/* * Copyright 2008-2010 Xebia and the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package fr.xebia.workshop.continuousdelivery; import static com.google.common.collect.Lists.newArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; public class WorkshopInfrastructure { private final List<String> teamIdentifiers = newArrayList(); private String githubAccount; private String githubUsername; private String githubPassword; private String githubRepositoryPrefix; private String githubSourceRepository; private String nexusDomainName; private String nexusPublicIp; private String keyPairName; private WorkshopInfrastructure() { } public static Builder create() { return new Builder(); } public List<String> getTeamIdentifiers() { return teamIdentifiers; } public int getTeamCount() { return teamIdentifiers.size(); } public String getKeyPairName() { return keyPairName; } public String getGithubGuestAccountName() { return githubAccount; } public String getGithubGuestAccountPassword() { return githubPassword; } public String getGithubGuestAccountUrl() { return "https://github.com/" + githubAccount + "/"; } public String getGithubGuestAccountUsername() { return githubUsername; } public String getGithubRepositoryNameForTeam(String team) { return githubRepositoryPrefix + team; } public String getGithubSourceRepository() { return githubSourceRepository; } public String getNexusUrlWithDomainName() { return "http://" + nexusDomainName + ":8081/nexus/"; } public String getNexusPublicIp() { return nexusPublicIp; } public String getNexusUrlWithIp() { return "http://" + nexusPublicIp + ":8081/nexus/"; } public static class Builder { private WorkshopInfrastructure infra = new WorkshopInfrastructure(); public WorkshopInfrastructure build() { return infra; } public Builder withGithubGuestInfo(String account, String username, String password) { infra.githubAccount = account; infra.githubUsername = username; infra.githubPassword = password; return this; } public Builder withNexusDomainName(String domainName) { infra.nexusDomainName = domainName; return this; } public Builder withNexusPublicIp(String ip) { infra.nexusPublicIp = ip; return this; } public Builder withTeamIdentifiers(Collection<String> teamIdentifiers) { infra.teamIdentifiers.addAll(teamIdentifiers); return this; } public Builder withGithubRepositoryPrefix(String prefix) { infra.githubRepositoryPrefix = prefix; return this; } public Builder withGithubSourceRepository(String sourceRepo) { infra.githubSourceRepository = sourceRepo; return this; } public Builder withKeyPairName(String keyPairName) { infra.keyPairName = keyPairName; return this; } } }