINUTES, mPingAlarmPendIntent); } private void unregisterPongListener() { mAlarmManager.cancel(mPingAlarmPendIntent); mAlarmManager.cancel(mPongTimeoutAlarmPendIntent); } private void registerMessageListener() { // do not register multiple packet listeners if (mPacketListener != null) mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPacketListener); PacketTypeFilter filter = new PacketTypeFilter(Message.class); mPacketListener = new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(Packet packet) { try { if (packet instanceof Message) { Message msg = (Message) packet; String[] fromJID = getJabberID(msg.getFrom()); int direction = ChatConstants.INCOMING; Carbon cc = CarbonManager.getCarbon(msg); if (cc != null && !msg.getFrom().equalsIgnoreCase(mConfig.jabberID)) { Log.w(TAG, "Received illegal carbon from " + msg.getFrom() + ": " + cc.toXML()); cc = null; } // extract timestamp long ts; DelayInfo timestamp = (DelayInfo)msg.getExtension("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); if (timestamp == null) timestamp = (DelayInfo)msg.getExtension("x", "jabber:x:delay"); if (cc != null) // Carbon timestamp overrides packet timestamp timestamp = cc.getForwarded().getDelayInfo(); if (timestamp != null) ts = timestamp.getStamp().getTime(); else ts = System.currentTimeMillis(); // try to extract a carbon if (cc != null) { Log.d(TAG, "carbon: " + cc.toXML()); msg = (Message)cc.getForwarded().getForwardedPacket(); // outgoing carbon: fromJID is actually chat peer's JID if (cc.getDirection() == Carbon.Direction.sent) { fromJID = getJabberID(msg.getTo()); direction = ChatConstants.OUTGOING; } else { fromJID = getJabberID(msg.getFrom()); // hook off carbonated delivery receipts DeliveryReceipt dr = (DeliveryReceipt)msg.getExtension( DeliveryReceipt.ELEMENT, DeliveryReceipt.NAMESPACE); if (dr != null) { Log.d(TAG, "got CC'ed delivery receipt for " + dr.getId()); changeMessageDeliveryStatus(dr.getId(), ChatConstants.DS_ACKED); } } // ignore carbon copies of OTR messages sent by broken clients if (msg.getBody() != null && msg.getBody().startsWith("?OTR")) { Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring OTR carbon from " + msg.getFrom() + " to " + msg.getTo()); return; } } // check for jabber MUC invitation if(direction == ChatConstants.INCOMING && handleMucInvitation(msg)) { sendReceiptIfRequested(packet); return; } String chatMessage = msg.getBody(); // display error inline if (msg.getType() == Message.Type.error) { if (changeMessageDeliveryStatus(msg.getPacketID(), ChatConstants.DS_FAILED)) mServiceCallBack.notifyMessage(fromJID, msg.getError().toString(), (cc != null), Message.Type.error); else if (mucJIDs.contains(msg.getFrom())) { handleKickedFromMUC(msg.getFrom(), false, null, msg.getError().toString()); } return; // we do not want to add errors as "incoming messages" } // ignore empty messages if (chatMessage == null) { if (msg.getSubject() != null && msg.getType() == Message.Type.groupchat && mucJIDs.contains(fromJID[0])) { // this is a MUC subject, update our DB ContentValues cvR = new ContentValues(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, msg.getSubject()); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.available.ordinal()); Log.d(TAG, "MUC subject for " + fromJID[0] + " set to: " + msg.getSubject()); upsertRoster(cvR, fromJID[0]); return; } Log.d(TAG, "empty message."); return; } // obtain Last Message Correction, if present Replace replace = (Replace)msg.getExtension(Replace.NAMESPACE); String replace_id = (replace != null) ? replace.getId() : null; // carbons are old. all others are new int is_new = (cc == null) ? ChatConstants.DS_NEW : ChatConstants.DS_SENT_OR_READ; if (msg.getType() == Message.Type.error) is_new = ChatConstants.DS_FAILED; boolean is_muc = (msg.getType() == Message.Type.groupchat); boolean is_from_me = (direction == ChatConstants.OUTGOING) || (is_muc && fromJID[1].equals(getMyMucNick(fromJID[0]))); // handle MUC-PMs: messages from a nick from a known MUC or with // an <x> element MUCUser muc_x = (MUCUser)msg.getExtension("x", ""); boolean is_muc_pm = !is_muc && !TextUtils.isEmpty(fromJID[1]) && (muc_x != null || mucJIDs.contains(fromJID[0])); // TODO: ignoring 'received' MUC-PM carbons, until XSF sorts out shit: // - if yaxim is in the MUC, it will receive a non-carbonated copy of // incoming messages, but not of outgoing ones // - if yaxim isn't in the MUC, it can't respond anyway if (is_muc_pm && !is_from_me && cc != null) return; if (is_muc_pm) { // store MUC-PMs under the participant's full JID, not bare //is_from_me = fromJID[1].equals(getMyMucNick(fromJID[0])); fromJID[0] = fromJID[0] + "/" + fromJID[1]; fromJID[1] = null; Log.d(TAG, "MUC-PM: " + fromJID[0] + " d=" + direction + " fromme=" + is_from_me); } // Carbons and MUC history are 'silent' by default boolean is_silent = (cc != null) || (is_muc && timestamp != null); if (!is_muc || checkAddMucMessage(msg, msg.getPacketID(), fromJID, timestamp)) { addChatMessageToDB(direction, fromJID, chatMessage, is_new, ts, msg.getPacketID(), replace_id); // only notify on private messages or when MUC notification requested boolean need_notify = !is_muc || mConfig.needMucNotification(getMyMucNick(fromJID[0]), chatMessage); // outgoing carbon -> clear notification by signalling 'null' message if (is_from_me) { mServiceCallBack.notifyMessage(fromJID, null, true, msg.getType()); // TODO: MUC PMs ChatHelper.markAsRead(mService, fromJID[0]); } else if (direction == ChatConstants.INCOMING && need_notify) mServiceCallBack.notifyMessage(fromJID, chatMessage, is_silent, msg.getType()); } sendReceiptIfRequested(packet); } } catch (Exception e) { // SMACK silently discards exceptions dropped from processPacket :( Log.e(TAG, "failed to process packet:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }; mXMPPConnection.addPacketListener(mPacketListener, filter); } private boolean checkAddMucMessage(Message msg, String packet_id, String[] fromJid, DelayInfo timestamp) { String muc = fromJid[0]; String nick = fromJid[1]; // HACK: remove last outgoing message instead of upserting if (nick.equals(getMyMucNick(muc))) mContentResolver.delete(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, "jid = ? AND from_me = 1 AND (pid = ? OR message = ?) AND " + "_id >= (SELECT MIN(_id) FROM chats WHERE jid = ? ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 50)", new String[] { muc, packet_id, msg.getBody(), muc }); // messages with no timestamp are always new if (timestamp == null) return true; long ts = timestamp.getStamp().getTime(); final String[] projection = new String[] { ChatConstants._ID, ChatConstants.MESSAGE, ChatConstants.JID, ChatConstants.RESOURCE, ChatConstants.PACKET_ID }; if (packet_id == null) packet_id = ""; final String selection = "resource = ? AND (pid = ? OR date = ? OR message = ?) AND _id >= (SELECT MIN(_id) FROM chats WHERE jid = ? ORDER BY _id DESC LIMIT 50)"; final String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { nick, packet_id, ""+ts, msg.getBody(), muc }; try { Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null); Log.d(TAG, "message from " + nick + " matched " + cursor.getCount() + " items."); boolean result = (cursor.getCount() == 0); cursor.close(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // just return true... return true; } private void handleKickedFromMUC(String room, boolean banned, String actor, String reason) { mucLastPong.remove(room); ContentValues cvR = new ContentValues(); String message; if (actor != null && actor.length() > 0) message = mService.getString(banned ? R.string.muc_banned_by : R.string.muc_kicked_by, actor, reason); else message = mService.getString(banned ? R.string.muc_banned : R.string.muc_kicked, reason); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, message); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.offline.ordinal()); upsertRoster(cvR, room); } @Override public String getMyMucNick(String jid) { MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(jid); if (muc != null && muc.getNickname() != null) return muc.getNickname(); if (mucJIDs.contains(jid)) { ChatRoomHelper.RoomInfo ri = ChatRoomHelper.getRoomInfo(mService, jid); if (ri != null) return ri.nickname; } return null; } private void registerPresenceListener() { // do not register multiple packet listeners if (mPresenceListener != null) mXMPPConnection.removePacketListener(mPresenceListener); mPresenceListener = new PacketListener() { public void processPacket(Packet packet) { try { Presence p = (Presence) packet; switch (p.getType()) { case subscribe: handleIncomingSubscribe(p); break; case subscribed: case unsubscribe: case unsubscribed: subscriptionRequests.remove(p.getFrom()); break; } } catch (Exception e) { // SMACK silently discards exceptions dropped from processPacket :( Log.e(TAG, "failed to process presence:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }; mXMPPConnection.addPacketListener(mPresenceListener, new PacketTypeFilter(Presence.class)); } private void addChatMessageToDB(int direction, String[] tJID, String message, int delivery_status, long ts, String packetID, String replaceID) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(ChatConstants.DIRECTION, direction); values.put(ChatConstants.JID, tJID[0]); values.put(ChatConstants.RESOURCE, tJID[1]); values.put(ChatConstants.MESSAGE, message); values.put(ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS, delivery_status); values.put(ChatConstants.DATE, ts); values.put(ChatConstants.PACKET_ID, packetID); if (replaceID != null) { // obtain row id for last message with that full JID, or -1 long _id = getRowIdForMessage(tJID[0], tJID[1], direction, replaceID); Log.d(TAG, "Replacing last message from " + tJID[0] + "/" + tJID[1] + ": " + replaceID + " -> " + packetID); Uri row = Uri.withAppendedPath(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, "" + _id); if (_id >= 0 && mContentResolver.update(row, values, null, null) == 1) return; } mContentResolver.insert(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, values); } private void addChatMessageToDB(int direction, String JID, String message, int delivery_status, long ts, String packetID) { String[] tJID = {JID, ""}; addChatMessageToDB(direction, tJID, message, delivery_status, ts, packetID, null); } private ContentValues getContentValuesForRosterEntry(final RosterEntry entry) { Presence presence = mRoster.getPresence(entry.getUser()); return getContentValuesForRosterEntry(entry, presence); } private ContentValues getContentValuesForRosterEntry(final RosterEntry entry, Presence presence) { final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(RosterConstants.JID, entry.getUser()); values.put(RosterConstants.ALIAS, getName(entry)); // handle subscription requests and errors with higher priority Presence sub = subscriptionRequests.get(entry.getUser()); if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.error) { String error = presence.getError().getMessage(); if (error == null || error.length() == 0) error = presence.getError().toString(); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, error); } else if (sub != null) { presence = sub; values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, presence.getStatus()); } else switch (entry.getType()) { case to: case both: // override received presence from roster, using highest-prio entry presence = mRoster.getPresence(entry.getUser()); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, presence.getStatus()); break; case from: values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, mService.getString(R.string.subscription_status_from)); presence = null; break; case none: values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, ""); presence = null; } values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, getStatusInt(presence)); values.put(RosterConstants.GROUP, getGroup(entry.getGroups())); return values; } private void deleteRosterEntryFromDB(final String jabberID) { int count = mContentResolver.delete(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, RosterConstants.JID + " = ?", new String[] { jabberID }); debugLog("deleteRosterEntryFromDB: Deleted " + count + " entries"); } private void updateRosterEntryInDB(final RosterEntry entry) { upsertRoster(getContentValuesForRosterEntry(entry), entry.getUser()); } private void upsertRoster(final ContentValues values, String jid) { if (mContentResolver.update(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, values, RosterConstants.JID + " = ?", new String[] { jid }) == 0) { mContentResolver.insert(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, values); } } private String getGroup(Collection<RosterGroup> groups) { for (RosterGroup group : groups) { return group.getName(); } return ""; } private String getName(RosterEntry rosterEntry) { String name = rosterEntry.getName(); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { return name; } return rosterEntry.getUser(); } private StatusMode getStatus(Presence presence) { if (presence == null) return StatusMode.unknown; if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.subscribe) return StatusMode.subscribe; if (presence.getType() == Presence.Type.available) { if (presence.getMode() != null) { return StatusMode.valueOf(presence.getMode().name()); } return StatusMode.available; } return StatusMode.offline; } private int getStatusInt(final Presence presence) { return getStatus(presence).ordinal(); } private void debugLog(String data) { if (LogConstants.LOG_DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, data); } } @Override public String getLastError() { return mLastError; } private void discoverMUCDomain() { Log.d(TAG, "discoverMUCDomain started"); try { Collection<String> mucDomains = MultiUserChat.getServiceNames(mXMPPConnection); if (mucDomains.size() >= 1) mConfig.mucDomain = mucDomains.iterator().next(); Log.d(TAG, "discoverMUCDomain finished: " + mucDomains.size() + " entries, using " + mConfig.mucDomain); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(TAG, "discoverMUCDomain failed: " + e.getMessage()); } } private void discoverMUCDomainAsync() { new Thread() { public void run() { discoverMUCDomain(); } }.start(); } private synchronized void cleanupMUCs(boolean set_offline) { // get a fresh MUC list Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(RosterProvider.MUCS_URI, new String[] { RosterProvider.RosterConstants.JID }, null, null, null); mucJIDs.clear(); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { mucJIDs.add(cursor.getString(0)); } cursor.close(); // delete removed MUCs StringBuilder exclusion = new StringBuilder(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.GROUP + " = ? AND " + RosterConstants.JID + " NOT IN ('"); exclusion.append(TextUtils.join("', '", mucJIDs)); exclusion.append("');"); mContentResolver.delete(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, exclusion.toString(), new String[] { RosterProvider.RosterConstants.MUCS }); if (set_offline) { // update all other MUCs as offline ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.offline.ordinal()); mContentResolver.update(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, values, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.GROUP + " = ?", new String[] { RosterProvider.RosterConstants.MUCS }); } } public synchronized void syncDbRooms() { if (!isAuthenticated()) { debugLog("syncDbRooms: aborting, not yet authenticated"); } java.util.Set<String> joinedRooms = multiUserChats.keySet(); Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(RosterProvider.MUCS_URI, new String[] {RosterProvider.RosterConstants._ID, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.JID, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.PASSWORD, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.NICKNAME}, null, null, null); final int ID = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(RosterProvider.RosterConstants._ID); final int JID_ID = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.JID); final int PASSWORD_ID = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.PASSWORD); final int NICKNAME_ID = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.NICKNAME); mucJIDs.clear(); while(cursor.moveToNext()) { int id = cursor.getInt(ID); String jid = cursor.getString(JID_ID); String password = cursor.getString(PASSWORD_ID); String nickname = cursor.getString(NICKNAME_ID); mucJIDs.add(jid); //debugLog("Found MUC Room: "+jid+" with nick "+nickname+" and pw "+password); if(!joinedRooms.contains(jid) || !multiUserChats.get(jid).isJoined()) { debugLog("room " + jid + " isn't joined yet, i wanna join..."); joinRoomAsync(jid, nickname, password); // TODO: make historyLen configurable } else { MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(jid); if (!muc.getNickname().equals(nickname)) { debugLog("room " + jid + ": changing nickname to " + nickname); try { muc.changeNickname(nickname); } catch (XMPPException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Changing nickname failed."); e.printStackTrace(); } } } //debugLog("found data in contentprovider: "+jid+" "+password+" "+nickname); } cursor.close(); for(String room : new HashSet<String>(joinedRooms)) { if(!mucJIDs.contains(room)) { quitRoom(room); } } cleanupMUCs(false); } protected boolean handleMucInvitation(Message msg) { String room; String inviter = null; String reason = null; String password = null; MUCUser mucuser = (MUCUser)msg.getExtension("x", ""); GroupChatInvitation direct = (GroupChatInvitation)msg.getExtension(GroupChatInvitation.ELEMENT_NAME, GroupChatInvitation.NAMESPACE); if (mucuser != null && mucuser.getInvite() != null) { // first try official XEP-0045 mediated invitation MUCUser.Invite invite = mucuser.getInvite(); room = msg.getFrom(); inviter = invite.getFrom(); reason = invite.getReason(); password = mucuser.getPassword(); } else if (direct != null) { // fall back to XEP-0249 direct invitation room = direct.getRoomAddress(); inviter = msg.getFrom(); // TODO: get reason from direct invitation, not supported in smack3 } else return false; // not a MUC invitation if (mucJIDs.contains(room)) { Log.i(TAG, "Ignoring invitation to known MUC " + room); return true; } Log.d(TAG, "MUC invitation from " + inviter + " to " + room); asyncProcessMucInvitation(room, inviter, reason, password); return true; } protected void asyncProcessMucInvitation(final String room, final String inviter, final String reason, final String password) { new Thread() { public void run() { processMucInvitation(room, inviter, reason, password); } }.start(); } protected void processMucInvitation(final String room, final String inviter, final String reason, final String password) { String roomname = room; String inviter_name = null; if (getBareJID(inviter).equalsIgnoreCase(room)) { // from == participant JID, display as "user (MUC)" inviter_name = getNameForJID(inviter); } else { // from == user bare or full JID inviter_name = getNameForJID(getBareJID(inviter)); } String description = null; String inv_from = mService.getString(R.string.muc_invitation_from, inviter_name); // query room for info try { Log.d(TAG, "Requesting disco#info from " + room); RoomInfo ri = MultiUserChat.getRoomInfo(mXMPPConnection, room); String rn = ri.getRoomName(); if (rn != null && rn.length() > 0) roomname = String.format("%s (%s)", rn, roomname); description = ri.getSubject(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(description)) description = ri.getDescription(); description = mService.getString(R.string.muc_invitation_occupants, description, ri.getOccupantsCount()); Log.d(TAG, "MUC name after disco: " + roomname); } catch (XMPPException e) { // ignore a failed room info request Log.d(TAG, "MUC room IQ failed: " + room); e.printStackTrace(); } mServiceCallBack.mucInvitationReceived( roomname, room, password, inv_from, description); } private Map<String,Runnable> ongoingMucJoins = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap<String, Runnable>(); private synchronized void joinRoomAsync(final String room, final String nickname, final String password) { if (ongoingMucJoins.containsKey(room)) return; Thread joiner = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { Log.d(TAG, "async joining " + room); boolean result = joinRoom(room, nickname, password); Log.d(TAG, "async joining " + room + " done: " + result); ongoingMucJoins.remove(room); } }; ongoingMucJoins.put(room, joiner); joiner.start(); } private boolean joinRoom(final String room, String nickname, String password) { // work around smack3 bug: can't rejoin with "used" MultiUserChat instance; need to manually // flush old MUC instance and create a new. MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(room); if (muc != null) muc.cleanup(); muc = new MultiUserChat(mXMPPConnection, room); Log.d(TAG, "created new MUC instance: " + room + " " + muc); muc.addUserStatusListener(new org.jivesoftware.smackx.muc.DefaultUserStatusListener() { @Override public void kicked(String actor, String reason) { debugLog("Kicked from " + room + " by " + actor + ": " + reason); handleKickedFromMUC(room, false, actor, reason); } @Override public void banned(String actor, String reason) { debugLog("Banned from " + room + " by " + actor + ": " + reason); handleKickedFromMUC(room, true, actor, reason); } }); DiscussionHistory history = new DiscussionHistory(); final String[] projection = new String[] { ChatConstants._ID, ChatConstants.DATE }; Cursor cursor = mContentResolver.query(ChatProvider.CONTENT_URI, projection, ChatConstants.JID + " = ? AND " + ChatConstants.DELIVERY_STATUS + " = " + ChatConstants.DS_SENT_OR_READ, new String[] { room }, "_id DESC LIMIT 1"); if(cursor.getCount()>0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); Date lastDate = new Date(cursor.getLong(1)); Log.d(TAG, "Getting room history for " + room + " starting at " + lastDate); history.setSince(lastDate); } else Log.d(TAG, "No last message for " + room); cursor.close(); ContentValues cvR = new ContentValues(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.JID, room); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.ALIAS, room); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, mService.getString(R.string.muc_synchronizing)); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.dnd.ordinal()); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.GROUP, RosterProvider.RosterConstants.MUCS); upsertRoster(cvR, room); cvR.clear(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.JID, room); try { Presence force_resync = new Presence(Presence.Type.unavailable); force_resync.setTo(room + "/" + nickname); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(force_resync); muc.join(nickname, password, history, 10*PACKET_TIMEOUT); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Could not join MUC-room "+room); e.printStackTrace(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, mService.getString(R.string.conn_error, e.getLocalizedMessage())); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.offline.ordinal()); upsertRoster(cvR, room); muc.cleanup(); return false; } if(muc.isJoined()) { synchronized(this) { multiUserChats.put(room, muc); } String roomname = room.split("@")[0]; try { RoomInfo ri = MultiUserChat.getRoomInfo(mXMPPConnection, room); String rn = ri.getRoomName(); if (rn != null && rn.length() > 0) roomname = rn; Log.d(TAG, "MUC name after disco: " + roomname); } catch (XMPPException e) { // ignore a failed room info request Log.d(TAG, "MUC room IQ failed: " + room); e.printStackTrace(); } // delay requesting subject until room info IQ returned/failed String subject = muc.getSubject(); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.ALIAS, roomname); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MESSAGE, subject); cvR.put(RosterProvider.RosterConstants.STATUS_MODE, StatusMode.available.ordinal()); Log.d(TAG, "upserting MUC as online: " + roomname); upsertRoster(cvR, room); return true; } muc.cleanup(); return false; } @Override public void sendMucMessage(String room, String message) { Message newMessage = new Message(room, Message.Type.groupchat); newMessage.setBody(message); addChatMessageToDB(ChatConstants.OUTGOING, room, message, ChatConstants.DS_NEW, System.currentTimeMillis(), newMessage.getPacketID()); mXMPPConnection.sendPacket(newMessage); } private void quitRoom(String room) { Log.d(TAG, "Leaving MUC " + room); MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(room); muc.leave(); multiUserChats.remove(room); mucLastPong.remove(room); mContentResolver.delete(RosterProvider.CONTENT_URI, "jid = ?", new String[] {room}); } @Override public boolean inviteToRoom(String contactJid, String roomJid) { MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(roomJid); if(contactJid.contains("/")) { contactJid = contactJid.split("/")[0]; } Log.d(TAG, "invitng contact: "+contactJid+" to room: "+muc); muc.invite(contactJid, "User "+contactJid+" has invited you to a chat!"); return false; } @Override public List<ParcelablePresence> getUserList(String jid) { MultiUserChat muc = multiUserChats.get(jid); if (muc == null) { return null; } Log.d(TAG, "MUC instance: " + jid + " " + muc); Iterator<String> occIter = muc.getOccupants(); ArrayList<ParcelablePresence> tmpList = new ArrayList<ParcelablePresence>(); while(occIter.hasNext()) tmpList.add(new ParcelablePresence(muc.getOccupantPresence(; Collections.sort(tmpList, new Comparator<ParcelablePresence>() { @Override public int compare(ParcelablePresence lhs, ParcelablePresence rhs) { return java.text.Collator.getInstance().compare(lhs.resource, rhs.resource); } }); Log.d(TAG, "getUserList(" + jid + "): " + tmpList.size()); return tmpList; } }