/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 The XDocReport Team <xdocreport@googlegroups.com> * * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.freemarker; import java.util.Collection; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.core.utils.StringUtils; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.TemplateContextHelper; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.config.ITemplateEngineConfiguration; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.config.ReplaceText; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.AbstractDocumentFormatter; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.DirectivesStack; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.IfDirective; import fr.opensagres.xdocreport.template.formatter.LoopDirective; /** * Freemarker document formatter used to format fields list with Freemarker syntax + escape XML and another characters. */ public class FreemarkerDocumentFormatter extends AbstractDocumentFormatter { private static final String START_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE = "[#assign "; private static final String CLOSE_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE = "]"; private static final String END_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE = "[/#assign]"; private static final String EQUALS = "="; private static final String START_LIST_DIRECTIVE = "[#list "; private static final String AS_DIRECTIVE = " as "; private static final String END_LIST_DIRECTIVE = "[/#list]"; private static final String DOLLAR_TOTKEN = "${"; protected static final String ITEM_TOKEN = "item_"; private static final String START_ESCAPE = "[#escape any as any"; private static final String XML_ESCAPE = "?xml"; private static final String START_REPLACE_ESCAPE = "?replace('"; private static final String BODY_REPLACE_ESCAPE = "','"; private static final String END_REPLACE_ESCAPE = "')"; private static final String CLOSE_ESCAPE = "]\n"; private static final String END_ESCAPE = "[/#escape]"; private static final String START_IF_DIRECTIVE = "[#if "; private static final String ELSE_DIRECTIVE = "[#else]"; private static final String END_IF_DIRECTIVE = "[/#if]"; private static final String START_NOESCAPE = "[#noescape]"; private static final String END_NOESCAPE = "[/#noescape]"; private static final String START_NOPARSE = "[#noparse]"; private static final String END_NOPARSE = "[/#noparse]"; private static final String START_CDATA = "[#--<![CDATA[--]"; private static final String END_CDATA = "[#--]]>--]"; public String formatAsFieldItemList( String content, String fieldName, boolean forceAsField ) { if ( forceAsField ) { return ITEM_TOKEN + content; } if ( !isModelField( content, fieldName ) ) { return content; } int startIndex = content.indexOf( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); startIndex = startIndex + DOLLAR_TOTKEN.length(); int endIndex = content.indexOf( '}' ); if ( endIndex == -1 ) { return null; } String startContent = content.substring( 0, startIndex ); String endContent = content.substring( endIndex, content.length() ); String contentToFormat = content.substring( startIndex, endIndex ); String formattedContent = StringUtils.replaceAll( contentToFormat, fieldName, getItemToken() + fieldName ); return startContent + formattedContent + endContent; } public String getStartLoopDirective( String itemNameList, String listName ) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( START_LIST_DIRECTIVE ); result.append( listName ); result.append( AS_DIRECTIVE ); result.append( itemNameList ); result.append( ']' ); return result.toString(); } public String getEndLoopDirective( String itemNameList ) { return END_LIST_DIRECTIVE; } public String getElseDirective() { return ELSE_DIRECTIVE; } protected boolean isModelField( String content, String fieldName ) { if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( content ) ) { return false; } int dollarIndex = content.indexOf( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); if ( dollarIndex == -1 ) { // Not included to FM directive return false; } int fieldNameIndex = content.indexOf( fieldName ); if ( fieldNameIndex < dollarIndex ) { // Not included to FM directive return false; } return true; } @Override protected String getItemToken() { return ITEM_TOKEN; } public void setConfiguration( ITemplateEngineConfiguration configuration ) { Collection<ReplaceText> replacment = configuration.getReplacment(); StringBuilder startEscape = new StringBuilder(); if ( !configuration.escapeXML() && replacment.size() < 1 ) { return; } startEscape.append( START_ESCAPE ); if ( configuration.escapeXML() ) { startEscape.append( XML_ESCAPE ); } for ( ReplaceText replaceText : replacment ) { startEscape.append( START_REPLACE_ESCAPE ); startEscape.append( replaceText.getOldText() ); startEscape.append( BODY_REPLACE_ESCAPE ); startEscape.append( replaceText.getNewText() ); startEscape.append( END_REPLACE_ESCAPE ); } if ( startEscape.length() > 0 ) { startEscape.append( CLOSE_ESCAPE ); // Freemarker escape+replace must be enclosed with CDATA because replace can contains some XML elements startEscape.insert( 0, START_CDATA ); startEscape.append( END_CDATA ); setStartDocumentDirective( startEscape.toString() ); setEndDocumentDirective( END_ESCAPE ); } } public String getFunctionDirective( boolean noescape, boolean encloseInDirective, String key, String methodName, String... parameters ) { StringBuilder directive = new StringBuilder(); if ( noescape ) { directive.append( START_NOESCAPE ); } if ( encloseInDirective ) { directive.append( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); } directive.append( key ); directive.append( '.' ); directive.append( methodName ); directive.append( '(' ); if ( parameters != null ) { for ( int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) { directive.append( ',' ); } directive.append( parameters[i] ); } } directive.append( ')' ); if ( encloseInDirective ) { directive.append( '}' ); } if ( noescape ) { directive.append( END_NOESCAPE ); } return directive.toString(); } public String formatAsSimpleField( boolean noescape, boolean encloseInDirective, String... fields ) { StringBuilder field = new StringBuilder(); if ( noescape ) { field.append( START_NOESCAPE ); } if ( encloseInDirective ) { field.append( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); } for ( int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { field.append( fields[i] ); } else { field.append( '.' ); String f = fields[i]; field.append( f.substring( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() ); field.append( f.substring( 1, f.length() ) ); } } if ( encloseInDirective ) { field.append( '}' ); } if ( noescape ) { field.append( END_NOESCAPE ); } return field.toString(); } public String getStartIfDirective( String fieldName, boolean exists ) { StringBuilder directive = new StringBuilder( START_IF_DIRECTIVE ); directive.append( fieldName ); if ( exists ) { directive.append( "??" ); } directive.append( ']' ); return directive.toString(); } public String getEndIfDirective( String fieldName ) { return END_IF_DIRECTIVE; } public String getLoopCountDirective( String fieldName ) { StringBuilder directive = new StringBuilder( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); directive.append( fieldName ); directive.append( "_index" ); directive.append( '}' ); return directive.toString(); } public boolean containsInterpolation( String content ) { if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( content ) ) { return false; } int dollarIndex = content.indexOf( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); if ( dollarIndex == -1 ) { // Not included to FM directive return false; } return true; } public int extractListDirectiveInfo( String content, DirectivesStack directives, boolean dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo ) { // content='xxxx[#list developers as d]yyy' int startOfStartListDirectiveIndex = content.indexOf( START_LIST_DIRECTIVE ); int startOfEndListDirectiveIndex = content.indexOf( END_LIST_DIRECTIVE ); int startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex = content.indexOf( START_IF_DIRECTIVE ); int startOfEndIfDirectiveIndex = content.indexOf( END_IF_DIRECTIVE ); DirectiveToParse directiveToParse = getDirectiveToParse( startOfStartListDirectiveIndex, startOfEndListDirectiveIndex, startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex, startOfEndIfDirectiveIndex ); if ( directiveToParse == null ) { return 0; } switch ( directiveToParse ) { case START_LOOP: return parseStartLoop( content, directives, startOfStartListDirectiveIndex ); case END_LOOP: return parseEndLoop( content, directives, dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo, startOfEndListDirectiveIndex ); case START_IF: return parseStartIf( content, directives, startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex ); case END_IF: return parseEndIf( content, directives, dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo, startOfEndIfDirectiveIndex ); } return 0; } public int parseStartLoop( String content, DirectivesStack directives, int startOfStartListDirectiveIndex ) { // contentWichStartsWithList='[#list developers as d]yyy' String contentWhichStartsWithList = content.substring( startOfStartListDirectiveIndex, content.length() ); int endOfStartListDirectiveIndex = contentWhichStartsWithList.indexOf( ']' ); if ( endOfStartListDirectiveIndex == -1 ) { // [#list not closed with ']' return 0; } // startLoopDirective='[#list developers as d]' String startLoopDirective = contentWhichStartsWithList.substring( 0, endOfStartListDirectiveIndex + 1 ); // insideLoop='developers as d]' String insideLoop = startLoopDirective.substring( START_LIST_DIRECTIVE.length(), startLoopDirective.length() ); int indexBeforeAs = insideLoop.indexOf( " " ); if ( indexBeforeAs == -1 ) { return 0; } // afterSequence=' as d]' String afterSequence = insideLoop.substring( indexBeforeAs, insideLoop.length() ); int indexAfterAs = afterSequence.indexOf( AS_DIRECTIVE ); if ( indexAfterAs == -1 ) { return 0; } // sequence='developpers' String sequence = insideLoop.substring( 0, indexBeforeAs ).trim(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( sequence ) ) { return 0; } // afterAs='d]' String afterAs = afterSequence.substring( AS_DIRECTIVE.length(), afterSequence.length() ); int endListIndex = afterAs.indexOf( ']' ); if ( endListIndex == -1 ) { return 0; } // item='d' String item = afterAs.substring( 0, endListIndex ).trim(); if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( item ) ) { return 0; } int nbLoop = 1; directives.push( new LoopDirective( directives.peekOrNull(), startLoopDirective, getEndLoopDirective( null ), sequence, item ) ); // afterList = 'yyy' String afterList = content.substring( startOfStartListDirectiveIndex + startLoopDirective.length(), content.length() ); nbLoop += extractListDirectiveInfo( afterList, directives ); return nbLoop; } public int parseEndLoop( String content, DirectivesStack directives, boolean dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo, int startOfEndListDirectiveIndex ) { if ( !dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo && !directives.isEmpty() ) { // remove the LoopDirective from the stack directives.pop(); } // get content after the [/#list] String afterEndList = content.substring( END_LIST_DIRECTIVE.length() + startOfEndListDirectiveIndex, content.length() ); int nbLoop = -1; // parse the content after the [/#list] nbLoop += extractListDirectiveInfo( afterEndList, directives ); return nbLoop; } private int parseStartIf( String content, DirectivesStack directives, int startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex ) { // contentWichStartsWithList='[#if d]yyy' String contentWhichStartsWithIf = content.substring( startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex, content.length() ); int endOfStartIfDirectiveIndex = contentWhichStartsWithIf.indexOf( ']' ); if ( endOfStartIfDirectiveIndex == -1 ) { // [#if not closed with ']' return 0; } // startIfDirective='#if($d)' String startIfDirective = contentWhichStartsWithIf.substring( 0, endOfStartIfDirectiveIndex + 1 ); // // contentWichStartsWithList='xxx#if($d)yyy' int nbIf = 1; directives.push( new IfDirective( directives.peekOrNull(), startIfDirective, getEndIfDirective( null ) ) ); // afterIf = 'yyy' String afterIf = content.substring( startOfStartIfDirectiveIndex + startIfDirective.length(), content.length() ); nbIf += extractListDirectiveInfo( afterIf, directives ); return nbIf; } private int parseEndIf( String content, DirectivesStack directives, boolean dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo, int startOfEndIfDirectiveIndex ) { if ( !dontRemoveListDirectiveInfo && !directives.isEmpty() ) { // remove the LoopDirective from the stack directives.pop(); } // get content after the [/#if] String afterEndList = content.substring( END_IF_DIRECTIVE.length() + startOfEndIfDirectiveIndex, content.length() ); int nbLoop = -1; // parse the content after the [/#if] nbLoop += extractListDirectiveInfo( afterEndList, directives ); return nbLoop; } public String extractModelTokenPrefix( String fieldName ) { if ( fieldName == null ) { return null; } int dollarIndex = fieldName.indexOf( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ); if ( dollarIndex == -1 ) { return null; } int endIndex = fieldName.indexOf( '}' ); if ( endIndex == -1 ) { return null; } String fieldNameWithoutDollar = fieldName.substring( dollarIndex + DOLLAR_TOTKEN.length(), endIndex ); int lastDotIndex = fieldNameWithoutDollar.lastIndexOf( '.' ); if ( lastDotIndex == -1 ) { return fieldNameWithoutDollar; } return fieldNameWithoutDollar.substring( 0, lastDotIndex ); } public int getIndexOfScript( String fieldName ) { if ( fieldName == null ) { return -1; } int startIndex = fieldName.indexOf( "[#" ); int endIndex = fieldName.indexOf( "[/#" ); if ( endIndex == -1 ) { return startIndex; } if ( startIndex == -1 ) { return endIndex; } return startIndex < endIndex ? startIndex : endIndex; } private String removeInterpolation( String fieldName ) { if ( fieldName.startsWith( DOLLAR_TOTKEN ) ) { fieldName = fieldName.substring( DOLLAR_TOTKEN.length(), fieldName.length() ); } if ( fieldName.endsWith( "}" ) ) { fieldName = fieldName.substring( 0, fieldName.length() - 1 ); } return fieldName; } public boolean hasDirective( String characters ) { return characters.indexOf( "[#" ) != -1; } public String formatAsCallTextStyling( long variableIndex, String fieldName, String documentKind, String syntaxKind, boolean syntaxWithDirective, String elementId, String entryName ) { StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder( START_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); newContent.append( getVariableName( variableIndex ) ); newContent.append( EQUALS ); newContent.append( getFunctionDirective( false, TemplateContextHelper.TEXT_STYLING_REGISTRY_KEY, TemplateContextHelper.TRANSFORM_METHOD, removeInterpolation( fieldName ), "\"" + syntaxKind + "\"", syntaxWithDirective ? StringUtils.TRUE : StringUtils.FALSE, "\"" + documentKind + "\"", "\"" + elementId + "\"", TemplateContextHelper.CONTEXT_KEY, "\"" + entryName + "\"" ) ); newContent.append( CLOSE_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); return newContent.toString(); } public String formatAsTextStylingField( long variableIndex, String property ) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder( START_NOESCAPE ); result.append( formatAsSimpleField( true, getVariableName( variableIndex ), property ) ); result.append( END_NOESCAPE ); return result.toString(); } public String getSetDirective( String name, String value, boolean valueIsField ) { StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder( START_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); newContent.append( name ); newContent.append( EQUALS ); newContent.append( value ); newContent.append( CLOSE_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); return newContent.toString(); } public String getStartNoParse() { return START_NOPARSE; } public String getEndNoParse() { return END_NOPARSE; } public String getDefineDirective( String name, String value ) { StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder( START_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); newContent.append( name ); newContent.append( CLOSE_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); newContent.append( value ); newContent.append( END_ASSIGN_DIRECTIVE ); return newContent.toString(); } }