package; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestCase; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.yajul.xml.DOMPrinter; import org.yajul.xml.DOMUtil; import org.yajul.xml.XMLDocumentArchiver; import; import; import java.util.Date; /** * Tests DocumentArchiver and XMLDocumentArchiver * <hr> * User: jdavis<br> * Date: May 14, 2004<br> * Time: 11:59:26 AM<br> * @author jdavis */ public class DocumentArchiverTest extends TestCase { private DocumentArchiver archiver; private XMLDocumentArchiver xmlarchiver; private Date date; private Long id; private static final String SUB_DIRECTORY = "objects"; public DocumentArchiverTest(String name) { super(name); } /** * Performs any set up that is required by the test, * such as initializing instance variables of the test * case class, etc. Invoked before every test method. */ protected void setUp() { archiver = new DocumentArchiver(); archiver.setStoreageDirectory(new File("./temp/document-archiver-test")); xmlarchiver = new XMLDocumentArchiver(); xmlarchiver.setStoreageDirectory(new File("./temp/document-archiver-test")); date = new Date(0); id = new Long(1); } /** * Cleans up any state that needs to be undone after * the test has completed. */ protected void tearDown() { } /** * Test object storeage/retrieval. */ public void testObject() throws Exception { String thing = "this is a test."; archiver.init(); String fileName = archiver.storeObject(SUB_DIRECTORY,id,date,thing); assertNotNull(fileName); String retrieved = (String) archiver.retrieveObject(SUB_DIRECTORY,id,date); assertEquals(thing,retrieved); DocumentArchiver.Source source = archiver.getSource(SUB_DIRECTORY,id,date); assertNotNull(source); assertNotNull(archiver.getStoreageDirectory()); assertNull(archiver.getRetrieveDirectories()); assertEquals(0,archiver.getRetrieveDirectoryCount()); } /** * Test file not found. */ public void testFileNotFound() throws Exception { FileNotFoundException fnfe = null; try { archiver.retrieveObject(SUB_DIRECTORY,new Long(999),date); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { fnfe = e; } assertNotNull(fnfe); } public void testDocument() throws Exception { Document doc = DOMUtil.createDocument("test"); DOMUtil.addChildWithText(doc,doc.getDocumentElement(),"elem","this is a test"); xmlarchiver.storeDocument("documents",id,date,doc); Document retrieved = xmlarchiver.retrieveDocument("documents",id,date); String expected = DOMPrinter.nodeToString(doc); String x = DOMPrinter.nodeToString(retrieved); assertEquals(expected,x); } /** * Constructs a test suite for this test case, providing any required * Setup wrappers, or decorators as well. * @return Test - The test suite. */ public static Test suite() { // Return the default test suite: No setup, all public methods with // no return value, no parameters, and names that begin with 'test' // are added to the suite. return new TestSuite(DocumentArchiverTest.class); } }